Daddy’s Girl by Miley Maine



“What should I do?” Opposite me sits Maddie, sipping on her matcha latte. We’re at our favourite Starbucks on the strip, catching each other up from the night before. My friend has already told me how she earned big tips from the bachelorette party on her poker table. The bride-to-be and her friends won, by a small margin, and offered Maddie a decent tip. Which of course Dimitri then took most of as ‘repayment’ for Maddie’s debt, just like he took the money that Erik and his friends gave me before they left.

The moment I was off the casino floor and back in the staff area, Dimitri had me pressed against a wall, firing questions at me.

“Did you know those guys?”

“Why did you seem so friendly with them?”

“What were you talking about?”

I told him I was just doing my job -- that I plied Erik and his friends with free drinks and flirted with them, so their attention was drawn away from the fact I was fixing our games -- and it had worked, too. When Erik and company left, it was with forty-thousand dollars going to the casino.

Still, that wasn’t enough for Dimitri. It’s never enough. He demanded I hand over my tip, too.

“You’re mine,” he reminded me, his rank breath hot on my neck. “Until your debt is paid, I own you. So, you will do as I say. Unless…”

This time I was ready for his hand and moved out of his grasp before he could grope me. Then, I’d hurried out of the casino before he could say anything more. But then I’d found myself jumping straight from the frying pan into the fire.

When someone pulled up outside my trailer, I was sure it was Dimitri, coming to make more threats, so I was stunned when I came face-to-face with Erik, and my shock didn’t diminish after he made his offers, either.

I close my eyes and can still smell Erik’s musty, woody cologne. I suppress a shiver as I remember being wrapped in his arms…

“Is it crazy I felt safe with him?” I blurt and open my eyes to see Maddie grinning like the cat that got the cream.

“I think the only crazy thing is the fact you haven’t already gone to his hotel. What are you waiting for, girl? I swear, if James Stamford made me a similar offer, I wouldn’t be sitting here in Starbucks discussing it with you.”

I laugh. Maddie has had a crush on James ever since she started applying for jobs on the strip. It’s too bad she fell into Dimitri’s clutches, instead of working with the man of her dreams. Still, she hasn’t given up hope the casino owner will take notice of her eventually. A hope I’ve inadvertently bolstered by telling her James is interested in buying Mojave.

“Seriously, Sav, what have you got to lose? All his offers were amazing, and he said they’re not conditional on each other. All you have to do is decide what you want.”

I’ve been asking myself the very same question since Erik left my trailer. What do I want?

The short and simple answer is I want him. God, when he said he wanted to spend all night making love to me, I swear I felt my panties growing wetter … I can almost taste his lips on mine and feel his taut muscles under my fingertips. But I’m not sure Erik would want me once he knows how young and inexperienced I am. I mean, what type of guy -- especially one as good looking and rich as Erik -- would want to be in a relationship with a twenty-three-year-old virgin?

Besides, having a relationship with Erik -- or anyone else for that matter -- is out of the question while I have Dimitri circling me like a hungry lion. Part of our ‘agreement’ is that his female croupiers don’t date. He wants us for himself, even if that’s not what we want. But while I owe him $50,000, I don’t see I have much other choice … Dimitri isn’t the type of person just to let someone walk away from a debt, and I’ve seen what happens to girls who try. He always tracks them down and brings them back. Those are the girls who turn up covered in bruises, or dependent on drugs, and for whatever reason, now completely devoted to Dimitri. It’s insidious.

What I really want, if I could have anything in the world, would be to get away from Dimitri.

If I take Erik up on his offer, could I really get free from Dimitri? Might I be able to help bring him down, so no more women have to suffer at his hands?

“I think I need to at least hear him out on the ‘digging up dirt’ on Dimitri thing, right? I mean, if I could find some way of stopping him, of freeing us all--”

Maddie nods earnestly. “You’ve got to do it, Savannah. I know it’s asking you to risk a lot, but we need to get away from Dimitri. You know, they found Cherie, right?”

My eyes widen. Cherie is the latest girl who ran away from Dimitri. With long, blonde hair, baby blue eyes, and a curvaceous figure, she was one of his favourites, and he’d already taken advantage of her more than once. A few weeks ago, everything came to a head, when he accused her of stealing from him, and she grabbed what cash she could and fled from the casino. Since then, we’ve all been waiting for news of Cherie … because every girl at Mojave knows, without a doubt, Dimitri always finds you.

“Yeah, her body washed up on Mandalay Beach....”

My heart pounds. “He killed her?”

Maddie shrugs like it’s nothing, like I just asked her if she thinks it will rain later or something. “The official report says she was drunk and fell into the water. But well, we all know the truth.”

I shudder as unbidden; tears leak down my cheeks. Cherie was only a few years older than me. She’s been my mentor when I first started a Mojave, and even though we weren’t friends as such, she was still a nice woman. She certainly didn’t deserve to die.

Finally, I calm myself enough to say, “Okay, I’m going to accept Erik’s offer. I’m going to be helping him and his friends find a way to bring Dimitri down.”

Opposite me, Maddie grins. “I think you’re doing the right thing, and I’m sure if the other girls knew, they’d agree with me too--”

“You can’t tell anyone,” I say desperately. If Dimitri even has so much as a suspicion I’m working against him, I know I’ll end up like Cherie…

“Oh God, of course, I won’t. Please, don’t worry about that, Sav. I’ve got your back. I’ll cover for you as best I can. I know what a risk you’re taking by agreeing to this, and I will do anything to help you.”

I reach across the table and squeeze Maddie’s hand. “Thanks. You’re the best.”

Maddie smiles. “You can repay me by giving James my number?”

We both laugh. “I’ll see what I can do,” I promise.

“And what about Erik’s other offers?” Maddie asks after we’ve both stopped giggling.

These decisions are a little harder to make. Helping Erik and his friends dig up dirt on Dimitri so James Stamford can take over Mojave benefits not just me, but all the girls who work there. And with Lucas Williams and his security agency on Erik’s side, I know once we uncover enough evidence, Lucas will be able to shut down Dimitri’s whole operation. Agreeing to the offer is a no-brainer.

But his other offers only benefit me…

I picture Erik again in my mind, his long blonde hair braided and in a man bun, his blue eyes sparkling under the light. And God, that voice. Just remembering it makes me shiver all over.

And I could get paid to go on dates with him?

The only downside I see to that is if Dimitri ever finds out, but we could keep it on the downlow, right? And besides, if I’m working with Erik and his friends to bring Dimitri down, he won’t be a concern for much longer.

Plus, the extra money really would be good. I barely make enough to cover all my expenses as it is, let alone without Dimitri taking his cut. Plus, if Erik and I get along well, there’s maybe more chance of Robb Dennings agreeing to hire me again.

It seems like a sound business decision, and wouldn’t have to go further … unless I wanted it to … I shiver all over again imagining what Erik would look like without his clothes.

As if reading my mind, across the table from me, Maddie pulls up something on her phone. She turns it to me, and I gasp out loud.

It’s a picture of Erik from his fitness centre’s website, and holy hell, he is hotter than the mojave desert. He’s wearing tight workout shorts that not only expose the V-shaped muscle on his lower abdomen but does very little to disguise the fact he’s hung like a horse. His upper body is broad, and muscular with an array Norse tattoos.

“Fuck,” I say and Maddie bursts out laughing.

“Oh yeah, I bet you’d love to.”

“Shut up.” I can feel myself blushing, and gulp down a mouthful of my ice latte.

“You know, if James hadn’t already caught my attention, I’d be jumping on that train quicker than you can ask, ‘Where’s the station?’”

The heat blazing through my body turns into an inferno, and I’m on the verge of warning Maddie off, and telling her Erik is ‘mine,’ when I realize just how deeply I’ve fallen.

“Fuck,” I curse again, and Maddie’s grin morphs into a knowing smirk.

“How bad do you want him?”

“So bad,” I admit. “Enough that I got all possessive just then, which is ridiculous. He probably has a wife or something on the east coast, anyway.”

Maddie shakes her head. “No. I already looked him up on social media and stuff, he’s totally single.”

I frown for a moment, wondering why a guy that hot and rich would still be single at thirty-eight, but then I remember what Erik said about losing his father. I imagine between that, and building his fitness empire, he hasn’t had much time for settling down.

“Unless he’s a total player, right?”

Maddie grimaces. “He’s been spotted with a few hot models and actresses over the years, but nothing serious.”

She hands me her phone, and I scroll through Erik’s Instagram feed to see a picture of him from about eighteen months ago, in what looks like James Stamford’s casino, with a drop-dead gorgeous Hollywood starlet.

“Look at her!” I say, holding up the phone and pointing at the picture of the actress who has long, golden blonde hair and a figure to die for. “This is the type of woman Erik dates. How can I possibly compare?”

I feel like a hideous troll in comparison. The Hollywood starlet has at least four-foot on me, and while we both have curvy figures, hers is toned and perfectly bronzed, while mine is, well, I can admit I’ve been a little lax on the diet front since dad died. I’ve always been a curvy chick, but when I was at the university, I tried to work out. Since I graduated, and everything went to shit, I’ve packed on a few extra pounds, which wouldn’t be a problem, unless I’m comparing myself to Erik’s perfect ex.

“Seriously, what does he even see in me if he’s dated women like her?”

“Her tits are fake,” Maddie says nonchalantly. “Maybe he likes the real thing. The point is, he said he was interested. He didn’t just ask you to dig up dirt on Dimitri or accompany him to social events. He wants you, Sav.”

I find that hard to believe until I remember the feel of Erik’s strong arms around me, and his promise to protect me from Dimitri. I haven’t got much experience in the way of men, but any I have been with have never made me feel so safe.

“At least go on a few dates with him. See how things play out. What have you got to lose?”

Maddie makes a good point … what do I have to lose? Well, if Dimitri finds out I’m dating Erik and digging up dirt on him, I could lose my life, but isn’t that a risk I have to take for the chance to be free of Dimitri forever? Erik promised he and his friends would protect me, and god damn it if it’s crazy, but I believe him. So, the only thing I have to lose by getting involved with Erik is my heart… am I really willing to risk that?

Maddie nudges her phone towards me again where there’s another picture of Erik, this time in workout shorts and a vest, scaling a climbing wall at his fitness center.

Damn it, men that hot should be illegal!

I stare at his perfect ass for a few moments more, then push the phone back across to Maddie, knowing what I have to do.

“I need to see him,” I say, and my friend whoops.


“I have tonight off. Should I go over to his hotel? Or maybe I should call him first and--”

“Girl, go to his hotel. He told you to go to him, so do it. Go, now, finish your latte and drive over there.”

“Like this?” I say, pointing down at the yoga pants and sports bra I’m wearing. Maddie and I were planning on going for a jog after our trip to Starbucks. “Besides, didn’t we agree to workout today?”

“If you go see Erik, you could be getting a whole different kind of work out!” Maddie wriggles her eyebrows at me, and I feel the heat flushing through my body.

“I’m not just changing my plans for some guy, no matter how hot he is. And I’m not going to talk with Erik wearing my workout gear. We’ll go for our jog, like we agreed, and then this evening I’ll visit Erik.”

Maddie grins. “That’s an even better idea. You’ll be all full of endorphins and stuff from working out, and then I can help you choose an outfit. Oh, this is going to be so good. Come on, let's go.”

Maddie finishes the last of her matcha latte, shoves her phone in her purse, and then stands up. I drink the last of my ice latte and follow her out of the coffee shop.

We spend the next hour jogging up and down the strip, passing people we know from the casino and surrounding area doing the same. As we pass Jessica, the woman who runs the roulette table, we pause to chat.

“I suppose you’ve heard about Cherie, right?” Jessica says, her blue eyes downcast. She and Cherie were close friends -- like me and Maddie are.

“We did, and we’re so sorry,” I say, reaching out to squeeze Jessica’s hand. When I do, she flinches away, and that’s when I notice the bruise on her wrist. My eyes narrow. “What did Dimitri do to you?”

“It’s nothing,” Jessica insists, pulling the sleeves of her sweater down over her wrists. The bruises look suspiciously like handcuff marks, and I suppress a shudder. Seeing what Dimitri has done in the wake of Cherie’s murder makes me even more certain I need to bring him down.

“It’ll be okay,” I tell Jessica, but without saying how I know it will be okay, my words sound hollow.

“Yeah, I’m sure it will.” Jessica plasters a false smile on her face that I know only too well, and before either Maddie or I can say anything more, she takes off.

“I’m going to stop him,” I whisper to Maddie. “I’m going to make Dimitri pay for what he’s done to us all.”