Intense by C.M. Steele

Chapter Six


I can’t believe he’s really been gone a week. I haven’t heard a word from him and since the day he left; I haven’t heard anyone mention his name at all. It’s as if I made him up. I let it go because I don’t have time to dwell on a man who’s a jerk and only enjoys using women. He used me, but I let him. It scares me because I might let him do it again. Something about him pulls at my heart, and I know it’s more than a stupid crush.

“Amelia, how are you?”

“I’m good, Theodore.” I don’t call him Dad because I don’t know him that well. He’s a great man and my mom loves him, but we don’t have that close of a bond. He’s a good guy, and I was heartbroken when he had a heart attack.

“You’re not okay. Are you anxious about going to college?” Yes, but it’s your handsome jerk of a son that has my stomach doing flips.

“Yes. It’s not the same as being here. I’m going to be all alone in a big city. I wish my friend hadn’t decided to pull out at the last minute.”

“Isn’t that what your friend’s husband didn’t do?” he jokes.

“Yes,” I say with a laugh. My bestie got pregnant right away, but she couldn’t be happier.

“You be careful, or you could end up the same way. Boys are notorious for thinking with the head between their legs. I know I’m not your father, and he’s been gone a long time, so if you ever need someone to talk to about it, let me know.” Theo’s a really good man, and I’m grateful my mother met him.

“Thank you, Theodore. I’m not worried about falling for any guy enough to let him knock me up. In fact, Mom has scheduled an appointment with the doctor for me just in case.” Actually, I’m worried. Roman could knock me up. Maybe it’s for the best that I get on birth control.

“She told me that. What about Jake? Are you two going to still be dating?”

“Dating?” A deep rumble comes from behind me.

“Roman,” I blurt out, turning to see him staring at me. It’s an intense look, but I can’t decipher the meaning.

“Son,” Theodore says, walking around me and pulling Roman into a hug.

“Dad. How are you?”

“Good. Having a father-daughter talk that I never got to have before.”

“Good. She needs to stay away from these little boys.” He has no right to be jealous, and I shouldn’t enjoy it as much as I do. My body floods with excitement, adrenaline pumping.

“See? You’ll look after Amelia when she’s in New York.”

“I don’t have the time to babysit her.” And there he goes, playing hot and cold.

“Great, since I don’t recall needing a babysitter. As it is, I wouldn’t want to cramp Roman’s style. I’m just a kid to him.” I need to create distance, and he gave me my out.

“How long are you back for, Son?” I walk to the sink and rinse my glass.

“I have another couple days, and then I have to head back.” Of course. He just couldn’t stay away until I left.

“That’s wonderful. I’m glad I’ve got you for a couple of days. Do you want to go fishing with me tomorrow?”

Does he even own regular clothes? I’ve seen him in his business suits and his birthday one, but that’s it. “Sounds good to me. Although, I’ll have you know that I haven’t been fishing since we went last time, and you know how terrible that went.” He grimaces, and I wonder what happened.

His dad gives a full belly laugh. “Yes, a boat full of bikini-wearing women showed up and wouldn’t stop flirting with you until you jumped into the water and swam to the shore.” I giggle, imagining him diving into the water to avoid getting close. I wonder how old he was.

“Sorry. I didn’t mean to embarrass you.”

“It’s fine, Dad. I’ve grown out of running from women.” He glares straight at me, and I know damn well he has.

“Good for you. Do you want a cookie?” I tease, holding out a tray of them.

“Did you make them?”

“Yes, it’s what us little girls learn to do.” I wink at him and then bite my lip before walking out of the room. Seeing Roman again didn’t have the effect that I hoped it would have. I’m still pissed off at him for using me and then calling his mistress, or whoever she is, like he didn’t care I could hear. Or maybe he did it on purpose. Either way, I’m going to use every excuse under the sun to stay away from him because I’m a sucker.