Intense by C.M. Steele

Chapter Seven


Against my better judgement, I came back to Madison. It was the longest week of my life. God, she looked so fucking pretty, but with my Dad there, I didn’t get to ask her who the fuck she was dating and why she was dating anyone. As soon as I get to my room, I call my guy. “What the hell? Why is she dating anyone?”

“She isn’t, sir. Unless she does it solely on her phone, she doesn’t go out much and when she does, I know who she’s with.”

“Okay. Keep tabs on her. I’ll be gone all day tomorrow, so she’ll need to be protected.” I know I’m nuts for having someone watch over her. She’s made it eighteen years without needing protection from me, but the thought of someone hurting her would kill me. I’m fighting the feelings she created in me, and I know it’s a lost cause.

I’ve missed the hell out of her. She’s heading to college not too far from me in less than a week. It’s just about twenty minutes away. She hates me, though. I pushed her too far, nearly fucking her on the counter like she’s a toy for me to use at my disposal. She seemed fine until I walked away, and then I knew I’d ruined any chance with her to see me as anything more than her asshole stepbrother. Today proves it.

All day I look for her, but she finds ways to not be alone with me. She doesn’t know what I’ve been trying to do to be a better man. I’m crazy about her, even though I’m not sure I can trust her. My heart says I can, but my head isn’t ready to play that game.


The next morning, my father and I are driving out to his boat. “So are you going to talk about Amelia with me?”

“What about her?”

“Son, I haven’t missed it. You look at her in a way I’ve never seen before. You want to love her, don’t you?”

“I do love her, but I don’t know how to let go of the past.”

“The same way I have. Faith. I don’t mean going to church. I mean having faith in people. It’s not easy, but the day I met Rachel, I knew that nothing in my past could stop me from claiming her as my own.”

“Anna put you through a lot.” We never mention her as my mother because she lost that right.

“A lot is an understatement, but she put you through it too. Most mothers would never do that to their children. She’s just a messed-up woman. They don’t all come like that. Rachel’s a good woman with a kind heart. She can’t have kids of her own, but she adopted Amelia when she was just seven years old.” Adopted?

“What? She’s adopted?” It never said that in the records I pulled on them. Damn it, I need to hire the people willing to break the law when I need information.

“Yes. Amelia’s parents died in an accident when she was three. With no family to take her in, she went to an orphanage. Rachel and her husband John had been looking to adopt, so when they saw her, they couldn’t wait to take her home. It’s amazing that they can pass for mother and daughter, isn’t it?”

“I didn’t know.” Wow.

“How could you? Wait, you looked her up?”

“Sorry, but I wanted to be sure that you were safe. After what happened…”

He grips my shoulder until we make eye contact. “I know. Rachel’s a nurse, and honestly the only reason I’m still alive. Amelia is a sweet girl,” he says as we pull into the marina. He’s right. She’s pretty damn great.

Once we park, I hop out of the truck and head to the back to gather up our gear. “I’ve forgotten how much stuff we need to fish.”

“It’s not that much. At least it’s not a full weekend—then we’d need a lot more.”

“True.” I haul the coolers while he carries the tackle box and the poles, and we make our way to his boat. It’s a fifteen-footer, just right for a day out on the lake. Once we’re settled in, he steers us to a nice empty spot.

“I’m seeing someone,” I choke out, trying to be open with the only person who never stopped loving me.

“That’s good.” He doesn’t seem happy about it. “Do you want to tell me about her?”

I chuckle because he’s gotten the wrong idea. I wouldn’t hurt Amelia like that. The thought of anyone else is too disgusting to me to even consider. “It’s a him, and it’s not that kind of seeing. He’s a therapist.”

His face lights up. “Wow. That’s incredible. When did you start that?”

“The day after I went home.”

“That’s very good news. Does this have to do with Amelia?”

I nod, casting my reel into the water. “Of course. She’s the air that I breathe, and now she hates me,” I mutter as my bobber splashes in the water.

“I’m sure you could make it up to her for being a dick. She knows you’ve been going through some women issues.”

“I know. I heard her mother talking to her the day I left.”

“She doesn’t know the truth. She only knows that your mother fucked up your head.”

“Thanks,” I grumble inwardly. That sucks to hear, but I need the honest truth.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to be so blunt. I saw a therapist a long time ago about it all, but I didn’t think it did any good. The day I met Rachel, I realized everything the therapist and I discussed finally made sense. I’d found someone who could heal the broken parts. Well, at least some of them. She saved me when one of those parts gave out.”

“I’m glad you’re happy. I truly am.”

He frowns at me. “But you’re not sure about her, are you?”

“I want to be. It’s not easy.” So far, Rachel has been everything he claimed she is.

“I know. So let’s enjoy this time. Tell me about your life.” That’s a pathetic and short tale.

“Then we’re not going to have a good time. I don’t do anything besides work, exercise, see the therapist, and think about Amelia.”

“My boy.” He pulls me in for a hug. “You can do this. That pretty little girl hasn’t done anything to make you distrust her, has she?”

“No, but I’ve made a very bad impression on her.”

“Give it time. She’s going to be in New York with you. Maybe you could take her to the Met or even Central Park. Show her that you can be a gentleman when you try.”

“Thanks. The therapist agrees that I need to let Anna go and remember that not all women are evil. Amelia’s a brat, but I push her into acting that way.” At least that’s what my therapist believes. I had mentioned our kitchen incident, and he believes she has more than a passing interest in me, but he can’t say for himself because he doesn’t know her.

“Yes, well, she’s only eighteen and you’re technically step-siblings, so bickering is pretty normal.”

“You’ve got a point there. I just don’t want to fight with her. I look at her and think of a future I never expected.” I needed a good talk with my dad. He’s right. If he can trust after what my mother did to him, then I can trust again. Just then, his line tugs and the catch has begun. We reel it in, only to have a big laugh. The thing can’t be more than six inches long. He tosses it back, and we begin again.

We fish until the sun gets low in the sky. “It’s probably time to pack it up. The girls are wondering what we’re having for dinner.”

“It ain’t fish,” I add with a chuckle. It started out promising and then went quickly south. We spent all day fishing and only caught a couple of baby ones that we tossed back, the first being our largest. Nothing to brag about, so we haul it all in.

“Do you think they’d want to go to dinner?” he asks as we load the stuff into the bed.

I’d love to take Amelia out on a date, but I’m not sure she’d go anywhere alone with me. “That’s a good idea.”

“How about Maggiano’s?”

“I used to love that place.” We haven’t been there together since I was a boy.

“Good. We’ll get the girls and tell them to be ready.” He calls them, and I wait on edge to hear what they have to say. “They’ll be ready by the time we get there.”

We hop in his pickup and drive back to the house. My anxiousness has me silent for the entire ride while catching a side-eye from my dad. We pull up to the house about forty minutes later, needing to freshen up as well. “I’m gonna take a quick shower.”

I rush up the stairs and nearly collide with Amelia. Gripping her arms, I stop from barreling into her. “I’m sorry.”

God, she looks stunning. Her short red dress is a walking temptation for any hotblooded man, especially me. “What did I tell you about saying sorry to me?” she asks after pulling back and standing straight.

I smile at her softly and confess, “Save them up, but I’m working on not trying to give a reason to need to say it, especially when it comes to you.”

“Really? So you’re going to be a nice big stepbrother?” She quirks her brow upward with an adorable smirk on her lips that I’d love to kiss away.

“Are you going to be a good little stepsister?” I growl out. The animal in me is suddenly ready to pounce.

“I could try.” She blushes, swiping her tongue across her lips. Fuck, I’m dying to feel them under mine.

“You look gorgeous, by the way.”

“Thank you.” We’re inches from each other and I close the distance, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear.

“Amelia, Jake’s calling.” I let out a growl and drop my hand.

“Don’t be jealous. He’s got nothing on you.”

“If he has you, then he has everything,” I confess before walking past her without another word and straight into my bedroom, closing the door before I make a bigger fool of myself. I just promised to behave, and I nearly did the exact opposite. She’s my everything and I pushed her away like a dick, but there’s not much I can do if she’s still seeing someone else.

I shower quickly, avoiding my ever-hard cock. I step out of the bathroom in just my towel to see Amelia sitting on my bed. “Are you trying to make me apologize again?” I let out. She’s on my bed waiting for me, knowing damn well I’ve been in the shower.

“Maybe I should apologize. I’m not dating Jake. He’s been trying to get my attention since we fought over your little show of dominance.”

“What do you mean?”

“Here.” She hands me her phone. “These are the texts from that day.” I read each one. I go from proud to angry and back at the same time. She gave him the boot that day. I exit her messages and see her home screen. There’s a bare-chested man in a towel with hair leading down to his junk that’s only covered by that piece of white cotton. “Who the hell is this?”

“If you don’t know who it is, then you don’t look in the mirror much.” She tugs on my towel. “I’ve been thinking about this for a week now,” she hums, lips inches from my cock that’s throbbing, craving her touch. I’m seconds from coming.

“Our parents could come in,” I groan, not really wanting to stop.

“I locked the door. I don’t know what I’m doing, but you can tell me how you like it.” Her confession makes the temptation unbearable.

“Princess, if you stick that dick between your lips, it’s yours. There’s no going back.” I stare into her gorgeous eyes until she drops her gaze back to my cock.

She grabs the shaft and swipes her tongue along the tip.  “That’s it, seal your fate.” She slides my cock in as far as she can take it. It looks obscene the way it’s stretching out her mouth. “Fuck, Princess. I'm gonna come fast. Are you gonna swallow me up?"

She pulls off and says, "Whatever you want, Roman."

"That’s what I want to hear, but we don’t have time for all that I want to do to you. I want to come deep in your pussy, but your throat will work for now." She slurps my cock back into her tiny mouth, and I lose control. I grip her perfect ponytail, wrapping it in my fist, and start pumping my hips. "I'm gonna come and you're gonna swallow like a good girl so we don't ruin your pretty dress."

"Yes, Roman," She moans around my cock and I flood the back of her throat, shooting my fresh load. She swallows and then pulls off with just a little dribble on her lips.

“Fuck, baby. You did so damn good.” I pick her up, and giving no fucks, I slam my mouth to hers. “Tonight,” I growl, pulling away.

“I’ll be downstairs.”

“Thank you, Amelia. For a second chance.” I pull her back into my arms before she can regret what she did. “What kind of gentleman am I if I leave you hanging?”

“I didn’t know you were a gentleman.”

“I’m not. I’m an animal, but for you I’ll be whatever you want. Tell me…is your pussy wet for me?”

“Amelia, Roman. We’re waiting.”

“Son of a bitch.”

“Later,” she whispers, pushing away.

“Wait,” I call out and cross the distance. Cupping her face with one hand, I taste her lips while my fingers go down to her pussy and give it a good squeeze. When I pull my mouth away, I utter, “Fucking soaked. Can’t wait to have you on my tongue.” I kiss her once more and then let her go. “Go ahead. I’ll finish getting ready.” I pat her ass, and she scurries from the room.

A few minutes later, I’m dressed and ready to go after slipping on some slacks and a dark grey dress shirt. Maggiano’s doesn’t require a suit jacket, so I don’t bother. I want to be able to sneak touches all night if I can.

When I make it downstairs, they’re waiting for us, giggling about something, and thankfully there’s no tension in their bodies. I’d hate to ruin tonight. Amelia will be in my arms, in my bed, feeling every inch of me as we learn ways to please each other, but first I need to make it through dinner.