Veiled Amor by V. Theia


Being a biker’s personal nurse isn’t a bad job to have.” - Lucia



All her life, Lucia didn’t need to come awake in increment stages.

So, when her eyes popped open the following morning, it was to a quiet apartment and a gaping space beside her in bed.


Maybe questions flew through her mind.

But the one nagging loudest was, where was Capone? Without jumping to huge conclusions, as she usually would, she shuffled to the edge of the bed, swinging her legs to the floor. It didn’t matter if she overreacted, her brain was already thinking it. Capone regretted last night and had taken off, leaving her to wake alone.




Not a surprise.

She saw the time was 9 a.m., it made sense he’d gone to work.

But not to leave her a message?

Surely it was sex etiquette.

She’d probably sexed him so hard during the night it knocked all manners out of his head.

That must be it. Why else wouldn’t he let her know he was leaving?

He couldn’t hit it and quit it, he freaking lived here…

Doubts chewed through her mind while she showered in his bathroom, scrubbing every inch of her sore and well-used body with his shower gel. Deep inside, her vagina was aching like she’d been riding a bicycle for days. Instead, she’d been riding a very hard man for hours, so it was basically the same thing. A smile tugged at her lips as she hummed through her hair washing. And because she’d given Capone countless orgasms in the past few hours, she felt okay using his razor to de-fuzz her legs and underarms. After using his mouthwash, she wrapped a fluffy towel around her body and decided she’d make coffee and see what food looked good in the fridge.

She didn’t even get a step out of the room.

Something hot twisted in her stomach, seeing him sitting up in bed, watching her as she froze in the bathroom doorway. A smile twitched up one end of his goateed mouth and that heat turned into a full-fledged inferno.

Eeep. The fantastic orgasm giverwas here, naked in bed with the sheet gathered low on his waist.

No man had the right to be that handsome, that sexually appealing. It was as if all God’s minions had thrown the kitchen sink at Capone, and he came out too perfect. Her thighs shook just looking at him. The slabs of olive, tanned muscles on his torso were hard, she knew from experience having laid on them and felt them pushing against her back while he fucked her. His arms were as solid as they looked, the ribbons of veins snaked along his inner forearms and the back of his hands. Unable to help herself, Lucia’s eyes streaked over him. She’d touched and tasted every inch of him last night.

“I thought…you weren’t here… gone to work,” she amended so he didn’t think she was some clingy girl. Though, she’d cling to his ears and have him carry her around like a sloth if she had a say in it.

“I went to grab coffee, I know you need your caffeine in the morning. Thought I’d be back in bed before you woke up.”


He was so sweet.

Lucia grinned shyly, feeling every inch of inexperience for the morning after as he stared at her. Two takeout cups were sitting on top of the nightstand closest to him.

“You gonna stand there all day, nena? Get back over here.”

How funny that seeing his face washed away all her doubts. Lucia didn’t hesitate in closing the gap between them when she carefully kneed up onto the tall bed while trying to hold the towel in place. Capone watched her with a half-smile. “You can lose that.”

She wanted to, but first, she snagged a coffee. The container was still hot, and she sipped appreciatively with her eyes closed. “Thank you for the coffee.”

“I didn’t like seeing you out of my bed, Lucia.” He stated, shocking her eyes to ping open. “I wanted to climb back in with you.”

“I thought…”

“You thought I’d regret last night, so I took off.”

Heat touched the upper parts of her cheeks as she sipped again, looking at him over the rim of the cup.

“Do you regret it?”

“No, nena.”

Relief stung her nose to hear he had no regrets, it was her biggest worry.

Was he ready to let the past go so they could give this a try? She hoped.

She nearly missed him saying. “I still feel like a fucking shit for what I’m doing to Santiago,” Lucia’s forehead puckered, and she paused with the coffee to her lips. “Capone… don’t, it’s…”

“But I’m enough of a bastard to be okay with it, because I want this. You. Us.”

Air vacated her, and she had to put the cup down, or it would have decorated his bedding. “Really?”

“You’re too far away. Get the hell over here, huh?”

She started to sit at his side, but Capone had other ideas when he pulled her on his lap. “You want to lose this?” He motioned to the towel, and she shook her head, “not yet.” He quirked a brown eyebrow but didn’t push, but brought her closer until she was sitting directly on his crotch. He grunted, and she cuddled in. “Did you mean what you said?”

. Told you last night I was done forcing myself to keep away from you. It might feel as though I’ve pushed you away, nena, but I swear, it was me holding myself back. It’s been torture.”

A savage blooming of heat filled Lucia’s chest cavity to the point it almost robbed her air as she leaned forward into his lips, where he pressed them to her bare shoulder. “Fucking torture.” He murmured, nuzzling his face into her neck, scratching her skin with his stubble. “Every day, I hated it. I was stupid to think I could put distance between us and get over you.”

Yes, stupid, she agreed.

The heart didn’t recognize distance.

Lucia may not have had Capone in her life in any relationship kind of way, but it never stopped her from wanting, wishing, hoping to have that. Pining was a bitch.

Her heart filled with hope like it was helium, and she smiled at his misery. Shouldn’t a woman want her man to feel some misery in wanting her? Yes. Scratching her nails around the back of Capone’s neck, she brought him in closer. “I missed you too, Giancarlo.”

“I fucked up.”

“We should talk now. About Santiago.” His head came up and his eyes looked like two black disks, unreadable. “There are things you don’t know.”

“Not now,” he said with roughness, bringing his mouth down to her shoulder again, and his hands caressed her waist. “Not while we’re in bed, nena.”

That was fair. She wasn’t too eager to bring another man into the bed with them either, not when they were finally making progress.

Lucia’s fear was he would put on the brakes permanently once he knew everything. Or maybe he wouldn’t, and she was worrying over nothing. Either way, she wanted the truth between them. No secrets. She hated secrets.

“Soon though?”

He nodded, skimming kisses to her neck.

She could wait until he was ready to talk about her marriage. For him to want her despite the obstacles in their way. If he wanted her, despite knowing of her marriage to his brother, that had to mean his feelings were true. And they were deep.

Lucia was in love. Deep in love with a man she thought impossible to have. Yet here they were, in bed together, feeling his heartbeat reverberating against her chest.

Eyes so midnight black robbed her of thought, leaving behind a sluggish want warming her limbs. “You washed me off your body.” He stated. Was that a manly scowl?

Lucia chuckled a little. “Did you want me smelling of you all day?”

. No problem, I can fix that.”

“Oh?” Her pulse galloped to twice the regular speed. “How do you plan to do that?”

His smirk was dirty. Deliciously so. “Guess.”

It didn’t take Lucia a second to know what he had planned, and she purred into his lips.

With each kiss he lavished on her, she tasted sex in the air. Passionate flames licked over her skin as he went about making her crazy with small touches, commanding, owning touches. There was something she loved very much about watching his hands move reverently across her body.

She was wet and swollen, dying for him, and when his fingers slipped between her thighs, prying her sex open, she shuddered all over. Capone revealed the juices she was almost dripping, and he groaned, bringing his mouth to her throat. “For me?”

“Always,” she breathed, lightheaded. “Are you… ughn, that feels good, Giancarlo.” She buckled as his mouth sucked hard around a nipple. “Are you going to stay home from work today? I could call in sick for you.” She chuckled when he grunted and sucked again.

Their gazes locked. Capone’s was heated.

Lucia felt her bones melting under his scrutiny before he smirked and snatched her mouth in a slow takeover, leaving her breathless when they parted. “Not leaving this bed until I’ve fucked my woman a few more times. I can never make up for the time lost.” She heard his agony and clutched his face, peppering him all over with kisses. “but I can try.”

“We don’t need a post mortem. The past is the past and we’re here now. We will talk, clear out all the cobwebs so we can be open with each other.”

He frowned so deeply that she had to laugh, and pressed a small kiss on his mouth, “it won’t hurt, I promise. And if it does, I’ll kiss it better.”

“You’ll give me a fucking blowjob.” He growled, making her cheeks flame and her sex pulse. God, yes. She would heal any of his hurts by sucking on him for as long as he needed.


“And what can I give you? If our talk hurts you.”

Lucia smiled, nuzzling her face over his stubble. He sent her pulse skyrocketing. The answer came easy. “You already gave me what I needed. You gave us a chance.”

He cursed in Spanish and took her mouth again. This time, he didn’t stop. Not even when he tugged off the towel and rolled Lucia beneath him, or spread her legs so he could drop his mouth and devour her alive.

Her screams bounced off the walls when he crawled up her body and fucked her with a single-minded determination. In no time at all, Lucia was close and clawing at his forearms, begging. “Please, Giancarlo. I need to come. It’s too much. It’s too much.” She chanted, with hardly any air in her burning lungs.

He went slow and careful, digging deeper with each shove, and he took her over, completely obliterated Lucia until the orgasm flashed through her skin and bones and fused her to him forever.

It felt like a biblical fuck. Life altering.

It was only with her returning mind as the pleasure waned that she helped him to reach his climax, and he pulled free of her body, ripped off the condom, and sprayed over her belly and thighs.

It was dirty and erotic.

Capone grunted through it as he watched his pleasure drip all over her. Unable to look away, his gravitational pull was too powerful. She’d live in his eyes if she could, burrow into his skin and be content to roam around his heart.

There was no obsession like an unrequited love that became requited, so when she reached down and stroked his come over her skin until it dried, she did it, knowing she fucking loved this man and wanted to show how much she adored him.

Capone braced over her, their breathing in sync as he dropped little kisses on her mouth, “Goddamn. I love seeing how pretty you look wearing my come.”

All night he’d been vocal with his dirty desire, his fantasies, what he craved and promised to do to her. They felt like sensual threats, and Lucia couldn’t wait to experience them all. Now though, as he collapsed on top of her, she wound her arms and legs around him, feeling how he still trembled, and she held onto the quiet man as he breathed into her neck. Erotic words weren’t needed when they had this.

It was simply perfect.

“Fuck,” he said some minutes later, rousing his head. She’d been sure he’d fallen asleep. Something enormous poked her stomach and she looked on, wide-eyed. So soon? “I want you again. All the time. It never fucking quits, Lucia. This hunger, dios. It eats at me from the inside. All I think about is you.”

Aww, damn. Without knowing it, he was giving her the world.

“Sweet boy.” She cooed and watched him scowl, which made her laugh. “Shhh, you are sweet. Gorgeous. And sexy. And I always want you too.”

It was crazy. The aftereffects of the massive orgasm he’d pounded into her still quivered, but yet her blood warmed. Her legs churned on his thighs with restless desire taking the wheel again.

Would it always be this way? She hoped so.

She could see herself months into their future, how she’d attack him the moment he was through the door, or wake him in the middle of the night sucking him off because she couldn’t wait until morning.

Lucia moaned and pressed her face into his chest. “I think you’re turning me into a sex fiend.”

“Too many fucks to make up for, mi amor,” he rumbled in Spanish with a voice thick as burnt sugar. Knowing Capone had been born in Puerto Rico but had left the island for Miami with his parents when he was seven years old, he’d never lost the rhythmic timber to his accent, and she’d always loved listening to him speaking with his family. She might be fluent in Spanish, but Puerto Rican Spanish was different. Faster in tone if you weren’t used to it.

Lucia slid out from underneath him, a feat because the man weighed a muscled tonne, and she straddled over his lap when he rested his back against the headboard. An eyebrow curved high in silent question.

If she wanted to play with his body and the so large thing poking between her legs, she needed to clear his day first. “Where is your phone? I’ll call work and tell them you can’t come in today.”

Capone’s lips twitched.

It was likely that he didn’t have to call the club if he was having a day off, but she continued with her teasing anyway when he gestured with a nod toward the nightstand. “It’s under CH.”



Lucia’s teasing turned into a bad idea the moment the call connected, and a deep masculine voice said hello, because Capone slid his hand across her stomach, up between the valley of her breasts.

Lust shot into her voice as she squeaked. “Hi. I mean hello. This is Lucia, Capone’s…”

“Hey, Lucia, it’s Texas. What can I do for you?”

Capone smirked, his eyes on her flushed face while he caressed her like a dirty man, circling her nipples until they were two pebbled rocks. “Capone’s woman,” he murmured, filling in what she hadn’t said.

Ughn, he’d turned her teasing on its head. Now she wanted to throw the phone down and fuck his brains out. She popped her hips down and swallowed a moan, nearly going blind when he captured her hips and dragged her forward.

“I’m, uhm, calling for Capone. He’s taking a personal day and won’t be in today.”

She heard the other man chuckling, but her head was trippy because Capone leaned in and started sucking gently on her nipple.

Dear god, he was a menace, a downright monster, and she gripped the back of his hair to pull him off. Only, that didn’t happen, she stroked his hair and pushed her boob into his mouth. Electricity went haywire in her body, and she barely heard Texas say, “he sick?”

“Uhm, yeah. Very sick. I’m looking after him. He should be fine tomorrow.”

“Is that so?” An amused Texas asked, “well you tell Capone to rest up, I’m sure you’ll take care of our boy.”

Holy shit, Capone took her full breast, as small as it was, into his mouth and made pleasure shoot out the bottom of her feet. She was almost ripping his hair out as she squeaked a reply and then hung up. “Oh, my god. You are a monster.” She gasped, half-way to an orgasm from some boob-play.

He popped her breast free and smirked, licking his lower lip like he was savoring the taste of her skin. “Sick am I? What a gorgeous little liar you are, nena.”

“Practically at death’s door.” She grinned when he laid against the pillows and grasped her hips, helping her to ride over his cock.

Her eyes flickered closed, and she whimpered.

“Better give me some medicine then, huh?”

And then, the wicked man told her in the dirtiest Spanish what he needed to be well again. She didn’t know her mouth was a healing tool, but she put it to work and sucked out an orgasm from him, and then he helped her astride him to ride another one out of them both.

Much later, they talked, getting to know all the minor details that made up a person’s life.

They laughed.

And made love in the shower.

Capone finally cooked his famous eggs and Lucia fell on them like a starved dog, much to his amusement. He really was a wonderful cook.

They talked again while they waited for a pizza delivery that night and she learned about his life with the MC. He let her know he couldn’t tell her everything and she was fine with that. She’d grown up in a house of secrets, so to know he was willing to share some details made flames stoke her stomach. She wanted to be as much of a part of his life as he would share with her.

That meant the good and the bad.

And while she curled into Capone with a game on the TV, she realized she was happy in the arms of a man she’d loved forever.

But more than that. Lucia felt safe and relaxed for the first time in a long time.

And she’d go through all the bad to get to this good.