Veiled Amor by V. Theia


“The weight of what was lost.” - Capone



The sound of quiet feet cut into Capone shaving the following day.

Though he’d been fucking most of the night again, his stomach tightened with desire when the door opened slowly, and the object of his fantasies came into the bathroom while he trimmed his goatee.

The next thing Capone knew was two skinny arms came around him from behind, and Lucia pressed her face into his spine.

Fucking bliss in a small package.

She sort of nuzzled him, causing a fire of contentment to wash down over his head.

“If I’m not allowed to leave the bed before you’re awake, then neither can you,” she grumbled, vining around him even tighter.

Strange how he’d never wanted a clingy woman in his life. Literally and figuratively. Capone always thought it would be the worst thing to happen. But feeling her cuddling into his back, knowing she’d missed him in bed, and his chest flamed to life. Fucking loved her clingy.

All at once, he pictured coming home to Lucia and how she’d dive at him or sit on his lap while they discussed their day.

That kind of life was never in his peripheral, so he’d dismissed it.

He wouldn’t ignore the fact he was getting a second chance with Lucia.

Not going to waste it either.

As she peeked at him through the mirror, he half-smiled at how soul-deep beautiful she looked. She had pillow creases on her face, her hair was flat on one side and puffy on the other, and she was the most beautiful woman he’d ever laid eyes on.

“We’d never get out of bed if that’s gonna be a relationship rule, nena.” He told her, finishing his shave, he wiped his face and tossed the washcloth on the counter. Next, he put a coin size dollop of after-shave balm in his palm and rubbed that into his face.

“Hmm,” she said, pausing the back kisses.

His cock was an animal to rouse again. After their last round during the night, where he woke her with his mouth between her legs and then fucked her solidly from behind while she moaned into a pillow, he was sure he wouldn’t be able to get hard again for the rest of the day. Sex had felt nothing like it was with Lucia. She drained him and renewed him simultaneously.

“Do we need relationship rules, you think?”

“We can do whatever the fuck we want.”

Her reflection smiled at him, and he turned his head to drop a kiss on her temple.

“You’re such a good fake hubby. The best I’ve had.”

It was like she was tapping into parts of Capone he didn’t know existed inside of him because his groan was all satisfaction.

God only knew how long he’d wanted to be her husband, now it was within his grasp. He’d fucking destroy anyone who got in his way again.

And on that dark thought, his phone chimed.

“Grab that for me.”

She answered his phone and nearly gave Capone’s shaft a strain with how fast he became hard. “Hello, Capone’s phone; how can I help?”

“Jesus, nena.” He groaned, paused his hair styling. He saw her frown with confusion, covering the mouthpiece. “What?”

“Don’t talk all sexy as fuck like that.”

She flushed with a grin. “I wasn’t. You’re crazy.”

Yeah, she damn well was. He heeled over his groin and listened as she told Preacher he was on his way in soon. The moment she hung up, he grabbed her around the waist, deposited her on the counter, and got between her legs. She was only wearing a pair of sleep shorts and one of his shirts. He could see the poking of her nipples through the material, and his dirty horn-dog side had ideas to suck them through the cotton.

“You need to use your phone voice on me,” he told her, dipping his mouth to her collarbone where his shirt slid off her shoulder. “It’s sexy as fuck.”

She pushed his shoulder, knowing he’d made her shy. Fuck, she was delicious. “It’s just my regular voice, you loon.”

“Sexy,” shoulder kiss, “as fuck,” another kiss.

There was not one thing he’d done in his life to deserve a woman like her.

Capone had blood on his hands.

Long before he left Miami, he’d probably broken most laws and didn’t think twice about it. But if he was going to get his shot at her now, he was taking it. The dreamy sparkle in her eyes when she looked at him, especially when he was buried balls deep inside her, said she didn’t mind that he was a bad man.

Being an unprincipled man meant he had no rules with claiming and protecting what was his. He’d denied it for a long time, but Lucia was his woman. Capone might have to emote better, but now his floodgates were open, he let in his feelings, and they were pulsing from wanting her so badly.

Leaning in, he squeezed her hips and felt her legs coil around him; before he could dip down and take her mouth, her hand stopped him. “No fair, you already brushed your teeth. Let me do mine, and then we can kiss.”

Capone growled and swooped in, “don’t fucking care about that, now open your mouth and give me your tongue.” Her kiss came shyly at first until he felt her soften against him, and then he tasted her with fast flicks of his tongue. The kiss might have started tame, but it didn’t stay that way when Lucia groaned into his mouth. Grasping her around the nape, he tipped her head back, stroking sinfully over her seeking tongue.

Dios. He wanted her all the time.

The pain of wanting her never quit.

Panting against his lips, she smiled and rolled her fingers up his bare chest. “You look incredible with all this ink.” She told him. “I always wanted to get a tattoo but thought it might hurt.”

“I will take you for some ink,” he said, already imagining her sitting in Ruby’s tattooing chair and how he’d look after her afterward. Capone was a neanderthal, growing harder, picturing her wearing his name somewhere on her unspoiled body.

The body he wanted to pump into right now.

He pulled her to the edge of the counter, so his rock-solid dick bumped up against her softness. Lucia moaned again, her eyes low-lidded and dream-like.

The bedroom was too fucking far away for him to grab a condom. He could be inside in seconds by pulling her tiny sleep shorts down her legs. A grunt pumped out of Capone’s throat, and he put his forehead to hers, squeezing her hips.

“I want to have you without a condom. Feeling you tight and sopping around my cock. What do I need to do to have that, nena?”

He needed to die in her slick paradise.

Holding her around the neck, he watched her eyes widen into two pools of hotness. Was she turned on by thinking of his dick going in her raw? Fuck. He felt the pulse in his balls. The only woman he’d ever fucked that way was Lucia, but that had been in the heat of the moment. He’d lost his head and all sense of decency. Capone wanted to do it right this time, to talk about it first as though he was a decent man and not an animal holding onto his reason.

When she spoke, her tone was syrup and wound around him like vines. “Not have any diseases,” she half-smiled, still tracing the ink over one shoulder. “And be only mine, no other women.”

A frustrated growl came from his throat because she damn well knew there were no other women. He should spank her little ass for that. “There’s no one else. Only wanna fuck you.” The other part he could answer easily too. “I got fully tested for an annual physical six weeks ago; I was clean. And I haven’t been with anyone in over a year. The only woman I’ve not used protection with is you.”

She enjoyed hearing that because he watched as color filled her cheeks and her eyes drooped to half-mast. She leaned her forehead into his chest with a moan, and Capone fingered into the back of her hair. He thought she was hesitant, and he couldn’t blame her. Because he was rushing ahead a thousand miles didn’t mean Lucia was ready for that kind of commitment. “It’s okay, nena, we can wait for that; I’ll use condoms.”

“No, I want that too, to have nothing between us. I...” she started, “I enjoyed feeling all of you, Giancarlo.” The shiver she gave nearly did him in.

Again, another rush of heat threatened to take Capone’s knees out from under him. He remembered how good it felt to fuck her without a rubber—the times he’d spilled inside her, and all over her body, like a possessed prick aching to own her, if only for those few illicit hours. Cupping her face so she’d look at him, he asked, “you on birth control?”

She shook her head, “I never had a reason to. I can get on it, though.”

“I’ll take you to my doctor this week; until then, I will suit up.”

“Suit up, like a proper gentleman,” she giggled as he swooped in to taste her again, but her laughter soon changed to whimpers. “Fucking love the moaning noises you make,” he shared. Her raw, starved expression knocked all civility out of him as he grabbed her ass and rubbed himself between her spread thighs; knowing how easily he could get her off like this, his woman loved friction. Now he couldn’t wait to feel her wrapped around his dick until she dripped her pleasure.

Couldn’t. Fucking. Wait.

The thought of it and all his memories pushing into his mind had him trembling.

“Don’t let me force you to move faster than you’re ready to, ? I’m all in with this. That doesn’t mean you want to go at my speed. You speak up and tell me, and we talk about it.”

“Gi. I was all in even before you knew I was all in. I promise you won’t rush me, it’ll be me who goes too fast because I’m excited, and you’ll probably hide from me,” she smiled teasingly.

Not possible.

Now he had let those feelings in, and there was no getting rid of him. He was already feeling possessive of her when some of the old ladies made noise about getting to know Lucia. He wanted her all to himself.

The moment their eyes locked, they burst into flames, the want so easily mirrored in her gaze. It made sense that his skin crackled; she affected him in ways that felt brand-fucking-new.

Too long since he’d tasted her, he crushed her lips and found them soft and giving under his.

“Stop me,” he groaned like a man on death row. Her mouth was open and ruling his as she dove inside and found his tongue. Her hands went wild, clawing him up, taking his arousal to the next level. “Lucia, stop me.”

“Never. I want you inside me now,” she breathed, biting him with sinful teeth.

This woman. His woman was a match for Capone in every aspect. He hadn’t been living, not entirely. And now he wanted to gulp her in. A man so starved he slaked his thirst by dragging his tongue over her exposed throat, feeling how hard her pulse leaped.

“I… Oh, god. That feels good, Gi. You’re not going too fast for me, I want everything, and I wanted it ten minutes ago.”

More shared kisses, each one hungrier than the last. She was so wet he saw the damp spot when he looked between them, where his thumb rode over the seam of her shorts. Capone felt unmoored in his skin, like he could morph into a dark bastard at any second. His dream woman in front of him, after climbing out of his bed, was doing a number on his usual hardcore control.

Who the fuck was he kidding? He had zero control here.

“Beautiful girl,” he said between kisses, rolling his hands under the shirt to cup her breasts. Lucia quivered, and it only intensified his deviant thoughts of painting her in his pleasure.

“Inside me,” she whined, bumping into him with her soft pussy. He was nearly blinded with need. Their teeth mashed together, he sucked hard on her tongue, breathing heavily into her mouth while she scratched to get him closer. “Gi. Please. I hurt all over needing you.”

His head fucking blew apart.

Some long-dormant part of him woke with a growl of satisfaction, urging Capone to fuck her so good she’d feel it next week.

Nena.” He grunted, holding her hips, letting her rock on his stomach. He couldn’t help it when he drove up and pushed his cock between her legs, where he ached to be. “Calm down, gotta grab a rubber from the other room.”

“Fuck me, please. Just fuck me a little first, let me feel you, you’ll stop before you come, I know you will.” Damn. She had more faith in him than Capone had in himself. If he got his bare cock in her, there was no coming back from that until he spilled in ropes deep inside. “It hurts without you inside me.”

Jesus fucking hell, his perfect woman was downright insatiable.

If torture had a sound, it was the one gurgling out of Capone’s cavernous chest.

To regain self-control, he cupped her face, saw arousal looking back. He smirked and dropped a soft kiss to her pouty lips and then shared something he never thought he’d ever say to Lucia because, on their weekly calls, he kept the conversation at surface level. Never allowing his mind to go to their one night together.

“For weeks after we had sex, knowing how many times I came inside you, I waited for you to let me know I got you pregnant.”

The darkest part of his confession was he’d fucking hoped so hard he had knocked her up because it would have meant he had a reason to keep her without his anger, guilt, and vengeance getting in the way.

Capone expected her to laugh, to kiss him again, tempting him like a she-devil, but the reaction from Lucia was not that, at all.

She froze on the spot, and all he saw was fear as her skin paled.

“Lucia… what’s wrong?”

“I…” she started, her lips opened and closed.

Shock and realization came at him from all corners. Don’t ask him how he knew, but he did, and his breath hung back in his lungs.


“Oh, my god. I can’t.” She tried to close her legs, but Capone had no intention of moving. He stroked his hands up her arms, cupping her face again.

“Nena, talk to me.”

“Don’t hate me,” she pleaded, her voice cracking. Any hint of her arousal vanished in seconds, and she was now ashen-faced with eyes that sheened. “I wasn’t going to tell you this way.”

He knew.

He knew.

He felt it in his fucking bones what she was going to say.

Listening to her say words like sorry and scared and miscarriage. It was as though time stood still. The air sucked out of the room, and he felt his chest cave.

“I’m sorry,” she said, her lower lip quivering until she sucked it in between her teeth. Lucia’s hands crawled up his chest. “I didn’t know. I swear it. It was over before I even knew I was pregnant. I would have told you… but I was scared you’d be mad at me. It was gone before I knew about it, only a few weeks, the doctor said.”

Oh, Dios, his girl.

He’d put her through some emotional shit by keeping her at arm’s length, so fucking terrified of letting go because he knew he’d become consumed in her if he did. Capone had no clue that emotional shit had started on day fucking one.

Gathering her in, he held her tight to his chest, quieting her until he felt her settle.

“Fuck. I should have known; I should have come back to make sure you were okay. This is on me, you got it? You did nothing wrong.”

“But I…”

“Listen to me, Lucia. You don’t have to be afraid to tell me anything. There isn’t anything you could say to make me hate you.” Holding her face, he dropped a soft kiss to her trembling lips. Couldn’t see her crying; it would destroy him. “I’m crazy about my brother’s wife, so I have you beat on being hated.”

She gasped and then half-smiled, “you’re crazy about me?”

“Lucia.” He replied as a way of an answer. She had to know how he felt.

“I could never hate you, either. Not for anything.” Then she pressed their foreheads together. He could see the dilation of her pupils, the heat on her cheeks.

His woman was a needy thing, and he fucking loved it.

“I’m crazy about my brother-in-law, if you didn’t already know.” She confessed, blowing apart his composure with a few simple words that meant too much to him.

Wanted her savage for his fucks and his arms around her and his mouth pressed to her pulse.

Ached to claw his way into her heart and set up camp there, knowing he would own her heart for the rest of his life.

There was no way he’d last all day at the club, working on bikes and sorting out any internal issues, without fucking her before he left.

He was only a man and not a very controlled one, proving when he started kissing her with hungry bites and licks.

When Lucia groaned languidly, he went full steam ahead, dry thrusting until he felt the leaking coming from his dick as she pushed his shorts down.

Need consumed them.

It was wild what they were doing, cementing their feelings for each other as he locked her legs around him; using her smaller hand, she guided his cock to her entrance, and they moaned together when he pushed home. Ah, fuck. Heaven.

It was too intense, as though all his emotions threatened to blow his head off.

He bottomed out by moving slowly at first, until her tight walls gave around him.

It wasn’t enough.

Never enough. The only thing he could do was never stop fucking Lucia.

“Capone,” she gasped breathily, digging her nails into his shoulders. They locked eyes, and it was like watching the sun fall out of the sky as he saw her tumble into an orgasm. He sure as fuck felt it as her pussy locked up and took him down with five more hard shoves, only with the will of the devil on his side did he pull free at the last second and spilled over her stomach and inner thighs.

The possessive side of him roared to know soon he’d pump his pleasure inside her and not over her skin.

He cuddled her for a minute, unsteady on his feet, his mouth drifted to Lucia’s neck as he murmured. “Do you want to grab a shower?”

“No, I’ll wear your come all day,” she dared tease him, and Capone’s body flared to life again. He dropped his forehead to her neck as she giggled. “Don’t say that shit to me, Lucia. I like it too much.”

“Dirty man, go get the coffee started; I’ll jump in the shower real quick.”

What a fucking morning, he thought.

And he wouldn’t have it any other way.


* * *


“Capone,” she whined with amusement laced through her voice, her hands already latched onto his trim waist while he reached behind her to flick on the coffee machine. It gurgled the magic brew into a cup. “You have me trapped against the counter.” He hadn’t even spoken when he’d boxed her in and started fixing their coffee, though he laid a kiss to the side of her head. Sigh. He was so romantic in small ways that she couldn’t complain when he wasn’t romantic in significantly showy ways. She liked Capone’s way better.

Dark, moody eyes focused on her, and she watched an eyebrow arch onto his forehead, “Really, nena? I hadn’t noticed. You’re imagining shit.” Another temple kiss, and he grabbed the container of sweetener she preferred to use and dropped three sachets into the cup. With each movement, his hips rolled against her stomach and sent her a little flushed.

She was seriously overly sexed.

Every day this week, they’d attacked each other.

Sometimes in the middle of the night when he got home from the MC. Or just a look from across the room, and clothes went flying everywhere. They had sex twice yesterday, once in the shower and then before dinner while steaks and salmon grilled on the balcony. He’d bent her over the arm of the couch and talked her through the most deliciously carnal sex of her life.

Capone seemed in no rush to free her from her counter prison.

If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em, so she threaded her arms around his waist and pressed her face into his chest, inhaling the sexy scent. Lucia was like a limpet clinging to him while he moved from one cabinet to another to fix the coffee and start on breakfast food.

These past few weeks with Capone felt like a dream come true, and she wasn’t ready to wake up yet. He was every dream of a perfect boyfriend as she could conjure up.

He was sweet and affectionate enough to put a constant stream of excitement in her belly. He didn’t vocalize his feelings often unless he was fucking her, but that didn’t matter because he showed her in hundreds of ways how he felt about their new relationship.

Having insisted on taking care of the apartment and most of the cooking, some of it was hit and miss, but it was fun to try. Most nights, Capone came into the kitchen, and they cooked together, which was even better. Lucia’s mornings started with a hot mouth and a hotter man waking her before he took off for work. Then she’d clean anything that needed cleaning, then toss in a load of laundry. Capone said he’d see to his, but while she was doing hers, it was no trouble to wash his clothes too. She’d earned a severe kissing the first time he realized she’d washed, dried, and hung his clothes.

What woman could resist that? Not Lucia, that was a fact.

“Can I borrow your Jeep today?” She asked, watching him refilling the coffee machine with water. “I have a few things to get in town.” She wanted to make him a birthday meal coming up soon and to pick up his gift.

“You don’t have to ask, take it anytime. Or I can get you a car of your own.” He said it so nonchalantly, like he was talking about picking up a carton of milk, for freak’s sake. Wide-eyed, Lucia swallowed. “Whoa there, moneybags. We’re not doing that. I can use your Jeep or walk into town.”

“Why not?” He asked over his shoulder. “You’re gonna need a car, eventually. I’ll look into it. You got any preferences? Tesla? Tahoe?”

“Capone, you are not getting me a car. I mean it. It’s nice of you, but no.”

He came over, a rolling gait of steps, and captured her cheeks in his hands. Leaning in, wearing a smirk, he popped a small kiss. “You look beautiful when your eyebrows are scowling at me.”

She huffed amusement, “Yeah, well, see what they do if you dare get me a car. You buy your girlfriend chocolates or flowers, not a whole-ass vehicle, Giancarlo.”

His reply was a dirty smirk and a pat on the ass as he sauntered out of the room. “Call if you need anything,” he told her as he swung into his biker jacket and kissed the hell out of her before he left for the day.

Dazed and so in love with that man, Lucia smiled as she went to get ready for her day.

Yeah, so not ready for her dream to end yet.