Whipping Girl by L. Jacobs

Chapter 14 – Alexander

It feels as if we were never apart, easily slipping back into our old routine, mostly me asking a lot of questions while I listen with utmost attention. I love hearing her enthusiasm about the classes she’s taking, I insisted before I had left her that she had to follow that dream, I didn’t want her to become stuck in something that wouldn’t make her eyes light up like they are now.


It’s funny how this room is almost exactly like I had pictured it, it looks like a unicorn threw up in here. Between the two girls they managed to get every color of the rainbow in here. There are ugly posters covering the walls, each of their bedspreads are a multi colored mess, there is a ridiculous amount of fluffy pillows and a weird fucking chair that looks extremely uncomfortable. All of this shit would probably make me nauseous if it didn’t make my girl so happy. I want her to always have everything she’s ever wanted, it’s another reason that this new arrangement with The Guard will work out so much better for us. I am the closest kind of free that I have ever been. It wasn’t easily, I had to do some truly deplorable things to get to this place but now that The Guard uses us as private contractors, Allyanna and I can finally start building our future together.


“I think if you gave my friends a chance you would really like them, Molly is one of the coolest people that you will ever meet, she’s so great, and Josh is so-“


“Don’t.” I stop her, my jealousy barely contained. I’m really not a people person, if I could go the rest of my life without talking to anyone but Ally, you can bet your ass that I would. People are annoying and fragile, their feelings are hurt way too easily and I just don’t have time for their shit. “If I could stop you from socializing with other people, I would, so do you really think that I want to add to my friends list? Besides that little asshole wants you and I am never going to be laughing it up with a man that wants to throw it to you.. never going to happen.” It still pisses me off that they seem to have a familiarity with each other.

“He does NOT want to... throw it at me? What the heck does that even mean? He’s my friend, Alexander, you’ll see once you get to know him.” She’s not getting it.


“I’m not going to get to know him. He’s a fucking prick, you just don’t see it, men are always thinking of one thing and one thing only, if they are talking to you then it’s because they want inside your panties.” I raise my eyebrows when she gives me an exasperated look. “It’s true.” I shrug.


“You’re a man. Is that all you’ve been thinking about?” I chuckle lightly at her naivety, grabbing her hand without hesitation I bring it down to my hard dick, making sure she gets a good feel. Is she fucking kidding me? Ally has always been a beautiful girl, she was like sunshine when all I’d have ever known was cloudy skies and rain but now she’s a woman, a gorgeous, sexy woman and it has nearly killed me trying to keep things between us slow. When she had walked into the room with her little blue shorts and her tiny white top, I had barely stopped myself from lunging at her and taking her in the open door way.


“Oh my god.” She gasps, her eyes dilating with shock and lust. I groan when she tentatively runs her little hand up my shaft, trying to cup me through my stiff jeans. My eyes close, soaking up a few seconds of the pleasure before I reluctantly pull her hand away so I don’t embarrass myself. It’s been a long, long five years. I open my eyes as I try to get my breath back. Fuck.


“In case that didn’t answer your question- yes, I have thought about fucking you in every imaginable position that I could come up with and then some since you walked into the room... but I’m not like these boys that you are befriending, Angel.” I bring my face closer to hers, placing my lips over hers, I whisper against them. “I could make you come so hard that you would see stars, all the while I would be thinking and planning your next orgasm or how I could make you come even harder. Boys always think about how they can get off, a man thinks about how they can get you off.” I smirk. “I’m your man.”


I don’t get to have another thought, she attacks my mouth, our teeth knocking together as she fists my hair to bring me impossibly closer, her sweet taste and scent has me overdone, working me into a frenzy. I never thought Ally would be someone that would be able to make these kinds of moves, she’s so sweet and gentle but I am finding that I like her initiative. A lot. I’m not someone who gives up control though so I match her enthusiasm with my own, tangling our tongues then taking over completely, I press her into the small mattress. I’m no longer trying to hide my stiff cock from her so I forcefully open her legs with one of my knees and kneel into the space that I’ve taken, pressing my hips into hers, I rub my stiff dick against her warm, clothed pussy. She moans loudly and the sound undoes me. I have to have her. Pulling her measly tank top up over her small, perfect breasts, I latch my mouth onto one of her hard, pink nipples and suck vigorously, palming her other breast with my hand then tweaking her neglected nipple in time with my suckling. Ally lets out a shocked gasp, arching her back to get more of my mouth on her so I gently nip her sensitive tip before soothing it with my tongue then I do the same to the other side, loving her responsive body’s inability to hide anything from me. It feels amazing having her underneath me, squirming beautifully at the pleasure that I’m inflicting on her. Only me. Her fist tightens in my hair, keeping me tight to her chest but she doesn’t need to do that, I’m not going anywhere. I plan to live for her, breathe for her for the rest of our lives whether she holds on or not. I reach down for her flimsy excuse for shorts, pulling them - along with her panties - down her legs and flinging them onto the floor. My hands are rushed as I start unbuckling my belt and undoing my pants as quickly as I can, needing to be inside of her. Now. When I pull myself free of my pants and boxer briefs I line myself up with her beautiful, little pussy, running the head up and down her slit, coating myself with her wetness and making Ally whimper and beg me for more. The click of the door opening has me reaching for my Desert Eagle I had tucked under the mattress when I got here. I whip around training it on… her roommate. Fuck.


“OH MY GOD!” Molly screams, throwing her hands up in the air. I quickly put the gun down, shoving it under the pillow so it’s out of sight. I’m still on top of Ally, cock still hard and pressed against her warm wetness. This is fucking awkward. I’m covering Ally’s semi nudity completely but I’m betting Molly is getting a good view of my ass. At least I have a great ass.


“Mind giving us an hour?” I say to the still frozen roommate. Ally slaps me on the shoulder and when I turn my face back to her in confusion she looks pissed.

Damn it. I push off of my girl, covering her with the sheet that I had thrown off earlier. I keep my back to the door as I pull my pants over my painful erection, silently cursing at the roommate the entire time. I catch Ally watching my movements her eyes widening as she observes my favorite body part, when she finally looks up at me I give her a grin and a wink. “You have shit for timing.” I say when I turn around to face Molly.


“I-I'm sorry, Ally’s never had… company before.” She’s still got her hands over her head and I don’t think she even realizes it. I bend down and casually pick up Ally’s discarded shorts and panties, handing them to her so she can cover up.


“I’m very happy to hear that, I really didn’t want to kill anyone tonight.” I say seriously.


“He’s kidding! He’s a joker. I thought you were staying with Brent tonight?” Ally says sounding flustered as she quickly scrambles into her clothes. “What happened? Did you get into a fight? Put your arms down, he’s not going to shoot you.” She rambles. I cock a brow up at her but she’s avoiding my eyes, keeping her attention on Molly. The roommate finally lowers her arms, narrowing her eyes, she looks between the two of us.


“What the hell?” Molly points a finger at me. “Who the fuck is this?”


“Don’t swear in front of her, I don’t want her picking up those bad habits.” I admonish.


“You swear in front of me all the time, Alexander.” Ally says in defense of her friend. I slowly turn toward her now fully dressed form, daring her with my cold eyes to speak out again.


“We’ve already talked about your tone, Angel... make me do it again and I’m going to get creative with how I make you remember.” Excitement runs through me when she gulps audibly, I’m already thinking of exactly how I could reinforce my point.


“Holy shit! Alexander? As in... Alexander?” Molly asks me in astonishment. “ Oh my god, Ally!” She rushes over to my girl and pulls her into a tight hug before I can even respond or once again warn her about using that kind of language. “I can’t believe he’s back… YUM by the way, but he’s a little psycho isn’t he?” I’m getting a damn headache. “No offense.” She tacks on over her shoulder at me. Is she serious?


“No offense taken.” I say dryly.


“He has that whole, Ray Donovan attitude going on, super sexy.” Molly whispers too loudly for me not to hear. I quirk a brow at Ally in confusion. Ray who?


“It’s on Showtime.” Ally says, trying to hold back her smile.


“What’s with the gun? Why would you need a gun in a girls’ dormitory? Are you part of the CIA? Allie has been super secretive about-”


“Alright, we need to go, Angel. Do you need to pack a bag?” I interrupt. If Molly knew how dangerous her questions were she would be keeping them to herself.


“Oh. Wh-where are we going?” I narrow my eyes at her nervous stuttering. Watching her closely as I answer.


“To a hotel for the night, we can start looking for a place tomorrow.” I answer as I grab my gun and tuck it in the back of my jeans. I take in her fidgeting hands and her wandering eyes. “What’s wrong?” I’m running out of patience.


“Uh... I can go with you tonight but, I-I’m a sophomore, I have to live in the dorms for the rest of this year.” I clench my teeth.


“Pack your overnight bag, Ally, we’ll talk about this later.” I’m pissed and I know she can see it, her movements are shaky as she gather’s a bag from her closet and places a few items of clothing and some toiletries into it. I walk over to the bed while I wait, grabbing the cardboard box from earlier I pick up all of the letters that she had written to me, placing them in the box so I can read them when I have some time alone. Molly is watching us closely but I ignore her completely, over the top drama queens were never my thing and I’m not going to invite more questions by meeting her eyes.


“Ready.” Ally says quietly. I grab her bag along with the box as the two girls hug and whisper quietly to each other, I don’t hear what Molly asks but I can guess when my girl answers “I’ll clean it up later”. She steps into some sandals on her way over to me, not meeting my eyes as I open the door for her to walk out ahead of me.


When we reach the car I open Ally’s door for her, watching as she sits down nervously. “Buckle up.” I shut the door, ignoring her pleading eyes. I take a few deep breaths while I place our things in the back seat, wanting to regain some composure. I know everything happened suddenly, she hasn’t had a moment to herself to even think about what my coming back will mean for her but we’ve been apart for too long already, if she really loves me then she will just have to accept all of this. If she doesn’t, I don’t know what I would do... but I do know that there is no length that I wouldn’t go to keep her with me. Does that make me a monster? Absolutely. Does it change the outcome? No.


“You still have to wear black all the time?” How adorable, she’s trying to change the subject. It does remind me that she’s wearing next to nothing though so I reach back and grab my sweatshirt to give to her, I don’t enjoy other men ogling my girl, I should have made her change but this will do for now. She puts it on quickly, seemingly appreciating the extra layer.


“No. Why did you hesitate?” I get straight to the point, I’m not wasting the whole night trying to decode her.


“I didn’t hesitate.” She says quickly. “It’s not like that, I just hadn’t had time to think about all of the after of you being here.”


“What’s there to think about? We’re together now. You think I’m going to allow you to live on campus when we could finally be starting our lives together?”


“I have to live in the dorms for the rest of the year. School protocol-“


“You think I’m going to let the fucking school tell me whether I can or cannot live with you, Ally?”


“You’re going to make me quit school?” She asks in horror, I look at her quickly to confirm but I already know that tears are welling in her eyes.


“Lower your voice when you speak to me. No, I would never make you quit school, I’m the one that wanted you to go, remember? I faked your damn transcripts for your new high school, I wanted you to get a real education, why would you assume I would try to take that away from you? I may be a monster to the outside world but I had no idea that you saw me as such.” I’m pissed and I’m letting her see it, this whole night has been fucked, I never in the years that we were apart imagined us arguing like this after we were reunited, she was never this argumentative and bold before. I’ll set her straight soon enough.


“I’m sorry.” She keeps saying that but she has done very little to prove that she actually is. “I think I’m just overwhelmed. I’m so happy that you’re back, Alexander, you have no idea how happy I am. I’ve been lost without you, you’ll know that if you read my letters... it’s just a lot to take in after only a couple of hours.” She reaches for my hand then brings it up to her sexy, plump lips, laying soft kisses all over my scarred knuckles. It’s extremely difficult to stay angry at her, I’ve never been able to hold a grudge against this girl but the fear of rejection hasn’t been quelled. I need her to want me as much as I want her. I stay silent as we pull up to The Grand Hotel, I rented us a room until we can find a place of our own.


I hand the keys of my black BMW 5 series to the valet after grabbing Ally’s stuff from the back seat then I lead her up to the room.


Toronto is beautiful at night, I specifically asked for a room with a view because I wanted to impress Ally with all of the lights and colors this city has to offer. I dropped my stuff off when I arrived to check in but I hadn’t really stayed around long enough to look the room over, it was the last thing on my mind when I got here, but seeing her glancing around in wonder makes my chest swell with pride. I’ve never really appreciated the money that I’ve gotten for contracts, money means nothing to me, but now that I have her back I feel good about being able to provide her with the good life. I know she doesn’t need fancy things to make her happy, that’s just not who she is but it is what she deserves and I’ll make it my mission to see that she gets it.


I watch as she walks toward the window, placing her hand on the glass, she watches the city below us. My sweatshirt dwarfs her small frame, the hem hits just above her knees, reminding me how much larger I am compared to this small girl. I have taken down men larger and more powerful than I was, rearranged an entire organization, faced countless obstacles in my life but nothing has ever had the power to bring me to my knees like she does. I can’t stand another moment without having my hands on her so I walk up behind her and wrap my arms around her shoulders, bringing her back against my chest, she places her hands on my forearms as we look out our window together.


“We can take it all one day at a time, Angel, but I won't go another night without sleeping next to you unless I absolutely have to. Please tell me you understand that. Tell me that you feel the same.” I close my eyes, pressing my face into her hair to fill my lungs with her scent, she still smells the same even after all this time. Apples and sunshine.


“I understand. I don’t want to be away from you either, I’m sorry that it took me a minute to catch up to all of this but you’re right, we've waited long enough.” I release the breath that I hadn’t realized I was holding, the weight on my chest lifting with her softly spoken words. I never want to force anything on her but I would have if I had needed to.


“Come on. Let’s go to bed.” I feel her slight shiver against me, making my already hard cock surge with new found excitement. She removes her sandals when I grab her hand to lead her toward the bedroom, one less obstacle in my way. I hope she’s not too tired because she’s still got a long night ahead of her.