Whipping Girl by L. Jacobs

Chapter 16 – Ally

We’ve just finished our third round of love making, this one much softer and slower, I’m breathless and sweaty and it makes me laugh out loud at the irony. 


“I love the sound of your laughter, Allyanna, but do you mind telling me why you’re doing it while I'm still inside you?” Alexander asks with amusement coating his words.


“Sorry.” I giggle. “When Molly told me she was staying with Brent last night I was excited about the prospect of sleeping in, she always wakes me up at the butt crack of dawn to go running with her on Saturdays, but I still managed to be woken up before the sun and get all sweaty.” He pulls out of me then rolls onto his back, propping his arms behind his head. He looks mouthwatering.


“I didn’t like that.” I frown at him in confusion. “You running so early in the mornings, someone could have attacked you both, the two of you combined couldn’t weigh as much as I do.” He clarifies. I’m still confused.


“But how… how did you know I went running?” I sit up on the bed.


“Zeke.” I huff out a strained breath at his answer, unable to believe what I’m hearing.


“Zeke’s been watching me?” My voice squeaks with my surprise.


“Yeah.” He narrows his eyes, watching my movements. Suddenly feeling too naked, I cover my breasts with my arm, the movement was instinctual but it causes his jaw to clench.


“For how long?” I whisper. I can almost see his mask falling into place, it happens the moment that he realizes this has the potential to turn into a fight. I know it’s because of his training but it hurts all the same.


“Five years.” He says nonchalantly. Anger rushes through me as if he just lit me on fire. Five years. Five freaking years? I can’t believe this, I can’t believe him! I slowly turn away from him, sliding out of the bed, stumbling slightly because of the soreness between my legs. I grab his discarded shirt from last night and pull it over my head as I walk toward the bathroom so I can collect my thoughts without exploding on him.


“Get back here, Allyanna.” I ignore his demand, walking quickly toward the bathroom door. “Ally-” I cut him off when I walk through the door, slamming it behind me and quickly clicking the lock. “Angel, unlock the door.” The door handle rattles when he tries to open it, a loud bang rings out when he slams his palm against the wood. “Open the fucking door, Ally.” He growls. Not knowing what else to do I begin to pace.


“I’m peeing! I’ll be out in a minute!” I do have to pee but I’m too pissed off to stop my pacing.


“I didn’t ask what you were doing, I told you to open the goddamned door!” He yells. His obvious anger is intimidating, I’m not used to being the cause of it but I can’t believe that all this time he had a way for me to connect with him and I didn’t know! It would have saved me so much pain and suffering just to know that he was still alive!


“If I have to break this door down, Angel, you are going to be in for a world of fucking hurt.” His voice has a sinister quality to it that I’ve never heard, my brain is telling me to be careful but my anger wins out.


“Fuck you, Asshole!” I scream at the door. I’ve never used that kind of language with him before and already I know what’s going to happen before it actually does.


The door seems to explode, pieces of wood and metal breaking loose when he rams through it with his upper body. His nostrils are flaring with each heavy breath as he slowly swaggers toward me, still completely naked and fully erect. He tilts his head to the side when I back away, dark amusement tilting the corners of his lips. I tilt my chin up, keeping my blazing eyes trained on him, I want him to think I’m not afraid of him, that he doesn’t scare the crap out of me when he’s like this… even though I’m absolutely terrified. This isn't my Alexander, this is the conditioned assassin, the emotionless killer.


Fuck me?” he chuckles. “Alright, baby, you asked for it.” Like lightning, his hand flies up, grabbing a fist full of my hair and tilting my head back, it’s not painful but it has the potential to be. He leans down and speaks against my lips. “I know your sweet, little pussy is sore and since you would rather use your damn mouth for your insults, that really only leaves me with one other option.” My eyes widen at that, he can’t mean- I’m spun around and bent over the double sink before I can finish that thought.


“Alexander-” he cuts me off when he slaps my ass cheek. Hard. I cry out at the painful sting and his fist loosens in my hair as he tsks me.


“I think I kind of like the new pet name, baby... call me ‘Asshole’ again.” I feel him between my butt cheeks, hard and promising the abasement that I know is coming and all I can feel is arousal and shame, I should have known that I couldn’t speak to him in that way, he’s never allowed it in the past. Alexander isn’t like other men, he wasn’t raised to coddle and take harsh words with a smile on his face. Why did I think I could get away with that? Because I know that he loves me? Our time apart hasn’t been easy on me but I know that it was probably hardest on him. I had my family and friends to distract me, Alexander doesn’t have friends and the only person he has ever loved just yelled at him knowing that he can’t stand that kind of thing.


“I’m sorry!” I whimper when he slaps my other cheek, twice. “Alexander, I’m sorry!” I feel the hot sting of his hand once more, and I’m embarrassed by the wetness that I can already feel gathering at his rough treatment. God, how screwed up is that?


“I don’t think you are. I think you’re scared, I think you’re a little embarrassed but you sure as fuck are not sorry.” He’s like a raging bull, unstoppable. His fingers are collecting our combined wetness from my core, I see him in the vanity mirror when I lift my face, watching as he smears the moisture onto his hard member and it’s then I know I can’t stop this. Alexander has a point to make and he’s not going to stop until it’s made, it’s something that I love about him but right now I’m beyond frightened. I feel something far too large at my dark passage but my writhing gets me nowhere, his large hand in the center of my back keeping me in place. “If you don’t loosen these muscles, this will be very painful for you.” He presses into me, impossibly large and it feels like he may actually tear me apart.


“Stop. Please! Alexander, you’re too big.” I beg, clenching my fists at the burning stretch. He runs one hand up and down my back, under my borrowed shirt, a soft caress that I feel myself arching into after a few moments, wanting his kindness instead of his manhandling but it doesn’t stop him from pushing forward, taking me inch by slow inch.


“Call me an Asshole again, Ally.” He growls, ripping his black shirt in half down my back and forcing it off of my torso, my nipples pucker further against the cold of the granite top. “Fight me, swear at me, deny me what’s mine... this is your last chance to do so, next time I won't be so easy on you. You’re mine and that means there is no walking away from me.” I shake my head at his command, I won’t give him more ammunition to use against me. Especially when he’s like this.


I grind my teeth together to keep from screaming out at the agonizing intrusion, it feels like forever before he’s filled me with his entirety. My puffs of breath steam the granite vanity top, giving me something to focus on to catch my bearings. The weight of him inside me although painful also fills me with an unwilling arousal that I’ll never in a million years be able to understand. I don’t know if it’s the wrongness of it all or if it’s just because it’s Alexander inside of me but I start to feel the now familiar stirrings of pleasure. Dark pleasure.

His caressing hands wander to my belly then my breasts, pinching and rolling my stiff nipples, making me moan and relax around him. “That’s it, that’s my girl.”


“Please.” I breathe out. It’s embarrassing begging for something that I didn’t think I’d want but I need him to move, to allow me the peak that our combined bodies are promising me.

Blessedly he doesn’t make me wait, pulling back his hips he starts a relentless rhythm, slamming into me hard and fast, my upper thighs are assaulted by the hard countertop but I can’t concentrate on anything other than Alexander’s frenzy. My body trembles, the sick pleasure flowing through me with each brutal punch of his pelvis into my ass cheeks.

My orgasm hits me like a white hot blast, propelling me into the starry abyss of outer space as my inner muscles milk his hardness with each violent spasm of pleasure.


“FUCK!” He roars, the sound bouncing off the bathroom tiles. He pulls out of me suddenly and I feel his come spurt onto my lower back and buttocks. He bends over me, resting his forehead between my shoulder blades as he regains his breath.

I lay still beneath him as I search my brain for the repulsion that I know I should be feeling. It’s not there. I feel wrecked, claimed and properly punished but instead of the anger, fear and embarrassment that I was feeling earlier I feel replete, satisfied... and owned.


“I waited for you for years,” I start quietly. “Without a word. Alexander, I didn’t know if you were dead or alive and it nearly ripped me apart!” I quietly sob. “All I wanted from you was one word, just one, to tell me you were alive. I would have waited for you forever but would it have killed you to have put my mind at ease? You had someone following me that could have done that... just one word and my life wouldn’t have been so miserable.” He’s silent for so long that I don’t think he’s going to answer me but then he backs away from me and turns me around to face him. He doesn't meet my eyes, shame coating his features as he picks me up and sets me back down on the cold granite, my sore butt causes me to wince but I ignore it, anxious for what he might say.


“I was selfish. A part of me had wanted you to worry if I were dead because at least you would have been thinking about me.” He clears his throat, his mask completely gone. “I worried that you would be so happy with your family that you would forget I even existed.” He releases a breath filled with contempt. “I had thought about letting Zeke make contact with you but I was a jealous fucking idiot. I didn't want the two of you bonding over shared experiences then eventually finding comfort in each other's arms... even talking about this kills me, Angel.” He groans, torment filling his eyes. Any lingering bitterness melts away as I cup his stubbled jaw, bringing his face toward mine to kiss his lips softly.


“I thought you were supposed to be smart. You actually thought I could forget about you? That I could find comfort anywhere but in your arms? I’m yours, Alexander. That will never change.” He searches my eyes then leans in and kisses me, long and slow. This kiss is the apology that he won’t say out loud, it's also the forgiveness that he needs from me.


Without breaking the kiss he picks me up, my legs wrapping around his narrow hips without thought as he carries me into the shower. The water is freezing when he turns it on, the spray pelting us with its icy water but it feels amazing on my overheated skin. He kisses me until the water turns warm then sets me on my feet in front of him, I stagger slightly, feeling the consequences of our overzealous lovemaking in my lower half. Alexander grasps my arm arms to steady me, his face showing a little too much pride for me to ignore so I slap his arm, making him laugh.


“Proud of yourself?” I mock glare at his smiling face.


“If you didn't stumble at least a little after all of that then I didn't do my job right.” He bends to nip at my shoulder after his comment, making me laugh.


“Well, then I would say you did your job thoroughly, I don't think I will ever walk the same again.” His eyes twinkle with mischief at my statement.


“Not as long as I’m alive.” He slabs my butt playfully. “Get your hair wet, I want to wash it.”


“You want to wash my hair?” I question but do as he asks, submerging my long hair under the warm spray.


“Not just your hair,” he grins, “we have a lot to do today but I’m not leaving this shower until I make sure I’ve cleaned you thoroughly.”


Apparently they prefer you to make appointments to view apartments and condos, luckily Alexander is very persuasive. The women didn't have a chance against him, all he had to do was flash them his beautiful, roguish smile and they practically fell all over him trying to make him happy. It made me very unhappy. Are there no male building managers? We look at several places, none of them big enough or nice enough for Alexander, he “wants the best for his girl” even though any one of them would have been fine with his girl. I don't care where we live, we could live in a box on the side of the road, as long as we were together in that box… at least I did feel that way, but right now I just want to slap that sexy smile off of his face. I don’t blame the women, no breathing woman could possibly resist that face and body but does he have to encourage their flirtation?


“Thank you, Liddy. You’ll let us know if something better comes your way?” He flashes her a crooked grin and I half expect her to melt into a puddle. What a dick.


“Of course. I have your number, Alex.” Liddy waves her fingers daintily as Alexander takes my hand, leading me out of another building. I’m fuming, about ready to kill him. I know he’s not actually interested in any of them. I know it. But if I had flirted with several men in front of him the same way then there would be a pile of dead bodies trailing behind us and my ass would hurt for a year.


“Maybe we should buy a house. Are you going to want to live in Toronto after school is done or... What’s wrong?” He asks after taking in my pissed off face.


“Nothing.” I respond shortly. My arm jerks back when he stops suddenly, people walk around us throwing nasty glances our way when we block their path.


“I asked you a question, I’d think twice about lying to me again, Allyanna.” He rasps darkly, it causes a nervous flutter in my belly that I ignore as I square my shoulders in mock bravery.


“Did you have to do that?” His eyebrow quirks. “Flirt with those women?” I clarify haughtily.


“I’m playing a game, Angel. You can’t honestly be jealous.” He looks at me incredulously. Is he serious? I try to pull out of his grip but he just tightens his hold, keeping me in place.


“Let me go, I’m not doing this here.” I seethe.


“You’re not going anywhere until you fucking talk to me.”


“We’re causing a scene, people are-”


“I don’t give a fuck. Let them watch.” He pulls me into him, moving us closer to a building so we are at least out of the way. “What’s the problem?” He tucks a few escaped hairs behind my ear causing my eyes to close at the tender touch.


“I don’t like them looking at you like that... I don’t like them thinking that they could have you.” I’m embarrassed by my immaturity but I can’t help it. He’s mine.


“They can’t.” He says firmly.


“I know that, but why were you trying to make them think that they could?”


“How did I do that?” He’s searching my eyes again, calculating.           


“By laughing and flirting with them, Alexander! They were practically pawing all over you!” I frown, looking away from him. He can’t honestly be this obtuse, he’s not dumb and he’s not ignorant of the fact that he’s hot. You can’t have his kind of confidence without knowing you’re a sweet piece. He immediately brings my face back toward his, holding my chin as he crowds me into the building with his large, hard body.


“Are you saying you don’t like me laughing and joking with other women? Seeming too familiar with them?” He tilts his head toward me. “You don’t like when they touch me and want what’s yours?” He breathes, his minty breath cascading over my lips with his closeness. Oh God. I’m too sore to do anything about it but I want him so badly right now that I ache with it.


“Yes, that’s what I’m saying.” I breathe, wanting him to kiss me but he pulls back instead, quirking a brow at me.


“I don’t like it either.” I’m confused for a second but then it hits me. Son of a bi-


“So this was a punishment? Josh bothers you that much?” I push his chest but he remains as unmovable as the building behind me.


“Not a punishment, Angel. A lesson.” He says fiercely, “I’m yours and you are mine. These people around us? They mean nothing to me, you are all that matters to me.”


“You were GONE, Alexander! I made some friends, what’s the big deal?” I ask, already exasperated with this topic.


“The big deal is that boy wanting to take my place!” he fumes. “Just like those women wanted to take yours!”


“You’re being ridiculous!”


“You’re being naïve!” He breathes hard, vibrating with anger. I don’t know how to ease his resentment for my friend, to make him believe that he has nothing to fear on my end.


“I love you, Alexander. He’s just a friend-”


“A friend that wants to fuck you!” His jaw clenches after his statement. Out of my peripheral I can see people stop to assess the situation, making sure I am okay before moving on but I ignore them, keeping my eyes on my possessive man.


“We’re not going to get anywhere this way.” I search his eyes. “Please, please, please... spend one evening out with them.” I plead.


“No.” He tries to pull away but I wrap my arms around his waist to keep him in place.


“Do you love me? Do you trust me?” He rolls his eyes with my emotional blackmail but I remain unmoving.


“Don’t ask me stupid questions, you know the answer to that.” He rumbles.


“One night, Alexander. That’s all I’m asking for. Us –you and me- plus a few friends, I want you to know without a doubt that there is nothing for you to worry about.” He stares down at me, obviously conflicted but after a few painstaking heartbeats... he agrees.