Vampire by B.A. Stretke


Emmanuel walked the south sector on the ridge facing the bay, checking the vines and tasting the grapes when Sam came jogging up beside him. “I would like to ask a favor.” He began with a sly smile. Sam fell into step with him as Emmanuel continued down the row.

“And what might this favor be?” Emmanuel enjoyed his nephew above all others.

“I’ve been put in charge of a young wolf newly hired at the Black Dog. He’s a good worker, smart, and has some sense. I like him, and even if they weren’t paying me extra to mentor him, I’d still help him out.” Sam reached over and tried a few grapes. He had a good understanding of taste and timing and knew when to pick. “These are ready.” He said, and Emmanuel agreed.

“His name is Taylor Bond. He’s nineteen, and I’d like permission to bring him here. He’s shown a keen interest in our wines, I’ve described the vineyards to him, and I’d like to show him the process. He was a ward of Alpha Henrik and still resides at the Pack house. From what I understand, he had a rough life growing up, but I don’t know the specifics, but I do know that he is honest and kind and genuinely interested in the winery.” Sam concluded and waited for a verdict.

“Keep him away from the chateau and communal areas. Stick to the courtyard, green houses, and the vineyards.” Emmanuel saw no reason to deny the request. Sam rarely made requests such as this. Emmanuel stopped and turned, eyeing his nephew intently. “Is this someone you’re interested in?”

“No, no, that’s not the situation.” Sam chuckled. “He’s a good-looking guy but no just friends and co-workers. He’s also helping me prep for the wine tasting on the 23rd.”

“Then it would be wise to acquaint him with our product.” Emmanuel agreed good-naturedly.

“Will you be attending the Event this year?” Sam asked with a side glance that Emmanuel did not miss.

“No, I’ll leave the entertaining, hand shaking and mingling to you and your team. It’s a necessary part of our business, just not the part I particularly enjoy. The information and inspiration we garner from these events is highly valued, and I do not mean to diminish it by my comment.” Emmanuel softened his answer since the wine tasting parties were an integral part of Cabot Wines staying current and profitable. It’s just these days; he found most people annoying.

Sam understood. “Yeah, it can be arduous, but I still enjoy it for the most part.”

“When will you be bringing your friend here?” Emmanuel asked.

“Tomorrow, but I’m not sure the time. I’ll let you know so you won’t inadvertently run into him.” Sam told him, but Emmanuel waved off his concern.

“I have no issue with the young wolf. Bring him whenever you wish. I don’t hold the same prejudices as Grigori.”

“I know,” Sam assured. “You don’t dislike wolves; you dislike everyone.” He laughed, and Emmanuel gave him a hard side-eye.

“Come, make yourself useful, and help me test these grapes.” They continued down the rows together. Testing the grapes was a phrase Sam had started using many years ago, and Emmanuel found it fitting.

Taylor was sitting at the kitchen table having a cup of coffee and a couple of cookies when a few of the guys came in and joined him. It appeared that he wasn’t the only one taking a break. Sunday afternoons were usually casual and laid back. Seamus eyed the peanut butter cookies Taylor was eating and instantly went to the jar on the counter to get a few for himself before sitting down.

Alpha Henrik and Derek also sat down with coffee but no cookies. After a few seconds, Henrik got up and got two cookies, one for him and one for Derek, before sitting back down at the table. “Edward’s cookies are the best,” Seamus commented, and everyone agreed. “You should sell these at the Hotel,” Seamus added.

“We do,” Derek responded and finished the remainder of his cookie before taking a long drink of his coffee.

“Oh, yeah, I forgot.” Seamus corrected and reached over to snag one of Taylor’s cookies. “How’s the job going?” Seamus asked Taylor.

“It’s going well, Sam’s teaching me the ropes at the Black Dog, and he’s also letting me help with the preparation for the upcoming wine tasting event that Cabot Wines is hosting. As a matter of fact, I’m meeting him in an hour at the Hotel he’s offered to take me to the Old Mission Peninsula and give me a tour of the vineyards and processing facilities. I’m pretty excited; I’ve never been out that way before.” Taylor had rambled for a bit and then stopped abruptly when he saw the expression on the faces of the men sitting around the table. “What’s wrong? What did I say?” He asked, not wanting to have inadvertently offended anyone.

“He’s taking you to the Coven grounds?” Derek was the first to speak, and his tone was incredulous.

“Not the Coven; I have to stick to the vineyard and processing plant. I’m not allowed in the mission chateau or on the grounds of the mission chateau. That was made very clear.”  Taylor continued to look at them, wondering why they were acting so weird. Just then, Max, Alpha Henrik’s mate walked in and walked over to give the Alpha a kiss before grabbing himself a cup of coffee. He turned back to the table and registered the tension.

“What’s going on?” He asked and took a seat right next to Taylor, sensing that he may need support. He and Max had a rocky start with misunderstandings and anger woven into some serious criminal activity, but they worked it out, and now he and Max were on friendly terms. It shamed him now to think of the things he’d said and done at that time. Alpha Henrik was well within his rights to have taken Taylor’s life or at the very least banished him from the pack, but he didn’t.

Max had asked for leniency even after the hell Taylor had put the man through, and the Alpha said that he saw promise in Taylor and true regret for his actions. He was given a gift that day that he did not take for granted. When his parents decided to move to be closer to his brother, Taylor knew that his loyalty was with Alpha Henrik and the Bay Harbor Wolves.

He became the Alpha’s ward and moved into the Pack House. They gave him a new life and a way back from where he’d been headed. He owed these men everything, and he looked forward to always standing by their side.

“Taylor has been invited to tour the vineyards of Old Mission Peninsula with Sam. He leaves in an hour.” Alpha Henrik relayed the information to his mate, but the way his words were clipped, Taylor knew he was saying more than he was saying.

Seamus patted Taylor’s arm. “You’ll be fine; Sam’s a great guy.”

“I didn’t realize it would be this big of an issue.” Taylor began and glanced around the table. “I’ve gotten interested in the wine industry around here and was even thinking of getting a few vines and trying something in the greenhouse with the Alpha’s permission, of course. Our location is good for growing grapes, perhaps Concord; Sam says they’re hearty and great for beginners.”

“It’s not really an issue.” Alpha Henrik told him, softening his expression. “Our interest is just that in the many decades that we have lived in this area and grown our Pack, no wolf, other than me, has ever been invited to Old Mission Peninsula, and I could count those visits on one hand. So that is why we look shocked.” Taylor sat silent for a moment taking in the ramifications.

“How often has a vampire been invited to the Pack Lands?” Max countered, and Henrik flashed a knowing grin.

“Good point, my love.” He admitted.

“They don’t come here, and we don’t go there.” Derek was blunt and cold. “It’s just the way it is.”

“It’s a great opportunity for Taylor.” Max broke in with some lightness and sense as far as Taylor saw it. “I, for one, would love it if Taylor started making Bay Harbor Wine. Give the Coven some competition.” Max smiled and bumped Taylor’s shoulder.

“It would take quite a few years, but that’s exactly what I was thinking.” Taylor smiled. “I could learn the business from the best.”

“And then turn it on them.” Seamus laughed.

“Well, when you put it like that, it sounds bad.” Taylor joined the laughter. “I just want to try a few vines.”

“Go for it; you have my blessing.” Alpha Henrik told him. “I wish you great success.”

“Thank you, Alpha.”

“If they give you any trouble, just let me know,” Derek stated, a little colder and a little darker, but that’s who he is, and Taylor appreciated his concern. But Taylor was far from helpless, having trained with both Derek and Seamus for the past couple of years in preparation for becoming a soldier and guard.

He could handle himself at the Coven, he had no doubt because along with tactical training, Alpha Henrik was guiding him in mediation and diplomacy. He told Taylor that he was a natural at problem-solving and wanted to nurture that talent for the good of the Pack going forward. Either way, he felt that he was well able to take care of himself at Old Mission Peninsula, not that he could take on a Coven of vampires single-handedly, but he would know when to leave if necessary. Sometimes knowing when to leave was the most important sense of all.

Taylor took his truck and headed into town a bit nervous about going to the Coven lands simply because he wasn’t familiar with their culture and didn’t want to commit any faux pas. He reminded himself that Sam was a good guy and wouldn’t let him go too far wrong, so he relaxed and just looked forward to a nice afternoon outside among the vines.

Taylor dressed casually but neat in jeans, a t-shirt, and well-worn boots. They would be outdoors primarily and in warehouses, so didn’t see the point in getting too fussy with his outfit. Instead, he waited for Sam at the side door of the Black Dog. It was easy access to the road, and he quickly jumped in Sam’s car when he pulled up to the curb, and they were soon on their way.

The Coven was about thirty-five miles from town along some of the prettiest roadways the area had to offer. He noticed that Sam was dressed a bit more upscale, but that’s who he was. Sam wore clothing well with his tall slim body and muscular tone. The man never lacked for lustful attention but remained humble.

Sam was a handsome man but not Taylor’s type. Taylor wasn’t sure his type, except he liked them older and established that really turned him on. But his experience so far ran more to the less established and less mature, which was okay; they’d been fun.

“The guys were surprised when I mentioned that you were taking me to the Coven vineyards for a tour.” Taylor was just making conversation while they made their way through town.

“It’s unusual for us to have visitors. I think the only outsiders have been Henrik and the old Mage from the forest.” Sam confirmed.

“I appreciate the chance to see the winery up close. I’ll be careful, respectful, and hopefully, I won’t embarrass you,” Taylor assured, and Sam chuckled. Taylor was taken aback by the Mage comment but decided not to question. He was not aware that anyone lived in the forest and was definitely not aware of a Mage in their midst. Sam was so casual about the comment that Alpha Henrik must certainly know about his presence. He would ask.

“If I was worried, I wouldn’t have invited you.” Sam shot back offhandedly. “As it were, I had to go to my uncle first to get permission, and I wasn’t sure if he would give it or not. He’s not the most social of men and guards our privacy fiercely. I was actually surprised and delighted when he approved my request.”

“Well, I’m glad he did because I can’t wait to see this operation. I’ve seen pictures and read articles online, but that’s not the same as seeing it.” Taylor was getting more excited the closer they got. He felt like he was being allowed into a closed and secret operation, and in a sense, he was.

“I understand, and I agree with you. I hope you’re as impressed as you hope to be.” The landscape started taking on structure and maintenance, indicating that they were getting close to the Coven proper and the expanse of land surrounding the primary chateau.

Slowly the horizon opened, and from beyond the trees, Taylor saw the rolling hills covered in meticulously tended vines. In the foreground were large warehouses used for processing and a variety of outbuildings. Everything was clean, neat, and perfectly maintained. The area was amazing, and he was thoroughly impressed.

As they drove directly onto the massive estate, Taylor was struck by the fact that he saw no guards, gates, and defenses. He turned to look at Sam, confused by the seeming openness of the area. “Where are your guards?”

Sam looked at him and told him. “Everywhere.” Taylor took a quick look around and saw nothing indicating surveillance, but he didn’t understand vampire culture or Coven security. “If I’d been perceived as a threat or unauthorized intruder, we wouldn’t have made it much past the first right turn.”

“You mean back about two miles when you turned off the main road?”

“Exactly, we have guards everywhere even I don’t know where they are all positioned. That’s the responsibility of our Coven Commander.” Sam explained some but always left out detail which Taylor completely understood. He figured it would be best to leave that subject lay and move back to the vineyards and Cabot Wines.