Vampire by B.A. Stretke


Taylor drove back to the Pack House and parked in back near the hedges that ringed part of the rocky ledge leading down to the beach. He had to walk and get some air before going inside, and the beach was a good place for that. He needed to get his head and emotions straight.

Damn, he could not get his head out of the gutter when it came to Emmanuel. His mind was still blown by the fact that he walked the vineyards with Master Cabot. He was so obliging and kind, not at all what he’d been led to believe. He thought Master Cabot was brutal, deadly, cold, all those things that describe someone perceived as dark and mysterious. But he was just a guy, a friendly, powerful, gorgeous guy. Just picturing him in his mind made Taylor sweat, and his cock start to harden.

Why were his reactions so intense, and why was his wolf pining and wanting to go back to the vineyards? He felt like he was losing control and began walking the beach, enjoying the feeling of the fresh air off the cool waters. This place was magical for clearing your mind, but so far, it continued to be a struggle to keep his mind off the Master vampire.

He was walking for a while before he felt someone coming up on him from behind. He knew them and turned to acknowledge their presence. “Hey.” He said and waited for them to catch up.

“I know you look like you want to be left alone, but I ignore social cues for my own convenience so tell me, how did it go? What did the Coven lands look like? Etc.” Seamus came jogging up to walk beside him. Taylor laughed at his blunt, rapid-fire interrogation. “I saw you pull in, and you looked upset.” He clarified his interest.

“I wasn’t upset, just deep in thought,” Taylor responded off handedly.

“Okay, I’ll accept that, but now tell me about the Coven. I have never even been near the place. They take offense at enforcers or security people getting too close, and I understand that. We feel the same, so tell me, is it amazing?” Seamus was genuinely interested, and Taylor couldn’t help but laugh at his blatant prodding for information. Seamus could be as cold and deadly as Derek if the situation called for it, but he was a sweet, funny, and caring man at heart, and Taylor considered him a friend.

“It’s a beautiful area, and the hills are covered in rows, and rows of vines perfectly tended, and so lush the place is just as amazing as you’d imagine.” Taylor gave him the highlights of his tour but left out meeting the Master and his personal reactions to meeting him. He wasn’t sure how to describe what he felt without sounding weird or maybe desperate for attention or something equally appalling.

He wasn’t a virgin and definitely wasn’t desperate. He’d had his share of good-looking men. He was pleasant on the eyes and a strong wolf with potential, so he was mildly popular within the pack. He’d also had a few human companions that he’d found to be fun and satisfying, but he’d never been with a vampire.

“Did you meet anyone over there other than Sam, of course?” Taylor paused for a moment and then decided to tell Seamus the truth. There was no need to lie, and he wasn’t sure why he was even contemplating it.

“I met Master Emmanuel Cabot, Sam’s uncle.”

“You formally met Master Cabot?” Seamus sounded incredulous, but Taylor expected as much. He stopped and looked at Taylor directly.

“Yeah, it surprised me too. I wasn’t aware that I was talking to the Master at the time. Sam clued me into who he was when we were on our way home. He introduced himself as Emmanuel, and I only ever knew him as Master Cabot.” Taylor slowly made his discomfort more obvious.

“Is that why you’re upset? Don’t tell me you’re not because I can feel it.” Seamus pressed, and Taylor nodded.

“He came up to me, and we started talking, and he took me to another part of the vineyard and was explaining things and being a wonderful host. I had no idea I was talking with the Master, and now I keep going over every word spoken, hoping I didn’t cause offense or cross boundaries.” Taylor let it out, and Seamus listened but looked not at all concerned.

“Don’t worry about it.” He said and shook his head as they continued walking. “If you’d done anything scandalous, Henrik would have gotten a call, and he would have been waiting for you instead of me.” Seamus laughed and patted Taylor on the shoulder. “What did Sam tell you?”

“Sam told me everything was fine. I just wish I would have known who it was I had been talking to.” With Seamus's assurance, Taylor was feeling more confident, but his attraction for Emmanuel was still forcing itself front and center in his thought. That’s something that he would not discuss with Seamus. “Sam invited me to dinner tomorrow night at the Coven proper. I think it will be at the chateau.” Again, Seamus stopped and looked at him directly.

“Wow, you must have made quite the impression.” Taylor just shrugged.

“Sam said he wants to explain some more techniques and let me sample some wines. It’s all academic, part of what I’ll need to know for the event on the 23rd; it’s nothing personal.” Seamus was looking at him as if he did not completely believe that scenario.

“You feel comfortable going back there?”

“Yeah, it was nice, and even Master Cabot was cordial and pleasant and treated me well. I think it’s an opportunity I shouldn’t pass up.”

“So, what does he look like?” Seamus asked as they once again continued walking.

“Powerful and impressive. I could tell he was important when I met him. I just did realize he was the top dog, so to speak. But he definitely looked the part, handsome too.” Taylor described him, and his feeling began to bubble to the surface once again, so he aggressively pressed them down. He didn’t want Seamus picking up on his attraction to the unattainable man.

“I think you’re quite a hit over there if the Master personally caught you up in conversation, and then you’re invited to dinner at the Chateau. I think it may work in our favor to have someone they’re comfortable with within our ranks. It may come in handy in the future.” Seamus gave him a side glance. “You never know what issues may arise. Yeah, this could be a good thing for us.”

Sam was good to his word, and Emmanuel had a complete dossier on Taylor Bond before morning. He poured himself a glass of wine, relaxed on his sofa, and opened the file on his tablet. The information was pretty straightforward and what would be expected of a man growing up in Eastport and being a member of the Bay Harbor Wolves. What he was looking for was the incident that resulted in his period of servitude.

He continued to flip through the pages of family and early life until he found it. Taylor was fourteen and working as a member of the household staff at the Pack House. He terrorized the new Alpha Mate Max Ricci, who was unaware of the paranormal and was being introduced gradually.

His intent was to punish the Alpha for banishing his older brother Troy. He tried to scare Max away and deprive the Alpha of his romantic interest. In his favor, he was not aware, at the time, that Max was the Alpha’s mate. In the end, he admitted to his crime and was brought before the Alpha for punishment.

Sam, being as thorough as always, included information regarding the brother Troy Bond. He was a part of the group that intended to challenge the Alpha but went about it in a cowardly fashion. In the end, the ring leaders were eliminated, and the underlings were banished. Troy Bond was lucky to be alive; Henrik was much more forgiving than Emmanuel would have been in similar circumstances.

He understood a brother’s love and Taylor’s misguided desire to avenge his traitorous brother. He was impressed by the fact that while the parents joined Troy in his new pack, Taylor elected to remain with the Bay Harbor Pack. It showed character and integrity.

He completed his punishment, graduated high school, is currently training to become a pack guard, and works at the Hotel Bar. He earned back his honor like a true man of value. He may be nineteen, but he has already learned several life lessons. Emmanuel was proud of his beloved.

He would make himself known to his beloved at dinner that evening. Taylor’s wolf was most likely still acting up, not happy at having left their mate behind. Emmanuel could feel the beast yearning. He’d taken a small taste of his beloved when he kissed his hand, and the blood, although minuscule, allowed him a connection and a beginning.

Taylor was up early, having slept little during the night. For some reason, his wolf would not calm down, so he shifted and went for a run hoping to wear him out at dawn. Unfortunately, his wolf headed in the direction of Old Mission Peninsula, and Taylor had to forcibly halt him and turn him around as his wolf resisted. Finally, he got control, and they went back to the Pack House and straight to his room, where he showered and dressed.

He wouldn’t let his wolf out again for a while, and perhaps he needed to talk to the Alpha about the seeming disconnect that was occurring between him and his wolf. When he went down to the kitchen for coffee and breakfast, Alpha Henrik, Seamus, and Javier were already there. Seamus let him know that he’d shared with the Alpha what they’d discussed last night.

“Seamus tells us that you’ve been invited for dinner this evening at the Coven.” The Alpha stated like a question, so Taylor answered.

“Yes, Sam asked me to come to dinner. He said there are more things he wants to show me and explain about the winery. I was surprised to be invited on the heels of the tour, but I’m looking forward to seeing more of the Coven itself.” Taylor explained as he ate his breakfast. Alpha Henrik watched him closely as he spoke and did not interrupt. He did discretely sniff the air a couple of times while keeping his attention on Taylor.

“Did you meet many of the Coven members other than Master Cabot?” Henrik asked and took a sip of his coffee, still keeping his eyes on Taylor.

“I sat in the courtyard for a while when Sam left me to take a call, and I saw quite a few in passing, but they just acknowledged me there were no introductions.” Taylor finished his breakfast, stood placing his plate in the sink, and then returned to the table with a fresh cup of coffee.

“Your wolf is agitated,” Henrik stated.

“He was acting up yesterday, but I managed to maintain control. Maybe he was just uncomfortable amid the coven.” Taylor didn’t know what else to say. He had no answers for his wolf’s behavior. Henrik nodded slowly and then excused himself and left the room.

Taylor looked at Seamus, and then Javier both just shrugged.

Henrik went to his office and called for Derek and Zayn to meet him there. “Have you spoke with Seamus regarding Taylor’s visit to the Coven?” They both nodded and took their seats opposite Henrik’s desk, where he sat leaning forward and pensively studying the back wall. They waited for more.

“Taylor’s wolf is acting erratically. Not in an alarming fashion, more restless and excited. This is since his visit to the Coven yesterday, and you know that he was invited back for dinner tonight.” He looked at Derek and then Zayn and was obviously waiting for comment.

Derek understood his concerns immediately. “You think Taylor’s wolf connected with someone at the Coven?” He said, and Henrik nodded in the affirmative.

“They couldn’t have been close or concentrated, or Taylor would know, but it was close enough that his wolf knows,” Henrik added.

“Whoever it is must know that Taylor is their mate or whatever the vampire equivalent is, so why didn’t they say something to him?” Zayn threw in his two cents on the subject, and instantly a tension could be felt in the room, especially from Derek’s direction.

“I wouldn’t jump to conclusions yet.” Henrik calmed their assumptions of prejudice for the moment, at least. “He’s been invited back for dinner this evening, so let’s wait and see how that plays out.”

“A vampire mate,” Zayn stated with misgivings. “I haven’t witnessed it myself, but I’ve heard of such unions. It seems like the vampire would have an advantage in the couple, considering the devotion that would be felt by the wolf, not to mention the feeding. How would a wolf fair in such a bond?”

“I’m sure vampires are devoted as well,” Henrik spoke, but there wasn’t a lot of force behind his words.

“So devoted that they let him leave without informing him of their connection. That sound calculated, and I don’t like it.” Derek interrupted. “He could end up as no more than some random vampire’s blood bag.”

“That will not happen,” Henrik stated with fire in his eyes. “On my life, that will not happen.”

“Are you going to tell Taylor?” Zayn enquired.

“No, this needs to play out on its own for now anyway; besides, we don’t know who it is, and I wouldn’t want to get Taylor’s hopes up if the individual decides to stay hidden.” Henrik didn’t sound pleased but was limited in what he could do, considering the mate was most likely a vampire at the coven where Henrik had no power.

“Also, the breach at the Hotel is a definite cyberattack, according to the information Javier collected. Our people claim to have it contained. The information they were attempting to access has been locked down, and no customer information was stolen. Everything is secure according to the experts and the department head.” Zayn gave the report and waited for direction.

“Find out who ordered it and who carried it out, and once you have the names turn them over to Derek.” Henrik then turned to Derek.

“Deal with them as you see fit.” He said, and Derek gave a curt nod.

Taylor spent the afternoon clearing out the greenhouse in preparation for the vines. His wolf had calmed considerable and almost seemed to be sulking. He’d spent the morning sparing with his trainer and learning how to take in his environment quickly and recognize immediate threats or warnings. It was all a part of his becoming a soldier first and then a guard and then at some point in his life he would fight for a placement on the team of enforcers. Even if he could only manage a few bottles for the house within the next decade or so, he’d consider it a win. It was his plan.

It was nearing five, and he was heading back to the main house to get ready for dinner when his phone began to vibrate. He pulled it from his pocket and, checking the number, saw that it was Sam and answered immediately, thinking the worst and that dinner was being canceled.


“Hey, Taylor, I was just calling to let you know that I won’t be able to pick you up tonight, but my uncle will be sending a car to get you from the Hotel and bring you here. He’s sending his driver Jean-Claude, and he will be driving a black Mercedes. I’ll see you when you get here, so don’t worry.” Sam sounded upbeat, but Taylor was wondering if dinner was becoming a problem.

“It would be fine if you want to postpone dinner. I’d understand really no problem.” Taylor kept walking, climbing the back deck and entering the house through the kitchen.

“No, absolutely not, dinner is being prepared, and we are anxiously awaiting your arrival.” Sam poured it on a bit thick, and Taylor chuckled.

“Yeah, I’m sure everyone is just thrilled, titillated even.” Taylor joked.

“You don’t know the half of it, Taylor. So, Jean-Claude will be at the Indigo at seven. See you then.” Sam closed the call before Taylor could say more.

Taylor was headed upstairs and took a shower, and dressed in what he hoped was appropriate attire for dinner at the Coven. He chose black pants with a white polo shirt and a French tuck. He gave his black boots a quick shine before slipping them on. He checked himself in the mirror, and satisfied, he left his room and went back downstairs. His truck was still parked out back, so he exited through the kitchen.

Derek and Leo were sitting on the back deck. He said hello and kept walking, not really having time to chat, but Derek called to him, and Taylor immediately stopped and turned around.  “Be careful and keep your eyes open and trust your wolf. If you think you need to leave, then haul ass out of there and don’t second guess. Manners don’t mean shit. Follow your instincts.” Derek’s words struck a nerve, and Taylor felt himself tensing. He hadn’t considered any dangers at the Coven, but reality would say otherwise; it was prudent to keep that in mind. He was a wolf shifter on Coven lands.

“I will stay alert, and I won’t accept any more invitations.” He told him.

“Probably a good idea.” Derek agreed.