Vampire by B.A. Stretke


There was a strangeness that hung in the air today. Emmanuel felt it the moment he woke and took a deep breath of the fresh morning air from his bedroom window. It wasn’t threatening or ominous but rather energized and stimulating in an odd but sweet way. He took several deep breaths enjoying the effect and wondered what the day would hold for him.

Such sensations usually went hand in hand with some sort of discovery, and if the invigorated quality of the air was anything to go by, the discovery was bound to be positive. So full of anticipation was always a very interesting way to start the day.

Emmanuel went about his morning in an unusually upbeat mood seeing everything as possibilities as he reviewed plans for vineyard expansion, business-specific network strategies that Sam had proposed, and just overseeing general Coven projects and issues. It all seemed to flow smooth and easy up to the moment that Grigori called for a meeting regarding Sam’s guest. The easy flow of understanding was about to be interrupted.

He and Grigori Petrov had been together as Master and Second for well over sixty years. Unfortunately, Emmanuel’s former Second, Caleb Martin, who came with him to this country centuries ago from Provence, left him to follow his beloved out West. From all accounts, he has made a good life for himself in San Francisco. Emmanuel missed the friendship and comradery he’d had with Caleb but understood his need to follow his beloved, who had responsibilities that could not be denied.

Grigori was the natural choice for Second upon Caleb’s departure. He’d risen through the ranks and had served as Caleb’s right-hand man, so the progression was expected and earned. Emmanuel found no reason not to promote him to Second, but over the past few decades, Grigori had grown increasingly narrow and limited in his thinking and acceptance. Emmanuel didn’t know if it was something that would get worse or if it would resolve itself as the paranormal circles in this part of the state continued to mix and widen.

When they first came here and claimed the peninsula and land beyond, their surrounding area was inhabited only by humans and a few wolves. But, the wolves never stayed long. The packs kept disbanding or moving until the Bay Harbor Pack set down roots. In the beginning, the vampire reigned supreme in this section of the state, and Grigori never tired of telling the stories of vampire superiority. But life goes on, and if you stay in one place long, enough populations change.

Emmanuel had no issue with the wolf pack or the bear clan that recently moved into the old Miller farm or the Mage who lived with his grandson in the forest; they were all living their own lives. More likely, more groups would eventually move to the area, which was just life. The Coven had a good piece of land here on the Peninsula and a thriving business and lifestyle that they were all thankful for. Their security and defense were led by one of Emmanuel’s most trusted soldiers, Simeon Cortell, who he met a few years after settling here in Michigan.

Commander Cortell was an esteemed and artful soldier of the old ways but also a deadly warrior in the cutting-edge reality of today’s warfare. The Mission Coven had nothing to worry about; their soldiers, guards, and security forces were the finest and trained by the best.

Grigori’s fears and tensions were baseless, and his prejudice was becoming distasteful. One could demonstrate preferences and hold themselves apart without being a complete asshole about it. That was a line Grigori would need to learn to walk as the area became more and more populated. When Grigori walked into Emmanuel’s office, he had a definite chip on his shoulder.

“Sam just drove into the Coven grounds with a wolf in his passenger seat. A wolf shifter from Bay Harbor.” He stated with barely suppressed hostility.

“Was this wolf shifter shot dead on the spot?” Emmanuel offered as he sat behind his desk, reviewing accounts on his computer screen.


“Well, then obviously Sam had permission to bring the wolf shifter to the Coven. What is your complaint Grigori?” Emmanuel looked over at Grigori where he was stood and pinned him with an impatient glare.

“I’m not questioning your decision; I am just concerned that his presence could be misunderstood.” Grigori was smart to sense his steps into dangerous territory and started backtracking immediately.

“Sam has permission to have his friend visit. The young man is harmless.” Emmanuel made it clear.

“Yes, sir, but wolves here on our land in our home. . .”

“Leave it.” Emmanuel cut him off, and Grigori once again instantly apologized, but his irritation remained.

Grigori did not pursue the issue further and left his office. He would give it a day and see if it were just an overabundance of caution on Grigori’s part that led him to the edge of insubordination. Grigori was quick to ignite over issues he felt were important, and Emmanuel was not in the mood for a war with the wolf pack.

He put in a call to Simeon and requested simple twenty-four-hour surveillance into Grigori’s activities, nothing too intrusive. “Just dig a little, observe, and make sure his behavior is not crossing the line.” Master Cabot directed.

“I will do it personally and keep it discreet,” Simeon told him and did not pursue details even though Emmanuel knew that Simeon was not a fan of Grigori and never has been. But Simeon was a soldier and a professional, and he held his personal opinions personal.

Emmanuel closed the call and then left for a walk in the adjacent vineyard. He didn’t have much time but walking through the vines always relaxed and rejuvenated him, and he needed both right now.

The tour was amazing, and Taylor’s head was spinning with all the information he was gathering on wine production and a vineyard’s development and maintenance. It was more than he would be able to retain, but he was making sure he held onto a few key points like timing, texture, and taste.

He used the three t’s to commit the info to memory because it referred to both the grape and the wine and the importance of heritage vines. He’d never heard of such a thing but now understood why some vineyards were renowned and others merely average. Maybe in a hundred years or so, the Bay Harbor Pack would have grapes worthy of bottling. He smiled at the thought.

Sam was patient and thorough with all of Taylor’s questions. The guy knew his wine right down to the pedigree of the grape and the section of the vineyards it came from. The man was a fountain of knowledge and training, and Taylor hoped to keep a cordial, if not friendly, acquaintance. Unfortunately, vampires tended to keep to themselves, so this one excursion might be his first and last, but he hoped not.

They were making their way to the courtyard when Sam got a call and told Taylor, “Take a seat for a few minutes while I go see what this is about. I’ll be right back.” Taylor sat at one of the long outdoor tables made of thick, wooden beams and stone situated on the edge of one of the fields of vines. It was a lovely location.

Taylor wondered why Sam worked at the Black Dog when he seemed to have a lot of responsibility here at the Coven, but he hadn’t asked. Maybe he just liked getting away from the Coven, or he enjoyed working at the hotel. Whatever, it wasn’t his business.

He looked around the area and felt somewhat awkward sitting by himself, but the place's ambiance was quickly relaxing him. The sights and smells were heady and fresh, and he took several deep breaths taking in the taste of the bay off to his left, and the sun-warmed vines; it was so nice.

A few people walked by and nodded to him, but no one spoke. It was okay, though, because he didn’t get any weird vibe from any of them. He was just a stranger in their midst sort of thing. Taylor was patiently waiting for Sam and chilling there on the bench when he heard movement in the rows of vines off to his left. There had been people and some machinery throughout the area, so he didn’t think much of it until he saw someone walking slow, and carefully inspecting some of the vines and the grapes.

He openly gaped for a moment before schooling his features. ‘Fuck, that guy is hot’ burst through his awareness, and he was shocked at how much he was feeling. Most vampires were good-looking, but this guy topped the charts. The man was tall and solid with a body that made Taylor do a double-take. His black pants hugged his muscled thighs, and gorgeous ass to perfection, and his top, some sort of light knit pullover, accentuated his build and muscle definition.

Taylor wasn’t usually spellbound by a handsome man, but this guy made it impossible for him to look away. The wolves where he lived were all well built, handsome men, but there wasn’t a one, not even the Alpha, who could compete with this gorgeous man. Holy hell, this guy was something else.

He was staring too long, and Taylor knew he should stop, but every bend and every move of this man transfixed him and demanded his attention. The moment the man turned and looked at him, and their eyes met, Taylor felt his heart stop. He was trapped by the deepest blue eyes in the world. They were like the dark of tempest seas, and the turbulence of that gaze was directed right at Taylor.

They remained like that for a handful of seconds, just staring at one another in almost wonder, it seemed. Taylor shook himself for fear of offending, forced his eyes down to the table, and hoped for the best. The man’s face was etched into his mind firm features, all hard angles of pure allure. This man had power; Taylor felt it in the air and in the force of his gaze. Taylor glanced to his right and took a deep breath when he heard footsteps approaching him from the left.

The man was coming towards him. Taylor stiffened and turned to watch him as he approached. He needed to get himself under control, or he was about to embarrass himself. No one in the world had ever made him feel this intense, and he was fearful of appearing inappropriate since his mind and emotions were scattering. This was the most awkward meet-up of his life.

The man’s shining black hair lifted on the breeze, and a smile spread across his face as he reached out his hand to Taylor. “Hello, you must be Sam’s friend Taylor.” He said and then introduced himself. “My name is Emmanuel. Do you mind if I sit with you?” Taylor nodded silently like the dork he was and took the man’s hand in a firm yet gentle grip.

“I don’t mind.” He finally managed a few words and again chastised himself for sounding clumsy. Emmanuel continued to smile at him, and the look was heart-rendering. Taylor just barely managed to hold in a sigh when he released his hand and sat down opposite him.

“Have you enjoyed your visit?” The guy was making conversation, and Taylor was trying to stay aware, but his mind kept going to those firm lips, the one dimple on his left cheek that made an appearance every time he smiled, and the sheer overwhelming desire brought on by his nearness that was swamping Taylor. A couple of deep cleansing breaths, and he responded a little shaky, but that could be chalked up to nerves and not desire. At least, he hoped that was how Emmanuel would interpret his behavior.

“Yes, Sam is a thorough and informative guide.” There that wasn’t so hard. Another deep breath and drawing in a heavy scent, then his eyes met Emmanuel’s once again, and the contact was totally captivating.

Emmanuel could not at first comprehend the erratic nature of his thoughts and feelings. This wasn’t the vineyard that he’d planned to walk, and yet he was drawn to it and did not resist, respecting the force that was influencing him. Gradually he made his way close to the courtyard between the processing and storage buildings. It was an area with tables and benches.

The air and the energy that surrounded him made it clear that there was something in the courtyard that he needed to see, so he continued in that direction. He came to the end of the row and looked over to see a young man seated at one of the tables. He had his head turned, looking off towards the warehouse but then slowly turned to lock gazes with him as if he knew Emmanuel was there and was waiting for him.

He was stunning with dark eyes that mesmerized as they stared into his and their intensity burned down to touch something deep within Emmanuel’s centuries-old soul. This was his reason, his destiny right here sitting in front of him. It was a flame of realization that devoured every other thought and feeling. The young man was a wolf; Emmanuel could scent the wild nature of his spirit, which intrigued and excited him.

His eyes were a deep chocolate brown. His hair was a similar color, although shot through with streaks of a lighter shade gave an added wildness to his appearance. Emmanuel could envision the man’s wolf of the same color and smiled. The man looked away, and the tension was heavy in the air. Emmanuel understood the young man was in unfamiliar territory, and what he was feeling was obviously confusing him. As Emmanuel got closer, the wolf turned and looked at him, and Emmanuel melted on the spot as he took in the handsome sun lit face of his beloved consort.

Emmanuel introduced himself and held out his hand, anxious to touch this perfect exquisite being. The truth of it all was seeping slowly into his mind, and the shock was easing off. This young, handsome wolf, Taylor Bond, was his beloved. Taylor was the one he’d waited for and hoped would come. Now here he was in his courtyard staring up at him, and it was unbelievable and glorious at the same time.

The moment their hands touched, the sensations came at him like rolling thunder, and he briefly closed his eyes before a satisfied smile graced his face. “May I sit with you?” He asked, and Taylor gave a nervous and rushed response. So Emmanuel took a seat across from his skittish love and just drank in his sweet smell and heady aura.

He asked about his visit, and Taylor gave courteous and expected answers, still tense and unsure of himself. Emmanuel knew he was affecting the man even though he held back, veiling his aura, not wanting to come on too strong and overwhelm his skittish lover. They had a lifetime to look forward to so he could take this part slower and give his young wolf time to adjust and discover the truth in his own time.

“Have you toured any of the vineyards, Taylor?” God, he loved using his beloved’s name for the first time.

“The area opposite the warehouse.” Taylor indicated the building behind him and the vineyard beyond. It was an area that they used when outsiders came to tour and were young, immature vines in a lot of ways and were set far from the Coven proper. It was understandable that Sam would show him that section, but Emmanuel wanted to share more.

“Come, let me show you some of the heart that sustains this winery. The real fruits that make us the best.” He stood and held out his hand to Taylor and waited. He looked excited but still unsure.

“Sam told me to wait here for him.” He said and then added. “I don’t want to break any rules.”

“You’re fine; you’re with me, and Sam will find us when he returns. Now come.” Emmanuel compelled, and with a smile, Taylor took his hand. Emmanuel slipped his arm loosely around Taylor’s waist and led him to a part of the vineyard not far from where they were but still somewhat hidden. “These are some of the oldest vines and were brought over from Provence in France. It’s a region noted for their fine wines.” He picked a grape and held it teasingly to Taylor’s lips.

Taylor did not resist and opened, taking the juicy grape into his mouth. Emmanuel could not remember a more erotic sight in all his centuries. He briefly allowed his thumb to brush Taylor’s bottom lip before reaching for another grape and repeating the action. “Do you taste the fullness, the depth of flavor and hydration in the grapes compared to those Sam showed you earlier?” He watched as Taylor thoughtfully took in the flavors before commenting.

“Without the direct comparison, I wouldn’t have noticed the lack within the other grapes, the ones that Sam had given me. These have a richness that you can feel on the sides of your tongue and a flavor that explodes rather than fills.” Taylor finished with a smile.

“Exactly.” Emmanuel was impressed and knew it would not take much tutoring for his beloved to be able to understand the grapes, and his enthusiasm was also a plus. The vines would be something they would enjoy together.

He allowed his eyes to travel over his young love while they walked and discussed soil content, drainage, water usage, etc. Taylor was slender but also solidly built, going by what he could see and sense beneath Taylor’s snug jeans and white t-shirt.  His hands were strong and calloused, which seemed to call to his wolf side. Emmanuel could feel the animal stalking just below the service, checking him out and showing considerable interest. Emmanuel could veil himself from the man but not the beast.

Taylor was a younger wolf, so his beast's actions may not be completely clear to him, judging by how he kept schooling his features and taking deep breaths. He was attempting to get his wolf under control, but each move and each breath only eased the wolf for a few moments before he pushed to the surface once again to get a look at their mate. The wolf clearly recognized him even if Taylor did not.

His vampire nature wanted to take the wolf to his home in the chateau and claim him as the Master’s beloved consort for all to revere, and if it were a few centuries ago, that’s exactly what he would be doing. But life was different now, and considering Taylor was not grasping their connections as yet, to just take him was not an option. He ached for the old days and the old ways at times like this.

Their conversation was abruptly halted when Sam came rushing towards them with a look that could only be described as panic. “Taylor.” He stated his tone was sharp, and he reached out to wrap his fingers around Taylor’s upper arm. The alarm that flushed Taylor’s countenance was unacceptable, and Emmanuel felt himself react instantly to his beloved’s discomfort. He would not allow his beloved to be upset or feel diminished in his presence.

Emmanuel turned on Sam with a scowl that had him immediately releasing Taylor and stepping back. “It’s fine, Sam.” He snapped and moved his hand to Taylor’s lower back, calming him with his touch. “Taylor and I were just sampling the heritage vines and getting acquainted.”

“Yes, of course, I did not mean to offend.” Sam was obviously at a loss looking from Taylor to Emmanuel back and forth for several seconds. He was trying to discern the situation, and Emmanuel clearly understood that Sam’s concern was simply for Taylor.

“I’m sorry, Sam. I know you told me to stay put and wait for you.” Taylor quickly apologized, and Sam waved it off, assuring him that he did nothing wrong, which was exactly what he should do.

Emmanuel picked up the conversation relieving the tension and explained that he offered a more inclusive tour and pressured Taylor to accompany him. While he did this, he also wrapped his arm a little more secure around Taylor’s middle, drawing him closer, calming the wolf, and satisfying his own needs as well. The move felt so natural.