Vampire by B.A. Stretke


Taylor wasn’t sure what was going on, but Sam had seemed upset at first and then swiftly backed off and relaxed when he saw Emmanuel. The guy was clearly dominant in the hierarchy, but Taylor didn’t understand the implications. He knew very little about the vampire world.

Taylor could feel the power coming off Emmanuel in heated waves, and it was exciting his wolf. However, he also knew he needed to keep a cool head if he ever hoped to be invited back again, so he immediately apologized for leaving the courtyard. Then Emmanuel took over the discussion, and soon he sensed that everything seemed fine.

He made to step away from Emmanuel and approach Sam, assuming the tour and visit were coming to an end, but Emmanuel was holding him albeit lightly; it still prevented him from walking away. It wasn’t aggressive at all but maybe determined, so he stopped and stayed standing where he was. Again, he didn’t know vampire protocols, so he decided to do as he was being directed.

Taylor wasn’t sure what he was dealing with, at the moment, and was not quite sure how to proceed, so he remained at Emmanuel’s side. The vibe between Sam and Emmanuel possessed an odd tension, but it was not negative; rather, it felt like a confusion.

When Emmanuel touched his hand, holding it in his, Taylor felt a calm that just washed over him. The guy was fucking gorgeous, personable, and oddly enough seemed to be interested in him, but that could be wishful thinking. Taylor wasn’t about to push it or act on it because that could get real awkward fast. The thoughts running through his head right now were ridiculous, but he couldn’t stop them, nor could he stop the rampant pounding of his heart.

“Are you free for dinner tomorrow night?” Sam casually threw out the question while still glance speculatively between Taylor and Emmanuel.

“Yes, I’m free.”

“Would you join me for dinner here at the Coven? I know you’re very interested in the art of wine making. I’d like to introduce you to some more of our wines and processes and answer any further questions you might have. I believe you will learn a lot from the experience. Would seven work for you?” Sam seemed to be speaking more to Emmanuel than Taylor.

“Seven would be fine,” Taylor answered, interested in the invitation even if his anxiety was kicking up. Something about this place, this beautiful place, called to him, and he wanted to return.

“Meet me at the hotel tomorrow at seven.” Sam turned and gave Taylor a warm smile, but he sensed there was more to that expression than just politeness. The strange vibe was strong right now, but he didn’t sense any danger or any lies. Besides, Emmanuel was still holding him, and that man’s hands were pure magic. He hoped that Emmanuel joined them for dinner tomorrow.

“Okay, sounds good.” Taylor glanced up at Emmanuel. “Thank you for showing me around. I appreciate your time.” He knew he was in a place that few outside the Coven had access to. He was thankful that Sam offered the tour and that this man Emmanuel gave him further insight. He wanted them to know he was appreciative of their time and attention.

“It was my pleasure, Taylor.” The man’s voice was like an aphrodisiac sliding sensuously across Taylor’s nerves. Taylor felt himself responding all over again and quickly suppressed the reaction as best he could. What was it about this guy that Taylor had so little control and his wolf was seriously acting up? This was neither the time nor the place. Then, just when he thought he had it together, Emmanuel would strike a chord that made his entire body start to hum all over again.

Emmanuel lifted Taylor’s hand and placed a kiss to his knuckles in an old-fashioned swashbuckler sort of fashion, and Taylor just managed not to swoon. He was getting harder by the minute, and the need to move away from the man was doing battle with the overwhelming desire to stay close, as close as possible. There was a slight electrical sensation followed by a ripple of awareness that flushed Taylor’s skin, and his wolf surged to the surface.

He turned away, worried that he might embarrass himself, and pushed hard on his wolf gaining control and forcing his excited beast to back down. When he looked up at Emmanuel, he was wearing a smile, and his eyes were focused and penetrating, seeing everything. “Thank you again for your hospitality.” Taylor just needed to say something and gradually pulled his hand back and stepped away.

Emmanuel did not respond, but his smile grew larger, and he glanced over to Sam. “Take good care of him, Sam.” He spoke with his eyes still firmly focused on Taylor.

“I will, sir.” Sam motioned for them to leave, and Taylor was both relieved and disappointed. Fuck he really needed to get his shit together. His wolf was pacing, angry that they were leaving, and Taylor had no clue how to calm him or the reason for his restlessness. He and his wolf had a good relationship and understanding, and this afternoon was throwing him off in a big way.

He glanced back over his left shoulder, and Emmanuel was still standing there tall, dark, and gorgeous watching him; and their eyes met once more, and that feeling surged through him again. Taylor turned around and kept his eyes on the ground until they reached Sam’s car. What the ever-loving fuck was going on with him? He was beginning to wonder if dinner tomorrow was actually a good idea. He didn’t want to end up embarrassing himself or his pack.

He noticed Sam kept glancing over at him as if assessing, and it was becoming uncomfortable. “Did I do something wrong, Sam? I got a weird vibe from everyone back there.” He figured he might as well ask and find out the issue because the air in the car was thick with an odd sense of shock and uncertainty. He didn’t understand it at all.

Sam forced a smile and shook his head. “No, no, not at all. I was just surprised to see you two together. You did nothing wrong.” That was followed by another scrutinizing look.

“He’s a pretty powerful man. His aura was intense. My wolf was a bit on edge around him, but he was very kind.” Taylor commented and looked out the side window, tired of the strange looks he was getting from Sam.

“It’s no wonder your wolf was reacting, that was my uncle, and he is the most powerful of vampires. He is Master of the Mission Coven.” Sam stated, and Taylor swung his head around and stared at him, shocked and slightly fearful.

“That was Master Cabot?” Taylor felt his voice hitch a little at the realization. Sam turned and nodded and then began to chuckle at Taylor’s flummoxed expression. “That’s why my wolf was on edge, and I felt so off.”

“I don’t think your wolf was afraid he seemed more impressed than fearful, from what I could tell.” Sam tried to assure him, but it fell a bit flat.

“You could feel my wolf that clearly?” Taylor asked, and Sam nodded absently.

“Your uncle, Master Cabot could feel him too and probably more clearly than you. Damn, I made an absolute idiot of myself.” Taylor shook his head and glanced down at his lap.

He was feeling ridiculous. It was a given that Master Cabot would have sensed everything that Taylor and his wolf were feeling. But there was still a chance that he might put it down to simply nerves and not arousal. Shit, so much for making a good impression. Sam, cutting into Taylor’s self-deprecating thoughts, instantly began reassuring him that everything was fine, and no lines were crossed and for him to relax.

“If Uncle was not pleased, I assure you he wouldn’t have allowed me to invite you to dinner tomorrow.” Sam reached over and patted Taylor’s arm. “Relax, Uncle Emmanuel took no offense at anything you said or did.”

“Maybe I should skip dinner tomorrow.” He got a quick, pointed stare that lasted only a few seconds but was felt profoundly.

“I will pick you up at seven,” Sam confirmed, and Taylor nodded.

“Okay.” Fuck, what was he getting himself into?

Emmanuel left the vineyard and went straight to his rooms following Taylor’s departure. Still slightly overwhelmed and overjoyed by his discovery, he sat down and just contemplated the future. Fate had given him the young wolf for a reason. Fate always had her reasons.

This had turned into a day that he’d been waiting for and hoping for, and now that it was upon him, he hardly knew how to proceed. He was a Coven ruler, a former medieval knight, and soldier, so why was he suddenly anxious?” Why was the wolf with the chocolate brown eyes causing him such insecurities? He laughed, knowing the answer immediately upon posing the question. This was his beloved, his destiny, an everlasting union, and he could not fail; he had to be worthy.

He was not at all surprised when Sam showed up at his door, asking to speak with him. He’d obviously gotten Taylor home safely and had returned seeking answers to Emmanuel’s behavior in the vineyard.

“Come in.” He stated, and Sam walked in and stood looking at him for several seconds before taking a seat across from him. Emmanuel did not comment and waited for Sam to state his business. He didn’t have to wait long.

“If you don’t mind me asking?” He prefaced and then continued. “What’s going on? I got that you wanted more time with Taylor, which is why I invited him to dinner tomorrow, but what is your interest in this man?” Only Sam could ask him such questions and expect an answer. As family, he had a right to pry just like his mother used to do.

He missed his sister. She had not survived the voyage those many centuries ago, and it pained him to think about it. She’d always been his rock and his defender and left with him that day they abandoned everything. In the end, she left him too but gave him her son Samuel Theo Cabot. He missed Marietta, but the void she left had been filled over the years by her son, his nephew. He raised Sam to be strong, honest, loyal, and fearless; he raised him to one day be Master of this Coven.

“The wolf shifter, Taylor Bond, is my beloved consort.” There was no need to hide that fact from Sam. “I don’t want it to be public knowledge, so I ask that you keep it to yourself for now. He doesn’t know. I managed to cloak myself but not completely. He feels something, an attraction, a need, but he hasn’t realized just who I am and what I mean to him. I didn’t want to overwhelm him or inadvertently drive him away.” He explained his reticence to come forward.

Emmanuel watched the changing expressions as they cross Sam’s countenance. They ranged from overjoyed, to hesitant, to pensive, and then to happy once again. It was a mirror to his own first thoughts at bringing a wolf shifter into their fold. In the end, it doesn’t matter because he will never give up what is rightfully his, and this wolf belongs to him.

“I’m so happy for you, Uncle, but also concerned. There is a lot to take into consideration with such a bond. No wonder I was drawn to him and felt compelled to show him the vineyards. It makes sense now.” Sam chuckled. “I see Taylor as very qualified for the position of Consort, and that’s beside the fact, he’s handsome as hell and a joy to be around.” Sam smiled and kept staring at Emmanuel like he could hardly believe it.

“Handsome is an understatement.” Emmanuel corrected, and Sam barked a laugh.

“Must have come as quite a shock to walk into the courtyard and meet your beloved?” Sam’s smile grew as the truth of it all began to sink in.

“I had no intention of being in that part of the vineyards, but something kept leading me, and when I looked across the courtyard and saw him sitting there, all became clear in an instant. It’s a moment that I have replayed in my mind repeatedly.” Emmanuel looked over at Sam. “Tell me about him, Sam.”

“I never actually met him till he came to work at the bar, but before that, he worked at the restaurant. Everything I heard about him was good. He’s a hard worker, easy-going, a fast learner. He’s everything you like in an employee or co-worker.” Emmanuel leaned forward and listened closely.

“Like I told you before, there’s something in his past that landed him on the wrong side of pack law, and for that, he spent two years, from fourteen to sixteen, in a sort of community service situation. I don’t know the details, but I will get them. Before Taylor turned sixteen, his parents left the pack and joined his older brother in a pack down south. Taylor had the option to go with them, but he chose not to go and became a ward of the Alpha until he came of age at eighteen.” Sam paused and was trying to remember everything they’d discussed.

“He’s training to be a soldier and guard with the pack, and it sounds like he might make the transition soon. I heard that they’re looking at adding him to their security team at the hotel.” Sam paused and thought for a moment before adding. “His goal is to someday become a Pack Enforcer. He shared that with me last week.”

“He’s very attached to his people,” Emmanuel stated and leaned back into his chair. “I will be considerate of his needs, but I am Master of this Coven, and my Consort will have to stand by my side and be fully vested in this Coven.”

“It’s going to be a process getting the wolves to accept you and getting the vampires to accept him. Fate has not made it easy for you, Uncle.” Sam smiled once again.

“We are destined, and he will pine for me just as I pine for him. We will prevail, and our lives will be rich and full. Struggles make triumph that much sweeter.” Emmanuel did not kid himself regarding the effort that would be in play to see this union to fruition. But Taylor belonged to him, and he would move heaven and earth to have him.