Reconcile by Nicole Dykes

Viv happily agreedto watch Audrey while Piper was at work and has been doing so for a week now. Audrey is usually excited in the morning to go play with Baz even if she’s reluctant to say goodbye to Piper.

I wasn’t trying to be an asshole when I suggested Piper quit her job. I see the way she looks at Audrey, and I know she wants more time with her. I’d give anything to be able to give her that, but she’s stubborn as hell.

I offered to walk Audrey to Viv and Ash’s today since Piper was running late and worried my asshole brother was going to give her a hard time. I bit my tongue instead of again suggesting she quit working for him.

And I stopped my mind from wondering whether he’s fucked her or not. It’s something that’ll keep me up at night if I think about it too much. I think it would kill me to find out he’s been inside her.

And yes, I know that’s not fair, considering our past. But I give no fucks.

“Hi, Audrey!” Viv bends down and gives my daughter a hug, which Audrey is quick to return. She’s bonded with Ash, Viv, and Baz remarkably fast.

It should scare me that my kid trusts so easily, but part of me is envious of it.

Baz runs down the hall like the little tornado he is and jumps into my arms. “Swearer!”

“Hey, buddy!” I pick him up for a hug as he wraps his arms around my neck. “Where’s Ash?”

“He had a meeting this morning,” Viv supplies as Baz wiggles out of my grasp and grabs Audrey’s hand.

“Jacee is coming over later.”

“Good,” Audrey says happily as they take off toward Baz’s room, and I smile, watching them.

“God, you are absolutely wrapped around her little finger already, aren’t you?”

I look over at Viv’s knowing smile and shrug, trying to play it off. “Maybe.”

She laughs, “I knew you would be. She’s a great kid. She even insists on Baz picking up toys before they move to make the next mess.”

I chuckle, “Yeah, she’s pretty clean.”

“She is. But she knows how to have fun. It’s clear she’s had a healthy balance.”

Yeah, it is. Piper is a damn good mom. There’s no denying that.

“Now, if I could get her mother to stop hating me.”

Viv grins as she takes a seat on the couch in the living room. “You think that’s going to happen any time soon?”

I plop down next to her. “Probably not.”

“Give her time, Sawyer.”

I think about that kiss. I let her lead. But then she pushed me away, and it fucking hurt. Why did it hurt?

“Yeah. I’m pretty sure she’s always going to hate me.”

Viv shrugs her small shoulders. “As she should.”

I chuckle, stretching my legs out in front of me. “Yeah.”

“Hey.” I look to Viv, realizing I was looking down at my feet. “You’re a good man, Sawyer. You were a shitty teenager, but who wasn’t?”

“You, Little Miss Perfect.”

She rolls her eyes and punches me in the shoulder. “I was the girl who got knocked up at a party with a guy I’d barely even spoken to before.”

I don’t argue, but she was still pretty damn perfect. Piper and she were similar in high school. Although Viv was clenched even more tightly, only focusing on school.

“I really hurt her.” Piper’s eyes, full of tears as she stood in the doorway at that party, looking at Paisley and me in horror, flash through my mind and sends a sharp pain through my chest.

“Focus on being there for Audrey. You’re doing great. Piper sees that.”

I want to be a dad to Audrey more than anything, but that kiss confused shit. It brought back so many memories I wanted to push down.

And I’m starting to realize it’s not only being a dad to Audrey I want out of this.

It’s Piper too.

It’s always been Piper.