Stryker’s Fight by Erin Osborne

Chapter Ten


SEEING SALLY IN the clubhouse made my body tighten up even more than it already is. I’m tense as fuck after beating the shit out of the pansy’s downstairs. Honestly, if we were still sharing a bed, I’d be fucking her senseless right now. Instead, I push her away by throwing that asshole in her face. To see the pain and hurt filling her and making her shoulders slump breaks a part of me. I just can’t seem to stop myself after seeing him touch her a little while ago and I can’t get the image out of my head. Especially with hearing that this Chrome fucker wants her for himself. There is no way I’m going to let him get close to her. I just can’t say a word to her until Slim gives us the say so to warn her about what we’ve been told.

Slamming my door shut behind me and locking it, I strip down and place my clothes in a bag after emptying my pockets. My cut is safe on the back of my door, so it doesn’t touch the floor or get any of the nasty blood and shit on it. Turning on the water in the shower, I let it heat up as I look in the mirror. Steam billows from behind the curtain and begins to fog the mirror as memories of my past come back to haunt me. I swore I’d never let another woman behind my walls, yet Sally managed to break down my defenses without even trying. She locked herself in my soul and I can’t get her out. Unfortunately, my past comes back full force and I lock my walls firmly back in place. No one will breach them again. Including Sally.

Before I get in the shower, I pull out my trimmers. There’s shit in my hair and with a fight coming up, I need to cut it off. It takes less care when I shave my head. Not putting a guard on the trimmers, I cut my hair as short as I possibly can. I’ll be cooler when it’s hot out and it will take less time to clean up when shit goes down. My hair falls all around me on the counter and in the sink as I run it over my head. When I’m done, I put the clippers up so I can get in the shower and wash all this hair off me before cleaning up my bathroom. I can’t stand the feeling of hair on my body after shaving my head; the need to wash it off me fills me until I step in the shower.

Knowing I have to get out of here, I step in the shower and let the hot water loosen up my muscles. After several minutes, I wash my shaved head with the shampoo before moving on to my body. My cock is hard as fuck after seeing Sally with wet hair and a tank top that was molded to her tits fill my mind as I use the soap to run my hand up and down my length. Images of Sally on her knees in front of me as I pound into her from behind play out in my mind. It’s a position I’ve had her in many times. My hand slides up and down my cock as the telling signal of tingling in my spine begins. I shoot my release over the wall of the shower before moving further under the water to rinse my body off.

As soon as I’m done in the shower, I make sure to clean off the wall before shutting the water off and stepping out to dry off. Wrapping a towel around my waist as I clean off the counter and sink, I brush my teeth and use my hand to drain the remaining water from my beard. Walking into my room, I pick out a pair of jeans and black tee-shirt to wear when I leave the clubhouse. I’m not staying here tonight. Allure is calling my name to hopefully get Sally off my mind as I watch strippers work the pole and bare their skin. Maybe I’ll take one in one of the back rooms to release the rest of the tension still filling my body.

Getting dressed, I toss the towel back in the bathroom before filling my pockets with my wallet, smokes, lighter, phone, and loose money, I grab my cut and slide it on over my shoulders. With nothing more to do, grab my keys so I can leave my room and head out for the rest of the night. Walking through the clubhouse, I see Gwen still sitting on the couch with Killer next to her after getting out of a shower.

“Where you goin’?” Killer questions me as he looks up.

“Allure,” I answer him, not breaking my stride.

“No you’re not. We got church,” he reminds me.


Sitting down at the bar, I decline the beer from the Prospect behind there stocking the shelves. I keep my eyes on the hallway from my seat at the bar so I can see Slim when he makes his way toward church. I want to get in there and find out what’s going on so I can get the hell out of here. Gwen narrows her eyes at me when I glance over in their direction. She must have heard me talking to Sally earlier. This is not going to be good for me once all the ol’ ladies hear what happened earlier. I was a complete and total dick and I own it. Thinking of Sally with another man kills me and I’m not going to apologize for it.

Church was a lot shorter than I anticipated. The guys who went out in search of Cammie’s baby boy found him abandoned in the house. He was wearing a nasty diaper and screaming his head off. After cleaning him up and checking him over, we took him into his mother. Cammie was happy as fuck to have her son back. Some of the Prospects are now out shopping for everything she’ll need for the baby. Other than that, there wasn’t any evidence of where the Frozen Bastards came from or where they’re going now.

Garbage apparently littered the empty house along with drug paraphernalia and empty baggies. This doesn’t tell us anything we already didn’t know. These men worry more about doing drugs than keeping their shipments safe and not using what they’re supposed to be selling or transporting further down the chain of command. In reality, it’s just a matter of time before someone else comes after these guys and kills them off. However, that doesn’t change the fact that we’re going to do everything in our power to take them out.

The one thing the guys did find in the house were dozens of pictures of Sally and Natalia. Their focus is Sally, but when she’s home she’s always with her daughter. My blood boils as I look at the pictures of her for several minutes. I can’t hear anything being said around me as it sounds as if there’s nothing but waves crashing around. The men sitting around me disappear as I look at everything in the pictures. They’re of her outside my house, at the park, in front of the clubhouse, at the bakery, and walking down Main street. Rich is following her in a few of the pictures letting me know these were taken recently. I toss the photos down on the table and look up to find all the guys staring at me.

“Stryker, what do you wanna do here? Sally is your woman and it’s your call,” Slim asks me.

“She’s not my woman. Chrome wants her. You heard the man downstairs say he wasn’t gonna stop until he has her. There’s not much we can do unless you want to put her on lockdown. She just started workin’ for Amelia and I’m not sure if she can get the time off work. Other than keepin’ Rich on her, my suggestion is we let her know what’s goin’ on so she can remain vigilant and keep an eye on her surroundin’,” I suggest, not wanting to get too close to her after the way I treated her a little while ago.

“What’s up with the yellin’ at her in the hallway when you came up?” Slim asks me, his voice harsh.

Each man sitting around me love Sally as if she were their daughter or sister. I’m not surprised he heard about it and is now going to bust my balls about hurting her.

“Look, I had to watch her starin’ at the cocksucker this mornin’ when they were in the bakery. He fuckin’ touched her and she didn’t stop him or move out of his reach. What the fuck would that tell you? I’ve had her body and we shared a bed, but she never once let me in. This fuckin’ Frozen Bastard walks in and touches her without a word from her,” I tell them, giving them more personal information than ever before.

“And you didn’t ever stop to think she was frozen in spot because of fear? That girl has been to hell and back. Forced to fuck random men or get the shit beat out of her. Now, she hasn’t had to worry about that happen to her for a long time. All of a sudden these men come in and start harrasin’ her and she doesn’t know what to do. Sally keeps a lot of her fear locked away inside and you just added to the pain by spewin’ the shit you did. You’re the dumbest fucker I’ve ever met when it comes to Sally,” Slim tells me, giving me another perspective of the situation.

“I want everyone ridin’ in pairs still. We’re still gonna be out ridin’ in shifts to find these assholes. Plus, I want eyes kept on Cammie. She’s still goin’ to remain our guest here until we find out where they are and what their full agenda is. Stryker, I’m gonna let you talk to Sally and give her the information you want her to have. Do it sooner rather than later,” Slim orders before giving anyone else a chance to talk.

Now I feel even worse than before. It never once occurred to me that she was scared to death and couldn’t move away from him as he ran his fingers through her hair and spoke to her the way he was. Hanging my head, Slim slams the gavel on the table in a resounding thud that echoes around the room.

Walking out of the room I have no intention of heading to Allure tonight. Instead, I sit at the bar, but I don’t drink with everyone else. My mind whirls around everything that’s been happening over the last few weeks with Sally. I’m so fucked up over my past I’ve been letting it cloud my judgement. I need to figure out a way to make this right with Sally. Even if it takes longer for me to get back in her life, I’ll make everything right.

Standing from the bar, I head out. We’re still supposed to be riding in pairs, but no one needs to head out with me for right now. I’m not going out looking for the Frozen Bastards tonight. I’m taking the night off while others work in shifts to search. I wasn’t supposed to be out looking tonight with Boy Scout anyway. We all search for a few days and then take one off. It keeps us fresh, and we don’t get worn out as quickly as we normally would.

Starting my bike, I head to my street. Parking just down from my house, I watch Natalia and Sally play out in the front yard. Rich is outside guarding them from the porch. I’d yell at him for being so far away, but I know he’s got his gun on him and he’s trying to give my girls some space to play and laugh. Sally’s laughing along with my Princess as they lay back in the grass while keeping their eyes locked on the sky above them. I don’t have to be there to know they’re looking at the shapes of the clouds. Sally and I always used to say some outrageous things to make Natty laugh her ass off. Her giggles are everything in the world. Still so full of innocence.

I don’t go up to talk to Sally and interrupt her time with Natalia tonight. Tomorrow I’ll talk to her and let her know what’s going on. For now, I remain rooted in my spot just down from the house to watch them until they head inside. Even then I don’t leave right away. I watch as a few lights come on inside the house and try to imagine what’s going on. Sally would be making dinner for them now. Then, they’ll sit down and watch a movie before bath and bed time. I miss that part of the day more than anything else.

Starting up my bike, I turn back toward the clubhouse. I have a lot to think about and figure out. The same as Sally has been doing. Now, on top of everything else, I have to make sure I can fix what I’ve broken in my girl. I’m not above fixing it, I just have no clue how the hell I’m going to make things right when I don’t know how Sally feels about everything. That’s the key to everything I need to know.

I ignore everyone when I get back to the clubhouse. Walking straight to my room, I let myself in before locking the door behind me. Taking off my cut, I hang it on the back of the door before falling into bed. I toe my boots off and let them hit the floor before closing my eyes and letting my mind try to figure out what’s going on, and what I need to do. Sleep claims me before I can think of a damn thing.