Stryker’s Fight by Erin Osborne

Chapter Eight


KNOWING SALLY WILL be at the bakery this morning after Killer told me she got a job there; I head in before meeting Boy Scout at the clubhouse. He had a few things to do before we can roll out today. I’m taking full advantage of seeing Sally. It doesn’t matter where she is or what she’s doing, I want to be there with her. I want to see her and make sure she’s okay. The other night at the clubhouse she was really pale and didn’t talk very much. I could see in her eyes the need to talk to me whenever she looked in my direction. Unfortunately, she isn’t ready to talk to me just yet. I’ll wait a little longer, but not much.

Walking inside the bakery, the first thing I notice are the three bikers standing at the counter. They’re hovering and leaning against the counter as Sally stands there with a smile frozen on her face. She’s scared to death right now and these assholes are fucking taking full advantage as she doesn’t move a muscle or answer anything they say to her.

“So, I heard you don’t belong to anyone at the Phantom Bastards. That means you’re free game. What do you say to going out with me?” the man says, reaching out to run a strand of Sally’s hair through his fingers. “You smell so fucking good, and your hair is silky. You’re just the kind of woman I need at my side.”

Red fills my gaze and I can’t see straight. Another man’s hands on Sally, my woman, makes me want to kill the fucker right here where he stands regardless of the consequences. Instead, I walk straight up to the counter and don’t take my eyes off Sally as she stands there. From where I’m at, her entire body is trembling as she shrinks in on herself. Her eyes are wider than normal as I watch the vein pulsing in her neck showing me how fast her heart is pumping right now. These fuckers are standing here getting off on her fear and the terror they’re invoking in her.

“Get me a large coffee with cream and sugar,” I bark out, intentionally making my voice harsh to hide the need to protect Sally.

“We were here first, and I’m not done talking to this bitch yet,” the large man who dared to touch her tells me as he turns to face me.

He’s about an inch shorter than I am with beady eyes and an evil smirk on his face. His eyes light up when he takes in my cut and realizes I’m an officer of the Phantom Bastards. I can hardly see the patches on the man’s cut because of the grime and filth covering every inch of it. These men don’t respect the cut they wear on their back proving just how different our clubs are. Not a single biker I know would ever let his cut get as disgusting as these ones are.

“Don’t give a fuck what you’re trying to do here. I’m here for a coffee and bagel with cream cheese. She can flirt and fuck on her own time,” I respond to the fucker.

It’s killing me to essentially ignore Sally as she stands here terrified. It hurts even more to realize she might like their attention since she hasn’t taken her eyes off the man standing in front of me since I walked through the door. The red haze filling my gaze intensifies as the man turns his back on me. Sally still hasn’t moved a single muscle in her body. I’m done being disrespected by these assholes. Grabbing the large man’s shoulder, I turn him to face me.

Other than his height, there is no muscle on his body. He’s a large man but it’s all fat and not from working out or putting in a hard day’s work. I’m not worried about taking his ass out when I fight men in better shape on a regular basis. The only problem I have is knowing the other two men are going to jump in and help their friend beat the shit out of me. As long as it gets their attention off of Sally, I don’t give a fuck what happens to me.

The other two men are shorter than the one I just spun around. They’re just as dirty, greasy, and fat as he is. Looking in their eyes quickly, I know they’re high as fuck on some drug. Especially when they start sweating and shaking. They are in need of a fix and it’s not here. Or they have to get back to wherever they’re crashing to get what they’re looking for. Other than stopping in to harass Sally, there is no reason for them to be here.

“The fuck you think you’re doing?” the large man growls at me.

“I’m gonna beat the fuck outta you and then you’re gonna leave Shadowville with your tails tucked like the bitches you are. Or, I can kill you right the fuck here and worry about getting out of prison at a later time. The choice is really yours to make,” I let him know my intentions.

All three men begin laughing their asses off at the prospect of me kicking their asses or killing any of them. They must not have done their job of finding out everything there is to know about our club. If they did, they’d know I’ve been the longest running champion of the underground fighting for over two years now. They’d also understand I work at a gym and train almost seven days a week. I can take out these men with my eyes closed if it were one-on-one. Today, it’s not going to be a fair fight and I’m still good with it.

“If you’re going to fight, I want it out on the street. You’re not going to bust my shop up with your macho bullshit,” Amelia says, her voice hard and strained as she wraps an arm around Sally to comfort her.

“Who says I want to touch this piece of shit?” the asshole says, turning to face the women briefly.

Looking at Sally for a split second, I take in the fear on her face. I want to be the one with my arms wrapped around her in comfort. If I’m being honest, I want to take her home and wrap her up for the rest of the day. Natalia and I are more than capable of taking care of her and can make sure no harm comes to her within the safety of our home. A home I want to build and continue to grow with my girls. And any other children we happen to be blessed with. I’m not sure if I’m ready to have children of my own, but I will take care of anything that happens when Sally lets me inside her body.

As I’m lost in thoughts about comforting Sally, the asshole that’s been gawking at her sucker punches me. My head whips backward as pain rips through my jaw. The fucker can pack a punch for sure. That’s on me for underestimating him. Rearing back, I let my own fist fly, hitting him straight in the jaw where his bones crunch under my fist. Just when the other two men go to jump in, Rich races in the bakery.

“I told you fuckers to take this shit outside!” Amelia hollers, picking up anything she can find on the counter in front of her to fling at us.

Rich and I lead the three assholes outside. The Prospect is smart as he keeps his back to the door with his eyes on the bitches between us. I walk behind them to make sure no one ambushes our Prospect as we make our way outside. As soon as the door closes behind us, the asshole who sucker punched me lunges for me. When I easily step to the side of him, he hits the sidewalk like a ton of bricks eating cement as his friends look on. They quickly back away from us to straddle their bikes. It’s not long before he jumps up and gets on his own bike. Looking at Rich, I now can go after them to find out where they are.

“You stay here and make sure Sally and Amelia are okay. If they need anythin’ you call Slim and get guys here immediately. If anyone else comes here from these assholes, call it in immediately,” I tell him as I jump on my bike and take off without worrying about my helmet or bandana.

Time is of the essence as I follow them out of town. If we’re going to get a hand up to find out where these assholes are, I need to know where they’re staying. This is step one. At least until they pull guns and begin firing at me. Pulling my own gun from my back, I fire back. Unlike them, I’m not shooting erratically. I’m aiming to hit their tires, so they go down. If I can’t follow them out of town to where they’re staying, I can make sure we have at least one of them to take to the clubhouse to get information.

Taking another shot, I hit him square in the tire causing his bike to go down as the asshole slides across the blacktop of the road. The man in charge keeps his attention forward while the second guy continues to shoot at me. I barely have to swerve to miss the bullets since this asshole couldn’t shoot the broad side of a barn if he were standing right up next to it. Aiming once again, I shoot out this fucker’s tire and he goes down. With two men down, I can’t continue following the third man to where they’re staying. I’ll have to get rid of these two whether they’re alive or dead.

Slowing my bike, I park it on the side of the road in the off chance someone drives by. With my keys in hand after shutting off the bike, I walk from one fucker to the next. They’re both still alive with some road rash as I kick their guns away from them and push their bikes down in the ditch. They won’t be needing them where they’re going. I pull out my phone without taking my eyes off either man to call Slim.

“Stryker, you good?” Slim answers his phone.

“I’m good. Need a pick up. Two bikes need to be picked up on the outskirts of town headin’ toward Satan territory,” I tell him, knowing I need to make this call cryptic in case someone is listening in.

By telling him it’s heading toward Satan territory, he’ll know I need them to come as if we were heading toward Renegade’s club.

“Headin’ out now. Anyone hurt?”

“Yeah. Road rash like a bitch.”

Slim’s deep laughter fills the phone before he hangs up. I laugh myself considering they’re already in a ton of pain and we haven’t even touched them yet. Pretty soon, they’re going to be begging and screaming in the hopes we’ll let them loose so they can go back to their club. It’s not gonna happen, but it’s funny as fuck to watch them try. They continue to push boundaries and having Sally in their sights is not going to work for me. Ever.

Everyone who’s at the clubhouse is down in the basement with me. One of our new Prospects is just finishing stringing the Frozen Bastards bitches. We’ve all taken our cuts off and hung them up so nothing gets on them. The leather vests these two men were wearing has also been removed. They’re currently laying on the floor in front of them. If they don’t respect their cuts, we’re not going to call them cuts much less let them be buried with them.

“Stryker, you caught them, you’re up,” Slim tells me, his voice filling the air and echoing around the room.

Stepping up, I don’t bother grabbing a weapon or anything right now. I have my fists and that’s more than enough to start the conversation with these fuckers.

“Where are you guys stayin’?” I ask them, looking from one man to the next.

Neither man answers as I chose the one I believe is going to be the easiest to crack. Since they’re still wearing their clothes, I walk over to put a pair of gloves on before reaching into his jeans for his wallet. He thrashes and tries to kick out at me with no luck. Flipping his wallet open, the first thing I find is a picture of two little girls with a beautiful woman. Turning to show everyone else, I know I’ve got him.

“Here’s how it’s gonna happen. I’m gonna go pay a visit to your woman and little girls. Your woman is goin’ to take my cock in every single hole she has while your daughters are in the same house. Then, they’re goin’ to start callin’ me daddy because you won’t be here to help them anymore. Does the rest of your club even know about your woman and kids? I’m guessin’ they don’t because they’d be all over your woman in a heartbeat. Wouldn’t they?” I taunt him as he again begins to scream and squirm against the chains holding him in place.

For a minute, he just stares at me. He’s trying to determine how serious I am with what I’ve just threatened to do to his family. When I turn around and begin walking toward the door to leave the room, he calls out.

“I’ll tell you what you wanna know,” he yells out halting me in my steps.

“Get talkin’. If I even think you’re lyin’ to me, I’m not gonna stop again,” I threaten him.

“We’ve been staying on the outskirts of town in one of the abandoned houses. I’m sure you’ve been by looking for us. Our bikes have been hidden behind the house and the barn on the property,” he tells us, his voice filled with pain.

“What do you guys want?” Slim asks as rage fills me.

“We want Shadowville to ourselves. You have a perfect setup here. Chrome, the President, is the one who’s been in the bakery hitting on that pretty girl. He wants her for his own and isn’t going to stop until he has her. That’s why she’s been followed. He knows where she lives, about her daughter, and her schedule. He’s been watching her since we got to town. Chrome wants to run drugs through town and knows you won’t let it happen. At least that’s what he’s been told. Grim, Gage, Satan, and Renegade aren’t playing ball with him either. Now, he’s going to pick and choose what he takes and who he chooses. None of your ol’ ladies or kids are off the table when it comes to him getting what he wants.”

“Shut the fuck up Darren,” the second man says, trying to swing out to kick his friend. “Chrome’s gonna kill you when he learns about you talking.”

“You honestly think you’re gettin’ out of here alive?” I question the second man. “You seem to be on the same level as Chrome and don’t give a fuck about anythin’ in your life. There is no way you give a fuck about anythin’ that should mean the world to you.”

“You should know Chrome is gonna move everythin’ before you can get there,” the first man tells me. “He’s already got plans in place to move shit.”

“Wait, you’re sayin’ this man Chrome is in charge? What happened to BullDog?” Slim asks as Cammie pops into my head.

“Chrome killed him when he wasn’t ready to move in as soon as he wanted him to.”

“What about the baby? Where is he?”

“The baby is at the house with Chrome. I’m not sure if he plans on taking him with them when they move or not. One of the girls has been taking care of him. She’s ready to bolt if she hasn’t already done so. Cammie doesn’t deserve the shit BullDog put her through and she needs her son with her. She’s always been a good girl and the Prospect got killed for no reason other than to put Cammie in her place and make her do what he wanted.”

“Get some guys to that house now,” Slim barks out as the man talking gives us the address of the house they’ve been staying at. “The rest of you, let these fuckers have at it.”

With Slim giving us the go ahead, we circle the man who wouldn’t talk and tried to get his friend to shut up. The man who talked will have an easy death. One only entailing a bullet in his head. This fucker will have all of us torturing him until we decide to be done with him. We’re not gonna hold back at all. Slim stands back against the wall watching us have our fun. He’ll kill both men when the time comes. For now, it’s all about giving us a release from the anger and time spent searching for these assholes. It’s his way of thanking us for all the time and sweat we’ve put into finding them.

“Church in an hour,” Slim says, his voice authoritative as we pound into the man.

Each of us pound the man’s flesh until he’s ready his head hangs down when he passes out. Slim gets a bucket of cold water and tosses it on the man to wake him back up. Once he’s awake, Slim pulls his gun and first takes out the man who spilled his guts to us. The second man also gets a bullet to the head so we can clean up before church. Hopefully we’ll have Cammie’s son back by then. Or have some more information about what the guys found there. All I want to do now is take a shower and figure out what I need to do. Sally is definitely going to have to around the clock protection from now on.