Always Been You by Lily Miller



On a scaleof one to ten of royally screwing things up, I am at an eleven. I kissed him. I actually flipping kissed him. I did more than just kiss him if I am being honest with myself.

What was I thinking? Okay, I wasn’t.

How could I have been when he looked so good, smelled so good, felt so good? My pulse quickens, remembering last night. Shit, I need a distraction from the hotness that is Parker. And fast.

Whatever this is between us, it can’t go anywhere. He doesn’t even live in the same zip code as me and he’s probably halfway home to New York by now. Plus, we are complete opposites. I’m ready to settle down in Reed Point while he is still the epitome of a bachelor. The thought turns my stomach.

I run my fingers over my lips remembering the way he kissed me, the memory seared in my mind. I have never in all my life been kissed like that and the way he touched me set my body on fire. His muscular body, hard and toned, those thick arms that I could have stayed wrapped up in all night long. Why is it suddenly hot in here?

I sigh, trying and failing to shake the memory from my mind. He looked so sexy in his fitted button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up, tempting me all night with his tanned, toned forearms. Why is that particular body part such a turn on?

No one has ever made me feel the way that Parker does, and I hope that I didn’t make the biggest mistake of my life leaving him last night.

I take a sip of my coffee as the morning sun peers through my window, feeling the sleepless night I had just endured. I found my phone and my purse waiting for me inside my apartment when I arrived back home last night. Thankfully, the girls had dropped them off at some point in the night using the touchscreen keypad I had installed after locking myself out of the house one too many times. Kate, Ellie and my mother all know the code in case of an emergency.

I am scrolling through my phone, trying to distract myself at the bar in my kitchen, when a text pops up from Ellie.

ELLIE: So whose bed did you wake up in this morning?

ME: If I told you I’d have to kill you ;)

ELLIE: Spill it Loosey Liv.

ME: This angel slept in her own bed all by herself. Now apologize right now.

ELLIE: WTF! You didn’t hit that? You let that man get away? You must be regretting that decision this morning.

ME: You would know, you’re the queen of morning regrets. I’ve seen you walk into work in the same clothes you had on the night before more times than I can count. It’s not a good look.

ELLIE: That depends on who you ask. I say it’s called living the good life, Liv. You should try it sometime. I guess you found your purse and phone?

ME: Got them, thanks. See you at work. Gotta go, you’re breaking up. Service sucks here, Byeee!

By the time Parker and I made it back to the restaurant last night, our friends were already gone, which was a good thing because I wasn’t in the mood for company. I also felt a bit embarrassed after ditching my friends to follow a guy I knew I could never have.

Parker had offered to drive me home and since it was that or a taxi, I accepted. It was a quiet and awkward ride. I did my best to avoid eye contact by staring out my window, wanting to get back to my apartment as fast as possible.

He was a perfect gentleman though, walking me right to my doorstep. He didn’t push me to talk, or try to kiss me goodbye, but the wrecked look in his dark eyes as I said goodnight almost broke me.

I went inside and closed the door behind me, then slid my back down the cool wood to the floor in tears.

* * *

Mondays aremy favorite day at Bloom, a chance to get organized and plan our week. I contemplated taking today off, but decided the distraction will be good for me. I also didn’t want to make Ellie shoulder the day’s workload, so I stopped feeling sorry for myself, got myself ready and made the 10-minute drive to Bloom.

We need to put several orders through to our suppliers for some bigger events coming up, including a launch party for a new local up-and-coming magazine that has been getting a ton of buzz. We are excited to be included in the launch and about the publicity it could bring to Bloom, potentially expanding our clientele to the east coast. The magazine had agreed to a feature article about us in their new publication.

The phone rings and Ellie gets to it before I do, so I continue to go through our orders for the week. After a few minutes, she ends the call and meets me at the worktable where I’ve set up a makeshift desk to sift through outstanding contracts.

“That was Meadow Flowers. Our order is ready, but they can’t deliver because their delivery truck has a flat tire. One of us needs to do the pickup if we are going to make that deadline. You or me, let’s rock-paper-scissors.”

“I’ll save you the childish games that you get way too excited over and do the pickup.” I roll my eyes and get back to work. I need to finish up what I’m doing and reply to two more emails before I take off.

“I see what you are doing Liv, planning your escape so you don’t have to tell me what happened last night. You dined and dashed on me, remember? So you kind of owe me after being the world’s shittiest date.”

“I know, I’m so sorry Ells, I do feel really bad about that. Trust me, I had no idea that was going to happen. Actually, now that I think about it, you’re at least partially to blame for ordering us a few too many drinks.” I grin at her, knowing full well it wasn’t the drinks.

“Okay, okay, you are forgiven,” Ellie concedes. “But only because I desperately need to find out what happened.”

“I got caught up in the moment. We walked the beach hand-in-hand and we ended up at his beach house.” I drop my pen on the table in front of me and push the tips of my fingers into my temples. I squeeze my eyes shut and back open, inhaling a deep breath. “You know what that beach house means to us. It was like every single memory of the two of us together came rushing back.”

I fill her in on the rest of the night and watch her expression shift from excitement to disappointment when I get to the part about how the night ended.

“That must have been pretty overwhelming. I can only imagine what it was like for you, being back there after all this time. But I still don’t understand why you stopped it. Parker is hot as fuck. Like Leonardo DiCaprio hot, Liv.” Ellie walks to the coolers, then returns to our worktable with an armload of tulips.

“What’s not to understand? He’s leaving today to go back to New York. He is probably halfway there by now. There’s no way for this to work. As hot as he is, it would have been one amazing night followed by my heart shattering to pieces having to watch him go. And then I got nervous, too, that it would have meant way more to me than it would to him.”

“I get that, but it doesn’t have to be so black and white. Sometimes you have to put your heart out there and take chances in life. Stop trying to control everything around you and listen to what your heart wants. I guarantee you it wants Parker’s dick.” Oh my God. Did she really just say that? “It’s not over for the two of you, I just know it. Maybe it’s worth the risk,” she says convincingly, wiggling her brows.

Could Ellie be right? I mean, not about the dick part. Maybe I need to stop listening to what my head is telling me and start listening to my heart.

I grab my purse from the desk and am fumbling inside for my keys, when I hear the bell chime at the front door. I look up from my search and my stomach does a cartwheel.

Parker just walked into Bloom.

“Parker, what are you doing here? You are supposed to be heading home right now. Is everything okay?” He looks from me to Ellie.

“Hey Ellie, I’m sorry to bug you two at work but I’m hoping I can talk to Livy for a second.”

He looks hotter than hell in a pair of faded grey jeans and a white t-shirt. It takes everything in me to tear my eyes from his body. This is a really bad idea.

Ellie grins, giving him a once-over, and nods Parker’s way, disappearing into the back room and leaving the two of us alone in the storefront.

“Hey,” Parker says in a low voice and moves closer to me. “Can we talk?”

“Sure.” The word falls off my tongue so quickly I don’t have time to take it back.

“I’m not going back to New York until I convince you that this can work between us.” His sexy dark eyes narrow and I get the feeling he’s ready to convince me if he needs to.

“This can’t all be done in a day, Parker.” But I want you to stay.

“Livy, hear me out. I’m not leaving you. I’m staying right here in Reed Point. I’m extending my trip. My assistant is boxing up my things as we speak and shipping them to me. After last night, leaving isn’t an option. It has all been sorted. I’ve already moved into the beach house.”

The beach house.

Our spot.

I am completely speechless, letting his words sink in. I am also totally aware of the relief I feel suddenly rush over my body. It is clear in this moment that I want him to stay, to get to know him again. We could take it slow. That thought makes me laugh. Take it slow, when all I want to do is take his clothes off and feel every inch of his chiseled body. Good luck with that.

“Why do you have a smirk on your face?” Parker asks me, and I notice he’s smiling now too. It makes him look even sexier, and I have to suppress the urge to kiss that smile from his gorgeous face.

I bite my bottom lip trying to hide the hot blush I feel covering my cheeks, wondering if he knows that I’m fantasizing about him right now.

“No reason.” I clear my throat.

“You were thinking about me and how much you can’t resist all of this,” Parker says through a laugh, motioning to himself with a silly Vanna White-like gesture.

“Nice try.” If he only knew what I wanted to do to him right now.

“Come for lunch with me today.”

“That sounds nice, but I was just heading to our wholesaler to pick up an order we need for tomorrow.” I reach for my purse, happy for an excuse to end this now, before I do something I may regret.

“Perfect, let me come with you. I’ll keep you company.”

I shake my head. “I’m sure you have more important things to do than be my assistant for the day.”

“When the boss is as hot as you, it would be my pleasure to assist in any way you need.” Ohmygod ohmygod ohmygod.

“It sounds like we would have to get HR involved.” I smile, feeling a tingle deep down in my belly.

“Let’s risk it. Grab your keys, where are we going?” Dammit! How can I say no to that?

“Fine, you win - but don’t make me regret this, Parker.”

“I’m on my best behavior, unless you’d prefer that I wasn’t - that would be okay with me too,” he says, holding up his hands.

I turn towards the back room so he can’t see my face. I’m fighting an enormous smile, slipping so easily into the easy banter we have always shared. He follows me out the back door to the van and we hop in and hit the road. There was no way he wasn’t coming with me. I am no match to his power of persuasion and never have been.

Parker reaches for the radio from where he sits in the passenger seat. “Are you still a die-hard country fan?”

“Yes, I’m a one trick pony when it comes to music.”

He finds a country station and turns up the volume just a little so we can still hear each other talk. I sneak a peak in his direction. God, he’s so handsome. His right arm is draped out the open window, and he looks so relaxed and easy going, like he doesn’t have a care in the world. He’s always been that way, and I’ve always been envious of how he is able to just live in the moment.

He shifts his gaze to me, catching me staring. “So, tell me what a day in the life of Olivia Madden looks like?”

“What do you want to know?” I have made up my mind that I want to be here with him and get to know him all over again, but I’m nervous. There is so much we no longer know about each other and it scares me that he might not be into me now in the same way he was. I hardly live a glamorous life – unlike him, running an upscale hotel in a gigantic, busy city.

“I want to know everything Livy. What makes you happy, what makes you unhappy, what you like to do in your spare time? Is there a certain extremely handsome man you are interested in?” He winks with a grin.

“Well, let me see… I love a good 5-mile run, I’m still not a morning person, I take a hot yoga class on Wednesday nights and if I was interested in a man, he would be tall, dark and very funny.” I glance in his direction and find him smiling this adorably smug grin.

“I could probably help you out with that last part. I know a guy.” Good God! He is charming and funny, and our chemistry is undeniable. He is edging his way back into my heart with every second.

“You probably could,” I say, in a tone just above a whisper. “How about you, Parker? Tell me all about the lavish life you lead.”

“You make it sound like I’m hanging with famous celebrities every night. I work non-stop, barely see my friends and if I’m out, nine times out of ten, it’s for a business meeting.”

That isn’t the answer I was expecting, and it surprises me. What about the parties, the nightclubs, all the women?

“Then what keeps you there?” I want to ask him about the women he has dated but I quickly lose my nerve and go with something safer.

“I’ve been starting to question that myself the last couple of months. Don’t get me wrong, it has been a great experience and I’ve learned a lot, but I miss my family, I miss having genuine connections.”

“Hopefully you’ll find that in Cape May.”

“I am hoping I find that with you.”

I instantly feel a tingling low in my stomach. Is this really happening? oh my god oh my god.

My heart is beating so fast that I’m thankful I am sitting down. I try my best to pull myself together. How do I respond to that?

“Okay.” Okay? Shit, Lamest response ever. I cringe inwardly. If I could throw myself from this moving van and survive I probably would.

We drive for another fifteen minutes and I mentally pat myself on the back for managing to avoid making an ass of myself yet again. We park in the loading bay of Meadow Flowers and Parker follows me inside, insistent on helping. Mabel greets us at the door. She and her husband have owned this business for forty years and are my favorite suppliers. They are both in their late 60s and sweet as pie. They remind me of my grandparents.

“Hi Olivia! And oh my - who is this gorgeous man with you?” Mabel eyes Parker, drinking him in. “Hello handsome, I’m Mabel.”

She extends her right hand and Parker takes it, raising it to his lips for a kiss. Just when I thought he couldn’t possibly be more adorable. I stand aside so I can watch this go down.

“Hi Mabel, Parker Bennett and it’s a pleasure to meet you,” he says with a twinkle in his eyes.

“Oh sweetheart, it is nice to meet you too. Olivia, where have you been hiding him?”

“Parker is my assistant for today. I…”

He interrupts me before I can finish my sentence.

“I think what Olivia is trying to say is that I’m the best darn assistant she’s ever had, and that she thinks I’m easy on the eyes too.”

I roll my eyes and laugh. Mabel, I notice, is eating him up.

Dammit, Parker, could you be any more adorable?

I review the order before signing off, then thank Mabel and return to the van where the last of the flowers are being loaded into the back. I start the engine and we head back into town.

We make it back to Bloom just before four o’clock and Parker helps me unload the truck. Even with his help it takes about thirty minutes, making me even happier that I accepted. Suddenly starving, we realize that we skipped lunch. He leans on the counter, one foot crossed over the other, and drinks from the water bottle I just handed him. I catch myself staring, watching his Adam’s apple move along his throat. He can even make drinking water look sexy.

“Let me take you for dinner, Livy. We could go for Italian.”

“Are you not as tired as I am?”

“I’ve got a better idea. How about I grab takeout and I’ll meet you back at your place? You can head home and shower and put your feet up until I get there? Sound good?”

I know what my answer should be, but my heart wants to say yes. If I’m being honest, my heart wants to say yes to a hell of a lot more than just dinner. I think back to Ellie’s advice about taking risks occasionally. Before I can talk myself out of it, I give in. “That sounds great actually. I’m in.”

His eyes light up and his mouth lifts into a wide smile. “Okay, give me your phone.”

“Why do you want my phone?” I ask suspiciously, but unlock it and hand it over, nonetheless.

I watch his thumbs fly across the keypad. “Parker, what are you up to?”

“I’m just making sure you added me into your contacts. I’m texting myself your number.”

Parker leans in and presses a soft kiss to my cheek, and I melt. How am I ever going to restrain myself tonight after fantasizing about him all day? Instinctively, I start to run through a list in my mind of all the reasons we shouldn’t be alone together, but then stop myself. For once in my life I decide to ignore all of my own second guessing. After spending the day with Parker, I know without a doubt, that I need to take a chance on him.

I watch him walk out the door and only minutes later, my phone vibrates in my back pocket indicating a message. I pull the device from my pocket and my screen lights up. It’s a text from Parker.

PARKER: Excited to have dinner with you Livy. See you soon ;)

I literally LOL, he has changed his name in my contacts to LOVER.

What am I going to do with this man?

* * *

I hopout of a hot shower and slather myself from head to toe in my favorite vanilla body lotion. I pull my hair out from the top knot I swept it up in to keep it from getting wet and throw on a pair of jeans and a tank top. I don’t want to look like I’m trying too hard. I add some blush, a pale pink lip gloss and am finishing up with a touch of mascara just as I hear a knock on my door.

Suddenly nervous, I run my hands through my hair one last time and open the door to my apartment.

“Honey, I’m home!” Parker announces as he strides through the door with take-out boxes in hand.

Don’t get ahead of yourself, Olivia.

My body immediately warms at the idea of us making a life together, but I need to stop that kind of thinking right now. It feels like I’m standing at the edge of a cliff and at any moment I might jump right off. I don’t know how it’s possible to feel this strongly so soon. But then again, it’s Parker- my first love and the only man I have ever given my heart to. I can picture a life with him, and I like the way it looks. This is moving so fast and it’s scary, but it also feels good. Too good to stop.

“What’s for dinner?”

“Thai food because I know it’s your fave.” Parker winks and carries the food to the counter.

“You remembered?”

“I haven’t forgotten a thing, Livy. Try me.”

“Challenge accepted.” I grin and lean back against the kitchen counter, trying to think of a question I can stump him with. “Okay, what is my favorite movie of all time?”

“Easy. You love rom-coms. It’s Sweet Home Alabama.”

“How do you remember that, Parker?”

“You made me watch it more than a few times with you. I can probably recite the whole movie to you right now. Try me again.”

I tap my finger against my bottom lip, trying to come up with another question while busying myself in the kitchen finding forks and knives to eat with. I’m looking anywhere I can but at Parker, the energy between us making it hard for me to breathe. I place the cutlery on the counter next to the take-out boxes and walk back to the cupboard to fetch us two plates. I place them down next to the Thai food and lean back against the counter.

“Okay… What am I most afraid of?”

“Easy again. You hate spiders. You are equally as terrified seeing a spider in a picture as you are seeing the real thing.” He moves towards me, placing his hands on the counter on either side of me, boxing me in. His legs are open, my body between them. There’s a shift in his eyes as he moves closer. His breath runs over my cheek and his lips land at the shell of my ear. A shiver runs up my spine.

“Am I right?” His voice is low. He follows with a kiss to my earlobe. I swallow hard because that was possibly the sexiest moment of my life.

Parker pulls back, putting a little bit of distance between us so he can look me in the eyes. I’m still caged between his legs, and my heart begins to beat faster.

His eyes capture mine and there’s something different in them. They are suddenly dark and hooded and full of need. I stop myself from pulling his mouth into mine like I want to.

“God, Livy. I’ve missed you.”

“Parker…” I whisper.

“I’m going to kiss you Livy and I’m warning you that if I start, I probably won’t be able to stop.” He’s asking for permission. My body reacts, a pulse throbbing through my veins. I want to cross this line with him. I want to give us another shot.

“Then kiss me, and please don’t stop.”

He kisses me hard, his mouth crashing into mine. There’s nothing sweet or careful about this kiss. It’s greedy and frantic and I lose all control. He angles his mouth to take the kiss deeper and his tongue finds mine, pushing and pulling. He’s kissing me like he could never get enough and it’s driving me wild.

My hands explore his body, desperate to feel every inch of him. I run them down his back, digging my nails into the fabric of his t-shirt. A deep moan rumbles from the back of his throat. My hands travel back up under his t-shirt, removing it and revealing his tanned, toned body that I’ve been dying to get my hands on. Hard lines cover his torso, his abdomen. He’s a work of art. His t-shirt falls to the floor in a puddle.

My eyes fall closed as he kisses me again. This time the kiss is softer and sweeter, and it dawns on me that I’m completely present in the moment, not over-thinking, not worrying. I’m giving in to what my heart wants. I feel fearless for the first time in a long time. I feel myself letting go. I need tonight. There’s nothing more I want than to be with him.

His hands grip my hips, and he lifts me easily up onto the counter, never breaking our kiss. He pulls me closer, nudging his knee between my legs. His arousal grinds into me. His hands roam my body eventually finding my breasts and I moan, unable to stop myself.

“Is this okay, Livy?”

“Yes, Parker.”

“You’re so damn beautiful Livy. I’ve been wanting to do this all day.”

“I want you Parker. I want all of you.”

I don’t care what happens after tonight. I want him now. I need him now. I just hope I will be enough. A pang of nerves suddenly hits as I remember that Parker is much more experienced than I am with sex. I push the feeling away and will myself back into the moment with him.

I run my fingers down the hard planes of his abdomen, almost drooling at the sight of his muscular body. I drop my head to his pecs, running my tongue along his nipple and gently pulling it into my mouth. I move to his other nipple, taking it in my teeth. His eyes close and his head falls back. I press a kiss to the centre of his chest and another at the base of his neck as he reaches for the hem of my tank.

He moves my shirt up my body and lowers his mouth to trail kisses up my ribcage. My body hums with desire, begging for more. He takes my shirt over my head and slides the strap of my bra down my arm. He peppers kisses over my collarbone and up to my lips where his mouth meets mine again. He pulls at my bottom lip with his teeth while pulling my hips into his, grinding his erection into me again.

“Parker,” I breathe. “I’ve waited so long for this. I need to feel you inside of me.”

“Are you sure you want this? Because there’s nothing I want more right now than to be inside you.”

“Yes,” I whisper in a plea.

Parker grabs my behind and pulls my hips up to his, lifting me from the counter as I wrap my legs and arms around him. He carries me down the narrow hallway, peering through doors looking for my bedroom.

“Last one on the right,” I manage to say into his mouth between kisses.

He finds it and lowers me onto the bed. His seductive gaze sears through me. His body hovering over mine, he lowers his head to my chest. He pulls the cup of my black lace bra down and circles my nipple with his tongue. My eyes close and my back arches into him, loving the feel of his warm breath on my body. He sucks and teases and tastes me, sealing his mouth over my nipple. I moan softly, letting him know how good it feels. He pulls his mouth away and moves to my other nipple, giving it the same attention.

“I want your clothes off, Livy.”

God, I want that too.

“What are you waiting for?”

He reaches his hand beneath my back and unclasps my bra, throwing it to the floor. He presses a path of soft kisses down my torso and reaches for the button on my jeans. He unzips them, sitting back on his knees, and pulls them off of me, leaving me feeling vulnerable in nothing but my black lace thong.

“Fuck Livy, if I knew you were wearing these under your clothes all day, this would have happened sooner. You are so fucking perfect.” And I feel that way with him. He makes me feel like I’m the most beautiful girl in the world. Any insecurities I have about my body are gone.

“Now it’s your turn, Parker. Pants off. Now.”

I decide that I want to be the one to take them off, so I sit up on my knees and begin to unbutton his jeans. He moves to stand at the edge of the bed and pushes them down to the ground. I’m given a perfect view of his toned, lean abs and the lines on his torso shaped in that sexy V disappearing into his boxer briefs. My gaze moves to his broad chest and thick arms that I want to be wrapped up in. He takes it one step further and slides his fingers into the waistband of his briefs, bringing them to the floor.

Holy Shit.

He climbs back on top of me, the weight of his body against mine. He takes my breast in his hands and rolls my nipple between his thumb and finger. I can feel it tighten into a soft peak, sending shockwaves up my spine.

Parker lowers his body to mine, grinding himself between my legs. All that separates us is one thin layer of lace. His strong arms flex and tense on either side of me as he holds his upper body above me. I run the tips of my fingers up and down them, watching a trail of goosebumps cover his smooth, bronzed skin.

“Can you feel what you do to me?” Parker growls in a low, sexy voice that turns me on even more.

“I can feel it."

He pulls back to his knees and reaches for my thong, pulling it down over my legs. He runs his fingers up my thighs and my body trembles in anticipation.

“Parker, I can’t take it anymore. I need to feel you.”

“I’m not rushing this. Be patient, baby. You feel so good.”

I can barely breathe. The connection between the two of us is so strong. I’ve never felt like this with anyone else.

Having his body wrapped around mine makes me feel safe and whole in a way I haven’t felt in a very long time. I want to move faster and at the same time I never want this to end. I could stay here in his arms forever and be totally content. I want to take a vacation in Parkerland.

I thread my hands through his thick, dark hair, pulling him closer. I need his body on mine, skin on skin.

He kisses me with those full lips that I want to devour as I wrap my legs around his hips, arching my body into him. Needing the friction, needing him inside of me. He moans the sexiest sound, and I can’t wait another second.

“I need you now, Parker.”

“Hold on, Livy.”

He reaches for his jeans on the floor and takes a condom from his pocket, tears the package open with his teeth and rolls it on. He braces himself over me, guiding his length inside of me slowly. Our bodies join together. I lift my hips to take him deeper, feeling every inch of him. His dark eyes lock with mine.

“You feel so good,” he groans. “Damn, I’ve missed you.”

“Don’t stop Parker, it feels too good.”

We rock back and forth, our bodies finding a perfect rhythm. I dig my fingernails into his back as he drives into me harder, bringing me closer to the edge. He lowers his mouth to my collarbone, kissing the hollow of my neck and moves up to my ear, placing open mouthed kisses over the sensitive skin behind it. My body shivers and I tilt my head back to give him more access. I’m about to come undone.

I graze the soft, smooth skin on his shoulder with my teeth, the intensity taking me over.

“Yes,” I cry.

I can feel he is right there with me. He laces my hand in his, pinning it above my head as he quickens his pace only to slow it right down again. I grasp his hip in frustration with my other hand, trying to speed up the motion. He finally gives into me, giving me exactly what I want. My body tightens around him and I feel my release starting to build deep in my belly. I squeeze my eyes shut and ride out the bliss that takes over my entire body. The orgasm hits me hard, with such force that I feel it right down to my toes. He pulses inside of me and his body tenses as I try to catch my breath. With one last push, he loses all control and collapses on top of me. He gently brushes a loose strand of my wild hair from my cheek and kisses me behind my ear.

When I open my eyes, he’s watching me like there’s nothing else in the world to look at. He grins and my heart flutters in my chest.

“Are you okay?” he whispers.

“I’ve never been better.”

He rolls onto his side and gathers me into his warm body. I instantly want the weight of his body back on me. He lifts my chin and his dreamy eyes gaze into mine. “That was incredible.”

“It was. It’s always been that way between us.”

Parker nods in agreement and, a warm smile lifts the corner of his lips.

“I want you to know that tonight means everything to me, Livy. This is right where I want to be. Right here with you. I understand if you need more time, but I need you to know that.”

I blink back at him, eyes wide. I let his words sink in, words that set my heart on fire. I want to tell him that it means everything to me too, but when I part my lips, the words don’t come.

He pulls my face into his, our foreheads together.

“You don’t have to say a word right now. It’s okay.” He sweeps his finger along the edge of my jaw.

“We do need to eat something though. Should we pull ourselves from this bed and tackle the Thai food?”

I laugh. “Yeah, I think we worked up quite the appetite.”