Shadowed (Team Zero #4) by Rina Kent

Chapter Twenty-Seven

“Shh. It’s okay. Breathe, Zoe. That’s it.”

Her arms stop pushing at my shoulder as I cocoon her against my chest. I sit up in bed and gather her in my arms. She curls atop my lap, her long legs tucking under her. Her face hides against my collarbone as she breathes harshly.

Sweat pastes her damp hair to her forehead and her skin becomes paler than the white sheets.

My fingers stroke her blonde strands, knowing how much she likes it. Zoe shudders in response and her arms wrap tightly around my waist.

She looks so fragile in my hold like a broken fucking doll. I hate that the nightmares are getting worse to the point she wakes up screaming. Sometimes, she mumbles her mum’s name, but she always screams her dad’s. The sound is so raw and guttural, it’s like I’m stabbed every time.

For the weeks we spent together, I did everything I can to make her comfortable. Both because I want her relaxed and because I need to coax her into opening up about her past.

I’m almost sure that she’s mixing up memories. Whatever she left unresolved from the past is eating at her from within and I can’t stand by and watch her self-fucking-destruction.

If I want to have a resemblance of a future with Zoe, then I need to convince her I’m not a replica of her father.

Sometimes, I think she still doesn’t believe me even after my confession a few days ago. I’ll prove to her how serious I am about how much she holds my heart and soul.

It’s easy to own her and to let my obsession roam free. The hard part is to make her believe me and fall in love with me, too. Right now, that’s my goal in life.

Beside shutting Ink the fuck up — but that’s for later.

Zoe lifts her head to stare at me with silent gratitude. She likes that I hold her without saying a word.

Her fingers stroke my arm. “I’m fine now.”

“How long are you going to be fine?”

She’s taken aback and her gaze turn shifty. Usually, this is the part where I either hold her back to sleep or fuck her until she’s so exhausted to think. As much as I want to sink into her tight little pussy, that’s not the plan tonight.

“How about tomorrow? Are you going to be fine then?” I continue in a cool tone. “How about the day after?”

She tries to squirm free, but I tighten my arms, squeezing her.

“You’re not fine, Zoe.”

She groans and fights some more. It only drains her already waning energy. There’s no way she can escape my grip. In our playful struggle, I hold back to let her strike, but there’ll be no holding back tonight.

“Stop running away!” I shake her.

“What do you want me to do?” Her green gates are both lost and enraged. She’s so strong, but also delicate.

“Face your past, Zoe. You owe it to yourself.”

“Have you faced your past?” She sounds half curious half accusing.

“That’s the difference between us. At least, I know my past.”

“I know my past, too,” she murmurs.

“You think you do.”

There’s silence before she meets my gaze. Her pupils dilate and she appears so delicate and lost. “I’m… scared.”

That’s the first step.

I kiss the top of her head. “I’ll take the fear away, beautiful.”

It’s time to make that dreaded phone call.

Chapter Twenty-Eight

“Stop glaring. Your wrinkles are showing.” Shadow’s smooth voice carries in a mocking tone.

As if possible, Mist’s scowl deepens. She’s standing toe to toe with Shadow in the lounge area while I sit across from them on the sofa. The tension in the air is so suffocating, it’s hard to breathe.

The height difference between them is obvious even with Mist’s nude heels. She’s not short by any means, but Shadow is just too tall.

That should intimidate her, but I’m starting to believe that Mist isn’t the type to be intimidated. She walks into any place with that elegant, pristine posture and perfect, groomed features, and it’s like she already owns the people in it.

Arms crossed, she’s tapping her bicep with red-manicured fingers. Judging from her expression, I assume she’s killing him in her mind.

I can relate. He’s that infuriating sometimes.

Shadow must’ve called Mist in the middle of the night since she showed up here first thing in the morning.

“If you’re going to ask for something, ask nicely,” she says.

“It’s not for me.” He cocks his head my way. “It’s for Zoe.”

“Of course I’m here for Zoe. If it were for you.” A sadistic smile lifts her lips. “I would be doing my nails while watching you drown in your blood.”

He grins back. “Same, old hag.”

“I’ll tell Ghost I tried to save you. Just to be amicable.”

“I’ll tell him the same.” He leans close. “I’ll even try to make your death merciful. The sooner you die, the better.”

“Why don’t we count how long it takes for you to bleed out?”

“I’m bigger than you, old hag. It’ll be faster to test how long until you bleed out.”

“I can compromise, you first.”