Someone Exactly Like Me by Debbie Cromack



The pounding in my head throbs behind my burning eyes like a bad hangover. It’s been a long time since I cried like that. Probably not since Dad passed. Though I’m grateful for Destiny’s dad finding Ana, the news that I had a son and he died rocked my fucking world.

I thought it hurt when Ana vanished with my child in her belly, leaving behind a note basically telling me I’m worthless. That was nothing compared to this. My heart aches with a pain I’ve never experienced.

I can’t imagine being with anyone other than Destiny to receive that information. Her comfort and compassion drew her deeper into my heart, making the next few days even harder.

By the time I drag myself out of bed and to the kitchen, Marco’s gone to work, Angelina’s out by the pool with Franco, and Destiny is tucked into her lounge chair, typing on her computer. I walk out to the pool area, squinting from the sun beaming into my sore eyes.

“Good morning,” I say, scratching my head.

“Good morning.” Destiny’s voice is like sweet nectar. I catch her eyes sweep quickly down my chest to my abs as she shifts in her chair.

I love that, no matter how many times she’s seen my bare chest, she gets flustered.

“Angelina has breakfast waiting for you if you’re hungry.”

“Mmm, I am. Did you eat then?”

“Yup, I ate earlier. It’s almost lunchtime for me.” She smiles a playful, adorable smile.

“Thank you, Angelina,” I call out. She waves as I turn to go back inside.

Destiny rises from her lounge chair and walks in with me. She heats my plate and sits next to me on a stool at the kitchen island.

“We don’t have to go to the beach today if you’d rather stay here and relax. I know last night was tough for you.”

“It was.” I sigh. “I’ll always mourn my son. But now I’m truly free. I’m free from Ana because of you and now I’m free from anything that tied me to her.” I reach out, taking her hand in mine. “If it wasn’t for your kind heart and your dad’s help, I would’ve always wondered. I would never have been at peace. And now, I can start to find a way. For this, I can never repay you.”

She reaches out her other hand, cupping my face, love penetrating her eyes. “Nicco. There’s nothing to repay. That’s not how I work.” She pauses, moving her hand to my heart. “Your son is with your dad, in your heart forever.”

Placing my hand on top of hers, I close my eyes.

“Thank you.” I take a breath before releasing her hands.

“Do you want to stay here today?”

“No.” I scoop some scrambled eggs onto my fork. “I want to take you out for some fun.” I smile.

“Okay. As long as you’re sure.”

“I’m sure.”

“Should I shower if we’re going to the beach?”

“No. We’ll shower when we come back. Just put on your suit and sunscreen. Angelina will give us towels.”

I finish eating, we pack our things, and head to the beach. Since I slept so late, we’re off to a later start. I stop to get us lunch before we get to the beach. When we arrive, we find a spot to set up for the day. Wearing her coverup, Destiny sits in her chair and eats lunch under the umbrella, reading a book while I lie out in the sun.

When I open my eyes and look at her, she’s finished eating and her book rests against her body. She’s fallen asleep. About an hour later, she stirs.

“Are you ready for some fun?” I ask.


“Make sure you have your sunscreen on.”

“Yup,” she says, taking off her coverup and grabbing her sunscreen.

Through my sunglasses, I watch every stroke of her hand, rubbing the lotion into her milky-white skin.

“Will you make sure I got my back thoroughly?” She hands me the bottle of lotion.

Standing up and taking the bottle, I squeeze a little into my hand, rubbing my hands together. Reminding myself we’re in public, I smooth the lotion across her shoulders and back, massaging the last of it into her lower back. Fuck, I want to grab her sexy ass.

Without moving her body, she turns her head, looking up at me. “Thank you.”

Taking in a deep breath, I exhale, stifling my desire. “You’re welcome.”

We walk to the hut where I rent a jet ski for us. Putting on our life jackets, we get on and I drive us slowly out into the open water. The sky is clear of clouds and glints of sunshine sparkle on the dancing peaks of water.

I turn my face back toward her. “I’m going to go faster now. I want you to hold onto me tightly. I won’t go too fast. Sometimes it gets choppy in the waves.”

She squeezes her arms tighter around my waist. “Okay. I’ll let you know if it’s too fast.”

“Yes, let me know and I’ll slow down. This is meant to be fun, not scary. It’s tough to hear out there so squeeze me hard so I know.”


With her securely holding on, I pick up speed, zipping us through the water. Keeping to straight lines as much as possible, I make any turns slower and wide. We cut through waves and bounce around in the choppy spots. After about twenty minutes, I stop to check in with her and see how she’s doing.

Undulating in the water, we bob with the waves. I turn my head so she can hear me over the hum of the engine. “How are you doing back there?”

She loosens her grip around me. “I’m good. This is fun. I wasn’t sure if I’d like it, but I do.”

“That’s great. I rented it for an hour, but we can go in anytime you feel like you’re done, okay?”

“Okay. I can probably go for another ten or fifteen minutes.”

“All right. That sounds good. You ready?”

“I’m ready,” she says, cinching her arms around my waist again.

With that, we’re off again, skimming the surface, water spraying around us. I’m so happy she’s having fun.

From behind us, a cigarette boat speeds in front of us. The wake is huge and I turn the handlebars, trying to avoid smashing directly into it. My turn is too sharp and Destiny’s arms jerk off my waist. I turn my head to see her body hurtling through the air, crashing into the water.

“No! Fuck! Destiny!” I turn as fast as I can back to her, careful not to collide with her limp body. Adrenaline rages through me.

The waves bump her against the jet ski. I’m able to grab hold of her life vest and pull her out of the water into the foot well.

“Destiny!” I shout.

I rest her head against my thigh. Her eyes spring open, filled with panic. She clutches her chest with one arm and latches tightly onto my shin with her other. Her mouth hangs open.

Fuck, she can’t breathe!

“Sit up.” I hold my arm across her chest, straightening her body. “Push your stomach out and breathe in slowly. Now!”

Her fingers dig into my skin as she does what I say.

“Blow it out, pull your stomach in. Do it. I’m here.” Keeping my arm across her chest, I wipe her wet hair off her face.

Finally, a deep, gasping inhale followed by a labored exhale. Bouncing in the waves, I hold her while she finds the rhythm of her breath.

Releasing her death-grip on my shin, she wraps her arm around my leg and leans against it.

“Are you okay? Are you hurt?” I ask, stroking her head.

She looks up at me, a sluggish blink to her eyes, and nods. “I’m okay. I don’t think I’m hurt. I don’t feel hurt. I think I just got the wind knocked out of me.”

As she goes to get up, I help her maneuver, sitting her on my lap facing me.

“I think I’m done now.” She smiles, making me laugh.

“Yes, we’re done now.” I get my phone out of the small waterproof container around my neck and call Angelina. “I need you to get Dr. Mastrogiovanni to the house. Destiny fell of the jet ski and was unconscious. She’s fine, but I want her checked out. We’re still in the ocean, but going back in now. We’ll be there soon.” I pause, listening to Angelina. “Thank you.” Hanging up, I put my phone back into the container.

“I don’t think I need a doctor. I’m not hurt.”

“I want to make sure.” Pressing her against me, I kiss her head. “I’m so glad you’re okay.”

Wrapping her arms around my back, she leans her head on my chest. I take a slow pace back to shore. Once we’re back on the beach, we go directly to our umbrella, I gather our belongings and we go to the car.

When we arrive at the villa, Dr. Mastrogivanni is already there. He and Angelina greet us as we walk in.

“Dr. Mastrogiovanni, thank you so much for coming out on short notice. I really appreciate it. I don’t think we need the hospital, but I want her checked out. This is Destiny.”

He nods at her and smiles.

“Hello,” she says quietly.

As I explain what happened, we all walk to the living room and sit on the sofa.

“We were in the ocean on a jet ski and she fell off. She was unconscious for maybe 20 seconds and got the wind knocked out of her. I need to make sure she’s okay.”

“I understand.” He smiles. “Let’s check things out.”

He takes her pulse, flashes light into her eyes, asks her a bunch of questions, and has her move her body and head in different ways.

Once he completes his evaluation, he looks at me and nods, then looks back at Destiny. “The good news is, you’re fine. And, there’s no bad news.” He smiles. “For tonight, I want you to rest. Can someone watch over you while you sleep?” he asks, looking at me and Angelina.

“Yes. I can,” I say.

“Good. You don’t need to watch her the entire night. Just set an alarm for every couple of hours and ask her simple questions: what’s your name, where are you? Those types of things. I’m certain she doesn’t have a concussion, so this is just extra precaution.”

“Yes, I can do that. It’s not a problem.”

“If her condition changes or you’re at all concerned, call me. If she changes dramatically, go to the hospital first, then call me.” He looks back at Destiny. “I’m sure you won’t need to though.”

“Thank you again, doctor. I really appreciate your time.” I stand up, extending my hand.

“Any time, Mr. Mancini. It’s my pleasure.” Standing, he shakes my hand.

Angelina sees him to the door as I sit down next to Destiny.

“Thank God you’re okay.” I take her hand in mine and kiss it. “So, it looks like we’re in for the night. What do you say to supper and a movie in bed?”

“I like the sound of that.” She nods. “I think I’ll take a shower first.”

“I’ll sit in your bedroom, listening. I don’t want you falling in the shower,” Angelina says, walking back over to us.

“I’m sure I’ll be okay, but if it makes you feel better, that’s fine.”

Together, they go to Destiny’s room.


I grab my pajamas then head to the bathroom.

“I won’t be long,” I say, passing Angelina sitting in the cozy chaise.

“Take your time. I’m going use the time to read.” She smiles, settling into the chair.

The warm water feels soothing on my skin. Though I’m a little shaken, I really do feel okay. They’re so sweet to worry about me.

I close my eyes, letting the water run through my hair, down my body. Nicco’s words from our conversation last night play in my head. He said things I could never have imagined him saying to me. Someday, a man worthy of you will come along and see all of these things I see in you. What did he mean? Those aren’t words you say to someone without some emotions behind them.

Ugh. I leave in a few days. What does it matter anyway?

I wash my hair and body, towel off, and put on my pajamas. A quick blow dry of my hair and I’m done. Walking out of the bathroom, I go to where Angelina is on the chaise and sit on the floor next to the bookshelf. She closes the book she’s reading and puts it back on the shelf.

“I love that you have all these books for your guests. This is such a cozy corner.”

“I love reading. Now I have to get some of your books.” She smiles.

“Well, I’d be honored.”

“How are you feeling?” she asks, putting her feet on the floor and her elbows on her knees, clasping her hands and leaning forward.

“The shower felt nice. I’m okay, I promise. And I promise to let you and Nicco know if I don’t feel okay.”

“Good.” She pauses. “He told me what you did for him. Finding Ana.” She looks down, shakes her head, then lifts her gaze. “You took such a heavy burden from him. He carried so much pain. Thank you for what you did.”

“It was really my dad. I’m just happy we could give him closure.”

She tilts her head with a little side smile. “He cares for you.”

“He’s a good man.” I smile.

“I think maybe you care for him?” She leans her head toward me.

I pull in my lips with a shrug of my shoulders. “It doesn’t matter if I do.”

“Of course it does.”

“I leave in a few days. Besides, look where his life is headed. There’s no room for me. He’s on a path to fame and he’ll have his choice of the millions of women who swarm at his feet.”

She shakes her head. “You have much to learn about his heart, ragazza dolce.” Standing, she holds out her hand to help me up. “Come, let’s find some movies for you to watch.”

I quickly put on my sweatshirt. When we go into the living room, Nicco’s sitting on the sofa, strumming his guitar, with his notepad and pen on the coffee table. Franco sits next to him, watching him. He stops strumming when he sees us.

“How are you feeling?”

“Good. Honestly, I feel fine. The shower felt good.”

“Yes, I showered too. I’m just faster.” He winks. “I got some movies for us to pick from,” he says, pointing to a stack on the coffee table.

“Okay, great.”

“Thank you for your help, Franco,” he calls out as Franco runs to Angelina. He hands me the stack of movies then takes his notebook, pen, and guitar and walks toward my room.

“Thank you, Angelina.” I wave to her in the kitchen where she’s helping Franco with a toy.

“I’ve been working on your song,” he says, sitting on the side of my bed.

“Can I hear it yet?” I ask, closing the door.

“It’s not finished yet.”

“That’s okay. Can I hear what you have so far?” I sit on the chaise across from my bed.

He strums his fingers over the guitar strings and smiles at me, lifting his knee to rest on the bed.

“It’s called, “Blood in My Veins.” Ready?” Hanging his head slightly, he looks down, positioning his fingers on the neck of the guitar. As he strums, his body sways. “I was told my fate long ago. I’d never measure up. I didn’t have what it takes.” Glancing up at me, he shakes his head, still swaying. “I’d never be enough. I believed it all. Down to my core. Down to my core. Until I looked into your eyes.” Lifting his head, he gazes into my eyes and strums. “Eyes that told me a different truth. I shared my deepest secrets. You opened my heart.” Looking down briefly to change his finger position, he returns his gaze to me. “You’re the blood coursing through my veins. You’re the breath filling my lungs.” He strums and sways, nodding his head to the rhythm he’s created.

Tingles cover me as I listen to his words. Words he wrote about me. I can’t keep him out of my heart.

Doing a rapid strum, he slaps his hand across the strings then smiles at me. “That’s it. That’s all I have. What do you think of it?”

“I — it’s beautiful, Nicco.” My heart hurts at what can never be.

He lifts his shoulders and gets off the bed, leaning his guitar against the dresser. “It needs work.” He takes his notepad and pen and puts them on the dresser then grabs the movies and lays them out on the bed. “Do you like any of these?”

The variety ranges from romantic comedy to action-packed. I pick Mission: Impossible.

Grabbing all the movies, he puts them on the dresser then loads the disc into the player.

We fluff up pillows and sit close to each other on the bed.

“Do you need a blanket?”

“Oh yes. That would be nice.”

He gets off the bed and takes a blanket from the basket next to the chaise. Before getting back onto the bed, he drapes the blanket over my legs.

“Thank you.”

As the music plays on the movie, he jets his head back and forth to the beat. He’s impossibly cute. By the time the credits roll, we’re both hungry.

“I don’t feel like cooking and I’m not going to have Angelina cook for us. Let’s order something.”

Before he can ask what I want, “Pizza?” comes out of my mouth.

“You want pizza?” He laughs.

“It feels like a pizza night.”

“Then pizza it is. I’ll be right back.” He leaves to place our order.

As I wait for him to return, my emotions are torn. I do care about him. I can’t help myself. I’m scared I care for him more than I’m willing to admit. I love being with him. But reality tramples whatever it is I feel about him. In a few days I leave and go back to my life. He continues on his path to fame and everything that comes with it. Nothing can exist between us.

His phone chimes. I’m not one to be nosey, but it’s right there on the bed. A text — from Giovanna. I can only see the first line that’s lit on the screen, “Call me.” followed by a kissy-face emoji.

Reality stampedes again, resurfacing my insecurities and reminding me why I’m here.

He comes back in. “About twenty minutes.”

“Your phone chimed.” I point to his phone as my chest burns.

He picks it up and reads the text then puts it down. “It’s not important.”


“Okay. Your pick,” I say, confusion swirling inside me.

Standing in front of the dresser, he surveys the movies. “This one.”

“Which one?”

“You’ll see.” He switches the discs. “You’ll like it.” Looking back at me, he winks.

As he jumps onto the bed, smelling of smoke, The Proposal lights on the screen.

“For a playboy, you have a wicked romantic side.” I tease.

He leans on his side, facing me, propped up on his elbow. “You have a lot to learn about me, mia dolce ragazza.” His eyes drift back and forth between mine before he sits back into his pillows.

About twenty minutes into the movie, Angelina knocks on the door. We look at each other with wide eyes, saying in unison, “Pizza.”

He pauses the movie and we go to the kitchen where Angelina has set out trays, plates, and napkins for us. He comes out of a back room with a dinner tray, grabs the pizza boxes, and goes back to the bedroom. Angelina and I follow with the smaller trays. As we enter the room, he leaves, coming back with Cokes and glasses of ice.

Before Angelina leaves, he takes her in his arms and plants a loud kiss on her cheek. “You’re the best.”

She shakes her head and laughs as she closes the door.

“Thank you.” I call out.

I put two pieces of pizza on each of our plates on our trays and he pours our drinks. Then we climb onto the bed, slide our trays in front of us, and watch the rest of the movie while eating our pizza. We laugh at the same spots. He smiles at me when I cry at the end. This is the perfect night.

After we finish eating, we bring our trays and dishes to the kitchen. I put the dishes in the dishwasher while he puts away the trays.

“I’ll be right in,” he says, grabbing his pack of cigarettes.

I look at the pack in his hand then back up into his eyes. He looks at the pack in his hand then back into my eyes. Not a word is spoken, just an exchange of glances. I don’t know what that addiction feels like. From the way he curls in his lips at the corner and casts down his eyes as he turns to go outside, I know he’s disappointed in himself.

I go back to my room, brush my teeth, and get under the covers of my bed. For the first time, it hits me that he’s going to be sleeping beside me all night.

He enters the room and closes the door.

“What did you pick?” He looks at the movies on the dresser and then at me.

“I didn’t.” I pause. “You know, I feel completely fine. You don’t have to stay and watch movies with me. And I’m sure you don’t need to wake up all night long to keep checking on me. I promise, I feel fine.”

He takes slow strides to me and sits on the edge of the bed, facing me.

“It’s my job to take care of you,” he says softly, tucking my hair behind my ear. “I want to.”

Standing back up, he walks back to the dresser, loads a new movie, and turns off the lights. As he sits on the bed and puffs his pillows, The Vow starts playing. I sink lower under the covers while he lies down, his head propped up on his pillow.

I wake up overheated from falling asleep wearing my sweatshirt. Sitting up, I rip it off over my head. It takes me a second or two to get acclimated. Moonlight streams in the window, casting a soft glow through the room. A fake fire crackles on the TV screen making me laugh inside. Nicco lies next me, on top of the covers, his head cradled in his hands and his elbows resting on the pillow. He must’ve gotten changed after I fell asleep. His pajama bottoms cover his long legs as the moonlight highlights the curves of his bare torso.

I’ve fantasized about him for months. That’s what you do when actually being with the person is out of the realm of possibilities because of who they are. Now, here he is, not on a movie screen, not in my head, but lying next me, watching over me, taking care of me.

When we first met, he probably would happily have screwed me and moved on, keeping with his playboy reputation. Our connection has grown deep over the last couple months. Words have been spoken, tears have been shed, emotions have intertwined. He’s opened up to me in a way I could never have fathomed. I see him physically struggle to suppress himself when we’re close, respecting my boundaries.

How could I have possibly known my thirsting desire for a scorching sexual experience that only existed in my head would turn into a craving to be with him because of his heart. He’s made me a priority in his life. He’s made me feel like I matter.

He’s shown me a man the world doesn’t get the privilege of knowing. A man I can’t stop myself from falling for. A man I’ll probably never see again after I leave.

Be in the moment.

Candi’s words ring in my head. I breathe in, and with my exhale, I release everything. I release my fears, my nervousness, the sadness I know will come in the aftermath — all of it.

Kneeling, I scoot close to him, gazing at his gorgeous face and sexy body. Though I’ve touched his chest before, I was so flustered, I didn’t get a chance to actually enjoy it. This time, I let my lips do the exploring. I lean over him, my body flooding with anticipation, and touch my lips to his furry chest, working my way down the left side of his body with feathery kisses. He tenses when I reach the top of his V-line.

“Mmhh.” The sound comes from deep in his throat.

I woke him.

When I look up at him, his head is bent toward me, his hands release slowly from behind his head, and his eyes meet mine, longing entangled with lust. I’ve never been looked at this way before. He’s like a caged animal, salivating at his prey.

I rise from bending over his body and straddle him, pelvis to pelvis. Pulling my camisole over my head, I take his hand and place it on my breast, giving him permission.

His lips open, speechless.

Releasing my breast, he sits up, presses his forehead to mine, and laces his fingers into my hair. Hunger sparks in his eyes, intensifying my desire. His grip tightens as his shoulders lift and he heaves an exhale. He must’ve brushed his teeth when he changed into his pajamas because he smells more like mint than cigarette.

“Destiny,” he breathes my name, capturing my lips with his, moving his hands to hold my face.

Tenderly, he kisses me, releasing and recapturing my lips like he’s tasting them for the first time, savoring them. Sealing his lips to mine again, he slides his tongue in my mouth with a grunt. As his probes into my mouth grow hungrier, my heart beats faster.

Pulling back from my face, he breaths heavily, staring at my lips as he runs his thumb across my lower lip, licking his own. He returns his gaze to my eyes.

“I’ve been desperate to feel your lips again,” he rumbles, low and wanting.

His next capture of my lips is eager, confident, greedy. I’ve never felt so desired. Aggressively, he slides his tongue in and out of my mouth as his fingers press into my face. Leaving my lips, he tilts my head and sweeps my hair from my neck. Leaning in to my exposed skin, he runs his nose from behind my ear, down my neck, to my collar bone, his breath hot on my skin. Blood rushes through me. Then he travels the same line up with his mouth, sucking, nibbling. My breathing increases, as I roll my head back.

With both hands, he grabs my breasts, grunting. I arch my back and he accepts my invitation, clamping his mouth on one nipple and twirling the other between his fingers. I gasp as my breasts tingle and wetness builds between my legs. Arching more, I hold myself up with my arms behind me. Switching his mouth and hand, he takes my other nipple into his mouth, swirling his tongue around it. A whimper escapes me between stilted breaths.

He leans back onto his elbows, his eyes roaming my body. “You’re so fucking beautiful, mia dolce ragazza.”

Holding his gaze, I lift myself off of him and slide my knees between his legs. Leaning forward, I place soft kisses on his chest, working my way down the curves of his abs. I tug down one side of his pajama bottom, exposing his V-line, trailing it with my tongue.

“Ah,” he growls, taking a fistful of my hair into his hand.

Nibbling and kissing back toward his naval, I bypass the bulge peeking out the top of his pajamas, and tug down the other side, licking and nipping his skin. Kissing my way back up to his naval, I lift the elastic waist of his pajamas, pulling it down, revealing his full length. He’s magnificent, every single inch of his body.

He releases my hair, staring at me. Refocusing my attention, I take him in my hand, running my tongue from his base to the little V at the top of his head, flicking at it. He flinches a little. I do it all again. This time he grunts. I do it faster and swirl my tongue around his head.

His body jolts up and I lift to sitting on my knees. Wrapping his hands around my shoulders, his eyes pierce into mine. “Destiny,” he says, shaking his head, breaths heavy. “I don’t think I can control myself.”

“Then don’t,” I hush. I want him out of control. Unhinged, with me. For one hot night, I want him to be mine, all mine. I want to be the object of his desire.

Pushing him back, I lower down, taking him in my hand again, circling his head with my tongue. Closing my lips together, I insert just his head through them, and back out. In again and back out, adding a swirl of my tongue. Several more times and I curl my lips over my teeth, thrusting my mouth down his shaft to the base.

“Oh cazzo,” he blurts as his body tenses.

I slide him out and thrust down again, and again, bobbing up and down. With a shove of my knees down into the mattress, I let them bounce back up, increasing my rhythm. Holding my head steady, I let the motion propel him into and out of my mouth.

With a growl, he lunges up, pulling me off him, heaving breaths. “You’re going to make me come,” he says, searing me with ravenous eyes. “I’m not ready yet. Come up here.”

I crawl up toward him and he takes off his pajama bottoms then slides my silky shorts off me. In one swift movement, he flips me onto my back, his body hovering above me. I inhale sharply.

Arms straddling my head, he lowers, claiming my lips. Our tongues dance to the same yearning beat as I run my fingers through his hair. His rapacious kisses feed my desire. Leaving my lips, he weaves his fingers through mine, exploring my neck and breasts with his mouth. Every touch of his lips on my skin ignites me. The way he looks at me, touches me, it’s like he’s worshiping me.

Letting go of my hands, he moves his body between my legs, I raise my knees. Wrapping his hands around my waist, he bites gently at the skin on my stomach. He holds my leg in his hand and licks my inner thigh, outlining the edge of my panties with his tongue. Kissing where he’d just licked, he runs his fingers between my legs. I gasp, gripping at the sheets.

He looks up at me with molten eyes. “You’re so wet for me,” he says, stroking again.

“Yes.” It’s the only word I can form. I bite my lower lip.

Kneeling back, he rolls my panties down my hips. I lift up and back down then raise my legs so he can remove them. With my legs still raised, he folds one leg over his shoulder and holds my other calf in his hand, kissing my ankle. It tickles. Then he licks down my calf, opening my knee to the side, and kisses up my thigh. A quick glance at me and he runs his tongue between my folds. I inhale sharply.

Scooting off the edge of the bed to kneel on the floor, he grabs my ankles, yanking me toward him. He lowers his face between my legs and takes a breast in each hand, squeezing. With hunger staining his eyes, he runs his tongue slowly up the full length of my folds, curling it at the top. Going back for more, he dips his tongue in deeper. I squirm, holding my breath. He goes back again and again, deepening his reach and quickening his pace. Inserting his fingers in place of his tongue, he flicks my nub with the tip of his tongue. My back arches in response and my heart pounds faster. As he slides his fingers in and out of me, his flicks grow stronger and faster. I pant and groan. I’m not sure how much more I can take. My inner thighs tingle as my knees draw in toward his head. He pulls out his fingers and presses both my knees down, burying his face into me with a growl.

I grab his hair with one hand and the sheets beneath me with the other. “Nicco.” I pant, whimpering.

Rising from his knees, he wipes his mouth on his forearm and climbs onto the bed, sliding my body up. Lying on top of me, he grabs a breast, sucking voraciously, moaning. I arch, heaving loud breaths. Then he comes to my face, thrusting his tongue into my mouth.

“Destiny.” A look of desperate desire smears across his face. His hard-on presses into me.

“Yes,” I say, my breathing erratic. If he slides down, he’ll be at my entrance. He has me in a frenzy right now.

“I’m sorry. I’m unprepared.” He leans off of me and slips his fingers into me, kissing my neck.

I pant. “Unprepared?” I ask tilting back my head.

He returns his face in front of me, shaking his head. “I have no protection.”

“You’re kidding me.” I writhe at the movement of his fingers gliding in and out of me.

“No. I haven’t been with anyone since we met. And you told me no.” He flutters his fingers inside me, causing my arms to splay out to my sides. “I didn’t think to bring anything here. You told me no.”

I can barely focus my thoughts. “Okay. It’s okay.” I run my hand through his hair, trying to console him. “We don’t have to. We don’t have to.” My breath shakes.

“Fuck that.” He kisses me, rubbing his thumb against my nub. “I have to have you.” He’s so close, his breathe heats my skin. “I need you, Destiny.” Wanton lust radiates in his eyes as he rolls on top of me, his head perched at my entrance.

My pulse pounds in my ears, breaths spew rapidly out of me as I stare into his eyes. “I’m yours.”

With that, the animal is uncaged.

He thrusts into me, growling with greed. Gasping with pleasure, I feel every bit of his length inside me. He hoists onto his knees, supporting my back as he does so he stays inside me. I wrap my legs around him, cradling his head into my chest, as he pulses up into me, grabbing my butt then tilting back his head. Every blissful pump intoxicates me.

I push him back and he untucks his knees from under him. Bracing my body with my hands on his chest, I lift up and down, riding his shaft, then scoop my pelvis up and in. He grabs my hips, grinding up into me, rocking me back and forth.

“Mio Dio.” Sitting up, he lifts me off him, wraps an arm around my body and flips us. Laying me on my back, he assaults my mouth with passionate, confident kisses. My body rages with desire, fire pumping through every vein of my body.

Getting onto his knees, he plunges back inside me, his body moving like a snake. He pounds his pelvis into me as his shoulders hunch and his torso waves with his movements. I groan with each crazed thrust. Rising up, he lifts my legs up, hugging them to his chest, sinking himself deeper into me. Plowing again and again as his jaw tenses and he bites his lower lip.

Then he flips me over, spreading my legs with his knees, sliding into me from behind. Grabbing my breasts, he kisses down my back then straightens, pushing me against the bed, grasping my hips and pulling me, hard and fast, into him. This is far beyond any of my wildest fantasies about him. I can’t get enough of him. My entire body is aflame and ready to explode.