Someone Exactly Like Me by Debbie Cromack



I wake up before Destiny. She lies sleeping on my chest, her arm around my body, her leg slung between mine.

I’m doing work I love, my career is moving forward, I have more money in my bank account than I ever dreamed possible, and I have the most incredible woman lying by my side, in my arms. I’m so grateful for my life right now.

She stirs, squeezing me, and releases an adorable yawn. “Good morning,” she says, looking up at me.

“Good morning. Did you sleep well?”

“I did. You?”

“I did.” I kiss her forehead. “For today, I was thinking I could take you out on Marco’s boat for a few hours. We can decide the rest of the day later. How does that sound?”

“Sounds like a fun way to start the day,” she says, sitting up and smiling.

“Great. Let’s eat and get showered.”

“Mmm, yes, food. I’m hungry.”

“Me too.” I roll her onto her back, climbing on top of her with my legs between hers. “You took a lot out of me last night.” Leaning down, I kiss her lips, giving her a quick little thrust of my pelvis.

She whimpers. The sound makes me want to have her again, right now.

Her stomach growls, I lift my lips from hers and raise my eyebrows. “Okay, okay. I’ll feed you.”

We laugh and get out of bed. When we go out to the kitchen, Angelia lets me know I had a delivery. Taking the small, burgundy velvet box off the island, I open it toward Destiny.

Her hands raise quickly, covering her mouth as she gasps, staring into the box. “The locket.” She looks up at me with her big blue eyes.

“Open it.”

Taking the locket out of the box, she opens it and reads the inscription. “I believe in you,” she says, whisper soft. Her gaze oscillates between me and the locket. Then she wraps her arms around my neck.

I wrap mine around her tiny body. God, I love holding her.

“Thank you,” she says softly in my ear.

“You’re welcome, mia dolce ragazza.” I don’t want to let go.

With Angelina’s eyes on us, we release each other. After breakfast, we shower, and I wait for her on the veranda.

As I’m waiting, Gigi slinks across the terracotta tiled floor, her heels clacking with each step. She’s holding a large envelope in her hands. What’s she doing here?

I stand to greet her. “Gigi, what brings you here? I wasn’t expecting you.”

Approaching me with her arms extended, she grabs my hands, leans to my left and kisses my cheek, then leans to my right for a second kiss. “If you would’ve called me last night, this wouldn’t be a surprise. Mamma said you’d come to stay with Marco for a few days.”

“Yes, I’m here with Destiny.”

“The little blonde woman?” she sneers, turning up her nose and rolling her eyes. “What’s she doing here?”

She’s such a brat. “Gigi, what do you want?”

“I don’t like the way I look in these.” She shoves the envelope at me as she pouts like a child. “I’m sure if I talk to Silvia, she’ll approve a reshoot.” Pulling a chair out from under the table, she faces it toward the chair I was in. She sits down, crossing her long, tanned legs that are completely exposed due to the high center-slit of her black dress. “I can see if Nima is available to do the shoot.”

Sitting back down in my chair, I open the envelop and flip through the proofs. “I don’t see anything wrong with these Gigi. I think you’re being too picky.” I do my best to not sound condescending, although I think she’s being ridiculous.

“I was feeling rushed and it shows in these pictures.” She pulls her chair closer to me and pokes at the pictures in my hands.

“Gigi, honestly. You look gorgeous. You always look gorgeous. These are stunning.”

“You think I’m gorgeous?” She looks up at me from under her fake, dark lashes with that provocative stare she’s been giving me for the last couple of years.

“Gigi, stop.” I know exactly where she’s going and I won’t have it. I’m not playing her flirtatious games, especially not with the feelings I have for Destiny growing more intense by the second.

“Stop what?” She tilts her head and bats her lashes.

“Gigi, no.”

In one smooth movement, she uncrosses her legs and stands up. With one tug of the belt on her dress, it falls into a puddle of fabric on the floor. Now wearing only a red lacy bra and G-string, she takes one step toward me and straddles her legs around me, sitting on my lap and draping her forearms on my shoulders. “Come on, Nicco. After all these years, you can’t tell me you haven’t thought about it.”

“Gigi, stop. You know you’re like a little sister to me. It’s never going to happen.” Two months ago, if a gorgeous woman was sitting on my lap wearing nothing but a bra and G-string, I’d be hard as rock and ready to go. But now, there’s only one woman I want and that’s Destiny. I’ve got to get Gigi out of here.

“If I was your sister, would I do this?” Before I can stop her, she crashes her lips to mine, shoving her tongue in my mouth.


Marco is sitting at the kitchen island, reading, when I come out of my room.

“Good morning.”

“Good morning.” I smile. “Thank you so much for letting us take your boat out today.”

“You’re very welcome. It’s a beautiful day to be out on the water.”

“Do you know where Nicco is?”

“Yes, he’s out on the veranda. I’ll come with you.”

Together, we head toward the veranda.

“Do you have any specific plans for the day?” he asks.

I turn toward him. “Nope, no specific plans. We’re going to see where the day takes us.” I know I probably look like a giddy schoolgirl with a huge, dopey smile on my face and I don’t care. I’m happier than I’ve ever been and I’m excited to spend another day with Nicco. Be in the moment.

As I spin back around and turn the corner out to the veranda, I see them. Giovanna is straddling Nicco wearing nothing but a red bra and panties, and black stilettos. Their lips are locked together. A tsunami crashes into me, knocking me back. My heart rips inside my chest as adrenaline pounds through me, heating my blood.

I turn around, trapped in a simultaneous speed-of-light time-warp, crashing into Marco’s arms. Hot tears sting behind my eyes, ready to burst out of me.

I can’t hide the fury and anguish in my face. I watch his eyes, as if in slow motion, catch Giovanna and Nicco over my shoulder.

“Oh fuck,” he whispers, looking back at me, his brows squeezing together like he can feel the pain stabbing me.

“Marco, can you please take me to the ferry?” I ask, breathless.

“The ferry’s not running now.”

“Please.” I insist. “I have to leave, now.”

“I’ll take you.”

I run to my room and pack my things, haphazardly throwing them into my suitcase.

Within minutes, I’m packed and meet Marco back in the kitchen. By the disappointed look on Angelina’s face, I know Marco told her what happened. I quickly hug and thank her.

Marco and I go immediately to the boat and board it.

“Destiny, I know you’re upset. I don’t know what we saw there.”

“You don’t?” I ask, sitting in the seat on the other side of the boat from the helm. “I do. What we saw was Nicco being Nicco and Giovanna finally getting the man she’s always wanted.” My mouth tastes bitter.

“I don’t think so.” His compassionate eyes don’t soothe me.


“No.” He shakes his head. “Nicco isn’t the man he used to be. I’ve seen a change in him over the last few months. A change for the better. He’s not the man he once was. And it’s because of you.”

I can’t hold back my tears any longer. “It doesn’t matter.” Looking out into the water, I let the tears fall.

He starts the boat and takes off. The wind thrashing at my face can’t numb the pain in my heart.


Reflexively reaching under her arms, I lift Gigi up, pulling her off me and stand up. “Enough, Gigi. No,” I say with finality as I pick up her dress and hand it to her. Impatience pulses in my neck.

“Why?” She pouts. “We’re perfect together. We’ve known each other forever. We want the same things. And we’re both gorgeous,” she says, batting her lashes, tilting her head, and raising her shoulder to her chin.

“We’re so far from perfect together.” I point back and forth between us. “And we may want some of the same things, but for very different reasons. You expect the world to drop at your feet and shower you with luxury because God made you gorgeous. I want to earn my luxury and be an example to others of what’s possible for them if they work hard and never give up on their dreams. I want to make a positive impact.”

“I can’t help that God made me gorgeous. What do you want me to do about that?” she asks, wrapping her dress around herself.

“Nothing.” I shake my head. “You asked me why Destiny’s here. She’s here because I asked her to be here. Because I want her to be here. She lives her life with integrity and kindness. With purpose. She helps others out of the goodness of her heart, not because she expects something in return. She’s the kind of person I want to surround myself with. You could learn a lot from her.”

Her pout turns bitter. “With your career taking off and me by your side, you could’ve had it all,” she seethes, blind to her self-serving attitude.

“You and I are never going to be together. Never. Go, Gigi. Now.” I point my finger in the direction she came from.

Like a sulking child, she stomps off, her butt bouncing with each pound of her steps into the tiled floor.

I have a cigarette to calm my frustration while I wait for Destiny. By the time I’m done, I go back into the house to check and see if she’s ready. Her bedroom door is open so I go in.

All her things are gone.

Fear, rage, and panic intertwine and combust inside my chest. I run out to the kitchen. Angelina glares at me, the corners of her lips turned down, her brows pinched together.

“Gigi?” She shakes her head with a pained look of disapproval that quickly interlocks the puzzle pieces in my head.

One of them saw Gigi kissing me. Destiny knows. She’s gone.

My body ignites. “No!” I fume. “Where is she?” I ask, stalking toward her.

“She packed her things and Marco’s taking her to Naples. How could you?” She shakes her hands at me, scowling.

“No, I didn’t.” Blood curdles in my veins.

“Marco saw you.”

“No. It wasn’t anything. She kissed me and I pulled her off of me and told her to leave.”

“Well, all they saw was you and Gigi kissing.”

“Destiny saw?” My face burns as my heart jackhammers in my ears.

“Yes, she saw. Why do you think she left?”

“Cazzo.” Shoving my hands through my hair, I pace.

I grab my phone and call her. It goes to voice mail. I call Marco. It goes to voice mail.

“Fuck! They’re not answering their phones.” I continue pacing as my mind races. “I have to get to her. I have to explain. It’s not what she saw.” Stopping, I turn to Angelina. “Who else do you know who has a boat?” I ask, my words frantic.

“Only our neighbors down the street, but they’ve taken theirs back to Naples for the weekend.”

“I can’t believe this is happening,” I husk. “I can’t just sit here doing nothing.”

“I don’t think you have a choice. You will have to wait until Marco returns. By then, how will you find her?”

“I don’t know, but I have to try. Maybe he’ll know where she is. I can’t let her leave like this.”

Going to my room, I get my laptop and bring it back to the kitchen island. I quickly open it and check to see what flights are going out.

“She can’t leave today. There are no flights. I have a chance to catch her.”

“What will you say if you find her?”

My thoughts are scrambled. “I — I don’t know. I’ll tell her the truth.”

“I think you broke her heart.” Her tone is gentle. “She may not be ready to hear what you have to say after what she saw.”

I drop my head. My heart is a hundred-pound weight in my chest.

Marco walks in the house and I stand from the stool at the kitchen island. He slams a folded piece of paper onto the island. “You fucking asshole,” he blasts. “Angelina told me that yesterday and last night, you two were behaving like a couple who were head over heels for each other. What the fuck happened?”

“We were. We are.” My words stumble out of my mouth as adrenaline races through my veins. “We had the best day, cuddling and watching movies. Laughing together. We even made love —”

“Fucking wait,” he cuts me off, holding up his hand. “So, let me get this straight. You finally make love to her and the next day you fucking kiss Gigi, of all people?”

“No! I didn’t kiss Gigi!” I roar.

“Bro, I fucking saw you with my own eyes!” he shouts.

“It wasn’t like that. She took off her dress and sat in my lap and fucking kissed me. I threw her off me as soon as she did it.”

“How’d she even get that far?”

“It — it happened so fast.” My brain rushes through the motions of what happened, making me dizzy and furious.

“Well, all Destiny saw was you kissing your long-time childhood friend, which I believe you said is exactly what happened with her ex-fiancé.”

“Cazzo!” I thunder, thrusting my hands into my hair.

“Please tell me you aren’t this much of a dick. What the fuck is wrong with you? Do you even care about this woman?”

“Yes, I care about her! I love her.” As the words leave my mouth, my knees weaken and I drop back down onto the stool. I break out in tiny electric zaps all over my body, stunned by the words that just flew out of me.

Marco, stops talking as his body jolts back. His eyes widen and his eyebrows raise. He shakes his head, calming his voice. “Then bro, you better fucking figure out how to fix this. She’s special. Don’t lose her.” Laughing, he steps toward me, pats me on the shoulder, and squeezes it. “My little brother is finally in love. I never thought I’d hear those words roll off your tongue.” He laughs again. “Read the letter, bro. And go get your girl.” He taps the folded piece of paper, puts the boat keys on the counter, and walks away.

“Wait. Where is she?”

He turns back toward me and shakes his head. “I don’t know. I dropped her off at Naples. She didn’t tell me her plans and I didn’t ask. I doubt she had a plan.”

She left, without saying goodbye, leaving behind a letter. Though I understand why she left and what she thinks she saw, this feels like Ana all over again.

Slowly, I open the letter, terrified to read it.


Thank you for your generosity of time these last few weeks. I appreciate you showing me around Rome and Ponza Island. I have everything I need for my book. I’m changing the direction of my story so please consider that you’ve fulfilled your side of our deal. There’s no need for you to share my book with your following.

I also want to thank you for the kindness you’ve shown me. I enjoyed our time together. You helped me more than you’ll ever know.

I’m glad you and Giovanna figured out your feelings for one another and I wish you both all the happiness. You’re a good man and you’re going to be an incredible husband and father.

Good luck in your career. You’re really on your way.

I hope all your dreams come true.


A teardrop smears her name. My heart rips open. Fuck. She saw Gigi kiss me, now she thinks I’m with her. How do I explain this? Would she believe me? How can I fix it? I have to fix this. At this point, I’ve probably lost her trust, her respect, her.

Unknowingly, she gathered the shattered pieces of my heart and mended them back together with her love. She’s left an indelible mark on my soul. All I want is to be with her. And now she’s gone.

I can’t let her go like this. I won’t.

I grab the keys and go to the boat. Taking the it to top speed, I slice through the choppy waves.

I have to find her.


Marco kindly dropped me off in Naples. I hugged him goodbye and thanked him for his hospitality and for making the trip to bring me here. With my suitcase in one hand, my carryon in the other, I stand on the sidewalk, frozen as the world buzzes around me. I’m a confused ball of anger, sadness, and emptiness.

I take a deep breath. What’s done is done. It’s time to go home and get back to reality.

Finding a café, I open my laptop and look for the first flight I can get back home. I’m out of luck for anything flying out today, but manage to switch my original Sunday flight to Saturday. Next up, I find a hotel room in Rome for the night and figure out transportation from Naples to Rome. By the time I get to my hotel room, my head is dizzy and my body moves at a lethargic pace.

Though I have time to write, I’m not in the right headspace — at all. I get room service and watch a movie, ignoring the texts and calls from Nicco. I can’t imagine what he could possibly want from me. If I forgot something, I don’t really care.

Before getting ready for bed, I check my emails and send an email to Candi to see if she’ll be around when I get home. I’m in desperate need of my best friend.

Hmm, an email from Bev. She doesn’t email me very often. I open it.

Hi Destiny,

Tom and I hope you’re doing well and having a good summer.

I’m reaching out to let you know that, after a lot of thought, we’ve decided to sell the house. As we’re getting older, we’re going to be releasing some of our properties and downsizing from all the things we have our hands in.

Since you’ve been such an amazing tenant for so long, we’d first like to consider a negotiation with you before listing the property with a Realtor. Please give it some thought and get back to me to let me know if you’re interested.

Take care,


I can’t believe this. This day is turning out to be one big, bad omen. I close my laptop and go to the bathroom to get ready for bed.

Looking in the mirror, I see the locket around my neck and hold it between my fingers. In the chaos of the day, I’d forgotten I put it on this morning. A strange mixture of comfort, confusion, and melancholy spreads around my heart.

Comfort from the sentiment behind it and Nicco’s thoughtfulness. Confusion because I don’t know why he’d give me something like this when his heart is with Giovanna. Melancholy because it meant so much to me when he gave it to me, but it clearly didn’t mean anything to him.

Neither do I.