Someone Exactly Like Me by Debbie Cromack



Her sexy ass slaps against me as I slam into her tight cave. She feels so fucking good. If I don’t pull out, I’m going to erupt. I want to make her come. I want to see her beautiful face as she does.

Pulling out, I sit at the top of the bed, resting against the headboard. On her knees, she watches me, catching her breath. I hold out my hand and she takes it, climbing onto my lap. She lifts, arching her back, presenting me with her breasts for a quick suck before she grabs my dick and slides down it. I take her face in my hands and kiss her luscious lips. I could kiss her for hours. I could kiss her for the rest of my life.

With our lips locked, she squeezes her walls around me. My eyes fly open as adrenaline races through my body and I pull back. “The fuck.” I breathe out.

Flashing a wicked smile, she squeezes again. I groan, my muscles tensing. She does it again, pulsing her walls rapidly around me. I grunt, my body jolting forward, weaving my arms under hers and curling my hands around her shoulders.

“If you keep doing that, I’m going to fucking explode.” My breaths are loud, choppy.

Moving my hands to her hips, I yank her into me. She whimpers, it’s the sexiest fucking sound. Leaning back, resting her hands on my thighs, her body undulates. I wet my thumb and rub her nub back and forth slowly, then faster. Leaning back farther, she holds onto my shins, still writhing her body. She’s a fucking goddess. Quickening my pace with my thumb, I pinch her nipple. She moans, breathing heavily. I press a little harder with my thumb, rubbing faster.

“Nicco,” she says, breathless, looking at me with need in her eyes. Labored breaths escape her open mouth as her eyebrows pinch together.

“I want you to come for me, mia dolce ragazza.”

Swirling and pressing, I can see her on the brink. I don’t let up. Her breaths are fast and frantic. Her whimpers grow loud, intense, begging.

“Nicco. Oh God. Nicco.”

With the release of a lust-filled cry, her body hurls forward and her walls clench, pulsing around my dick. Her body convulsing, she wraps her arms around my head, pulling me into her chest, breathing, panting, moaning. Her sounds drive me fucking wild.

“You’re so beautiful, Destiny.” I wrap my arms around her trembling body.

Watching her come and feeling her body’s response, I’m seconds from exploding. I lift her up and flip her around, laying her down. Holding her hips, I pound into her relentlessly, fast and furious, throwing back my head when my release finally smashes into me. Holding her tightly against me, I shudder, pulsing inside her, heaving breaths, groaning with pleasure as my body electrifies and stiffens. Oh fuck.

Pulling out, I collapse on top of her body, exhausted. She wraps her arms around me, stroking my hair softly as we both catch our breath.

We lie body to body, heaving breaths, basking in the bliss of our ecstasy. My breath finally normalizing, I kiss her.

“I’ll be right back,” she says, getting off the bed and scurrying to the bathroom.

I take a deep inhale. Not using a condom was careless, risky. I know better. She’s not Ana. If I got her pregnant, she wouldn’t run. We’d figure it out, together.

After a few minutes, she comes back with a warm washcloth and wipes me off. It’s the first time anyone’s ever done that.

“Thank you.”

The moonlight glows on her angelic face.

“You’re welcome.” She nods toward the TV and smiles. “I like the fire.”

“I thought you might.”

She goes back into the bathroom and comes out, then climbs onto the bed.

“I’ll be right back,” I say, standing up and putting on my pajama bottoms.

“Do you have to?” The disappointment in her eyes makes my heart sink.

“You want me to not have a cigarette after that?” I try to ease her with humor, but it doesn’t work.

Her expression is empty as she crawls under the covers.

I grab my cigarettes and lighter and go to the pool area. Holy fuck that was hot. As I light the end of my cigarette, I stare at the flame of my lighter. I need to quit this shit. I draw in a slow inhale, filling my lungs with the gray death, then rub the heels of my hands into my temples, exhaling.

I need you, Dad. What did I do? What did I just do to her? What did I do to us? Why did she let me have her? Her body is mine now. And that’s not enough. Not nearly enough. I want her heart. I want her soul. I want all of her. But she’s leaving, Dad. And I don’t even know how she truly feels about me. Is she feeling what I’m feeling? Do I have the right to even ask her? I’m so confused. I wish you were here.

I blow the last exhale through my nose and tap out my cigarette, going back to her bedroom.

“May I?” I ask, lifting the edge of the covers.

“Yes,” she says quietly.

When I get under the covers, she cuddles into the side of my body and looks up at me.

“Is this okay?”

It’s more than okay.I drape my arm around her, tucking her in closer. “Yes, it’s okay.”

She lays her head on my chest, resting her arm across my body. Stroking her hair, I kiss her forehead. Fuck. I want this. Every night.

“Why did you let me have you tonight? You kept telling me no. And I honored that, as painful as it was.” I chuckle. “But tonight…”

“I’ve, been afraid. I’m not one of your many women and I didn’t want you to look at me that way —”

“I don’t.” I cut her off, sounding harsher than intended, and tilt her head to look up at me. “Destiny,” I say, softening my tone then pause. “What we’ve had these last few months is something…” I pause again, trying to find the right words. “It’s something I never could’ve imagined for my life.” The right words don’t come. “I’d — closed off my heart. I thought that’s how I’d survive. But, you helped me forgive myself. You gave me closure.” I take a deep breath. “You, melted the walls around my heart.”

She lifts her head so we’re face to face. “That’s why I let you.” Leaning in, she kisses me, then rests her head back onto my chest.

“Il mio cuore é tuo, mia dolce ragazza,” I say, caressing her hair.

She tilts her face up toward mine. “What does that mean?”

“My heart is yours, my sweet girl.”

With Destiny resting on my chest, I feel at peace, content, happy. I have everything I could ever want.

The alarm chimes on my phone. We both laugh.

“What’s your name?”

“Destiny,” she says softly.

“Where are you?”

“Ponza Island.” She chuckles. “I think I’m good,” she says, smiling, then returns her head to my chest.


I can’t believe that just happened. I’ve never felt so desired in my life. And I’ve never experienced such intense pleasure. I wasn’t even in my body. Every sensation was fierce, powerful.

His words gripped my heart. “My heart is yours.” What am I supposed to do with that? I leave in a couple days. I don’t want to fall for him.

I already have.