Fail to Love by Maci Dillon


Falling in Lust


“Whether we fall by ambition, blood, or lust, like diamonds we are cut with our own dust.” ~ John Webster





The week passed quickly, although the nights were long without seeing Sean in person. We talked on the phone when he wasn’t busy delivering babies and making the world a better place, but it wasn’t the same as being with him.

I had managed to apply for a bank loan to get started on Will and Sean’s proposal. Once I received the pre-approval, they would move forward to purchase the land, and I could begin discussions with a builder.

To say I was excited would be an understatement. My dreams were finally within reach, and I was also pretty sure my lust for Sean had grown into something much stronger. It took days of deep consideration, but I finally came to accept Sean’s offer regarding the center and realized it had nothing to do with taking over my life or controlling me.

Each day began with a new bouquet of flowers, and every night I arrived home to a different assortment of chocolates. During our call tonight, I planned to ask him to stop with the deliveries. Receiving them made me smile but not as much as hearing his voice. Tomorrow we had planned to meet for lunch before he drove me to the airport for a conference in Melbourne.

“Really, you don’t have to walk me to my door,” I stated as the elevator doors opened on my floor.

“What kind of man would I be if I didn’t?”

As I stepped off the elevator, I was stunned to see Sean standing at my door. He looked as handsome as ever in his suit pants and disheveled shirt. “Sean, what are you doing here?”

He looked briefly at me before his eyes landed on Dan standing at my side. I ignored his glare and ran to him, throwing my arms around him. He hugged me tightly in return. “Hello, beautiful. I missed you,” he whispered into my hair.

When I pulled back, his gaze was still focused on Dan. “Hi, I’m Sean, and you are?” He extended his hand, introducing himself.

“Hi, man, the name’s Dan. I live a few floors down and was just giving Raven a ride home.”

“Thank you, appreciate you looking after my girl,” Sean said, tucking me under his arm.

His girl?

We all said goodnight before the tension and testosterone skyrocketed. Once inside, I teased, “So, I’m yourgirl now, am I?”

Sean grabbed my waist with firm hands and pulled me against him. “I’d like you to be.” His husky whisper awakened a desire deep in my core. I had missed him, especially over the weekend, but I’d never tell him that.

“Is that right?” I purred in response.

“Too soon?” he asked.

“Is that what all the flowers are about?”

“What flowers?” he joked, kissing my nose. “I’ve had a lot of call-outs and baby deliveries in the past few weeks, and I wanted to let you know I was thinking of you the entire time.”

“Awe, you’re too sweet,” I whispered and pulled his face to mine for a proper kiss.

Sean broke the kiss, and an air of seriousness fell over him. “Raven, I think we need to talk.”

My pulse sped up.

“Oh?” I urged with fake calmness.

“I don’t share. Ever.

I scoffed. “Is that so?”

Sean’s face was void of any expression. His eyes focused on mine, and a cloud of seriousness enveloped him.

“It’s just that, well…” My voice fell away as my eyes deceived me, searching for a spot on the floor. Sean brushed my hair from my face and tucked a loose strand behind my ear. He cupped my chin and held my face up to him, so I had no choice but to look at him. “Keep going, Raven. It’s just what?”

“Less than two months ago, you told me you didn’t stay the night, and now you’re telling me you don’t share. I guess I don’t know what you’re saying exactly.”

A charming smile rocked my core as he took me in his arms.

“Everything is different with you, Raven. I’m now a guy who stays the night, who misses you when I’m gone, and dammit! I have no intention of sharing you.”

I gulped at his admission. My mind raced at a speed that rivaled the new beat of my heart. I was falling for him, but the thought of commitment to anyone this soon on my journey of self-love and acceptance, well, could I do it?

“Tell me we’re exclusive, Raven. I need to hear we’re on the same page about this.”

“Are you saying you want more than casual dates, Dr. Mathers?”

“I think what I’m saying is I want a relationship with you. Only you. Nothing casual about it.”

I chuckled quietly into his chest. “I haven’t seen anyone else since we met, Sean, so I’d say I’m definitely okay with exclusive.”

“I’m not anticipating any calls from expectant mothers tonight. Do you think I could stay so we can consummate this new step in our relationship?”

“I thought you’d never ask. But first, I need a shower. It’s been a long day.”

Showering with Sean—there was no need for warm water. He brought all the heat himself.

Sean lathered my aching body with lavender body wash, his smooth hands caressed every inch of my skin from my neck to my toes and back again. I hummed beneath his touch as he turned me away from him to work on my back. His cock jutted out, tapping my backside with every movement.

“Sean,” I whispered, my voice husky.

Pulling me beneath the spray of the water to wash away the remnants of the day, he answered in an equally husky voice, “Yes, beautiful?”

I didn’t know what I wanted to say. All I knew was his name falling from my lips made everything okay in my world.

“We’re really doing this? We’re in a relationship where I don’t have to pretend to hate you anymore?” I giggled as he towel-dried my hair.

“Oh, it’s happening, all right. And in three-point-five seconds, you’ll know exactly what being in a relationship with me involves.”

I yelped when Sean brought his hand down across my ass after ditching the towel and throwing me over his toned shoulder. “I might never let you leave if you keep that up, doctor.”

Chuckling as he threw me on the bed, the humor was quickly replaced with burning desire. Chemistry buzzed between us. Sean’s eyes darkened, the emotion behind them enough to make my core weep and cry out for his touch.

He crawled over me in a hauntingly slow fashion. He was the predator, and I was the unsuspecting prey. My skin prickled as his body covered mine, little by little. Taking my hands once he’d made it halfway up my body, he pinned them together above my head.

“Keep them there,” he growled quietly.

Words eluded me as my breathing became more erratic. I wrapped my fingers around the wrought iron weaved through the timber of my headboard. Sean’s arms shook with need at my side when he lifted himself to position his cock at my wet entrance.

Sliding his tip through my glistening folds, my hips lifted off the mattress, desperate for him to enter me. His eyes held my attention as if his life depended on it. I was riveted, lost in the moment of pure lust.

And love.

When Sean drove his hips forward, my eyes rolled back in my head. His name rushed from my mouth like a prayer.

A prayer I knew had been answered.