Clearwater’s Redemption by Tiffany Casper

Chapter 9


I know that I left in a hurry. To be honest I wasn’t sure what I was feeling. All of these feelings were abhorrent to me. I didn’t rely on anyone. I had me. And when she claimed me, this disgusting piece of human trash, I had walked away from her. Pissed at my own fucking self, I drove for another hour clearing my head. I stopped at a stoplight, looked to my right, and saw a jewelry store.

However, I continued on, trying to calm the raging monster that stayed inside of me. Two hours later I knew that I had fucked up, I had been about to turn my bike around and head back to the clubhouse when my phone rang.

Hoping that it was Fiona, I growled when I saw that it was Cotton.


Got a Dove. Relocate her. Sent the information to you.” He hung up.

Fucking Christ.

The entire rescue had been fucked up beyond all proportions. I hadn’t made it to the woman in time, but I had made it to the children just as their father put his finger on the trigger to kill the little boy. Over my dead body. Thankfully, an ally of ours had showed up, Zagan MC  and we were able to get the two children relocated with a distant relative that had been trying to get the mother and the kids to come live with her.

In all the time I had been gone, Fiona hadn’t texted nor called, I knew that I had fucked up, and if I didn’t fix this and soon, I’d lose the best damn thing that ever happened to me.

Ten days. That has been the longest that I have ever been away from her. If someone would have told me fifteen years ago that one mere slip of a woman would be able to ease the raging monster that I felt in me every day of my life, I would have ended them. No questions asked.

Just the sound of her voice ceased all of the voices that I heard on a day-to-day basis. Voices of the lives that I had taken. The cries from those pleading with me to not inflict pain on them. The whispers from my childhood. The ones where people would say that I was nothing more than my mother’s whore. To be used when it benefitted her. To be used when she needed her dealer to give her, her next escape. That the dealer only wanted little boys when you couldn’t pay.

Sadly, those whispers had been true.

Now, when she smiles, that one single action causes all of the darkness that swarms around me to brighten, almost to the point where I feel like a kid before my carefree life literally ended.

The feel of her hands on my body, now that, that is the best thing of all. Her touch erases away all of the dark, sick, twisted things that I have had done to me.

From the time I was four until I turned seven.

Why did those things end when I turned seven? Why was I in juvenile detention until I turned seventeen? Why hadn’t I been tried as an adult for murdering my mother by smothering her with a pillow? Why hadn’t I been given a far lengthier term for killing the sadistic son of a bitch?

Simple. Because no one knew about what I had done to my mother. Her death had been ruled a suicide, an overdose. The only crime I had admitted to was killing that man. I never spoke about what she had allowed to happen to me. I never spoke about the times that she herself locked my bedroom door after she allowed that man inside of my room.

Shaking those thoughts from my head as I drove home, I stopped at that same stop light and looked left. There was that jewelry store.

Since no one was behind me, I moved to the turning lane.

Walking into the jewelry store had a cold sweat hitting my body, I almost turned around and left, however, the idea of making Fiona mine permanently, of giving all of me to her didn’t scare me anymore.

Two hours later I walked out with my purchases.

The moment I pulled up on my bike at the clubhouse, I saw Fiona’s car in the lot.

Everyone was outside since I had texted Cotton that I was almost there. I had to stop to see Clutch, I had another crow added to my arm. That man would never harm those children again.

So I ignored the insistence in my president's voice. I ignored the bodies that surrounded me, trying to stop me, that was a fucking joke.

I plowed through the bodies until I saw her.

She was sitting with her back to the door surrounded by the ole’ ladies.

Almost as if she knew I was coming for her, she turned her head, the moment our eyes locked I saw hurt in them, standing there in the open-door way for all to hear, I told her, “I’m sorry. I’m yours if you’ll have me.”

Fiona stared at me, then I saw her she was up and out of her chair so fast that it seemed gravity didn’t apply to her.

When she reached me she threw herself at me, I caught her in my arms as I hauled her up my body.

I knew that I was holding her too tight, but she didn’t say a word, no she merely ran her hands along the back of my neck while whispering so only I could hear, “I’m right here honey.”

We stood there in the doorway while my brothers walked back in, setting her down on her feet, I looked in her eyes. Knew that I would be groveling on my knees begging her for her forgiveness.

“I know I overstepped and I’m sorry for that, and…” I put my finger over her lips to stop her.

There was nothing that she did wrong.