Grumpy Alien King by Celeste King



The towel I wrapped around myself after my shower went all the way to my feet. I guessed it was Sanax-sized. I wondered if Dahrial would let me make some adjustments to accommodate my human size, after the wedding.

The wedding… I shoved some of the darker thoughts I was having about that. Instead, I tried to enjoy the little things of the moment.

Other than the towel nearly tripping me as I left the opulent bathroom for my bedroom, there was basically nothing to complain about. My rooms were palatial. I had never been in an entire house that was as big as the chambers I’d been given.

I let the towel fall at my feet. I felt decadent, standing there naked in the middle of all that luxury. The cool air was refreshing after the steamy shower. It tickled my body and brought little goosebumps out. My nipples hardened.

Even the shower had felt indulgent. I don’t know where the Sanax sourced their soaps, but my skin felt like it was glowing. Even after a spa-day at Teshie’s, I’d never felt so clean and fresh.

I suppose I had never really known what to expect as mail-order-bride after I’d been ordered. The instructors at Teshie’s always painted a glorious picture of our future as brides, obviously. Still, you heard stories through the grapevine of girls who’d ended up in horrible situations.

I certainly hadn’t landed in one of those. But the situation I had landed in felt… strange.

Laying back on the bed that was big enough for six of me, I mentally reviewed some of my cultural training. It had been my understanding that the wedding would take place not more than two days after my arrival. Teshie’s encouraged this when people placed their order, in fact. It kept the brides and the grooms from having second thoughts. And it wasn’t like Teshie’s accepted returns.

So it was definitely strange that it didn’t seem like any preparations for a wedding had been made.

Even stranger was the groom himself. Once again, I’d tried to engage Dahrial. The table was still being cleared when I’d suggested we take a walk.

“We hardly know each other, after all,” I added. I thought maybe the guy was just completely uncomfortable around women, and maybe I could ease his mind. “I think you’ll find I’m not so bad.”

“Great idea,” Xxuric had announced loudly. “Go out to the garden.”

“Ehm… err…” Dahrial stammered. “I think maybe I ate too much at dinner for a walk.”

“You hardly touched your plate,” I said in what I hoped was a flirtatiously teasing manner. “I was watching you carefully.”

“That’s what I mean,” Dahrial said.

“What do you mean that’s what you mean?” Xxuric asked, getting angry.

“I’m actually still hungry,” Dahrial explained. “Maybe I’ll head to the kitchen to get myself something else.”

“I could come with you,” I said. “Perhaps I can prepare something –”

“No!” he shouted quickly. A silence hung over the table. “I mean. You should get settled. In your rooms. Without me. Because. I. Um.”

And then he’d just scampered off.

I slipped under the covers, wondering what I could do to make this upcoming marriage something palatable for both of us. I wasn’t particularly attracted to the boy, but a lifetime of sleeping alone and waking up to a loveless, affectionless, potentially sexless marriage was not something I was looking forward to.

Especially if my father-in-law was constantly going to be losing his temper around my husband and me.

When Dahrial had run off, Xxuric had begun to rise from the table. I had the feeling he was going to break something over the boy’s head. Or maybe just go ahead and break the boy’s head itself. Either way, I figured smoothing over that relationship was one thing it would be smart for me to start doing.

So I’d laid a hand on one of Xxuric’s as he was about to push himself up from the table.

His head quickly whipped around. He looked at my hand on his. Then at me. For a moment, I feared I’d done something wrong. But if I had, then why did he let his hand linger beneath mine for a few extra seconds?

I hadn’t intended the touch to be anything but an attempt to stay him. Instead, it seemed to have become something more. I could feel it in him. I could feel it in myself, as well.

“It’s… not a problem,” I said softly, to fill the silence.

“That boy is nothing but a problem,” he’d said through grit teeth. But I could tell the fire of his temper was cooling at my touch. Which, weirdly, made me feel really good.

“Let that be his wife’s issue to deal with. After all, that’s why you bought me for him. Isn’t it?”

I looked up at him with questioning eyes. After the words left my mouth, I realized the question was full of more meaning than I’d intended. He sensed it, too. He slowly removed his hand from beneath mine.

“Your maids will show you to your quarters,” he said, and then walked away. I watched him leave the room.

As the memory of dinner receded, I discovered that there I was, under the covers, gently probing with a finger between my legs.

There’s something there between us. No denying it, I thought, as an index finger gently touched my clit. It responded, swelling slightly at the touch.

He was charming as hell at dinner. He also spanked me the second we met.

Yet the thought of that spanking, of his hand on my bare ass, made my fingers want to explore myself further. Made me wet. Truth was, it had been super-hot, in a super-weird way.

I let my mind wander. Imagining what might have followed the spanking had the two of us been alone. I imagined Xxuric’s muscular, naked body atop mine, imagining taking the length of him inside myself.

Several minutes later, I came hard imagining fucking my father-in-law, and then I fell asleep not feeling all that guilty about it.