Hellbent Hero by Naomi Porter



THE NAME OF the Hunter’s enforcer was Rudy Dutra. Since he’d arrived at county, the motherfucker bragged about all the women he’d taken by force. My cellmate told me some of Rudy’s stories. Each word fueled the fire ravaging my soul. Increased my thirst for blood and retribution. Not only for my Roja but for Ava and every woman assaulted by Rudy fucking Dutra.

The bitch of it all was, I wouldn’t have the pleasure of spilling Rudy’s blood all over the concrete floor. Wouldn’t get to drain the life out of him with my bare hands. Wouldn’t get the pleasure and satisfaction I desperately needed to exact violence on him—just as he had with dozens of women.

No, the fucker wouldn’t experience an ounce of pain when his life ended. Fuck it burned me up. Anything else would be too goddamn humane.

“The bastard got off on their struggling and crying.” My cellmate, Ryder, shook his head. “He’s one sick fuck.”

Prone on my bunk, I raised my hand. “Enough.” There was only so much shit I could handle regarding the enforcer. The very thought of him reminded me of how he attacked Tara. Rage exploded in me, then sadness tamped out the anger because I missed her like crazy.

But I sure as hell didn’t want Storm bringing her here, so I’d just have to wait.

Ryder nodded as he paced the length of the cell. This seemed to be a routine for him. We all had our nervous habits. I’d just suck up my annoyance, even if it felt like the walls were closing in on me.

“Sorry. I’m pissing you off again, aren’t I?”

I opened one eye when I heard the quiver in his voice. “Yes. But I’m not going to hurt you.”

Ryder wiped his hands down the sides of his orange jumpsuit like he’d been sweating. He was a young guy. Nineteen. In for assault with a deadly weapon: his fist. It got him a year in the county jail, which was almost over.

The young dude hadn’t told me the whole story, nor had I asked. Too much on my mind to give a rat’s ass. All my thoughts were on the enforcer and tomorrow night.

And Tara.

When Storm was here a few days ago, he’d told me he’d get what I needed to send Rudy Dutra to hell. I wasn’t sure how Grizzly had done it, but he’d located Rudy’s mom and sister in St. Paul, a couple of hours east of the club. Grizzly was a genius with computers. He could find almost anything.

When Angel’s brother Toby was in town, he spent time teaching Grizzly about security systems and other shit. I might be the club’s Sergeant at Arms—the head of security, and the Prez’s personal bodyguard—but I wasn’t a whizz with techie stuff. I was old school. Used my fists and Ruger-57 to take care of business. It was why I had Grizzly working with me. He made sure the club had the latest and greatest while I sat back and did it the old fashioned way. We made a good pair.

I scrubbed my hands over my face, exhaling as I stared at the concrete ceiling. Every night I thought of Tara and the short amount of time we’d spent together. After weeks of flirting with her, dreaming of her, I’d finally gotten her. Now all I could do was relive the only day we spent together in my very vivid imagination. The day after AJ’s funeral…

I squeezed the top of my pounding head. My mouth felt pasty, full of cotton. What time was it? What day was it? Did I miss the arms run to Canada?

Who the fuck was in my bed?

I didn’t remember bringing anyone up to my room after getting another bottle of tequila. I was beyond wasted, so who the fuck knew what I’d done? It wouldn’t be the first or probably the last… Club kittens were just so damn willing and I was so damn messed up I didn’t fucking remember who I brought up here.

My stomach churned with disgust. I shouldn’t have felt guilty but I did. I wanted Tara, not a kitten. How could I break so easily? In my heart, I’d already committed to her.

Fuck! I was such an asshole. After what happened with the Hunters, I avoided her. Disgust and shame ravaged me. I wasn’t good enough for my Roja. Sleeping with a kitten proved I was a piece of shit. Fuck!

I turned my head to see which kitten was lying beside me, fully prepared to kick her out of my bed. All the air left my lungs.

A mop of red hair was fanned out on the pillow next to me. None of the kittens had red hair. I only knew one woman with hair so vibrant and lush. It made me want to reach out and touch it every time she was near.

Tara? I couldn’t imagine why she’d be in my bed in all her naked glory.

I reached my hand under the sheet and fisted my morning wood. I didn’t have clothes on either—no surprise since I liked to sleep nude.

Well, this sucked. If I had sex with Tara, I didn’t remember any of it. What a loser.

It was probably for the best. If I knew what Tara’s pussy felt like squeezing my cock or tasted like on my tongue, I might not ever let her go.

And she needed to go.

I was no good for her.

Dragging my ass out of bed, I stumbled into the bathroom to take a piss and brush my teeth. I swished some mouthwash for good measure. Tara didn’t need to smell my stanky breath.

Better yet, a shower would help clear out the fogginess of last night. Maybe. Hopefully. I really wanted to know what happened between Tara and me.

I opened the glass door, stepped in, and turned the lever. Cold water sprayed me instead of hot. My muscles tensed as I shivered, goose bumps covering my body.

An icy cold shower was good. Made me alert. I ran my hands over my face, rubbing the sleep out of my gritty, burning eyes.

For the first time since being rescued from the Hunters, I felt… I felt okay. Clearheaded and not angry.

The glass door opened, startling me.

“Mind if I join you?” Tara stepped inside without waiting for an answer. “Shit! It’s freezing,” she screamed, switching the water from cold to hot. Instantly steam filled the small space.

I fell against the tile wall, rendered speechless by her magnificent naked body. Her sable-colored doe-eyes bore straight into my soul, as if she knew me on a deeper level—more than I knew her. I felt raw. Vulnerable. Ripped off, because it was totally one-sided. So fucking unfair.

Her gorgeous eyes shimmered like melted chocolate. Taunting me as if she had a secret and clearly the upper hand.

Was this for real?

Or was I hallucinating?

Tara was every dude’s wet dream come to life. I was mesmerized watching the water rain down on her, soaking her red mane, spraying her plump tits. Water droplets covered her fair skin, streaking down her lush curves.

My mouth went bone dry. Parched and arid, like the Mojave Desert. I desperately wanted to lick drops off every inch of her. To quench my thirst. To replenish my vapid soul. To bring me out of the barren state I’d been in for far too long.

Roja stood before me with a naughty, unapologetic smirk as she stole the air from my lungs. Like a sassy, scrumptious, take-no-prisoners porn model doing a photoshoot for Playboy—shower edition. No man could behold such a mythical creature and not get hard and fully erect… And then some.

Her rosy lips puckered. She glided her hands over her voluptuous tits. Long, skinny fingers pinched her nipples, then she moaned an erotic melody I’d never heard before. Not from kittens or my wife. It made my heart race with lust pulsing through my veins.

Tara did it again, slipping a hand down between her thighs.

My throbbing cock jerked in anticipation of what I hoped would come next.

“I need you, big guy.” Her other hand went around my steel rod.

Fuck yes. A jolt of X-rated desire speared down my spine as Roja caressed me.

“I don’t mind giving you what you need,” she purred. “When you need it. I enjoy getting you off over and over… But it’s my turn. I want this thick, mammoth cock inside my needy, neglected pussy.”

What the fuck? Needy? Neglected?

“What?” I croaked like a prepubescent teen, then cleared the frog out of my throat. “Roja, I… What the hell is this?”

She tittered, batting her eyelashes and rubbing her thumb around the crown of my tortured dick. “I’ve never sucked so much cock in my life.” She moved so close her nipples bumped into my chest, grazing my hot skin.

This sort of interlude with a woman didn’t usually shock the fuck out of me. But this was no ordinary woman. This was Tara. My Roja. We weren’t like this. Ever. Although, I’d dreamed of it a million times…

Before the Hunters captured us.

Before I failed her and everyone else.

Before AJ was killed in cold blood right in front of me.

“Don’t drift away from me, big guy. Stay here,” she cooed, calling me back to the present as she stroked my length.

Goddamn, my cock responded to her like they were old friends. This needed to stop. “Tara,” I grounded out.

“Don’t get me wrong, big guy. I think your dick is supreme the way it fills my mouth, stretching it until my jaw locks.” She flashed a megawatt smile, wholly disregarding the tortured plea in my voice. “I just want to experience it in other places.” She fondled herself with my cock and licked my nipple. “Like here.”

Fuck, she looked like a hot mermaid—all wet with her scarlet hair sticking to her body. She was every man’s ultimate fantasy. Naked. Wet. Ready to fuck.

“But what are you doing here?” I couldn’t wrap my brain around this anomaly. “You are here, right? This isn’t a dream, is it?” If it was, I never wanted to wake.

Her eyelashes fluttered as she arched her brow. “No, it’s not a dream. It’s late Sunday afternoon. So will you fuck me or not?”

I stared at her as my cock turned angry as hell while I took the time to consider her question. Would I fuck her? Slam balls deep into her sweet pussy?

Having sex with Roja was all I could think about since the day I first saw her.

Because my mouth apparently didn’t work and my brain was clearly fucked up, I let my sexual instincts take over. I lifted Tara, putting her back to the tile wall. She secured her legs around my hips and gripped my shoulders. In one thrust, I drove into her like my life depended on it. Son of a bitch, it fucking did depend on it.

“Fuck,” I hissed as her warmth surrounded me. She was tight and already pulsing—fucking euphoric.

Our mutual groans ricocheted off the walls as we adjusted to being connected to each other. My heart thundered against my ribs like never before. Adrenaline kicked in, giving me the rush a former junkie like me used to live for. No chance in hell I’d fight the desire for her perfect pussy. After one taste, I was addicted.

I still couldn’t believe Tara was here. I was smashing her into the wall with my body. So deeply ensconced in her sex.

It was sheer nirvana.

I slammed my hand on the tile beside her head as an exhilarating surge shot into my heart. The kind I lived for, back in the good old days when I used to shoot up. My eyes rolled back into my head as the most incredible high I’d ever experienced lifted me into a psychedelic realm of rainbows, unicorns, and one fucking magical mermaid.

My lips tingled, teeth aching to bite something. Rather than sink my teeth into the tendon where Tara’s neck met her shoulder, I dropped my mouth to her earlobe and nibbled. Totally basking in this transcendent connection I had with her.

Roja’s hands skimmed over my shoulders, up to my neck. “You feel better than I imagined.” Her words coaxed me to get on with it. Because apparently, I’d gone brain dead and wasn’t moving as I should’ve.

I set a steady, intentional pace, hitting her G-spot over and over. She rewarded me with a whimper, not in pain, more like a plea for more. She was so goddamn tempting in every way—more than any meager high or a quick fix.

My lips crushed her plump rosy ones as I started fucking her with even, deep thrusts so I could draw this out as long as possible.

I growled into her ear, “I want you in every position. I want all your holes. I want you screaming out my goddamn name.” Mine, mine, mine echoed in my head. “You’re not going anywhere until I claim every piece of you. Understand?”

“Yes,” she cried out in ecstasy as I took what was mine.


“Hero? Yo, Hero.” Ryder’s voice sliced through my reverie. “You asleep?”


“Oh. I’ll let you get some rest.” He started his one hundred pushups.

There was something about this kid I respected. Eventually, I’d find out his story. Maybe after Dutra was six feet under.

I grunted, shutting my eyes, and returned to my Roja.