Hellbent Hero by Naomi Porter



THE LAST OF my rugrats made his way to the classroom door. He turned with a sweet smile on his face. “Bye, Miss Walsh, see you Monday.” The precious toe head waved, his smile growing wider. God, I loved kids. So innocent and accepting. Untarnished by the evil world—or more like wicked people.

From my desk, I wiggled my fingers in the air. “Bye, Brad. Have a terrific weekend.”

As the door latched closed, I heard his damn voice in my head. All his whispers of how much he loved the way I smelled. Tasted. Felt in his arms. Then when close to coming deep inside me, he’d throw God into the middle of it in some fashion: Merciful God, I don’t deserve this gift. I will protect her with my life. I will never let her go.

Hero had rendered me speechless each and every time. The emotion in his voice, his heartfelt words, they reached into my soul. Foolishly, I’d believed everything he said.

Those vows played in my head like a broken record. Sometimes I heard only crackling, other times slurring. It didn’t matter if I couldn’t make out the words. They’d been etched on my being. Permanently tattooed in my memory so I could never forget. They tormented me now, because they’d been nothing but lies and empty promises.

“You bastard,’ I muttered, grabbing my head between my hands and squeezing it. “Stop talking to me. Just stop… please.”

Hero hadn’t returned from the “run” with Storm and the others. Whatever “run” meant. Not even Maddy knew the specifics of the trip. Sugar and Tina told us it was part of the guys’ job in the club. And that it could sometimes be dangerous.

I’d stayed glued to Maddy’s side the whole week, learning the ins and outs of the club and getting to know the other women on a deeper level. I’d discovered I liked being there with them. During the day, the clubhouse had felt very much like a large inn. Constant activity abounded, and not once had I felt alone.

When Storm returned, Hero wasn’t with him. He’d gone off on his own. Storm told me Hero needed to deal with some shit. But I knew better. He’d regretted being with me. Wanted to put distance between us so he could get on with his MC life without any complications from little old me.

Rather than face me, the chickenshit took off like a coward. If he’d only wanted to fuck me, why had he spoken so sweetly to me? Why had he acted like it was more than a one-night stand? I would’ve been okay with meaningless sex with a hot biker. I’d wanted a sample of what Maddy had found with Storm since the first time they screwed like rabbits at my place. I would’ve been okay with my own sexfest. No expectations. Just a one-night stand.

But that wasn’t what happened. Instead, Hero had branded himself on my fucking soul in less than twenty-four hours.

I was lying to myself. Hero ruined me before we’d connected intimately. It had been building since the day I met him in Sugar Bliss Bakery. I’d fought the undeniable pull I felt for him. Denied my desires. Battled them until I was exhausted.

Why? Because he was a biker who fucked club whores. I didn’t know if I could trust him with my heart. Trust him to not let me down. Trust him to not hurt me.

I’d been right to keep him at arm’s length.

My resolve changed when we were taken hostage. Everything changed. Going through hell with Hero by my side lowered my guard. I needed him. Relied on him. Trusted him with my life.

I’d been a stupid, stupid girl.

I thought he cared about me. Wanted to be with me. Lies.All lies. Hero wasn’t any different from any other cocky, alpha bad boy I’d encountered. On top of everything else, he was an outlaw… a biker. They were the worst at being territorial cavemen.

Well, except for Maddy’s guy. Storm was the exception to the rest. Still a caveman at times and hella possessive, but you’d have to be blind as a bat to not see how much that biker worshiped and loved his woman.

I thought Hero felt that way about me.

I collected the stack of math and spelling tests on my desk to grade over the weekend. Like every other day, I didn’t want to go home. Nobody would be there. The silence would eat at me the moment my foot crossed the threshold.

What choice did I have? There was nowhere else to go. Like it or not, I had to spend the next forty-eight hours at war with my demons. They were wearing me down. Making me weak. The pain in my heart was too much to bear. I wanted it to stop.

I would do anything to be numb to all things, Hero.

When I was at school, with a classroom full of second graders making a boatload of noise, I was at peace. Twenty-three little distractions held me together. The urges I never escaped were quiet. Nonthreatening. I was even-keeled. I’d been in a good place until that asshole tore down my walls.

So when the last kid left, those wicked sons of bitches returned. It was hell. Hell like I’d never experienced before. Further proof Hero was bad news and brought out the worst in me.

My classroom door opened and Maddy flitted in. Her baby blues sparkled as her radiant smile chased away all the darkness. “It’s Friday!”

I snorted. “Really? I didn’t realize.”

She stopped in front of my desk and crossed her arms. “Don’t sass me. I want you to come home with me.” She pushed her bottom lip out. “Please, please, please. Storm is going to be busy all weekend, with who knows what.” She rolled her eyes, one of many cute things she did. “I need my bestie. Plus, Sugar, Tina, Jill, and Libby will be around. We can make it a girls’ weekend!”

Christ, her whole face lit up. After everything Maddy had been through with the Hunters, it killed me to decline her invite. I knew she was only doing it because she was worried about me.

I really didn’t want to be alone…

“Sure, I’ll go home with you.” The clubhouse was better than the empty tin box I lived in. I truly didn’t want to regress into my old habits. I’d done so well over the last five years. Not once had I hurt myself to numb my emotions. Maddy had a lot to do with keeping me mentally healthy. But, of course, she had no clue about my inner turmoil and unhealthy coping skills.

Why burden others?

Especially when I’d been doing so well.

“But I won’t stay in his room.”


The door opened again. “Angel?” Storm’s head poked in. Relief crossed his face when his severe gaze landed on her. I’d never seen a man so enamored with a woman the way Storm was with Maddy. He loved her beyond words. “Fuck, baby. You weren’t in your classroom.”

Maddy winced. “I’m sorry.” She bit her bottom lip. “I forgot.”

He went to her, wrapping his arms around her. “It’s okay. I know this arrangement is new.” He pressed his lips to her head. “Hey, Tara. Did my girl convince you to spend the weekend with her? I’d appreciate it if you’d keep her company.”

I knew their game. It wasn’t about me being with Maddy. It was about making sure I was okay. Since I wasn’t, I loved my bestie and her husband for caring about me.

“She even pulled out her pouty lip.” I mimicked what Maddy had done.

Storm dropped his gaze to Maddy. “Damn, Angel. Pulling out the big guns.” His expression was intense, but his voice was soft. He must’ve panicked when she wasn’t in her classroom. Since school started, he escorted her into the building and out. That there was the purest form of love and devotion.

“I’d do anything for Tara.” The sincerity in her blue depths made me swallow the emotion bubbling up in my throat from watching them together. They were the perfect couple despite how different they looked. Storm towered over Maddy, his body spanning three of her. Everything about him was dark and dangerous, right down to the permanent scowl on his face. It disappeared when he was with Maddy. She was his light, his safe haven… his queen.

I stood from my desk, collecting my tote bag. Envy rumbled in my chest. The green-eyed monster banged on the door of my soul. Desperate for what they had. To be adored and loved. Thought I might’ve had a shot at my own happily ever after with Hero.

Yeah, I was an idiot.

I faked a smile. “Well, let’s not waste any more time. I need to run home to grab a few things if that’s okay?”

“Sure,” Maddy chirped, all cute and shit. She wasn’t usually so sugary sweet. But, as Storm had said, she was pulling out the big guns. “Copper will follow you home and to the club.”

I smiled instead of giving her crap about it like I might have months ago. It would only hurt her feelings. “Okay, Mads. I’ll be over in an hour.”

Maddy was the last person I’d ever want to make sad.

Storm had insisted on a prospect guarding me when I moved back to the trailer. I wasn’t sure why at first, but I was grateful. All of the Hunters had been either apprehended or killed. The area was safe again, but I sensed Storm’s decision had something to do with Hero. If Storm had talked to him, he never mentioned it, nor had I asked.

Storm removed Maddy’s book bag from her shoulder and led her to the door. I followed them, turning the lights off before I exited my classroom. I had to admit feeling relieved about not spending the weekend alone. For now, the dark place calling to me was shut down. But it was only a matter of time before I lost the fight and succumbed to the madness.

Loud rock music played in the dimly lit bar. These bikers were an odd mix of Ozzie Osborne enthusiasts who also appreciated the talents of Citizen Cope and Eminem. Then they’d throw everything on its ass when a country song burst through the speakers. The twangy tunes didn’t fit this rough and gritty biker world.

After staying  here for a couple of weeks, I’d learned the rare Carrie Underwood song was for Madeline when she was in the bar. And not because she requested it, Storm had. It was sweet how he’d cuddle her on his lap, whispering in her ear and turning her face red. One had to assume he was talking dirty to her. They usually retreated up to their room not long after.

Noise absorbed into my bones while I eyed neon signs in various bright colors on the walls. Booze, leather, and smoke wafted in the air. When I stayed in Hero’s room and hung out with Maddy in the evenings, I’d felt at home here.

Even observing salacious activities between the bikers and kittens was comfortable. The nasty side of me ogled the couples as I would a porn movie. Of course, I pretended I hardly noticed them. I might be a respected second-grade teacher, but every woman had a naughty side whether they cared to admit it or not. In these rural parts, it was better to keep such things to myself. Wouldn’t want shit about me to float through the rumor mill.

My eyes landed on a couple in a corner, getting hot and bothered. I appreciated the members of the club because they didn’t call the women who serviced them whores. Whore was such a degrading word. These kittens seemed to take their jobs seriously. Not one appeared ashamed of fucking multiple men in one night—nor should they. To each, their own was my motto.

Even after all the time I spent here, this place fascinated me. The Knight’s Legion MC was one big family. Who would have pictured that from outlaws? Through Maddy, I had been welcomed into it. Felt as good as blood from the way they treated me.

I locked eyes with Libby, one of the club’s favorite kittens. She smiled wide and sipped her whiskey sour. She was a beautiful platinum blonde with green eyes, the color of emeralds. They sparkled just as much as the gems. Tonight she had on black eyeliner, really making her eyes pop. Her curvaceous body was mesmerizing, even for me. It was no wonder she was a favorite. She was a bombshell.

I wanted to know more about her and what made her become a kitten. Up until this point, I never broached the subject, not wanting to be rude or intrusive. But I’d already had two screwdrivers, and was on my third, so my filter was just about non-existent.

“How long have you been here, Libby?” I held a cocktail straw between my teeth and twirled a lock of my red hair around my middle finger.

The chatter at the table stopped.

“Thirteen months,” she replied easily.

Maddy, Sugar, and Jill’s eyes ping-ponged from me to Libby. Jill had been spending more time at the clubhouse after the ordeal with the Hunters. Maddy had said Boxer didn’t give her a choice in the matter. I found that fascinating too.

Why were the women in the club so freaking obedient all the time? Like didn’t they want to be their own person? Make their own decisions? I didn’t understand the MC lifestyle, as Maddy had told me on more than one occasion. But strangely, the more I was here, I felt a pull. Like I was coming home. I didn’t understand it.

“And you like being a kitten?” I shifted in my chair as she leaned forward in hers. The tops of her plump breasts spilled out of her black v-neck.

“Mhm. Love it.” She fluttered her dark lashes as she glanced around the room. “Ask me what you really want to know, babe. I’m not shy.” She licked her bottom lip before sipping her drink.

“I can see that about you. It’s what I like most… I think.” I swirled the straw in my glass. Was there something else swimming around in my head? A question burning on the end of my tongue? Maybe.

“Have you been with all the guys in the club?” Like one of my students, I dodged the real question. I could care less about the other guys. To avoid the wide eyes pinning me in place, I slurped down my drink.

Libby winked at Maddy. “I haven’t been with Storm. Or Raul and Wolf.” She eyed me as if she knew what I really wanted to know, but she wasn’t going to give me the answer.

“It’s a good thing you haven’t been with Wolf, or I might have to take you out back and beat your tiny ass.” Jill popped a maraschino cherry into her mouth. I couldn’t tell if she was joking or not. Jill owned Sister Chic Boutique. She had dirty blonde hair in a pixie cut with streaks of burgundy through it. She was freaking adorable with black-framed glasses. Trendy with a hipster vibe. Not many could pull off the look.

“Seriously?” I asked because damn, I wanted to know. See? My filter was totally gone.

Jill turned toward me. “Absolutely, one hundred percent serious. If any of these bitches touch my man, I’ll be out for blood.” She glanced at Libby, then back at me. “And you should be too. Every old lady needs to keep the kittens in line when it comes to her man. It’s just the way it is.”

I blinked, unsure of what to say to that.

Sugar sighed, shaking her head. “Be nice, Jill.” She smiled at me. “Jill is the younger version of Boxer. They’re a lot alike. Fighters. Possessive of what’s theirs and capable of beating people to a pulp.”

My eyes bulged. “Oh, sure.” But really, I had no idea. I knew Boxer was the club’s enforcer. He handled any issues with… anything and everyone. He was also hotter than hot, reminding me of a Greek god. Intense, but playful, with a panty-melting smile. Boxer, his road name, fit him to a T. Sugar was right about him being a fighter, an MMA fighter, to be specific. Underground events, just for the hell of it. KLMC was his life, like all the other bikers. I didn’t understand how they were so passionate about the MC life but respected their loyalty to the club and their brothers.

“That’s right. We manage our tempers well, but when we lose it, we lose it big.” Jill popped another cherry into her mouth. She looked non-threatening, sort of like a fairytale pixie—to match the name of her hairstyle. I didn’t discount her words… or were they warnings?

I glanced at Libby again, finding her watching me. What the hell? I needed to know. “So it sounds like you’ve been with most of the guys. Does that include Hero?”

Maddy patted my leg under the table. Instantly, I knew the answer to my question. Frick.

“Yes. I’ve been with him. But not since—”

“Not since what?” A melon-sized lump caught in my throat as my eyes moved over her perfect tits, perfect lips, perfect everything. The kitten was stunning. Libby had a perfect ass to go along with every other perfect fucking piece of her. I’d checked her out plenty of times along with all the other kittens. They were my competition.

Jealousy flooded my veins. No way in hell could I compete with Libby.

She bit her bottom lip. “Since the day before the Fourth of July, I think.”

I gaped, my mind racing back to that day.

Maddy nudged me, smiling. “The fourth was when you met him for the first time. Do you remember that, at Sugar Bliss?”

Libby’s green eyes went wide. “Oooh, that makes sense now. The girls and I had talked about him not taking any of us up to his bedroom.”

“Oh, wow. That’s just fucking fantastic. He’s been with all the kittens.” I squeezed my empty glass between my hands. I had no right to be pissed or envious, but dammit, I was both. A possessiveness I’d never felt before bloomed in my chest.

Sugar tilted her head. Understanding crossed her pretty face. She was another blonde bombshell but with hazel-green eyes. Her shoulder-length hair was usually up in a messy bun. She certainly didn’t look old enough to have twin teenage sons. Her boys, Maddox and Markey, were rarely around. Big seniors and all that.

“Hey, hon. It’s the way of the MC. None of these guys ever want to settle down. What they do isn’t easy. It’s dangerous at times. Not having any entanglements keeps them focused. But they like sex, like all of us here at this table.” Sugar wiggled her eyebrows. “That’s why they have kittens.”

Well, she wasn’t wrong about liking sex.

“God, yes!” Libby shimmied in her seat. “Love sex. But Tara, Hero didn’t do anything wrong before you came into the picture. And even if he had been with one of us after he met you, until Hero claims you, he’s free to do as he damn well pleases.”

Sugar huffed. “Shit, some guys still live by the old ways. They fuck around on their old lady, and she accepts it.”

“Not me. I’ll cut off Wolf’s big dick,” Jill growled, showing her fierce side.

Maddy took my hand under the table. She knew me so well, but I wouldn’t show any emotion. Not with these women. I didn’t know them well enough.

“No worries. I’m good. Hero isn’t mine, so he can fuck whoever he wants.” I raised my glass in a cheer, then remembered it was empty. “Copper! Another please,” I shouted toward the bar.

The corner of Libby’s perfect mouth curled. “Okay, babe. I get it.”

I hated how she appeared to know my plight. Was I really that transparent?

“Boxer says love is for pussies. Fucking is just a release of pent-up aggression. I get the impression he isn’t tender in bed. I mean, I’ve seen him fight so...” Jill turned toward Libby. “In a sick way, I’m kind of curious if it transfers into the bedroom. He’s a violent son of a bitch. But you don’t have to tell me. Hell, I may not want to hear the answer.” Jill popped another cherry into her mouth.

Libby’s eyes bugged out. “Oh no, Boxer isn’t tender. I get the feeling he’s been burned… by Snow.”

Jill launched out of her chair like a submarine missile. “What did he tell you about Snow? That asshole!” Jill’s face turned bright red like the maraschino cherries. The woman looked positively distressed over some woman named Snow.

I was so glad the spotlight was off me. Libby was right, though. Hero hadn’t done anything wrong being with the kittens before I was in the picture. However, I was of the same mindset as Jill. No kitten or other woman better touch my man. I’d beat them to a pulp—even this adorable blonde kitten.

Libby shrugged one shoulder nonchalantly. “It’s not like he was confessing the secrets of his heart. Her name is tattooed on his chest. When he fucks me, he calls out Snow’s name. I guess he doesn’t do that with the other girls. I suspect it’s because they don’t have blonde hair like Carla and me.”

“Shit,” Jill muttered, dropping back into her chair. “I shouldn’t have asked.”

Maddy gasped, digging her nails into my palm. She hadn’t let go of holding my hand.

“Sorry, Angel.” Libby grimaced. “I didn’t mean to mention her.”

God, I sure as hell didn’t want to hear about that bitch Carla. But again, at least the attention wasn’t on me. Small victories.

Madeline waved Libby off. “No, that’s okay. I just can’t stand her.”

Libby relaxed in her seat, pushing her tits out. They were much too large for her lithe petite body. I wondered if they were real. “None of the kittens liked her either. Of course, most of us were jealous that she got to be the Prez’s personal kitten.”

Madeline sighed. “Not what I want to hear, Lib.”

A growl came from behind Maddy and me, stealing our attention. The ladies at the table stiffened. The men in the room looked our way.

“What the fuck is going on here?” Storm stepped behind Maddy’s chair, bent down, and kissed her. “Angel? Why the fuck are you ladies talking about me?”

Uff da. He was a touchy one, that was for sure.

Madeline placed her hand on his cheek and stroked it with her thumb. “Relax, handsome. This is what girls do.”

“Not in my goddamn club,” he barked, pulling her chair out and lifted her into his arms like prince fucking charming. Except he rode in on a Harley wearing a leather cut and surly beard instead of a noble steed and a smooth face. “Say goodnight, Angel.”

Frick, he didn’t even give her a choice. Although, I wasn’t sure if I’d complain if in her shoes. Hero’s face flashed behind my eyes. If he hadn’t abandoned me, I might’ve let him whisk me away to bed too.

She pouted, still stroking his cheek. I wondered if she was trying to defuse him. “It’s only a little after ten.”

“You’re growing my baby and need to rest.” He kissed her neck, burying his face.

I swooned on the spot. To be so in love and unapologetic in public. I would’ve never believed Storm would act this way with any woman, but with Maddy, the guy made sure to show the world she was his.

Jill snorted, ice-blue eyes glittering with mischief. “So is that all you want her to do, Storm? Rest?”

He narrowed his eyes. “Go find your man, Jill. He mentioned needing his dick sucked after the day he had.”

I couldn’t help but snicker. Storm never talked that way to Madeline, Tina, or his Aunt Sugar. He knew how to mind his tongue, just not with everyone, apparently. I was cool with it, though. Jill should’ve kept her mouth shut.

A giant man entered the bar with a long, black beard. His dark beady eyes landed on Jill. Without a word, she hopped out of her chair and ran into his arms. Compared to his massive form, she was teeny tiny.

Jill and Wolf were an interesting couple. He was what some called a Russian giant.

Again, I wondered about the nature of business the guys had at this time of night. From what Maddy said, they’d be busy all weekend. Did it have anything to do with Hero or the Hunters? I’d never ask, but I was curious.

“Will you be okay?” Maddy shouted above the music with her arm looped around Storm’s neck. “I can stay if you want.”

The twitch in the corner of Storm’s mouth showed his disapproval of her offer. God, those two were a pair. A He-Man action figure and Princess Lolly from the Candyland game my students loved to play.

I stifled a snort. “No. I’ll be fine here with Sugar and…” I glanced around the bar as a few of the bikers wandered in, seeking out their kitten of choice. “Copper’s at the bar. I can hang with him before I go to bed.”

Storm cradled Maddy effortlessly as she considered me with her keen eye.

“Okay. If you need me, you know where to find me.” She didn’t actually believe I’d be okay, I could see it on her face. It made me uncomfortable, because she wasn’t wrong. I should tell her the truth: that I was heartbroken, lonely, afraid of the wind, and wanted to hurt myself to make it all go away.

But I couldn’t.

Shame and embarrassment came with those thoughts. When everyone saw me as a confident, smartass redhead, the most liked second-grade teacher at Heritage Elementary, I didn’t want them to ever know the inner struggles I battled. They couldn’t know. No one would trust me with their kids if they knew what I did to myself in private. A bitter taste took over my tongue.

“Ubetcha, Mads.” I nodded and waved, assuring her I was good. The only thing that was good about me at this moment was my acting skills. Almost had myself convinced by the way I was talking to my bestie.

Her blue eyes shimmered a bit. I hoped to God it wasn’t with unshed tears. I’d feel worse for upsetting her. But I wondered if after all these years, could she read me like a book? Could she tell I was hiding major trauma from my childhood? If she could, why hadn’t she ever pressed me about my past? Dammit, I thought I’d mastered being normal.

Inhaling a breath as the lovebirds left, I stared in awe as Storm carried away his bride. Mads was out of her ever-loving mind if she believed I would disturb her and Storm. They didn’t get to go on their honeymoon because of Hero’s arrest. Club business was priority number one. Maddy had accepted it without complaint, but they deserved time alone together.

Plus, I’d been reminded of just how boisterous they were during sex when I stayed in Hero’s room three doors down from theirs. Nope, I wouldn’t bother them unless it was an absolute emergency. Like the clubhouse was on fire or Maddy’s favorite singer, Carrie Underwood, strutted into the building singing “Before He Cheats.” I snickered, recalling when Maddy sang the song at The Bullet. She’d met Storm that night.

Wow, our boring lives dramatically changed in four months…

Yeah, I’d be fine in a room filled with a dozen Thors. My personal bodyguard, Copper behind the bar, was my favorite. That too-cute ginger made sure my glass stayed full. Getting sloshed would keep him, the damn man who’d made my demons resurface, out of my head.

I wanted Hero to vanish from my memory more than anything. I didn’t regret giving my body to him and having the best sex of my life. I could do empty, meaningless sex. Where I’d gone wrong was letting my guard down and opening my heart to him.

Damn fool.

Never again. No man could be trusted with such a delicate organ.

“Hey girl, wanna play a round of pool?” Libby wiggled her eyebrows and jerked her head toward an available table. Usually, all three were occupied by brothers playing. Once, I’d seen a kitten bent over it with a beefy Knight taking her from behind. That had been a very stimulating night.

I wrinkled my nose at the thought. “Is it sanitary?”

Sugar choked on her whiskey. “Oh my, that’s hilarious.” She coughed a little as she laughed. “They’re wiped down daily. There’s also disinfectant wipes over there too.” She pointed along the wall. “The kittens do their best to keep this place germ-free, but never forget how much sex goes on around here.”

I held Sugar’s amused gaze for a long second, then popped my shoulders, standing up. “What the hell.” Anything to occupy my mind so I didn’t think about Hero. In this place it wasn’t easy to not think about him. I saw him everywhere. Alas, I’d rather be here where I felt safe than home alone where I might give into the temptation of hurting myself.

I had no idea what I’d do next weekend when I was alone; when my anxiety reared, its ugly head. The only way to make it stop was to keep busy, stay focused on something else. At least tonight, I didn’t need to worry about it.

I felt safe.

Nothing else mattered, not even the constant pain ravaging my insides, all because of that stupidly handsome biker. I wanted nothing more than to forget Hero, but he had a hold on me. I’d let him breach the iron gates to my heart, gave him my body, welcomed him into my soul.

Why? Why did he reject me? Desert me? How could he play me for a fool with his God-talk? With his meaningless vow to never let me go…

“Christ, Almighty God,” he hissed, thrusting in and out of me with such a force I’d never experienced before. It made me question when he’d last had his pipes cleared. I wouldn’t ask him, though. I didn’t want to know anything about his sex life. Bikers, unclaimed bikers in this club specifically, had their pick of seven, sometimes more kittens. “God, I’ll never get enough of you.”

“You sure like bringing God into the bedroom, big guy. Seems wrong to me.” I clawed at his back as he picked up speed.

Hero sucked on my neck, marking me again. I had so many hickies on my body, I looked like a leopard. I loved every single one. Hero said he wanted to leave his mark on every piece of me so I’d know who I belonged to. No man had ever claimed me in this way before. It felt primal. Possessive. Totally Neanderthal. I ate up every bit of it.

“Roja, baby, being with you is a religious experience. God shines down on us. Embrace his blessing on our union.”

I snorted at how passionate he sounded. “Jesus, Hero. Were you a preacher in another life?” I was teasing him, but seriously, his words seared my skin. His sexy, raspy voice with a slight Spanish accent melted me. He spoke perfect English. Other than ese and Rojo, I hadn’t heard any other Spanish from him, but I wanted to.

“No, baby. You just make me want to drop to my knees and praise the good man upstairs.” He pulled out of me, flipped me over, and grabbed my hips to lift me up. “Now shut the fuck up, Roja. You’re talking too much. Let me fuck you silent.”

I giggled and fisted the pillow. “Promises, promises, big guy. You were the one who started praying and singing hymns during sex.”

He drove into my pussy and roared. “I’ll never get enough of you. You’re mine, Roja. My newest addiction, a healthier one. Praise be to God.” His mouth dropped to my shoulder, and he kissed it. “I’m never letting you go.” Another kiss. “Mine.” And another. “Mine.”

He knocked the air out of me, silencing me with his passionate proclamation.