Omega Found by E.L. Rose


My head is a mess. It hurts to open my eyes and I feel like I am going to be sick with all the movement. Did Dad move me? I sniff the air, but it doesn’t smell like depression and rage, it smells like cotton candy. So sweet….I try to move some more, but my body still will not function properly.

“Hey, it's okay, you’re safe.”

The voice sounds like music. I peel my eyes open again to look at who is talking, and I see the side profile of a man. I begin to panic, and he must sense it because he starts talking.

“My name is Roman Branch, the Headmaster at Leafwood Academy, which is where I am taking you.” He quickly turns to look at me and then refocuses on the road. “You are safe, your father is already in custody for the crimes he has committed against you. Leafwood Academy is a school for the supernatural, a place to meet other supes, and a place for you to find any mates you may have, the school allows you to make connections and give you standing within the community, helping you prepare for life outside these walls as an outstanding member of the supernatural community.”

While he is speaking, for the first time in a long time, my wolf opens her eyes and perks up, listening to the Headmaster talk. She is curious about him. “I’m going to school there?”

I sit up and face forward, realizing that we were in a car headed along some country roads. The view is beautiful, with the sun setting behind the passing trees, making way for the moon. I want to open a window and spread my arms out to feel the wind on my face. I feel amazing for the first time in an exceptionally long time. My wolf sits up, I don’t understand why, but I am just happy that she is here now, and I am not waking up in a basement chained to a cement floor like a rabid wolf.

“We will be there very soon, and I will show you to your room. At this school, we do not have separate dorms, so you may share with a male or even two. We have very strict rules at the school, but we do encourage mingling.” I listen to him and he doesn’t sound happy telling me to try and mingle with other males. “I will have you come to the office tomorrow so I can give you your uniforms and class schedule. Once we classify your wolf, we will put you in classes so you can know your part in a pack.”

“I don’t know what my wolf is, she just opened her eyes today, I haven’t seen her in years.” I wait for him to process what I just said.

“Hmm, that is strange, that must be why I cannot sense her.” He is silent for the rest of the drive to the school, while my wolf continues to sit at attention, whimpering in his direction until I let out an audible whimper. I swear he sits more rigid than an ironing board.

“I’m sorry, my wolf has just been whimpering and I don’t know why.”

“It’s fine, Honey.” He tightens his hands on the steering wheel as he pulls into a vast structure that I know is the school.

“You know my name.”

“Yes, your neighbor, Grady told me. We are here, let me make a call and we can go in.” I watch as he pulls a fancy cell phone out of his jacket pocket. “Marie, is that the only room available? Are you sure, there has to be something else?” I wait to see what else he has to say. “That’s fine, I understand, thank you.”

When he turns on the car light and looks back at me, my eyes go wide. Grady was gorgeous, but this male is perfection; brown shoulder-length hair that curls at the ends hanging above his shoulders, his eyes are a golden honey color, and he has a beard that is shaped and cut close to his face, Roman looks to only be in his early to mid-twenties, not much older than myself. He is wearing a red turtleneck sweater under a black coat. His gorgeous pouty mouth turns down when he realizes I am drooling over him. I snap my eyes away from him and look over his shoulder, so I don’t make a fool out of myself.

“You will be in a two-person dorm with an Alpha wolf. His name is Cam and, unfortunately, his room is the only available one right now.”

“Why does it sound like you want me somewhere else?”

“I do because Cam's room is at the far end of the school. Cam is also an Alpha wolf who lost a mate before the connection was even cemented. He can be temperamental at times; he will not hurt you, but I wanted you with someone a little nicer.”

I am stunned. “He should be fine, Headmaster; he cannot be worse than my dad.” When he bares his fangs at me, I am not scared, in fact, it has the opposite effect. I lean up in the seat and get close to his face, “Wow, you’re a vampire, I have never met one before. Can I touch your fangs?”

“I beg your pardon.” He moves as far away from me as the car will allow. He looks extremely offended. A deep red starts to stain his cheeks, it’s kind of cute in a way.

“I’m sorry, that was wrong, I’ve just never met a vampire before, at least none that I remember.” I put my hands back in my lap.

“It’s okay, Honey, let’s go. Marie has the key to the dorm.” I follow him out of the car and stare at the massive academy in front of me. I can’t see much since it’s dark. We walk through the double doors in the middle of the school and a woman meets us.

“Roman, here are the keys.” She hands him the keys and touches him on his shoulder. I hear growling and look around to see where the noise is coming from. When I look at Roman and Marie, I can see that they are both looking at me.

“Honey, are you okay?” Roman moves away from Marie; that’s when I realize that the noise is coming from me.

What the hell Honey, get it together, why am I growling? I clear my throat and focus on Roman.

“Sorry I don’t know why I did that, my wolf is just waking up after ten years, I guess she is a little on edge.” He clears his throat and looks away from me.

“Please follow me, Miss Heart.” He turns and immediately starts walking. I rush to keep up with him and the walk is a little uncomfortable, but my wolf is happily wagging her tail.

“I really am sorry, Headmaster; I don’t know why I growled.” He looks at me with a slight tilt to his head, almost as if he is trying to figure things out for himself.

“Honey, it is okay. This school is here to teach you about yourself and I am sure you will learn much in the time that you are here.” We continue to walk and turn in random directions.

I am simply happy that I am near the Headmaster and that for the first time in a long time, I will sleep in a bed. When we finally stop in front of a door, he unlocks it and walks in.

The dorm is gorgeous: the main room has a black sectional with a red rug in the middle and there is a tv above a fireplace. Behind and to the left is a small kitchen and on the other side, I can see the door open to the bathroom.

“Your room is on the right, Cam’s is on the left, you may meet him in the morning. For now, here is your bag, get some rest and tomorrow, I will send someone to pick you up and bring you to my office.”

“Goodnight Headmaster and thank you for everything.” He smiles and leaves the room.

I walk to the door on the right, I swear my heart gives out. In the middle of the room is a queen four-poster bed with a black metal frame, it looks like black vines are crawling up the bedposts. The bedding is all white and looks so fluffy. I grab the bag that the Headmaster left me. Opening it, I immediately smell Grady. I pull out an envelope that has my name on it.


Hey love.

I am so glad that you are away from that man, I was getting ready to take you myself so I prepared a bag for you, but the Headmaster from the school came first. I bought you some jeans and some clothes.

Forgive me. I tried many times to get you free, Honey, I swear I did.

In a couple of months, I would like to come visit you, I hope you will see me. There are some things I want to tell you.

For now, I packed some of my shirts, so you remember me.


Grady wrote to me... he even tried to get me away from my dad, I wonder when and how. It looks like I was going to get those answers in a couple of months.

I pull a black t-shirt that smells like him and take it with me to the bathroom, washing all the blood, dirt, and sweat from my body. I slide the t-shirt over my body, going back to my room to lie back down, and get some sleep for the night.