Omega Found by E.L. Rose


Iwatch as the new female is led away by the Headmaster. She is covered in bruises and looks somewhat scared. I cannot get a read on what she is and that bothers me more than I like to admit. I feel a pull to her, and I have never felt a pull to anyone, not like this at least. I have the guys, and we are, in a weird sense, a pack. The urge to follow her is strong, so I do.

I stay hidden. The Headmaster is a vampire and can hear a pin drop a mile away. Luckily for me, he seems to be too preoccupied with the new student to pay attention to someone following him. When they finally stop, I realize they are standing in front of the widowed Alpha’s door. Sudden anger rages through me. I dislike the thought of this female sleeping in the same space as another male.

I quickly leave the area and make my way back to my dorm. I have to tell the guys. When I walk in, they are all relaxing in the living room area watching some movie. I walk over to the tv and pause it.

“What the hell, Riddic?” Phoenix says looking frustrated, but I don’t let it sway me.

“We have a new student, and I don’t like it. She looks like some poor orphan kid.” I start pacing. I have to tell them I am drawn to her. It will cause some suspicions because incubus only ever lust; we don’t feel pulled unless they are our true mates.

Legion stares at me before he finally speaks, “Riddic, stop pacing and tell us the rest. I know there is more, I can sense it.”

Legion is a Fae, and some powers he contains are the ability to sense hidden secrets, lies, or frustration. He calls it some bullshit about the aura of a person.

I rub my hand through my hair, of course, he would sense it. “I am drawn to her, not lusting, but drawn to her, this is bad, we need information on her and fast.”

Syler’s mouth drops open, “Yes we do, you are never drawn to anyone. Is she a succubus?”

“I couldn’t tell. I couldn’t sense anything about her, almost like she was a normal human.”

The ever-levelheaded Legion runs his hands through his hair. “I will get Hailey to look into her. She will sneak in and grab what we need.”

I nod my head; we will watch her for now and worry about whatever Hailey digs up later. I already don’t like this girl. The fear of mating and what would be expected of me is too much to even think about with all the changes I already have going on.

I know the guys are thinking about their responsibilities if they ever find a mate, too. They know what I am feeling, as each of us are royal heirs to our respective thrones.