Never by Blue Saffire

Chapter 31



I walk into the office in a suit and tie, with Sal at my side. I asked her to look at our systems and see if there’s anything she can do to improve them. It was my way of having her around so I can keep an eye on her.

I have a few meetings I couldn’t get out of. I’ve taken off more than enough time for my personal shit. Work may be the distraction I need to clear my mind.

“I need to talk to you, brother,” Diggs says the moment he sees me walk in.

From the sound of his voice, I know this isn’t going to be a good start to my morning. Brick has us looking into New York’s Lost Souls chapter upon Grim’s suggestion. King wants to know who in our South Carolina and Georgia chapters needs to be exterminated.

Not to mention, I’m looking for those motherfuckers lurking in the shadows and keeping Sal up at night. A full plate is an understatement.

“Matrix,” I call out. “Show Sal to my office. Get her set up. Then head my way.”

“Got it, boss.”

My phone rings as I go to tell Sal to follow Matrix. I grimace at the call and send it to voicemail. When I turn my attention back to Sal, her gaze is on my phone.

“That’s the third call you’ve ignored. Is everything okay?” she asks as she searches my face.

“It’s fine. I’ll deal with that later.” I peck her lips. “Matrix will get you going. I’ll check in before my first meeting.”

She goes to reply, but closes her mouth and nods. Sal turns and follows Matrix to my office. From the greeting they give one another, I get the feeling they’re already acquainted.

My chest loosens a bit. I trust Matrix, but that’s me, not Sal. I wouldn’t leave her with anyone she’s not comfortable with. I’m learning every day which brothers she tends to stay away from.

There aren’t many, but I’ve noticed her caution with a few. None of those guys are around here. I roll my shoulders and allow more of the tension to release.

I’m lost in thought as I saunter to the meeting room Diggs ducked into. When I step inside, my attention is drawn by the small stack of files lying on the table in front of Diggs. I stop at the table across from him.

“This one has all you need to know about the New York issue. You’re not going to like that one. I was ready to roll out, but Brick thinks it’s premature,” Diggs says as he slides the first file over to me.

I grunt as I pick it up and begin to look through. My brows shoot into my hairline. I lift my gaze to Diggs and give him an are you shitting me look.

“Wish that was all a joke, brother. It seems shit's been out of control up there for a while.”

“I have some connections up that way. We can have them sit on the club and report back if it becomes a risk to us all,” I reply.

“Sounds good. Brick took care of the authorities around the chase. However, we may owe a visit to some noisy motherfucker.”

“What’s the problem?”

“Some dude has been sniffing around asking questions about that day.”

“Get me anything you can on them. I want one of ours to pay the visit, you feel me?”

“You’re speaking my language.” Diggs words come out so harsh I have to take a deeper look at him.

He looks exhausted and angry. Sugar comes to mind. I don’t know if I could function if Sal was in the hospital recovering from someone almost poisoning her to death.

I know it’s not the same, they’re not a couple, but anyone with eyes sees Diggs is crazy about Sugar, as is Axel. Tough shit falling for the same person as your best friend.

“You sure this is where you want to be?” I ask.

“I have the guys covering the Georgia office. I want to get answers.”

“That’s not what I’m talking about. I can handle all this. Shouldn’t you be at the hospital?”

“I’m where I’m needed. I’ll talk to you later about needing to assign someone to run the other office. I’ll be staying here from now on.”

I figured that. A part of me considered asking Sal if she wanted to move to Georgia. I would take over the office there, but all her family is here.

I won’t burden her with my constant need for change. As far as Diggs goes, he has been a great business partner. I’m here for whatever.

“We’ll do whatever we need.” I nod at my own thoughts.

“Same, which brings me to these fuckers. They were able to slip off the grid,” he says with a bitter expression as he hands me the next file.

I clench my teeth so hard they nearly break. Hoover and Spencer. I wanted to put them both to ground before the week’s end, but I’m not going to get that lucky.

The more I flip through the file, the more pissed off I get. These two are pure scum. I slap the file closed and toss it down.

“I want to know the second they resurface. Call in all my favors if you need to,” I say.

“Don’t worry, brother. I’m on it.” He eyes me as he slides the last file in my direction. “This is your personal shit. I’ll leave you to do what you want with it.”

I look down at the file as if it’s burning a hole through the table. I won’t look through it. Not now.

“Is he breathing?”

“Yeah, he’s alive,” Diggs replies.

“That’s all I want to know.”

I turn and leave the room. Diggs will put that file with all the others. I might look at it, I might not. What I know for sure, it won’t be anytime soon.

I have enough shit to handle.


Something is going on with Gutter. I mean, everyone has been on edge with all the drama going on around the club, but this is something else. Since his two meetings, we’ve been in his office and he’s been so distant.

I think the only reason we have lunch sitting before us is because Matrix asked around for who wanted to order out. Gutter pops a fry into his mouth and chews. Just as he swallows and reaches for another, his phone rings.

That’s the fifth call I’ve watched him ignore. The grimace on his face says so much. I’ve wanted to push, but I keep telling myself he’ll talk when he’s ready.

He pushes his fries away and wipes his mouth with his napkin. His face is covered in shadows. Almost like he’s seen a ghost from the past or a bad memory has surfaced.

I hold back the sigh on the tip of my lips. He has barely touched his food. His thoughts have been occupying him.

“Do you want your tzatziki sauce?” I ask as he stares off into space.

“Huh?” He turns his gaze on me and it’s evident he didn’t hear my question.

“Do you want your sauce?” I repeat and point to the little container.

He shakes his head and hands it over. “We should head back to the clubhouse. I need to change and it’s safer to be there.”

“Will you eat when we get there?”

He frowns and looks down at his mostly untouched food, as if confused. “Maybe.”

This is what I mean. I know there’s more on his mind than he’s letting on.

I’ve been feeling like he’s shutting me out. One moment he’s as attentive as can be, the next… I don’t know what to think.

Suddenly, he stands and starts to toss the food he hasn’t eaten. I lose my own appetite watching him. I toss my food along with his and start to pack my things.

I have my back to him when he comes up behind me and wraps his arms around me. I bite my lip and close my eyes. I need to have patience.

“I love you,” he murmurs into the top of my hair.

This new roller coaster has my head spinning