Willow by Erin Osborne

Chapter Ten

Timothy ‘Crave’ Bennett

SEEING PROSPECT SCOTT in the hospital when he came walking up was a surprise none of us were expecting. Before anyone could get information out of him, he passed out from the numerous injuries to his body. From what I could see, bruising covers most of his dirty skin, cuts that needed to be taken care of, and a massive gash on his head. The wound on his head is already starting to heal letting me know this is how the assholes managed to take him down because he wouldn’t have taken his duties lightly when it comes to guarding a woman or doing any job for the club. He’s been a great Prospect up to the point he disappeared without a trace.

While we all left Trinity and her grandma’s room to take care of the Prospect who was rushed into surgery for internal bleeding and other injuries, they managed to leave. Breaker and I returned to her room to find it empty with no trace of how they left or who helped them from the hospital room. All the nurses would say is Trin’s gram was discharged and other than wheeling her down to a waiting car, there was nothing they could tell us. Anger filled both of us because we were waiting to take them home and help Trinity get her grandma settled in. Instead, I have no idea what’s going through her head now. I can guarantee it’s nothing good.

I have no clue what’s going on with me. While I don’t want an ol’ lady or kids, Trinity is always on my mind, and I have this great need to see her whenever I can. I’ve never given a shit about a woman enough to want to spend time with her or need to see her. Thinking of something happening to her with this new threat against the club kills me. I need to be with her even if I don’t want to admit to myself I have feelings for her. Feelings I’ve never had for another woman in my entire life. I want to know what’s going on with her, see the baby she carries, and be in her life. I’m also man enough to admit to myself I can feel something for the woman and have been thinking of what it would be like to have a child with her. There is no doubt in my mind Trin will be an amazing mother with the way she takes care of her grandma.

For the first time in my life, since the bitch who shall not be named fucked me over, I want to explore these feelings and find out what is going on. Trinity feels something for myself and Breaker. It’s written all over her face when she looks at either one of us. What I don’t know is if she’d be willing to be with both of us for the long haul. I also don’t know if I’m ready to be with someone for the rest of my life. There are definite advantages to having an ol’ lady from what I’ve seen of the men who have claimed their own woman. There also are disadvantages. A major one for me is being with the same woman for the rest of my life. No more variety in pussy. I’ve always loved a variety in my pussy and have only given it up once in my life. That was a clusterfuck of epic proportions.

Breaker and I left the hospital quickly as soon as we realized the women were gone. After riding through town to make sure they weren’t out at the pharmacy or anything, we headed straight for Trinity’s house. Obviously, no car sits in the driveway since hers is still being worked on at the garage. We were riding in one of the SUVs because our plan was to bring them home so there’s no way she’ll hear us pull up today. The silence is on our side even if we hate riding in a cage. Walking up on the porch, I honestly had my doubts about the door even being opened for us. Trinity would have every right to slam the door in our faces. Well, my face, after everything I put her through. However, I’m hoping she’s just desperate enough for help that she’ll let us in. Breaker and I can do a lot to help her if she just lets us in.

When Trin opened the door, I could see how frazzled she was. Her hair is a mess, and her clothes are covered in dirt smudges with a few on her face. I’m not about to point them out though. As predicted, she doesn’t want us here. Hell, she won’t even open the door all the way to give us the hint of an in. I don’t blame her. I can be a fucking stubborn ass when I want to be. Or when I don’t like what’s going on. Other than that, I know there are things I have to tell her. Breaker is going to ensure she knows about my past and why I’ve been acting the way I have toward her. It’s honestly nothing to do with Trinity personally. She won’t understand until I talk to her about it though. I’m not looking forward to that conversation and baring my soul to her.

We help her move her grandma’s room from the second floor down to the main floor of the house. It’s a smart move and I’m glad Trinity was going to do this. However, I’m pissed she was going to attempt to do all this shit on her own since she’s pregnant. We’re a phone call away and have no problem helping her regardless of the situation she’s in. Trinity is an employee of the club and we will help her as much as we can. With her carrying my baby, according to her, we’ll have even more reason to help her and her grandma. Trinity and her gram are family and that’s all there is to it.

Watching the door close behind us when Trinity kicked us out was like a punch to the gut. She wants nothing to do with us and I really can’t blame her. Hearing her say everyone leaves and she’s used to it hurts me. She’s been through hell and someone, or multiple people, have hurt her tremendously. Now, she’s not going to let anyone close to her because of her past. The same as I won’t let a woman close to me because of my past. We all have a past; some more hurtful than others. My past has broken me, and it seems as if Trinity is broken as well. More than I anticipated. She seems so strong and independent. Her comment leads me to believe something else entirely.

“What are we gonna do?” Breaker asks me as we get in the SUV to head to the hospital to find out about Scott.

“I have no clue. I’m surprised she let us in the door. Now, it’s gonna be a fight for us to get let in her life. I’ve royally fucked up with the way I treated her, and she has no clue why. What I want to know is who the fuck has left her. And why.”

“I’m not sure how you plan on findin’ all that shit out. Trin doesn’t appear to be someone who’s goin’ to let us in with open arms. She didn’t want anythin’ to do with us while we were there helpin’ her. Trinity is not the usual type of woman we’re used to dealin’ with. We have to figure out what we truly want before we go back. Well, you do. I know what I want. I’m all in when it comes to her and will be there for her and the baby if you are or aren’t,” my best friend tells me, his voice hard and honest.

“Let’s just find out how Scott is doin’ and we’ll go from there. We’ve got a lot to do. What I do know is I’m not comfortable with those two women livin’ on their own. Not now that we’ve been at her home multiple times. If we’re bein’ watched like I believe we are, she’s now on whoever is after us radar. We need to protect her,” I tell Breaker, looking at him as he drives to the hospital.

“What are you sayin’?”

“We’re gonna move in with her and her gram. She’s not gonna let us, but we’ll do it while she’s at work. Whichever one of us isn’t at Legacies with her will do the movin’. The Prospects can help. She’ll be there tomorrow mornin’ to work with Heaven. I’ll get Tonya to let her know she needs to go in so we can do this. Tonya will keep our secret and do what she can to help. We can have Syd or one of the other ol’ ladies sit with her gram while she’s workin’.”

“Trinity is gonna be so pissed at us,” Breaker states, his voice full of laughter though.

“She’ll get over it.”

The rest of the ride to the hospital is done in silence. I’m lost in my thoughts about Trinity and the way things are going to play out. There is no doubt in my mind about the feelings I’m beginning to have for the woman who has captured my entire heart. For so long I thought it was dead and there was no way I can do a damn thing about it. She’s under my skin and whether I like it or not, she’s going to have my baby. Trinity doesn’t seem like the type to lie about being pregnant with someone’s kid. Even if I’ve been wrong before about that very statement. It will kill me if I learn she’s playing me.

Pulling up to the hospital, I notice the bikes of members still filling the lot. This means Scott is still in surgery or has just gotten out. It’s late evening and not many members will leave until we hear what’s going on with him. We’ve been looking for him since he went missing. It seemed as if he became a ghost and vanished into thin air. No matter what favors we called in or how many places we’ve searched, there were no traces of the man who was so full of life and wanted to become a member of the club. Scott is someone who will go far in King’s Vengeance simply because of his loyalty. With how beaten he is, I’m sure he’s been tortured almost every day since he’s been taken. If no one has come for us yet, the Prospect didn’t give up anything on the club. Not that he knows a lot of information. Since he’s not a member, he doesn’t get told many details. All he knows is he does the shit work and heads out when we need him to accompany us on a run. Still, he knows nothing about those runs and just follows along in the van or truck he’s tasked with driving.

Walking inside, none of the club are sitting in the waiting room for the emergency department anymore. Heading for the desk, a young girl sits in front of the computer. When she looks up at us, a blush covers her blemish free face even through the layers of make-up she’s wearing. The scrubs she’s wearing are a dark purple and she’s not wearing any kind of coat to cover her. The deep V of her scrub top shows off more cleavage than what’s probably decent while working in a hospital. She smirks at us, thinking we want her more than we do. Breaker and I are men and can appreciate a beautiful woman. It doesn’t mean we’re going to sink into her pussy or let her touch us in anyway. I know I’m not and Breaker isn’t either.

“Can I help you?” she asks, her voice lowered in her attempt to entice us.

“Lookin’ for a man named Scott. The King’s Vengeance members will be waitin’ on word for him while he’s in surgery. Where were they moved to?” I ask, my voice hard and uncaring as she leans forward to show us her tits.

“They were moved to the surgical wing. I can lead you there and maybe find a way to take a detour,” she says, batting her eyelashes at us.

“We’ll find our own fuckin’ way,” Breaker barks out.

“I’m about to go on break. We can have a little bit of fun,” she tries again, not caring that we’re dismissing her.

“Not interested.”

Turning from her, I listen as she spews hateful words because we don’t want to fuck her. I haven’t had a woman in three months. This little bitch isn’t going to do a damn thing to get in our pants; Breaker and I want Trinity and only her. She’s the only one who will be in our beds. We make our way up to the surgical floor where we find the waiting room overflowing with the men and women of the club. Blood and Tonya stand up when we enter the door and close it behind us.

“What’s goin’ on? Are Trinity and her grandma okay?” Blood questions us.

“They’re okay. They got a ride home and that fool girl was gonna move her gram’s room from upstairs to the first floor all on her own. Bed, furniture, and everything else. We might have taken over and got the job done for her,” I answer our President. “Breaker and I got to talkin’ on the way over here. We’re not comfortable with Trin and her gram livin’ on their own. If whoever this new threat is from has been watchin’ us, they’ve seen us at her house more than once now. She’s gonna be callin’ you, Tonya. Wantin’ a few days off. I need you to let her know the ol’ ladies can sit with her gram while she’s at work in the mornin’. Breaker and I are gonna move our shit in while she’s gone. Trin isn’t gonna want us there voluntarily. Not with the small things we’ve been findin’ out and how I’ve been treatin’ her. Can you help us?”

Tonya stares me down for a few minutes. She’s trying to gauge how serious we are and what we really want with the newest employee of Legacies.

“I’ll do it. I’m givin’ you both my warnin’ now. Don’t fuck with that girl if you don’t intend to be with her through everythin’ and stand at her side for the long term. You hurt her, I’ll hurt the both of you,” Tonya promises.

Nothing is ever a threat with Tonya. If she tells you she’s gonna hurt you for doing something, she damn well means it. She sees in Trinity what we do; a hurt woman hell bent on protecting herself as much as she can. Trinity will have no choice but to let us in and we’re gonna be there for her whether she likes it or not.

“I’ll go sit with her gram,” Paislie says, standing up and walking closer to us. “I’m not doing anything tomorrow morning and will do what needs to be done. I’m with Tonya though. I may not have met Trinity yet, but the way she acted when she came in the club and saw us all there tells me she doesn’t have any friends and doesn’t want to let anyone get too close to her. You’re gonna have a battle on your hands with her. I hope you’re up for it.”

“I’m up for it,” Breaker states, looking between Paislie and Tonya without blinking.

“Then go do what you gotta do. Scott is still in surgery, and we haven’t heard anythin’ yet. We’ll let you know when we hear somethin’,” Blood orders as we nod in response before leaving the hospital.

Heading back to the clubhouse, Breaker and I remain silent. We don’t need to talk or fill the silence with words just because. Each of us want our time to think and figure out what’s going on and what we’re taking on by moving in with Trinity and her gram. I know gram won’t have a problem with things because she loves us. We give her something to look at and listen to her stories. It seems gram was quite the wild child back in her younger days. Before Trinity moved in with her. I’m not sure why she moved in, but we’ll find out soon enough. Gram is an open book while Trinity is the exact opposite. She’s closed off and doesn’t seem to want to change that status anytime soon.