Willow by Erin Osborne

Chapter Eight

Zander ‘Breaker’ Williams

AS CRAVE GOES off on Trinity, I want to beat the fuck outta my best friend. There is no reason for him to speak to her the way he has or act as if she’s in the wrong. Trinity did the right thing in letting him know she’s pregnant. She also told him she didn’t want a thing from him and wasn’t going to come after him for anything. I had no clue Crave and Trinity knew one another. All I know is I’m about to find out what the fuck is going on one way or another. I also know there is no way I’m going to overwhelm Trin to get those answers right now. She’s in the fucking hospital because she passed out. This shit is the last thing she needs.

Staring at the door even as I move closer to Trinity, I’m willing Crave to come back in and fix what he just did. It’s not going to be a simple fix or one he has any chance in hell of making right. He needs to at least attempt to though. For the sake of this young woman and the baby she’s carrying. His baby. Crave can be downright cruel when someone is fucking with a person he cares about. What he just did is something I’ve never witnessed from the man in my life. Yeah, I know why he feels the way he does. That’s no reason to attack the woman while she’s fucking down. What’s he gonna do next?

“It’s okay, Breaker. I appreciate everything you and Crave did to make sure my grandma got brought here for the help she needs. You don’t have to stay here with me. I’m good,” Trinity tells me, her voice wavering with the emotion coursing through her.

“What do you mean? I haven’t left your side other than the ride over here. Didn’t say I was goin’ to either,” I question her, my voice soft and gentle so I don’t upset her more as I turn to face her.

“You want to go after your friend. It’s understandable. I’m just a temporary employee at the club. There is no reason for you, or Crave, to talk to me, see me, or have anything to do with me. Go after your friend and do what you normally do,” she says, turning herself so her back is to me after letting go of my hand.

Trinity’s body is shaking as more tears spill over her lashes when I stand up and look over her. She’s in so much emotional pain right now and I’m sure still scared about her grandma. On top of all that, Crave had to go and be a dumb fuck because of his past. Walking around to the other side of the bed, I crouch down so Trin can see me before beginning to speak.

“I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t wanna be. Not sure what crawled up Crave’s ass, but I’ll be findin’ out. It’s okay to lean on other people when you need help or a shoulder to cry on, Trinity,” I tell her, using my thumb to wipe a few tears from her face.

“No. Go, Breaker. Everyone leaves. It’s just a matter of time. I don’t want you here. My grandma and I will be fine. I’ll find Tonya’s number to let her know what’s going on and that I need a day or two off depending on what the doctor says. Thank you again.”

Closing her eyes, Trinity pulls the covers up over her so I can barely see her eyes. Knowing she’s not going to say another word to me, I release a deep sigh and head from her room. I’m not leaving the hospital because she has no way to get home. Even though I know she’s not going home tonight, Trinity and her grandma still need a ride home. I’ll have to leave long enough to switch out my bike for an SUV or something. There is no way in hell I’ll let a Prospect ride my bike if I can help it. Since this isn’t an emergency, I can take the time to ride to the clubhouse and switch everything out. Not until after I find out what the fuck is up Crave’s ass.

My heart breaks at her saying everyone leaves. I’m not sure what the hell she means by that other than being extremely lonely and having no one other than her gram in her life. I want to know everything about her and I’m willing to put in the time. From the statement she just made, it causes me to believe this is going to be an uphill battle. A battle I have no problem fighting. I’m in this to win Trinity and nothing is going to stop me. Including Crave. I will also make sure Trin knows, and believes, she is just one member of our family. Each member and ol’ lady of the club will accept her into our fold because of who she is. If they knew we were here right now, they’d all be here. Well, anyone who works at Legacies at least.

Crave, at the very least, should be here with Trinity if she’s going to have an ultrasound. She hasn’t had a doctor’s appointment, talked to anyone about this if I’m guessing right, and doesn’t deserve to be alone. No one deserves to be alone when they’re going through something so important. Trin is no different. She’s fully prepared to get through the pregnancy and raising this baby alone without the support of the father being by her side. Crave, my best friend in the entire world, is being such a selfish prick right now. Regardless of what he feels about her, he should have her back and be by her side. Instead, he ran off like a bitch because of his past. Trinity is not a bitch and deserves better than this from him.

Heading for the waiting room, I stop dead in my tracks when I find Tonya, Blood, and several others sitting here. Not just the members but also some of the ol’ ladies too. Some are sitting while others are pacing the floor. Blood has a cup of coffee in his hand and others are drinking bottles of water. At the very edge of the waiting room is one of the Prospects. I’m sure he’s the one running to and from getting drinks and snacks for everyone. There’s no reason for them to be here. Not because she’s not part of the club, but because I wasn’t aware Crave called them. I sure as fuck haven’t made any calls to anyone since leaving Legacies.

“What are you all doin’ here?” I ask, walking up to where Blood and his ol’ lady sit.

“Crave let me know what was goin’ on. We have a situation, but we need to be here too. How are they?” Blood questions me.

“I don’t know yet. Well, Trinity’s gram is okay all things considered. She broke her ankle and will be here overnight for observation. Cut her head and that’s why there was so much blood on the floor beneath her. The doctor wanted to fix her grandma up before they go in to see her. For now, she’ll have bloodwork done and some other things,” I answer him, not wanting to give away too many details because they’re not mine to tell. “You seen Crave?”

“He hightailed it out of here. Not sure if he left yet or not though. What’s goin’ on?” Blood asks, as Tonya looks up at me with questions in her eyes.

“I’m not sure yet. I’ll go find out though.”

Leaving everyone to sit there, I head for the exit of the emergency room waiting area. As I walk through the door, I turn my head searching the parking lot for Crave. His bike is still here parked by mine, so I know he’s not left the premises yet. Walking forward toward the parking lot, I notice a plume of smoke from the right. People smoke, but my gut tells me Crave is over there letting his anger get the better of him. I’m sure he’s got memories plaguing him which is only going to fuel his anger and rage.

“What the fuck is your problem?” I question him, not giving a shit who hears me.

“What do you mean? I don’t have a problem at all. No reason I need to be in there,” he states, pacing in front of the bench instead of sitting down.

“Yeah, you do. When the fuck did you meet Trin?” I ask him, stopping his pacing as I stand in his way.

“None of your fuckin’ business,” he growls out, smashing his cigarette butt in the bin near him.

“When she’s in there cryin’ and upset, it’s my fuckin’ business. When. Did. You. Meet. Her?”

Crave stares at me. Anger filling his face as a vein pops out in his neck. Memories are definitely assaulting him right now.

“Look, I went out one night a few months ago. Trinity showed up at the bar and captured my attention from the second she sat down. I knew she didn’t go out much as she looked around at everyone dancin’, talkin’, laughin’, and drinkin’. Instead of orderin’ some fruity girly drink, she ordered a beer. I moved closer and we spent some time talkin’. One thing led to another, and we ended up goin’ back to a motel just down from the bar. I’ve never spent so many hours explorin’ a woman’s body and makin’ sure she had as much pleasure as Trin did that night. Hell, I counted her fuckin’ freckles more than once,” Crave tells me, looking off into the distance instead of at me. “Trin isn’t lyin’ when she said a condom broke. One did. There is a real good possibility the baby she’s carryin’ is mine.”

“That’s why you haven’t wanted to share and haven’t fucked anyone in the last few months? She got under your skin, and you hate it. I know you don’t want a woman of your own. Or kids. However, the possibility is now a reality. That sexy, incredible, hurt woman is carryin’ your child and I’m not about to let her go through this shit alone. If you’re not gonna fuckin’ stand by her side and have her back, I am. You’re bein’ a selfish fuck with all she has goin’ on in her life right now. I hope you know what you’re doin’.”

“I do. I’m not gonna be any good for her. Or the baby. Besides, apparently somethin’ is goin’ on with the club. We need to figure that shit out before we worry about a fuckin’ employee of the strip club. However, Trin won’t be there for long if I have anythin’ to say about it,” Crave states, anger filling his voice even more as he begins pacing once again.

One sign of Crave being angry or agitated is his pacing. With how fast he’s walking back and forth in front of the hospital, I know he’s about to blow. Crave can only hold so much in before he explodes and all of us feel his pain. The only way to prevent it from happening is to get in the ring with him. It’s a new addition to the clubhouse and I’ll be meeting him in there sooner rather than later.

“I’m headin’ back in. Someone needs to be by her side. I’ll talk to Blood before I head back to her. Just so you know, she kicked me out and made a comment about everyone leavin’. She’s hurt and in pain from more than just everythin’ goin’ on as of today. I have a feelin’ there’s a ton of shit goin’ on no one else knows about. Includin’ her gram,” I tell my best friend in the world.

Walking back inside, I let Crave stew in his own head. Stopping in the waiting room, I notice everyone still waiting here. Blood and Tonya look up at me.

“What’s goin’ on with the club?” I ask, not sure if he’ll even answer me because we’re in a waiting room full of citizens.

“Come with me,” Blood says, standing from his chair and leading me down the hall to where a large conference room sits. “JT, one of the new Prospects was taken. He’s not answerin’ his phone, and no one’s seen the club’s SUV. We sent him out to grab some alcohol and make sure Trinity didn’t need anythin’. This isn’t a case of him goin’ rogue or vanishin’. My gut tells me somethin’ happened to him and we need to find out what it is. I put a call in to my friend at the police station and there’s been no accidents or anythin’ else. He’s checkin’ the surroundin’ towns too. Someone took our Prospect, and we need to find out what’s goin’ on.”

“So why are you all sittin’ here at the hospital instead of out lookin’ for him?” I ask, not wanting to question my President but needing to know.

“Half the guys are out lookin’. Even got a new member comin’ in from another chapter. Nash will be here today or tomorrow if he doesn’t get held up. We’re here to see what’s goin’ on with Trinity so she knows we have her back. We’ll be here until we know she’s okay and then head out. What’s goin’ on with Crave?”

“He got some news he doesn’t want to hear. You’ll hear all about it soon I’m sure,” I answer him.

“Let us know if Trin needs anythin’.”

“I will. I’m gonna head back there now and find out what’s goin’ on. Her gram is waitin’ on a room but I don’t know what they’ll do about Trin. I guess it depends on what they find with her tests and shit.”

“Okay. Let me know. I’ll go see Crave.”

Heading out of the conference room, I make my way toward the back. Trinity is still in the exam room where I left her. Now the emergency room doctor and another person is in the room with her. A large machine is also in the room as a loud whooshing sound fills the small exam room. Tears slide down her face as she stares at the machine in question. I don’t even think she knows I’m back in the room with her.

When the whooshing sound stops, the room is eerily quiet. Trinity’s eyes meet mine and I’m lost. Her normally bright emerald eyes are even brighter with unshed tears and the smile on her face is blinding. Clearly whatever she’s heard and is seeing on the screen is making her happy. At least something today is making her happy and excited. Not much of anything else is able to do so today.

“Breaker why are you here?” she asks me as the doctor and other person in the room turn to face me.

“Didn’t want you goin’ through this alone. You deserve to have someone at your side,” I answer her, my voice raw with emotion. “Tonya, Blood, and some of the guys are in the waitin’ room too. We’re here until you know what’s goin’ on.”

“Why are they here?” she asks, turning her head back to the screen as I move over closer to her.

“For you. As an employee, you’re a member of the club family. For now, look at your peanut on the screen. I’m assumin’ that’s what’s goin’ on right now,” I tell her.

“I can’t ask you to stay for this,” she says, her voice filled with sadness as she briefly glances at the door.

“He’s still here. There’s a reason why he’s not doin’ good with this for his own reasons. Let him talk to you about it,” I plead with her. “I’ll be here until you leave with your grandma. How is she doin’?”

“She’s moved to a room and resting comfortably,” the doctor informs me, his voice gentle. “As far as I can tell, this one is dehydrated and needs rest of her own. She’s doin’ too much and doesn’t have any help. Maybe you can convince her to ease up for the rest of her pregnancy.”

“Can you tell how far along I am?” Trinity asks, looking from the doctor to the woman in the room pressing buttons on the machine.

“It looks as if you’re about three months pregnant. Maybe just shy of three months. Here’s your little one,” the woman says, pointing at the screen. “Everything looks good. You need to get an obstetrician for regular visits.”

“I’ll prescribe a prenatal vitamin for you. If the doctor you choose doesn’t like it, they can change it up. Your bloodwork is good, and I know you’re going to remain in the hospital tonight. I’m sending up a cot to your grandma’s room for you. Extra blankets and everything else will be up there. Can you make sure she follows orders?” the doctor asks, looking at me.

“Of course,” I respond, my voice gruff.

The woman pushes some more buttons before handing some pictures to Trinity. She hands them off to me without even looking in my direction. Something has shifted in the air with me being in here with her. I’m not sure what it is, but I feel some connection to the woman lying in the hospital bed. The doctor lets us know he’ll get the discharge papers around so Trinity can get up to her grandma. He also lets us know she needs to worry and stress less about things. Based on the look of incredulous on her face, I know Trinity has more going on than we know about. I’m going to find out what’s going on one way or another if it’s the last thing I do.