Willow by Erin Osborne

Chapter Nineteen

Zander ‘Breaker’ Williams

AS CRAVE CLOSES the door of our room at the clubhouse and locks it, I begin stripping Trinity out of her clothes. It’s really not much considering she’s only wearing a sundress and G-string. My body is shaking with the anger still rolling through me at the knowledge one of those fuckers was so close to our ol’ lady last night. I kept an eye on him all night long after she told me he was creeping her out, but if I had any clue, he would have been in our clutches already. Trinity’s body is pale as hell making her skin look almost translucent. Her tits are slightly bouncing with how fast her breathing is picking up. Looking at her face, her eyes are dilated and there’s a flush covering her face. Neither one of us has even really touched her other than stripping her clothes from her body.

Pulling her body into mine as soon as she’s naked, I kiss her deeply. My tongue tangles with hers as she leans up on her toes and comes in even closer to me while wrapping her arms around my neck. Her small belly gets in our way of her being completely right up against my body. After just a minute, I pull from her mouth and begin trailing kisses along her jaw and down to her neck. Crave steps up behind her, already stripped of his own clothing. I’m the only one who’s still dressed out of the three of us. He pulls her from my arms before I can pull a nipple into my mouth. Using the opportunity, I strip out of my clothes and let them pile up on the floor with the exception of my cut. I place it on the back of the door next to Crave’s. When I turn back around, I lean back against the door as Crave lays her carefully down on the middle of the bed.

Crave climbs up her body, his hands trailing up her soft skin. She digs her fingers into his long hair while holding him close to her body. Bending his head lower, he sucks a hard nipple into his mouth as she arches her back off the bed and her eyes slide closed while her head is turned in my direction. I don’t move from my spot at the door as my best friend slides a hand back down her body to her pussy. Trinity lets out a moan as he slides a finger inside her channel. Her chest is rising and falling rapidly as she pants. It’s not going to take much to throw her over the edge of the cliff. Adding a second finger sliding in and out of her body, Crave kisses his way across her chest until he reaches her other nipple. Sucking it into her mouth, Trin’s body begins to tremble and shake as her legs open even further to rest against the blankets on the bed.

“Tim!” she screams out as he continues to slide his fingers in and out of her.

Pushing off the wall, I slide my hand up and down my hard cock while Crave adjusts his body so he can slide his cock deep in Trinity’s waiting pussy. Removing his fingers, Trin opens her eyes to watch him suck her release from his skin. Her eyes slide to look at me as I continue stroking my length, pulling on the barbells with every stroke. Watching her tongue dart out and lick her bottom lip, I groan out at the thought of her warm, wet mouth wrapped around my cock. Kneeling on the side of the bed, Trinity leans over and licks the tip before opening her mouth wide and lowering her head down on my length.

“Fuck Trin,” I grind out, my voice hoarse as she sucks hard on my cock.

Crave is slowly sliding in and out of her while continuing to suck on her nipples. One of Trinity’s hands is resting on my thigh, her nails slightly digging into my leg. Her other hand is reaching down to my balls where she begins rolling and gently tugging on them. I toss my head back, closing my eyes as a groan escapes me. Trinity is moaning around my cock from Crave speeding up his movements and adding some sort of twist to his hips. The vibrations moving along my length are going to make me find my release before I’m ready. Opening my eyes back up, I reach down and pull out her hair tie before digging my fingers into the silky strands of her hair.

I don’t control Trinity’s movements; I simply wrap her hair around my fist and hold it back from her face. Yes, I know the hair tie was doing the same thing, but I wanted my fingers in her hair. Crave slides his legs forward and leans back on his calves, moving Trin’s body down the bed as her neck arches so she doesn’t stop bobbing her head up and down my cock, running her tongue up my length. My spine begins to tingle as she continues to roll my balls and increase the pace of her mouth sliding up and down my cock.

“Get ready to swallow it all,” I groan out, my chest heaving as she speeds her movements up even more.

“Trinity!” I bellow, my voice cracking at the end as I begin to shoot stream after stream of my release down her throat.

Trinity releases my cock from her mouth as I drop to the bed next to her. My breathing is harsh and quick from the release she just gave me. After a minute of catching my breath, I roll to my side and lean my head over her body. Sucking a nipple into my mouth, I gently bite down on the hardened bud. She arches into me, almost bucking Crave from her as he reaches down to grab onto her hips. Her body is trembling as little moans escape her. Trinity is all real and there is nothing forced or fake about her reactions to Crave and I touching her body.

“Tim!” Trinity screams out, her body locking and going tight as her release washes over her.

Releasing her nipple, I head into the bathroom as Crave finds his release. I take care of business and wet a washcloth with hot water before making my way back in the bedroom. Crave is slumped down resting his head on Trinity’s chest as she holds him close to her body. Their eyes are closed as I stand back and give them this moment together. It’s not long before Trin opens her eyes and holds her hand out for me to join them. Crave rolls off her body and I clean her up before tossing the washcloth toward the bathroom. Lying down next to her, Crave and I hold her as we all relax and just enjoy a quiet moment together before we have to get up and get ready to head out in a while.

Crave, Trinity, and I spent time with gram for a while. We all ate dinner in the room she’s in at the clubhouse. Gram really didn’t eat much of her food tonight. Something is definitely going on with her. Doc has been in to see her and said it’s just her old age. She’s not sick or anything like that. He warned Trin there are going to be more days where she doesn’t want to do much of anything. Including eat. This is breaking our ol’ lady’s heart at the knowledge she’s not going to have much more time with gram. Hell, Crave and I have also gotten close to her and we’re going to miss her almost as much as Trinity. As all of us got ready to head out for the night to scope out these fuckers who think they can come in and take us out, Trinity didn’t leave her gram’s side. Even with the nurse in the room, she’s not going to leave her anytime soon.

“She’s gonna need us more than usual with gram goin’ downhill,” Crave states as we walk outside and straddle our bikes.

“I know. Trin isn’t gonna handle losin’ her. We’ll have to keep a close eye on her to make sure she eats and takes care of herself for the baby. Not that I believe she’d put the baby in harm’s way because that’s not her. I just know she’s goin’ to be grievin’ and not want to do much of anythin’,” I return.

“I know. We’ll be there for her every step of the way. Let’s go see what we can find out from the land these twatwaffles bought. Maybe we’ll get lucky,” Crave says, as Blood straddles his bike and we start our bikes before heading out.

Our first stop is the airport to pick up the guys from Nash’s old club. By the time we get to the airport, they should be off their plane and waiting on us. Two Prospects are driving SUVs while another one is in a van to hold everyone. Spike’s guys are going to meet us at the airport since it’s before the clubhouse. From there, Specs will let us know the location of the land so we can head straight there. A mile from the location, we’ll pull over, so we have the advantage of surprise if anyone is at the property. The fuckers are holed up somewhere and we’re going to find them.

The darkness is beginning to consume the sky so we’ll also have the cover of night to aid any advantage we can have over the thugs trying to take from us. I’d love the ride, but tension is filling the still night air. With almost every member of our club on this ride and more guys joining up, the tension is only going to continue ratcheting up higher and higher the closer we get to this place. Honestly, if they’re willing to snatch our guys up no matter where they are or what time of day it is, they’d do the same thing to the other chapters of our club and any other club they choose to. Not a single one of these little cocksuckers gives a shit about anyone other than themselves. They don’t know the meaning of loyalty or the brotherhood of a club. Nor do they care to find out about it.

We’re not dumb about this either. Our women aren’t left alone at the clubhouse. Even the ol’ ladies who don’t live at the compound are behind the fence while we’re gone. There will never be a time when we leave our women alone to suffer any attempts to kidnap them or hurt them from someone we’re going after. There are members and two more Prospects at the clubhouse with them. It’s not enough for my liking, but if we have a chance to take out these scumbags, we’re going to need the manpower. We have no clue what their numbers are. Since Specs can’t find out anything other than the names of the brothers running this shit, they could have more men than us or less men. Until we get there and hopefully find someone, we don’t know shit and that’s dangerous.

It takes us just under an hour to get to the airport. Pulling up, ten men are waiting on us. As we all shut our bikes off, the rumble of more bikes fills the air. Looking over my shoulder, Spike’s guys are coming up behind us. They’re riding fifteen deep as they park right behind us and shut their bikes off. With the quiet, still night, we all get off our bikes to stretch our bodies out. My back pops as I twist and turn my body. Blood steps up and greets the men from both clubs, getting their names before turning and standing to face us all.

“Thank you all for comin’ to help us with the vermin infestin’ our small town. We’re missin’ a full patch member and a Prospect thanks to these asswipes. Specs, our tech guy, has also discovered they’re involved in the skin trade. Not a single one of us condone that and will take them out just for that reason alone. If we happen to catch anyone at this piece of property, I want at least one or two men alive to question. If, by some miracle, we catch them all there, I want the two brothers left alive. We’ll handle them ourselves and make sure they feel each and every ounce of pain we can dish out. We’ve got one man still in the hospital and I’m sure Nash and our other Prospect will be headin’ there as soon as we find them. And we will find them.

“These men know my club members. That’s not gonna stop us from goin’ in and takin’ them the fuck out though. What I think we should do is go in dark. Wear your cuts for those of you on bikes, until we get the pull off location. Specs is in the van and he’ll let us know when to pull over. We’ve got night vision goggles for one person to use for each group we split up into. I don’t want to keep the clubs separate because there’s no need for that. We’ll mix things up and head out when we get there. Everyone ready to head out?” Blood questions as we all let out a roar in answer. “Specs will make sure you all know what Dante and Emilio look like so we can try to catch them alive if they’re there. I’m hopin’ to God everyone in their crew is there and we can end this shit tonight and bring our men home and save the women and kids they have too.”

We’re all out for blood and want to take these guys out once and for all their death will be quick and easy for the most part. Unless your name is Dante or Emilio. I hope they’re there so we can torment and torture the fuck out of those assholes. Straddling my bike again, I prepare to head out. Clearing my thoughts of Trinity, gram, and everything else, I let the rage and anger fill me when it comes to the men we’re hopefully about to take out tonight.

Blood gives us the signal to pull over a mile from the property. We all pull over in a small break in the trees. Shutting our bikes off, I climb off once more and stretch the tension from my body. Crave steps up next to me as he stretches out himself.

“I know we’re not gonna be in the same group. You take care of you so we can return to Trin. The last thing she needs is for somethin’ to happen to one of us. Don’t play things stupid and keep your eyes open,” he warns me, as he finishes stretching.

“The same goes for you. We got too much to live for now and she’s gonna need us. Not only because of gram but because of the baby too. Should probably have a conversation about that with her after this is all over. Hopefully it ends tonight.”

“We will. Clear your head from thoughts of her. We’ll return to her and move on with our lives as a family. For now, Trin doesn’t exist to us.”

Crave and I give one another a man hug and wait for Blood to put us all in groups. We have rules in place for a reason. He won’t be in the same group as either one of his sons or Vanish because all four of them are blood relatives. I won’t be in the same group as Crave because we’re with Trinity. The same will be done for the men who are from other clubs. If they’re related or in a relationship with one woman, they’ll be split up. This way at least one of them will return home. If this were a normal run, Crave and I wouldn’t even be out here together.

After being split up into groups, we all check our weapons, ammo, and assign one man to use the night vision goggles. I’m with Diesel, Vanish, and three other men from Nash’s club. Diesel is using the goggles while the rest of us follow behind him. With the sign from Blood, we split up and begin making our way around the property. It’s not long before Diesel is letting us know to stop and remain silent for a minute. We’re all wearing coms in our ears to hear the other groups and communicate with one another if we need to.

“Three men comin’ this way,” Diesel informs us as we all hunker down closer to the ground still inside the trees.

I’m almost lying flat on the ground beneath me. Sticks and other debris are digging into my body. Trying not to make any noise to draw attention to our location, I grit my teeth and let the shit dig into my body. It’s uncomfortable as fuck and there is no way I’m getting out of this without bruises covering my stomach and sides. As we lay here, waiting for some sort of signal from Blood and Diesel, more groups are confirming they’re also seeing small groups of men around the property. There’s also a light in the distance that’s pointing toward the ground from where I’m lying. I wonder what’s going on there.

“On the count of three,” Blood’s voice comes over the com. “One. Two. Three.”

We all jump up in my group and take the three men down without using our weapons. The man I grab, I snap his neck after making sure he’s not Dante or Emilio. Pulling their bodies back into the trees for cover, we begin to follow Diesel as he makes his way out of the cover of trees. Several times we stop as Diesel makes sure no one else is coming our way that’s not friendly. All of our groups are heading for the light in the middle of the property. As we get closer, there’s a door in the ground. It looks like some sort of underground bunker the guys all came out of. This actually makes sense since Specs couldn’t find a single address other than this for Dante and Emilio.

“Head down there and keep your eyes open. One group at a time,” Blood orders as we all remain with our groups.

Diesel heads down into the bunker as I look up to find Crave. He nods his head at me.

“Tell her I love her if somethin’ happens,” I tell him, not taking my eyes off my best friend.

“Make sure you come home, don’t get hurt,” he returns.

When it’s my turn to go down the stairs into the bunker, I take a deep breath and make my way inside. Diesel and the rest of the men are waiting for me while looking around. The second my feet hit the ground, I begin looking around. This is more extensive than we thought from up above ground. There are several doors surrounding us leading down a long hallway. Most of them are left slightly ajar while the remaining are shut tight. No one else appears to be down here, but we’re not going to leave a single room alone until we know it’s all clear.

“Split up and go through every room you find. If a door’s locked, unlock it,” Diesel says, beginning to walk toward the first door closes to him.

I head to the first available door as more men make their way down here. The door is locked, and I quickly bust the lock and open it. inside I find a small room with one dirty mattress on the floor. Three young girls are huddled together on the opposite wall from the mattress. My blood is boiling.

“We’re not here to hurt you,” I try to assure them, my voice low and gentle. “I’m goin’ to get you out of here.”

Before I can help them up, Crave enters the room I’m in. His eyes bulge out as he takes in the dirty, naked, girls sitting on the cold cement floor before us. Turning on his heel, I listen as he barks out orders.

“I need clothes, warm blankets, somethin’ to cover these girls up. We got three in here,” he barks, his voice harder than I’ve ever heard in my life. “Need one of the Prospects to bring the van closer so we can get these kids in there too. He needs to blast the fuckin’ heat.”

“Got more kids in here,” another voice calls out. “Same situation.”

Pulling my cut off, I remove my shirt before sliding my cut back on my body. Holding out the shirt from my body, one of the girls cautiously steps forward and hesitantly takes it from my hands. Crave hands his shirt over for another one to wear. I hand it over as the girl who accepts them passes it on to the other two girls in front of me. She’s worrying more about them than her own self. It’s not long before more shirts are being handed over from the men and any of the bags from the guys travelling and our saddle bags with extra clothes in them. Handing over the last shirt, I begin to lead the girls out to the stairs. One of our Prospects helps them get in the van and quickly shuts the door so they can begin to get warm.

It takes us over an hour to go through the underground bunker. In another room, Blood finds Nash and our Prospect. They’re chained up and have been beaten. Neither man is in good shape, as we get them down. Crave and a few other men carry them up to the waiting SUVs so the Prospects can get them to the hospital. As soon as we’re done here, we’ll all head to the hospital to make sure they’re okay. Or what’s going on with them. Right now, while we’re worried about them, we need to find the fuckers we’re here for. The ones who have caused so much damage to so many people based on the amount of women and girls down here.

We search each and every room until coming to the last door that’s locked. With all of us together now as the women and kids we’ve found packed into the van with a Prospect and Specs, we open the door to find the two men we’ve been waiting for; Dante and Emilio. Emilio has his pants down around his ankles as he pounds away inside a young girl. I want to throw the fuck up at the sight before us. Especially as Dante sits back and watches. These are sick fuckers.

“The fuck!” Blood roars out as Dante and his brother finally realize we’re in the room with them.

“What the fuck are you doing here?” Dante says, clearly high on something as he begins weaving and his eyes are glassed over.

“We’re here to take you the fuck out,” Blood states simply. “Your reign of terror is fuckin’ over.”

“You can’t do shit to us,” Dante says, falling to the floor at Blood’s feet.

Before any of us can move, Emilio pulls out a gun from the table he was fucking the girl on and shoots his brother in the head. The bullet hits Dante right between the eyes. We all look from Dante up to Emilio. I’m shocked as shit as are the other men as I look around the room. This is the last thing any of us expected. As Blood steps closer to him, Emilio turns the gun on himself and takes his own life. What the fuck?

“Does anyone know what the hell just happened?” Crave asks as the girl whimpers and tries to get as far away as possible despite being strapped down to the table.

“Honey, we’re not gonna hurt you. Can you tell me how old you are?” Bounce asks, his voice gentle as it gets.

“I-I-I just turned eighteen,” she stammers out.

I breathe a sigh of relief knowing she’s at least legal. Being through what she has is no joke. I stand on one side of the table while Ace stands on the other so we can try to get this girl unchained. As soon as we have her free, someone hands her a shirt so she can cover herself up.

“What the fuck are we supposed to do now?” I growl out, looking at the two fuckfaces lying dead on the floor.

“We’re gonna take these women and kids to the police station. Then, we’re gonna head to the hospital to see what’s goin’ on with Nash and the Prospect. Haven’t heard shit from the Prospect who took them there. Then, we’re gonna go love on our women for those of us who have ol’ ladies. The single guys and guys visitin’, have a drink and spend time unwindin’. Tomorrow we’ll celebrate as long as we know everyone is doin’ okay,” Blood says, looking around the room at all of us. “As far as these fuckers go, leave them here to fuckin’ rot. The dicksuckers outside, kill the ones still alive and toss their asses down here. Lock the fuckin’ doors and forget all about it.”

Nodding our heads, we help the girl out of the bunker and make our way to the waiting van, SUVs, and bikes are waiting. Crave and I practically run to our bikes and straddle them as we wait for everyone else. We’ll be there at the hospital to find out about Nash and the Prospect and then Trinity and grams will be our only priority for now. I need to hold her in my arms and be there for her. Crave does too. We’re both feeling it as we wait to pull out with the rest of the guys.