Willow by Erin Osborne

Chapter Seventeen

Trinity ‘Willow’ Walsh

WE’VE BEEN AT the clubhouse for a few hours now. To say it was a shock to the system is an understatement. Barely clothed women were the first thing I saw when we walked through the main door to enter the clubhouse. We were in a large room set up as I imagine a man cave would be set up. A long bar took up one wall with stools sitting in front of it. Several tables filled the floor in front of a pool table. On the opposite side of the room were a few couches with large TVs mounted to the wall in front of them. The women who were wearing almost nothing were sitting on the couches when Breaker and Crave walked my grams and me in. They went from talking amongst themselves to preening for the men with me. I wasn’t even a blip on their radar unless they were glaring at me.

My body tightened up in response to being glared at by women I didn’t even know. Crave was standing the closest to me and wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me into his body.

“Don’t pay those bitches any attention. They don’t like new faces and will try to intimidate you because they’ve never seen you before. Stand your ground like I know you can and you’ll be just fine,” he tells me so only I can hear. “You’re our ol’ lady and will get the respect you deserve. In a few days you’ll have your rag to let everyone know who you belong to.”

“I’m not a piece of property,” I tell him indignantly.

“You’re not. But, it’s what’s done in our world. This shows everyone else you’re taken and not free pussy. No one we hang out with would ever force you to do anythin’ you didn’t want to do. It also lets the club whores know we’re taken and to stay away from us,” Breaker informs me, placing a kiss against my lips that’s over sooner than I’d like it to be.

“Breaker! Crave!” one of the women who’s just walking in the large room yells. “Is there anything I can do for you?”

“Nope. Can’t you see? We’re with our ol’ lady and her grams. Haven’t touched you since you got here,” Crave states, his voice hard.

“You promised,” she begins walking right up and attempting to run her fingers down his chest.

“He told you no. Do you know what the word means?” I question her, stepping in front of his body.

“You mean nothing here. I have more of a footing in this club than you do,” the young woman with makeup caked on her face says as she pushes her fake tits out.

“So ol’ lady status means nothing? What’s your role here in the club?” I question her, tilting my head to the side as I stare her down.

“I’m here to take care of the men’s needs. Something you know nothing about. You’re not an ol’ lady. I know all the ol’ ladies here,” she says stepping up closer to me.

“I believe Crave told you just a few seconds ago I was their ol’ lady. So, I believe that means I have more standing here than you do. I’m not the one on my back spreading for multiple men in some desperate attempt to make them want me. Honey, they’re using you to scratch an itch and don’t want you. You’re easy access,” I say, not backing down from her.

“You bitch!” she screams out, raising her hand to hit me.

“Touch her and you’re out on your ass. We don’t hit ol’ ladies here,” Tonya says, stepping up to our small group. “You hit Trinity and I’ll beat your ass before tossing you out considering she’s carrying Crave’s baby. Get the hell outta my sight and start cleaning. All of you get off your ass and clean this shit up. You don’t want to, there’s the fucking door. Don’t let it hit ya on the way out. Not telling you girls again. From now on, I’ll just start booting your asses out. I’m sure the guys would like fresh pussy in here instead of you lazy, used up bitches.”

That’s how my first hour started at the clubhouse. Grams loved it and laughed her ass off at the young girl who thought I was going to shrink back and hide between the two men. Tonya pushed my gram through the main room and down a small hallway. Crave opened up the door they stopped in front of as we followed them down. The guys were carrying our bags for us, not letting me lift a finger which is something I’ve never had before. Anything we’ve needed done, gram and I have always just taken care of it. Now, Breaker and Crave want to help and do things for us. It’s going to take some getting used to.

“This is your room while you’re here,” Tonya lets gram know. “Trinity and the guys will be right next door to you. If you need anything though, we’ll all be here to help you.”

“Thank you, Tonya. I can’t express how grateful I am to you all helping us out. My Trinity hasn’t had a lot of that in her life. It’s just been the two of us. Her having you all to support her and give her strength when she needs it means the world to me,” my gram says, making me tear up.

“You have our support and love too. Gram, I have to say, from what I’ve seen of Trinity so far, you’ve done an amazing job raising her to be a strong and independent woman. I’ll let you get settled and come back to get you for dinner. Blood and I would be honored if you’d join us for our meal,” Tonya says, hugging gram as she nods in response.

“Gram, what do you want to do? Relax for a while or head back out to the main room?” Breaker asks her as he sets her bags down on the end of the bed.

“I’d like to relax, I think. I’m still tired.”

“Okay. I’ll bring in lunch in a little while. Trin and I have to work tonight, but Crave will be here if you need somethin’.”

The three of us help gram into bed before heading to the room we’ll be sharing. Like gram’s room, it’s small and clean. There’s not piles of dirty laundry laying all over the floor or anything. A large bed takes up the wall directly opposite of the door with a dresser at the end of it. There’s a TV mounted on the wall so you can comfortably watch it while lying in bed. Another door sits open showing me a bathroom that’s also just as clean. The main color of both rooms is black. From the walls to the bedding, everything is black. Even the rug on the floor is black. Crave sets my bags down on the small chair sitting in the corner of the room by the closet.

“Why don’t you lay down for a bit? You’ve been up early and have been going nonstop. If you’re goin’ to work tonight, I don’t want you to be tired or run down. Plus, we have to go to the doctor before you head to work tonight. I’ll wake you up in a little while,” Crave assures me, his voice gentle.

Since he told me what happened to him, he’s been touching me more and he doesn’t raise his voice or try to push me away. I’m not going to say it will always be like that because we’re all going to do things that will piss one another off on a regular basis, I’m sure. Crave I believe genuinely cares about me and this baby and doesn’t want anything to happen to us. He’s just not sure if he can trust me still. Now that I know what’s going on, I fully understand his reasoning and don’t blame him one bit.

“I am kind of tired. I’ll rest for now and see if I can fall asleep. Thank you both for everything,” I tell him, a yawn escaping me.

“We’ll just be out in the common room. No, we won’t be anywhere near those women. You’re the only one we want, Trinity,” Breaker assures me, as he leans down and gives me a kiss.

“If you need us, come get us,” Crave adds, giving me his own kiss before helping me in bed and covering me up.

Closing my eyes as they close the door, it doesn’t take me long to fall asleep.

Crave and Breaker took me to my doctor’s appointment after getting me fed lunch when I woke up. The doctor said everything looks good and I’m on track at four months pregnant now. Time seems to be flying by. Other than making sure we didn’t have any questions, he cautioned Crave and Breaker to keep my stress levels down and make sure I’m resting enough. I honestly wish he hadn’t told them to make sure I’m resting because now they’ll make me stay in bed when I’m not at work or helping gram. I’m not looking forward to it and I’m sure we’ll have more than one or two arguments about it. I’m pregnant and not sick or made of glass. I can still help out at the clubhouse, work, and take care of my gram without adding any extra stress. I’ll listen to my body and rest when I need to.

Now, I’ve showered and gotten ready for work. Breaker will be driving me in his truck tonight. Crave is going to hang out with gram in the common room as they’ve told me it’s called until she’s ready to head to bed. I’m worried about her being in the clubhouse, but Crave and Tonya have assured me they’ll take good care of her. Plus, Paislie will be here to keep her company too. My gram loves Paislie and her man. They sit down and let her tell her stories of growing up and raising me and laugh with her. Vanish has even told her some funny stories about various club members. Nothing that could get him in trouble or anything, just funny little tidbits.

“Trinity, you ready for work?” Breaker asks, walking in the small bathroom where I’m just finishing my hair.

I’m not putting it up or anything because as soon as I get to the club, I’ll be putting on my wig and contacts. All I’m doing is brushing out the rest of the knots before we head out. I may have gotten stuck in my dress when I put it on. My belly is starting to stick out a little more and with my skin still damp from my shower, the material of my dress was bunching up and got stuck with my arms through the holes and my head covered by the dark fabric. Thankfully, I was right by the bed and fell back onto it. It took longer than I’d like to admit getting myself unstuck and I’m glad the guys didn’t come in as I was dressing.

Breaker put on the cologne he wears, and I take a deep breath of the air surrounding me. He always smells so damn good. Both men do. With one last look in the mirror, I set my brush down on the small counter before turning to face him.

“I’m as ready as I’ll ever be,” I tell him, letting him pull me against his hard body.

“I wish we weren’t goin’ to work right now. I’d have you stripped and on the bed ridin’ me,” he murmurs with his lips against mine. “You’re sexy as fuck.”

“My dress is too tight, and I feel as if my boobs are going to pop out,” I tell him on a laugh.

“Yeah, they’ve definitely gotten bigger. I’ll be on the floor coverin’ your sexy ass tonight. Just a fair warnin’, some fucker puts his hands on you and I’m not holdin’ back,” he tells me, pulling back as he makes sure he has everything he needs for the night.

We walk through the common room with his arm wrapped around my shoulders. Crave and grams are sitting at a table with Tonya and Blood. Stopping next to them, I lean down and place a kiss against my gram’s cheek before Crave pulls me into his lap. He kisses me sweetly on my lips, not deepening the kiss since my grams is sitting right next to us.

“Is that how you kiss your woman?” she pipes in, making everyone else around us choke on whatever they’re eating or drinking. “Trin may be my granddaughter, but you kiss your woman properly or not at all.”

Crave laughs as I bury my head in his shoulder. My face heats with the blush no doubt covering my skin. Gram never was one to hold back when she wanted to say something. Now she has an audience and is going to go for it each and every time. I love her to death, but sometimes she can be a bit much. Times like these I don’t know how she comes up with the shit she says.

“Well, I wouldn’t want to disappoint you,” Crave tells my gram, placing his hands on each side of my face before kissing me like his life depends on it.

Catcalls and whistles fill the air as I slowly come back to realize there are people sitting around us. Whenever Breaker and Crave touch me, everything else fades away to nothing. I’ve never experienced anything like it in my life. Gram gives me a smile as I slide from Crave’s lap. Breaker once again wraps his arm around my shoulders and pulls me close to his body before leading me from the clubhouse. When we get out to his truck, he opens the passenger side door for me before lifting me up to set me on the seat. He even reaches around me to fasten my seatbelt before closing the door and walking around to the driver’s side. This is how they’ve been lately when we go anywhere. Always making sure to help me in a vehicle and fastening my belt. If this were a few weeks ago, I’d be telling them off. I’ve learned this is just how they are and something they need to do so I let them.

Walking through the main floor of the club, I don’t stop until I’m at the dressing room. Breaker stayed in the main room to talk to the other guys who will be bouncing tonight and the bartender. I didn’t get a good look, but I believe Vanish was behind the bar. Pushing the door open, two of the dancers are inside getting ready.

“Well, look who it is,” one of them says, her voice scathing as she takes in my appearance. “You show up here, get fully nude on stage and then get preferential treatment to become a waitress. I guess we know you’re fucking someone in the club. Must be nice not to strip even if you’ve raised the bar for the rest of us.”

“Are you implying I fucked my way out of dancing? Cause you have no clue about my life or why I’m working here. It wasn’t my choice to stop dancing and start working the floor. You’re gonna make more money than I will so why the hell are you trying to start shit with me?” I question her, standing in front of my dressing table so I can see the two women behind me.

“Because you think you’re hot shit. Don’t try to get to know anyone here and now all of a sudden you got two men fawning all over you. We all want a member of our own and you’re a greedy enough bitch to take two of them. You’re a fat cow and don’t deserve to be let through the doors,” the other girl says, placing her hands on her hips and stepping closer to me.

“You’re right I am fat. Maybe because I’m pregnant dumbass. Yes, I am with two men. Men who treat me like a Queen because I’m not a fake skank. You want a man, stop taking your clothes off for every drunk pervert in the county to see you, don’t act one way in front of the club when you’re really a catty bitch, and lower your standards. From what I’ve seen, all the men working here are taken. Their women even work here. Not a single club member is gonna be with you after seeing all you have to offer. Which, isn’t much based on the make-up you’re caking on and the desperate, skanky vibes you’ve got flowing off you. No man wants that,” I say as the other woman stands from her dressing table and I find myself surrounded by the two of them.

“Shut the fuck up,” the first woman grinds out. “You know nothing about either one of us. You couldn’t take a minute to get to know us with your judgmental attitude.”

“You know nothing about me either. Do you know why I took a job here? Because I’m trying to take care of my gram who has more health issues than she should have. Her medicine cost went up and I couldn’t afford it on her money alone. I’ve been left by every person to enter my life since I was young. Why? Because I spent all of my time taking care of the only person who has been a constant in my life. No one wants to stick around for that. Until now. So, no, I didn’t take the time to get to know either one of you. I also didn’t judge either of you for working here for your own reasons. I’m not a bitch I have just closed myself off from everyone. Now, I did just judge you because you chose to sling mud at me. We’re all here to do a job and need to work together. I’m willing to do so if you are. I apologize if I’ve made you feel some type of way. I’m just learning to let others in without worrying about them hurting me.”

“I’m not sure I want to get to know you. We’ll agree to disagree and be civil when we’re out working together. That’s all I can agree to at this point,” the first woman says.

They go back to their own stations to finish getting ready as I put on my wig and make sure it’s secure before adding my contacts. Adding just a touch of eyeshadow and mascara, I’m ready to go. My feet are already killing me, and this night is going to suck. Tonya sent us all a message earlier about a bachelor party coming in. Even if I haven’t worked on before, I know it’s going to be rowdy as fuck and the men are going to be out of control. Hopefully it will make the night go by faster.