Willow by Erin Osborne


Trinity ‘Willow’ Bennett-Williams

Two years later

THE LAST TWO years have been an adventure for sure. Aaron is growing like a weed and he’s into absolutely everything. He’s almost two now and there’s not a day that goes by when I don’t love him more than the previous one. AJ, as his father’s call him, is a complete mama’s boy. When he’s tired, cranky, hungry, or just upset he wants his mama. I give him his cuddles and make sure he’s happy before he toddles off to get into his next adventure. His dad’s also don’t help him stay out of trouble. They bought him some small, motorized motorcycle they’re out every single day with him as they teach our almost two-year-old son to ride. Starting early is the name of the game in our house apparently.

Aaron loves his extended family and wants to spend all his time at the clubhouse with the guys. And his grandma Tonya. You leave Grandma Tonya out of the equation, she lets you know about it. Blood and Tonya spoil AJ and the rest of the kids rotten whenever they’re around. If we don’t make it to the clubhouse once a week or so, they’re coming to our house to get their AJ cuddles. Blood is usually right outside with Breaker and Crave teaching our boy how to ride his little bike. The thing goes less than five miles an hour and I bought him a helmet and all sorts of other protective gear. He even has his own little cut proclaiming him a future member of the King’s Vengeance MC. I can’t get enough of my little guy.

My men are even more loving today than ever before. When they’re not at the club, out on a run, or working, we’re all together. We did get married about two months after I got out of the hospital. I’m legally married to Crave and have both of their last names. They support me no matter what I want to do. Including working at Legacies. I’m still a waitress and work a few nights a week. There is no way I’m working full time because I want to be home with our son as much as possible. Crave and Breaker don’t work the same shifts anymore so we can take turns spending time together. We make everything work and get stronger and fall more deeply in love on a daily basis.

We finally moved into my grams old room. They helped me clean out her things, take some of her belongings to charities or shelters. I kept a lot of things too. Anything that was sentimental to me for the slightest reason is something I kept. We’ve placed her pictures around the house along with pictures of the three of us and our boy. AJ dominates the walls with the amount of pictures I take of him. Every time he sees a picture of grams, he points up to it and smiles bright. We tell him stories of her every day and make sure he falls in love with her just as we loved her when she was still here with us.

The next few days AJ will be staying with Blood and Tonya. I’m currently laying in a hospital bed getting ready to go back for surgery. My men have super sperm and I’m getting ready to deliver our triplets through a cesarean section. I think after this pregnancy, I’m done having babies. We’ll have four altogether and I have my girls. To say Crave and Breaker are nervous as hell about us having daughters is enough to make me laugh my ass off. They’ve been talking about stocking up on guns, ammo, and everything else you can imagine to scare away little boys from their baby girls.

“Are you ready to go?” the doctor comes in, asking me with a smile on her face.

“I’m more than ready to go. A little nervous, but I’d rather do it this way than try to deliver these babies the other way,” I answer, making Crave, Breaker, and the doctor laugh.

“Let’s get this show going,” the doctor says, her voice bright and cherry.

“Are you sure she’s gonna be okay?” Breaker asks, his voice laced with concern.

My guys are worried about what can happen when they cut me open to deliver our babies. They worry every single day something is gonna happen to me or our children. No matter what I tell them and how much they watch over me, these men of mine are stubborn as all hell and I make sure to tell them on a daily basis. I wouldn’t trade the life I live with them for anything in the world though. It’s almost as if my gram made sure these men were here with me to keep me moving forward and get back to the land of the living with her passing. She wouldn’t have wanted me to fade away and become completely alone in the world.

Still in my bed, I’m wheeled to the operating room where our daughters and son will be brought into the world. Crave and Breaker leave my side long enough to scrub in or whatever they call it. It’s not long before they’re both sitting on the same side of me wearing scrubs as the doctor and nurses make their way in. A sheet is pulled up so none of us can see what’s happening on the other side of it. Now, my anxiety level is raising up slightly because we’re not gonna be able to see what’s going on when our children are pulled from my belly.

“Things are going to move really fast when we get things moving,” the doctor tells us as Crave and Breaker listen intently to what’s being said. “As soon as the babies are born, the nurses will do the same as any other time with a new baby. They’ll be weighed, tested, and taken to get cleaned up. It won’t be long for them to be brought into the room with you. Though I will warn you, Trinity, you’ll be extremely tired. I’m going to caution against too many visitors to begin with. Maybe just Blood, Tonya, and little AJ. When you’re ready, more can come in to see you.”

“Okay. Can you talk us through what you’re doing?” I ask her, my voice wavering as a lone tear slides down my face.

“Absolutely. We’re ready to begin if you are.”

“I’m ready.”

Crave and Breaker make sure they’re touching me in some capacity as the doctor tells us what she’s doing. One by one, we hear our children cry as they’re removed from my body. We have a daughter, a son, and then our last daughter is born. Crave leaves with them this time as Breaker remains with me as they finish taking care of what they have to do. I close my eyes and can’t wait to get back to our room so I can hold my children. To see our little ones being held by their big, strong daddies. It’s a sight I never tire of seeing. Breaker and Crave are definitely hands on dads who love their children with their entire hearts. Even when I’m pregnant, they spent hours talking to my belly and reading stories as AJ sat by and listened on. This is my life and I’m happier than I ever imagined I could be.

Timothy ‘Crave’ Bennett

Sitting in the hospital room with one of our daughter’s in my arms, I can’t help but stare at her. I’m currently holding Bianca as Breaker holds Lillian and Xavier. Trinity is sleeping after her surgery while we bond with our children. Looking down into my daughter’s eyes, the love I feel is close to bursting. Bianca is a miniature version of her mama. Lillian is a mixture of Breaker and Trinity while Xavier is all Breaker. Staring in Bianca’s eyes, I can’t believe I almost missed out on this. Our kids and Trinity are my entire world.

If I hadn’t been able to get past the demons haunting me, I wouldn’t have the life I currently do. Trinity makes sure none of us want for anything. She prepares our meals, showers us with unconditional love, and makes our house a home. Trin doesn’t hold back on the love she feels for myself, Breaker, and our children. She doesn’t push us away or keep her emotions and feelings to herself anymore. We know when she’s having a good day, a great day, or a bad day because of something that’s happened and she wished her grams was here by our side. Breaker and I hold her, comfort her, and give her the strength she doesn’t have on those days. We make memories each and every day I hold close to my heart and will never let go of them for as long as I live.

Trinity let us know she more than likely won’t be having any more children. Finding out she was pregnant with triplets was a shock to all of our systems and I have no clue if she’s going to change her mind or if this is it for us. Either way, it’s her choice and we’re going to stand by her side. Four children are a lot to have and we’re going to do anything to make sure they’re loved, taken care of, and get the support they need to know and understand they can do anything they want to in their life. We’ll support them no matter what their dreams are.

“You good over there brother?” Breaker asks me as we hold our children.

“I’m good. Never been better than I am right now. I love her so much and our children are my entire world. I love them more than I thought possible. If I hadn’t pulled my head out of my ass, I wouldn’t be here to enjoy this with you and Trinity. I wouldn’t be holdin’ this beautiful little girl in my arms as anyone other than an honorary uncle. That’s not what I want. I’m happy our lives have turned out this way,” I tell him honestly.

“Good. This wouldn’t be a family without havin’ you with us. Trinity is the glue holdin’ our family together and we’re the support she needs. The support our children well need as they grow and become independent. You’re my best friend in the world and I’m glad you and Trinity have healed one another. I’ll always be here for you both,” Breaker tells me as Trinity begins to stir in the bed.

Just as her eyes open, Xavier begins to cry in Breaker’s arms. It looks like our little guy is hungry. Using the bed controls, Trin sits up so she can get in a better position to feed our children.

“Here you go mama,” Breaker says handing over our son.

I watch on as he latches on and begins to eat from his mom. This is a sight I’ll never tire of watching. Our children feeding from their mom as she bonds and cradles him or her close to her body. Breaker and I change our daughter’s diapers while he eats so she can feed them once he’s done. It’s going to take a lot of practice to get in a routine with three little ones who are going to need diapers changed and get hungry at the same time. We’re up for the challenge. Trinity most of all is as a serene smile covers her face and she doesn’t take her eyes off of Xavier.

My wife is the sexiest woman I’ve ever seen in my life. Even when she’s exhausted, has no make-up on her face, and her hair is a tangled mess from sleeping and giving birth. No other woman on earth will ever compare to her and the love I have. This is where I’m meant to be and no one is going to take it from me.

Zander ‘Breaker’ Williams

Trinity is done feeding our children as she continues to hold Lillian. I’ve got Bianca while Crave is holding Xavier. One of the nurses is going out to get Blood, Tonya, and little AJ. He’s so excited to meet his little brother and sisters. When I went out to let everyone know the babies were here and everyone was good, he jumped up in my arms and held on tight. He was ready to see the babies right then and there. It broke my heart to leave him in the waiting room with Blood, Tonya, and the rest of our family. AJ has all of us wrapped around his little finger and I’m sure it’s not going to change anytime soon. Not even with the addition of our newest children. We’ve got more than enough love to go around for all four of them.

A soft knock sounds on the door as I stand up to go answer it. Even though a nurse got them, Blood isn’t going to want to walk in on Trin breastfeeding. Tonya won’t give a shit, telling us she’s got the same damn parts on her body. Yes, she’s said it to us before when she came in one day after AJ was born. We all laugh at her because the Queen of our club wants her cuddle time with the babies of the club. She gets it too. No one is looking to piss her off when it comes to her grandbabies.

“Dada!” AJ says, his voice quieter than I expected.

“Hey buddy. Are you ready to meet your sisters and brother?” I ask while opening the door wider.

“Mama!” he cheers as if he hasn’t seen Trinity in years instead of hours.

Blood carries AJ to his mom’s bed where she moves so he can sit in bed with her. As soon as both of them are comfortable, Blood backs away and takes Lillian from me. Tonya already has Xavier in her arms. She’s staring down at him with a smile on her face the proudest of grandma’s would be wearing in this moment.

“AJ, I’d like you to meet your sister Bianca,” Trinity says as she sets our baby girl in her brothers arms. “Grandma Tonya is holding Xavier. Papa Blood has your other sister Lillian.”

“Mama,” he says looking down at his little sister.

“Buddy, I love you so much. I’ve missed you,” Trin tells her oldest son as she carefully leans over to place a kiss on his head.

Sitting back in my chair, I look at my family. Not just my ol’ lady and children, but at the two members of my extended family as well. This is the life I’ve wanted since I was old enough to understand what the love of a woman is and how much love can be shared between a man and his wife and between a father and his children. If someone told me a few years ago this would be my life, I wouldn’t have argued or fought against it for a second. This is what I’ve wanted to have as long as I can remember.

For so long, I never thought I’d find what I was looking for. A woman to share for the rest of our lives with Crave. I knew she’d have to be special enough to ensure he would be able to get over his past. What I wasn’t counting on was having to help her heal as well. Still, I wouldn’t change what I have in my life for anything in the world. Before meeting Trinity, we were always surrounded by patch chasers and women who only wanted the ol’ lady status. It wasn’t because she actually gave a fuck about who Crave or I are just the title we could give her. Yeah, we had fun with them, but that’s all it was ever going to be. A quick release or to make a woman’s dreams of walking on the wild side a ride she’d never forget. It took time, but we found her; our Trinity is the best woman I know. She was raised by a strong, amazing, beautiful soul we all miss on a daily basis.

Trinity looks up at me and gives me a smile. The love she feels for all of us in this room is shining bright from her eyes and the smile on her face. Pictures of our family fill our home showing everyone who enters the memories we make on a daily basis. Memories filled with love, passion, and loyalty. We’ll always remain loyal to our love, and she’ll remain loyal to us. These are the qualities we’re going to instill in our children. Teach our daughters never to settle for less than they deserve and our boys to protect those they love. We’ll ensure they love with everything in them and that we’ll always have their back no matter what.

“You guys sure as hell make gorgeous babies,” Tonya says, as Xavier holds onto her finger.

“Thank you,” Trinity responds, a yawn escaping before she can hide it.

“We’ll clear out of here. Get some rest and we’ll bring AJ back after breakfast,” Tonya assures us, handing our boy back to Crave.

She walks over and presses a kiss against Trinity’s head before gazing down at Bianca. Shaking her head, she steps around the bed after giving Crave a hug and then me one. Blood hands Lillian back to me as she begins to whine and close her eyes. I rock her slowly and she settles down while burrowing into my chest. We all get our cuddles from AJ, and he leaves teary eyed. He doesn’t understand why he can’t stay with us here. My heart breaks all over again as he leaves the room in Blood’s arms. We’ll be together in a few days to get in a new routine and shower him with the love he’s missing with us being gone.

The End!