Willow by Erin Osborne

Chapter Twenty-Five

Zander ‘Breaker’ Williams

TODAY HAS BEEN extremely long. While Crave took Trinity to the lawyers office, I’ve been at work. We had a large shipment of alcohol and new glasses come in. while putting all the alcohol away as I checked it against the inventory sheets and the list from the driver, I heard a loud commotion from the main floor. Tonya and Ace were going through the boxes of new glasses and everything. When I rushed out of the storeroom and to the main floor, Tonya was pissed as fuck. It seems every single glass they just paid top dollar for was broken. Some were shattered while others were cracked. Boss lady called the company and I’ve never heard her cuss out one of our vendors the way she did today. It was awesome and scary at the same time if I’m being honest.

After the mess was cleaned up and one of the Prospects picked up the boxes to return to the company, I had a beer with Ace and Vanish since he randomly showed up. They asked how Trinity is doing since Tonya won’t let her work. My ol’ lady was planning on working right up until she went into labor. Tonya is becoming a mama bear when it comes to her girls as she calls them. No pregnant ol’ ladies are allowed in here to work when they get further along. Trinity won’t fight with Tonya for whatever her reasoning is. She didn’t even bitch to us about not being able to work. Honestly, I believe she’s relieved not to have to work with everything she has going on. Between losing grams and her pregnancy progressing, she doesn’t want to be jostled around the strip club. Tonya reminded her of the several times a night she’s grabbed, her ass is slapped, and how customers push their chairs out without looking and bounce into her. Our girl has had more than one bruise from a chair nailing her in the side or back.

Blood and Tonya are ready to lose their shit over Crave and I. All the guys are assholes when their women are working and keep a sharp eye on them. However, Crave and I take it to the extreme when we feel someone is getting too close to our woman. She doesn’t need drunk fucks pushing up on her and trying to cop a feel when she’s just trying to serve them drinks or whatever else they’re trying to request. More than one has wanted to take her in the back rooms for a lap dance or something a little worse than that. That’s really when we lose our shit. Now, we don’t have to worry about it because she’s not working. Crave and I also don’t work the same shift because one of us needs to be home with her at all times. Paislie and the other ol’ ladies have even gone over to spend time with her. They want to keep her happy and relaxed the same as we do.

“Have you heard from Crave?” Tonya asks as I look at my phone for the tenth time in as many minutes.

“They’re at that new steak house. Apparently, Trinity went off on some bitch who wouldn’t take her eyes off her man,” I say as we all begin laughing our asses off.

“She’s definitely ready at all times to stake her claim. If you brought her to the clubhouse, there wouldn’t be any house bunnies left because she’d kick all their asses,” Tonya laughs, her voice showing how much she believes that statement.

“I completely agree with you,” I tell her, barely able to stop laughing long enough to say the words.

“You guys got a big night ahead of you. Are you ready?” Vanish asks, knowing what we have planned.

“We’re ready.”

“Do you got everything you need?” Tonya questions, accepting the bottle of water her son is handing over.

“Yeah. I went to the store last night when Trin fell asleep. Crave stayed with her in case something happened. Now, it’s just a matter of askin’ her and hopin’ she gives the answer we want to hear,” I state, not sure what she’ll do.

“What about your house?” Vanish asks.

“I’m gonna have the club use it for a safe house if one is ever needed. If one of the guys comin’ up want to rent it out, I might think of doin’ that too. It all depends on who it is. Definitely gonna let the club use it when they need it though,” I respond.

“Nice. I’m headin’ out. Just wanted to stop for a beer. Paislie will be home from the store soon and I want to spend some time with her before comin’ in to work.”

Vanish leaves after giving us all a nod on his way through the door. I finish my beer and place the glass on the opposite edge of the bar before standing up and heading out myself. There are some things I still want to take care of before Trin and Crave get home.

I’ve been making dinner for the last few hours. Trinity wanted to have stuffed shells with salad and garlic bread with cheese so that’s what I made. She’s currently taking a nap as Crave and I put the finishing touches on everything. Candles sit in the center of the table with our plates already set out. A small vase I found under the skin holds a bouquet of roses and sunflowers. Since they were grams favorite flower, Trin wants them all over the house as a sort of reminder of the woman who means so much to her. To all of us. The salad is done and waiting while the stuffed shells sit cooling on the top of the oven so the garlic bread can finish cooking. Crave and I are dressed in good jeans and new shirts as we wait for her to come down. Well, he’s up bringing her down while I check on the bread and add some mozzarella cheese to the top to melt before I pull it from the oven.

“This looks amazing,” Trinity says as Crave helps her in the kitchen and to a chair at the table. “It smells wonderful too. What’s the occasion?”

“You wanted stuffed shells for dinner,” I state, turning to look at her.

Trinity always looks beautiful. Right now, she’s got a crease in her cheek from the way she slept, her hair is tossed up in a messy bun, and there’s not a hint of make-up on her face. The sundress she’s wearing is rumpled from sleep and her feet are bare. Still, her red nail polish is perfect even if she can’t see her toes around the belly where she carries our son. Crave wraps an arm around her chest as she leans back into the chair. Even though she had a nap, Trin still looks exhausted, and I know she’s not getting enough sleep. Our boy is pressing on her bladder causing her to get up every half hour or less throughout the night.

“I did. What’s with the flowers and candles though?” she asks, looking between the two of us.

“We want to make tonight special for you. You haven’t had enough sweet and special. We’re goin’ to prove we can give you what you need even if you don’t know what it is,” I tell her, walking over and leaning down to give her a quick kiss so I don’t burn the bread.

“All I need is you and our boy. We still haven’t figured out a name for him,” Trin states, her voice sincere as I pull the bread out and her stomach rumbles in hunger.

Crave brings over our plates as I dish up the food. He carries them over to the table while I grab milk for us to drink. Usually we’d have a beer with our meal, but the smell makes Trin feel sick to her stomach. We don’t want her getting sick because we want to have a drink in the house. There will be plenty of time for that later on after our son is born.

“We have time to come up with a name for him,” Crave says, leaning down to place a soft kiss against her lips. “My only concern was the nursery and we’ve got that all finished now. Are you happy with it?”

“It’s beautiful. You guys did amazing,” she gushes as I take my seat next to her with Crave on the opposite side.

We just finished the nursery a day ago. Even if we weren’t staying here, Crave and I have been working on it when we can. The walls are painted a soft blue with white trim. White curtains with bikes and teddy bears cover the windows. A dark stained crib, changing table, and dresser fill the room. The bedding for the crib matches the curtains. A rocking chair in grey material sits in the corner by the windows for us to rock our baby boy. He’s got clothes, a few toys, diapers, wipes, and everything else a baby could need. The ol’ ladies had a shower for Trin at the clubhouse before we left. It was quick because our ol’ lady didn’t feel like being surrounded by a ton of people since it was only a few days after the funeral. We also have pictures on the wall around the room. Some of them are from the clubhouse while others are of grams. She will be watching over our boy from the second he comes into the world until the end of his life.

“What do you guys think of the name Aaron Jackson?” Trinity asks us, taking a bite of her salad after putting ranch dressing on it.

“Call him AJ for short,” I murmur around my bite of food. “I like it. Crave?”

“It’s not horrible. As long as we can call him AJ,” he says, looking at Trin with a smile on his face.

My best friend and ol’ lady have come so far since we all met. Trinity has learned to let us in and not hold back from telling us things or keeping us at arm’s length because she’s afraid we’re going to leave her side. Crave has also learned to let the skank who tore his heart out not infiltrate his present and future. Her memories will always be there, but he loves Trin with all his heart and has been fighting his demons back as hard as he can. When we have our baby in our arms, I’m sure the last of his resistance will fade away because he’ll be holding his son in his arms.

Crave looks at me over the top of Trinity’s head. He doesn’t want to wait anymore it seems. I don’t blame him as I give a nod in response to his silent question. We’ve already worked everything out between the two of us and have what we need. Hopefully we can convince Trinity we know what we want and it’s her by our side.

“Trin, need to talk to you about somethin’. Well, ask you somethin’ really,” Crave begins, clearing his throat as he pushes away from the table. “When I first met you, it was supposed to be a one and done. Give you a night of fun and then never see you again. You know why. However, what I wasn’t coutin’ on was that night changin’ my entire life. I couldn’t get you outta my head no matter what I did. My cock wouldn’t get hard for anyone else either. He knew who he wanted, and it was you. We still have a lot to overcome and get through. Breaker and I are hopin’ you’ll do that by our side. I love you more than I ever thought possible. You’re about to give us the best gift you ever could and make our family even bigger. Would you do me the honor of marryin’ me and makin’ me the happiest man alive?”

Trinity doesn’t say anything for a minute as her head turns to me. Tears are rolling down her cheeks as I reach out to brush them away. My hands rest on the side of her neck as I use my thumbs to sweep up the wetness. The thoughts filling her mind are plain to see in her eyes as she stares at me.

“This doesn’t change anythin’ baby girl. You are still ours to love, share, and spend the rest of our lives with. If you want, you can have both of our names and our children can have them as well. I love you more than anythin’ else in the world. I knew it from the second I saw you get out of your car at Legacies and strip your shirt off without a care in the world. I knew it was definite when the thought of another man besides Crave seein’ you naked pissed me the fuck off and I didn’t give a shit who I beat the fuck out of,” I tell her as more tears fall down her face. “You were made for Crave and I and we’re not lettin’ you go no matter what. It might have taken us a while to get here, but we’re in it for the long haul. No one is gonna take you away as we fill up this house with love, babies, and everythin’ else you want. Grams would want that for all of us and we’re gonna make it happen. Our children will know what a special person their great grams was and we’ll keep her alive. Please, say yes.”

Trinity leans forward and presses a soft kiss against my lips. We don’t deepen it like I want to. After a minute, she pulls away from me and turns to face Crave who is holding out a ring we picked out together. It’s got a ruby in place of the diamond with small diamonds surrounding it. Etched into the band is a sunflower on one side with a rose on the opposite. The wedding band has a sunflower and rose intertwined around the entire band. We also have our rings picked out too. Everything is sitting up in Crave’s bag.

“Yes! You two are amazing and I couldn’t imagine loving anyone more than I love the two of you. My life is full of love and you’re both showing me people don’t always leave,” she answers, letting Crave slide the ring on her finger before he kisses her.

“Eat your dinner before we take you upstairs and show you how much we love you,” Crave says, pressing one more kiss against her lips.

Trinity digs into her food as we do. It doesn’t take long for the three of us to finish our meal. When I go to clean up the kitchen, Trinity tells me to leave it for now. With a smirk on her face, she grabs my hand and then Craves. The three of us walk up to our room and Trinity stops in the middle of the room. Slowly, she removes her dress showing the white lace bra barely containing her large tits to our gaze. A matching pair of panties barely covers her ass as she turns around to start unhooking her bra. That’s not gonna work for us.

I step up to Trinity’s back and brush her hands out of the way. Placing kisses along her neck and spine, I unhook her bra and push it from her shoulders. Crave kisses her deep as she moans into his mouth. Running my hands down her sides, I hook my fingers in her panties and push them down her hips and legs until gravity takes hold and they fall to the floor. I quickly strip out of my clothes, letting them lay on the floor where they fall. My cut is hung on the back of the door as I walk around Trinity’s body so Crave can strip out of his own clothes. Kissing Trin, she again moans into my mouth as my hands find her nipples and I pinch the hardened peaks between my fingers.

Without breaking the kiss, I lead Trinity to the bed. Finally, I pull my mouth from hers and lay Trin down in the middle of the bed. She rolls on her side and places a pillow under her stomach. Climbing in bed in front of her, I slide my hand down her body until I reach her already soaking wet pussy. Another moan escapes her as I slide a finger inside her body. Crave climbs in behind her and presses himself against her back. He moves her hair of the way to kiss, nip, and bite her neck where it gets to her the most.

“I need more,” she says, her breath coming out in short pants. “Please don’t tease me right now.”

“We’ll give you everythin’ you need,” I growl out my cock jumping as she reaches down and begins stroking me.

The cap of the bottle of lube Crave has snaps open. Trinity moans as he coats his finger and slides it into her ass. It’s nowhere near enough to get our woman over the edge she wants to find so bad as her body writhes on the bed between us. Crave looks at me over Trin’s body and nods his head. He’s ready to enter her. As I remove my fingers from her pussy, I raise her leg over my hips and guide my aching cock into her pussy. Groaning out, I don’t stop until I’m balls deep. Crave holds her body still as he slowly and carefully slides inside.

“Fuck!” he groans out, his breath harsh as he remains still for a minute.

“I need you both to move,” Trinity finally grits out, her voice full of need.

I slide out while Crave remains as he is in her body. When I push back inside her, he pulls out. It doesn’t take us any time to find our rhythm. I reach between our bodies and begin rolling and pinching Trinity’s clit as Crave reaches around with one hand and begins rolling and pinching her nipple. Anticipating her move, he moves his head out of the way as our girl tosses her head back and moans out loud and long.

“Fuck!” Crave groans out, his voice a low growl.

He’s already close as we continue to slide in and out of Trinity’s body.

“Need you to get there baby girl,” I tell her, my voice not much better than Crave’s as our pace picks up.

“So. Close,” she pants out.

Pinching her clit between my fingers, Trinity goes off. She screams out our names while Crave slams inside her body and stills as he roars out Trinity’s name. Her pussy is still clenching down around my cock as her orgasm continues to wash over her. I thrust my hips three more times before stilling in her body.

“Trinity!” I roar out, my voice hoarse as I let my head fall to Trinity’s chest.

The three of us lay in a tangled mess. Our legs our twined together as Trinity rests between us. I rub my hand up and down her side while Crave places soft kisses against her back. Trin’s eyes are closed with a serene smile on her face as a flush covers her skin along with the sweat we all have coating our skin. Pulling from her body, she moans softly.

“I’ll be right back to clean you up baby girl,” I tell her, pressing a kiss to her lips.

“You should know, Trin. You’ve got one month to plan your dream day. That’s all we’re waitin’,” Crave tells her as I disappear in the bathroom with a small laugh.

“Uh huh,” she murmurs, already half asleep.

After cleaning up myself, I wet a washcloth with warm water and head back to our ol’ lady where she lays in the center of the bed. Crave has pulled from her body and is now standing at the edge of the bed just staring at her. As I begin to clean her up, he disappears in the bathroom, and I hear the shower running. He’ll take a shower before crawling into bed with us. Tossing the washcloth in the laundry basket, I slide under the blankets after covering Trinity up. She snuggles closer to me resting her head on my chest. Her legs will wind up between Crave’s legs. Before I get too comfortable, I slide one of her pillows under her stomach so she can be comfortable. Closing my eyes, I let sleep start to claim me knowing Crave will lock up the house.