Willow by Erin Osborne

Chapter Twenty-Six

Trinity ‘Willow’ Walsh

ONE MONTH. THAT’S all these crazy men of mine gave me to plan a wedding. I’ve never been one of those girls who dream of getting married and everything I want to have on my special day. Getting married was never in my plans after learning no one wanted to give me the time of day with all of my spare time going to helping my gram. I’m not sure who the hell they think I am, but there’s no way we can plan a wedding in one month. Especially when I’m about ready to pop and deliver our son. Instead of being relaxed, I’m going crazy trying to figure out what needs to be done and what we have to do first. I can’t seem to figure out where the hell to start. Right now, they’re doing something outside, while I sit in front of the TV that’s still off and try to make a list of what to do.

As I’m lost in thought, there’s a knock on the door. Struggling to get up from the couch where it seems I’ve sunk in the cushions; I finally give up and shout out for Crave and Breaker. Neither man hears me as I start struggling again to get up. I’m falling back into the cushions when the front door opens, and I tense up. If the guys can’t hear me calling for them, there’s no way in hell they’ll hear me scream during any kind of struggle that may ensue based on who’s about to walk through the door.

“Trinity, where are you?” Tonya’s voice calls out.

“In the living room,” I respond, taking a deep breath and try to calm my racing heart.

Tonya pokes her head into the living room before stepping in. She’s trying so hard not to laugh at me as I try to get off the couch still.

“It’s not funny,” I huff out in exasperation.

“I know it’s not sweetheart. We came over to help. Heard you’re an engaged woman now and those fool men only gave you a month to plan the wedding,” Tonya says, her voice soft as she takes a seat next to me on the couch.

“You heard correct. I have no clue what I’m doing here.”

“That’s where we come in,” Paislie speaks up, her voice just as soft as she takes the seat on the opposite side of me. “Where going to take you shopping for a dress and flowers today. Once you tell us all you want to have for your special day, we’ll help get it all taken care of.”

“You’re all going to help me plan the wedding?” I ask, shock and confusion filling me.

“Absolutely. You’re one of us. We’re gonna make sure your wedding is perfect and it’s exactly what you want. All you have to do is tell us colors, flowers, and pick out your dress. We know you’re not supposed to have any stress on you right now. We’re going to take it all off your shoulders.”

“Thank you,” I tell them as Crave and Breaker walk in the living and stop.

“Are the guys comin’ over?” Breaker asks, staring at me though I’m not the one he’s talking to.

“I don’t know,” Tonya answers him.

“We’ll call them. We can have a cookout or somethin’ here tonight. Steaks and other shit,” Crave lets them know. “You girl go do your thing and we’ll see you in a while.”

“Did you arrange this?” I ask, looking between my men.

“Nope. We’ve been out back cleanin’ up the tree that is layin’ across the yard in front of the small shed. As soon as we get it cleared away, we were gonna get the back yard cleaned up. If you’re good with that,” Breaker replies, stepping up to help me off the couch.

“That sounds good to me. I’ll be back later on.”

“Call if you need us. And a Prospect will be followin’ you. We don’t want you to get stuck in the SUV or anythin’ else,” Crave orders even as a smile is on his face.

“We will. We’ll take good care of your woman. Hopefully we won’t be gone too long. I know she’ll be exhausted before too long,” Tonya assures Breaker and Crave as we head out the door.

Crave helps me up in the passenger seat of the SUV. I can’t even drive because my stomach is so big. There’s not enough room for the steering wheel and my stomach. If I move the seat back enough to give me the room I need, I can’t reach the pedals. The day I discovered this, I cried in the driveway for a half hour. Breaker and Crave found me there when they got home. That’s really when they started staying home with me. Well, at least one of them. They drive me where I need to be and make sure I’m at all appointments I have to go to. Breaker and Crave try to go with me at the same time for baby doctor appointments because neither man wants to miss a single thing going on with the pregnancy or the birth. Both men are going to be in the room with me.

We’re in the second dress shop. The first one had nothing I would want to wear on my wedding day. Not that the dresses weren’t nice, they just didn’t cater to a pregnant woman who’s ready to give birth. In fact, the saleswomen were complete bitches. They glared at us as we walked in with the women wearing their rags. When they came up to talk to us, the saleswoman sneered at us and made us feel as if we were scum on the bottom of their expensive shoes. Shoes none of us would ever be caught dead in. Tonya and Sydney gave the bitches a piece of their mind and assured them none of us would ever step foot inside again. We’d also let everyone in town know exactly how bitchy they are, so they lose clients. A lot of clients.

The second store was much better. The saleswomen were happy to help us and found me several dresses to accommodate my rather large baby bump. I’m in the dressing room trying to put on the first dress when a sudden gush of water hits the floor. Mel, the saleswoman, looks up at me as she tries to help me get the dress up my legs and over my hips.

“Um, did your water just break?” she questions, a shocked expression on her face as she looks at me.

“I think it did,” I tell her as the first contraction hits me. “Ow!”

I scream out in pain as the door flies open. Tonya and Paislie rush inside and find me bent over holding my stomach.

“What the fuck is going on in here?” Tonya questions, her voice filled with worry.

“I think my water just broke all over this dress and I’m now having contractions,” I answer her as another contraction hits.

“Okay. Well, let’s get you to the hospital,” Tonya states, her voice calm and gentle.

“I’ll pay for the dress. Paislie, can you take this to the register and pay for it? I need to get dressed somehow if this pain will let the fuck up,” I tell her as Mel stares at me.

“Honey, don’t worry about the dress. I’ll make sure the owner understands what’s happened here. You worry about getting to the hospital and having your little boy or girl safe and sound,” Mel assures me as she tries to help me out of the dress.

I get tangled up in the material and almost fall flat on my face. Tonya, Paislie, and Mel manage to catch me before I face plant. The rest of the ol’ ladies rush inside the small dressing room and take in the scene before them. I can just imagine what they’re seeing as I’m standing before them in a strapless bra that’s practically falling off and my tits are showing. I’m only wearing a thong because it’s the first pair I grabbed when I got dressed. So, they get to see my bare ass with a bunch of white material wrapped around my ankles and legs.

“What do we need to do?” Syd asks, her voice almost frantic sounding.

“We need to get Trin dressed, and someone has to call the guys. Actually call Blood and have him go to the house to get Crave and Breaker. I don’t trust those men to get to the hospital on their own without crashing their bikes,” Tonya says, taking charge of the situation as she normally does.

I’m not sure how long it takes everyone to help me get dressed. Finally, they manage to get my dress on me and help me get my shoes on again. I have a few more contractions on the way to the SUV. Mel rushes out behind us, draping a thick towel over the passenger seat as Tonya and Paislie help me get in my seat before racing around to get in their seats. Tonya doesn’t hesitate to rush from the store and head straight for the hospital.

“Did someone call Blood?” I ask, my breath coming out in sharp pants.

“Blayke was on it. She’ll make sure he gets to the guys, and they get to the hospital in time. While you’re waiting, we’ll be there with you. You’re not going to be alone through this,” Tonya assures me, her voice soothing and a bit frantic.

“Ow!” I yell out again as another contraction hits me.

“Hang tight,” Paislie says, rubbing my shoulder where she can reach. “We’ll be to the hospital soon.”

Tonya pulls up to the hospital, leaving the SUV right in front of the doors and half on the sidewalk as she races inside to get help. Paislie gets out of the backseat and opens my door. She’s trying to help me out of the seat as another contraction hits. I try to focus on my breathing and not the pain filling my body; it’s almost impossible though. Paislie tries to get me to control my breathing and focus on anything other than the pain filling me.

“Someone needs to call my doctor,” I say as the contraction ends and I sit up straighter in my chair.

“I called on the way here,” Tonya says as nurses rush from the building with a wheelchair.

“Let’s get her up to the maternity ward,” one of them says, her voice gentle and soothing. “Who’s coming up to the room with you?”

“Paislie and I are until her men get here. They’ll be here soon. We’re not gonna leave her alone,” Tonya says, her voice full of authority.


I’m so damn tired. I’ve been having contractions and pain filling me for what feels like hours now. Breaker and Crave just got here and are hovering over my bed on each side. My doctor comes in to check on me again as I’ve not been dilating the way she’d like. Hopefully this time something has happened because there is no way in hell I’ll be able to go through this much longer.

“Trinity, are you ready to have your baby boy?” the doctor asks me, a smile on her face.

“I don’t know. I’m exhausted,” I tell her honestly.

“We’ll get you taken care of soon. If it goes on too long and you can’t push the baby out, we might have to do a cesarean section. That’s a last resort though,” she tells me.

“On your next contraction, I want you to push as hard as you can. Guys, you’re going to need to help her hold her legs back. Breaker, would you mind pressing the call button there for me so the nurses and everyone can get in here to help?”

Breaker does as she asks, as my body hits has another contraction. He quickly pushes the button to get the nursing staff in my room to take care of our son when he finally comes into this world. I push with everything I have in me before collapsing against the bed. Crave uses a cool washcloth to place against my forehead. He wipes down my face and neck as sweat covers me. My eyes close just as another contraction hits me. I take a deep breath before pushing with everything I have in me.

“You’re doin’ so good baby girl,” Breaker says, while holding my leg up and kissing my temple. “We’re so proud of you.”

“It won’t be much longer before you bring our little guy into the world,” Crave adds in, kissing me.

I continue to push and push until I can’t anymore. My room is quickly filling with people who are rushing around in what appears to be controlled chaos. I’m trying to focus on breathing and relaxing in between contractions. They aren’t really far enough apart to get any real relaxation though. Our little Aaron is anxious to get out into world. He’s also stubborn because he’s not coming. At least I don’t feel like he is. I guess he’s really like his father already.

It’s takes another hour and a half before Aaron comes screaming into the world. He weighs in at just over nine pounds with a full head of soft blonde hair and a definite set of lungs on him. Aaron screams as the nurses do their job and take care of him. When they take him from the room to clean him up and whatever else they do, Breaker follows him while Crave stays at my side.

“Mama, you did so good. I’m so damn proud of you and I love you so much. Thank you for givin’ me our son,” he tells me as everyone clears out of our room and I lay back against a freshly made bed.

“I’m so tired,” I tell him as my eyes slide closed.

“You rest and our boy will be in with us soon enough. I’ll hold everyone off for a while so you can rest,” he tells me, as he leans over and kisses my forehead before kissing my lips.

I don’t hear another word as I let sleep claim me. It won’t be long before Aaron is going to want to eat, and the guys know I want to breastfeed. I know my guys won’t let our boy out of their sight. If they have to leave him for any reason, someone else from the club will watch over Aaron. We have a huge family at our back and they’re not going anywhere. This is why I’m so happy I decided to give these guys a chance and let them in my life.