Willow by Erin Osborne

Chapter Three

Timothy ‘Crave’ Bennett

WE’RE HAVING AUDITIONS at Legacies today. I hate this day if I’m being honest with myself. A bunch of women want to come in for a job taking their clothes off. However that’s not all they want. Most of these women are looking for a new way into the club thinking we’ll make them our ol’ lady because every man in town will see them naked. Plus, what they don’t realize is it’s not common for them to go to the clubhouse for our parties or anything else. There’s no reason to bring them in unless we’re hosting other clubs and need the extra girls to help take care of the additional men. We’ve had more than a few disappointed women when they find out they’re not allowed at the club.

After taking care of getting ready to head to the club, I stop for a cup of coffee and some breakfast in the common room of the clubhouse. I don’t have a house so I stay in my room here at the clubhouse. I’ve never needed one because I refuse to have an ol’ lady. There’s really no specific reason for me to want to remain single other than I like having a variety in my pussy. Well, when I’m not sharing with my best friend Breaker. We share our women on a regular basis, but there are times we just need or want something different. So, we find a woman to fuck on our own before moving on.

I don’t give a second night in my bed and there is no way in hell I go for the house bunnies if I can help it. Those bitches are getting worse every day. They’re territorial, catty, and hate the thought of any new women coming in to the club. That’s another reason we don’t allow the dancers from Legacies go to the clubhouse except for dire situations. The house bunnies hate when we invite in the dancers because there, they have to work even harder to attract a biker to get them to fuck them.

Hell, lately I don’t know what the hell is going on with me. It’s been almost three months and I can’t keep my attention on women. Not a single one of them make me hard. I’ve turned down sharing with Breaker too. On more than one occasion lately. There’s only one woman who can get me harder than fuck and I don’t even know her name. We spent one night together and didn’t even exchange names. However it doesn’t stop the hold she seems to have on my cock and mind. It’s frustrating as fuck and there is nothing I can seem to do about it. I’m ready to go to the doctor because I swear there’s something wrong with me.

The woman in question is the sexiest woman I’ve ever seen. And I’ve seen a lot of damn women over the years. She has short, dark red hair that barely reached her shoulders. Her eyes seemed to be made of a million emeralds all crushed together to shine bright and pull men in. Especially when she threw her head back and the light caught her eyes making them sparkle brighter than the brightest diamonds. The freckles across her nose and under her eyes are also on the back of her shoulders. I’ve kissed each and every freckle on her body. She was taller than the women I’m normally attracted to. Wearing heels made her even taller. The woman stood at almost six foot tall in her heels. Her body is tone and her legs a mile long. Long enough to wrap around my hips and dig her feet into my ass as I was plowing into her body. Or rest up on my shoulders when I bent her in half. Her tits were made from dreams. More than a handful and so damn sensitive. Sucking her hard nipples into my mouth almost made her orgasm before I really touched her. I’ve never been with a woman as real as her or as responsive. Including the women Breaker and I share.

She’s the reason I can’t get hard for anyone else. No matter what I’m doing, the woman is constantly on my mind. If I’m working at the club, images of her pop up. When I’m trying to go to sleep after a long day, her naked body is laid out in front of me in my mind. I’m not sure what it’s going to take for me to get her out of my head. I’ve tried to fuck women, get my cock sucked by a house bunny, and everything else I can think of. Instead of anything working, I’ve been using my hand more than actually fucking someone. I’m ready to lose my damn mind.

“You headin’ to the club?” Breaker asks me, his voice breaking through my thoughts.

“Yeah. Auditions are today so I gotta be there in a little bit. You?”

“You know I’m there. Want to see the fresh pussy. You up to sharin’ if there’s anyone good there?” he questions me, quirking his brow while sitting down next to me.

“Not sure yet. I’ll let you know,” I answer him, not exactly giving him a firm answer like I normally do.

“What’s goin’ on with you? You haven’t been down to share, and I know you’re not tappin’ anyone by yourself. I’m your best fuckin’ friend for a reason and I have no clue what’s goin’ on with you,” he states, the hurt he’s feeling coming through.

“I’m not ready to talk about it just yet. I need to figure some shit out and determine what my next step is. Then, I’ll let you know why I’ve been off,” I assure him, pushing my plate away and standing up so we can head out.

Breaker and I leave the clubhouse and head for our bikes parked in line out in front of the clubhouse. Straddling my navy blue and chrome bike, I don’t hesitate to start the engine and rev it a few times before pulling out. Other than tying my hair back and wrapping a bandana around my lower face, there’s nothing else I worry about before pulling out. We don’t have a helmet law and there are days I just don’t want to wear one. However, there’s always one kept on my bike because some places we go do have helmet laws and we always need to be prepared. My best friend follows me the short distance from the clubhouse to Legacies. We park our bikes next to Scathe, Ace, Bounce, and Blood’s before shutting them down and heading inside. Tonya’s truck is here but no other cars fill the lot. None of the potential dancers are here yet. That’s weird.

Walking inside, Ace is already behind the bar stocking and getting things ready for when we open. He gives us a nod as we walk past, only stopping long enough to place two bottles of water on the bar as we move by him. Grabbing them, we head for the table in front of us and take our seats with the rest of the members and Tonya. She gives us a smile before checking her phone to see what time it is. There is no way women shouldn’t be here already.

“Breaker, you takin’ the door today?” Blood asks my friend as he takes a few sips of his water.

“Yep. That’s where I usually am. Unless Bounce wants to take it today,” he responds with a smirk on his face.

“Not on your life. That’s the worse job there is on audition day. My woman knows where I am and there is no anger comin’ from her,” he says, not lying about how boring guarding the door is. “I have everythin’ I need at home, and she knows this. If she had a problem with me bein’ here, I wouldn’t be workin’ at night when the dancers are gettin’ naked and shakin’ their tits and ass on stage.”

“If you say so,” Breaker says, getting out of his chair and heading outside.

After the girls get here, he’ll stand inside and watch the auditions. From there he can still let women in and make sure no one tries to pull any slick shit. That’s why we always have someone at the door. No one is safe as far as we’re concerned when we hold auditions. Any female can come in off the street and if they’ve been put up to entering by one of our rivals, then we need to do something to protect not only the innocent girls in here, but Tonya and the club members too.

We’ve been sitting here for a while and not a single woman has walked through the door to audition. This is very unusual and I’m beginning to get pissed off I’m sitting here when I can actually be doing something at the clubhouse or still sleeping. There is no way we all came here to do nothing. Tonya doesn’t fuck up when she places ads and makes sure she uses the same person every time we have to place one. This ensures nothing gets fucked up. Hell, she even uses the same ad each time so there’s no added confusion.

“Why the hell did no one show up?” I bark out, anger filling me. “Women are usually linin’ up by now. Auditions started a half hour ago. Are you sure the bitch didn’t fuck up?”

“I know she didn’t fuck it up,” Tonya informs me, flipping the pen she’s holding between her fingers. “I checked the damn ad myself.”

Just after Tonya responds, the door opens and what I see has me sitting up straighter in my chair. A sexy red head is walking through the door. She’s wearing nothing on top other than a bra with a large, baggy pair of sweats on her lower half. Sneakers adorn her feet as she looks around the room. When her eyes land on me, they widen in recognition and something else I can’t quite read. This is the fucking woman I haven’t been able to get out of my head for the last two and a half months. Her face pales slightly and fear fills her face. She has no clue I’ve been thinking about her since the night we spent together. All I know is she can’t work here. I will never get any work done if she’s up on that stage on a nightly basis.

“Are you here to audition?” I question her, my voice coming out harder than I intended it to.

“I am. Am I too late?” she returns as Tonya turns in her seat to get her first look at the woman I can’t seem to tear my eyes from.

After hearing her answer, I let myself zone out to the rest of whatever is being said between this sexy woman and the rest of the group sitting with me. My eyes travel the length of her body and back to her face again just before she begins moving to the stage. As the song begins to play, my cock goes from half-mast to full on hard watching her body swaying to the music. This woman is letting her body sway and entice the table of men in front of her while her eyes are closed. She’s not looking at a single one of us, but my eyes can’t seem to leave her. Even when Bounce nudges me, I don’t take my eyes from her sexy as fuck body in a pair of shorts so tiny they barely cover her ass along with the bra thing that still allows her tits to sway and bounce as she moves around. Whispered conversation goes on around me but I don’t hear a damn thing being said.

When the song finally ends, there isn’t even a sweat that’s broken out over her body. She’s not out of breath or anything else. For someone who’s not used to dancing based on the small amount of conversation I heard, this woman has the moves of someone who’s been dancing for years. I’m talking about someone who has been trained to dance and move. This is not the usual woman we get in here for auditions.

“Why don’t you come down here so we can talk about a few things,” Tonya says, her voice raised higher than before. “I’m Tonya by the way. This is Blood the President of the Kings Vengeance MC, my son Scathe, Crave, Vanish, and Bounce. The big guy back there close to the door is Breaker and my other son, Ace, is behind the bar.”

“It’s nice to meet you Tonya,” she says, ignoring everyone except Tonya. “My name is Trinity.”

Now I have a name to go with the woman who has been haunting me. I’ve never needed to know her name before, it didn’t matter to me. If I’m being honest, there is no reason for me to know any woman’s name because they don’t get any time spent in my bed. Not many women even make it to my bed. Trinity suits the gorgeous woman standing at the end of the table. Still, I don’t take my eyes from her as we sit and wait to see what’s going to happen. Tonya has stopped questioning us about hiring unless one of us give her a sign we feel something is off.

“Is there any reason you’re ignorin’ us, Trinity?” I bark out, my voice harsh and low as if I’m questioning someone in trouble with the club.

I add a slight emphasis to her name to let her know I fully remember her and our night together. There is no reason for her to be ignoring me when I’ve done nothing wrong. When we met in the bar, we both agreed to it being one night between the two of us. That’s all I’ve ever given anyone. Trinity is the one who decided not to exchange names. I had no problem with it. Until now. Now, based on the way she’s acting and avoiding even looking at me, there is no way she’s not hiding something from me. It’s going to take a while to figure it out and she’s not going to go anywhere until I do. Hopefully Tonya hires her.

“Yes, there is. I’m here for a job. Tonya, your name was on the ad so I’m guessing you’re the one who is doing the hiring. I’m sorry if I’m being rude or not following protocol, but I’m here for a job and nothing more than that. Do I stand a chance of getting hired?” she asks, barely looking at me while she talks and then turning her attention straight back to Tonya.

“That’s a good thing,” Tonya says a smile lighting up her face. “Every other damn dancer I’ve hired lately seems to fall for one of these asses and I lose them from the stage. So, yes, you are getting a job as a dancer. You’ll be working with Heaven starting tomorrow morning. It’s just for a few hours a day until you’re ready to get on stage. You will be earning a wage but not getting tips obviously. You’ll need to prepare yourself as far as buying the lingerie and outfits you’ll be dancing in. We’ll provide the wig and colored contacts required while you’re here at work. It’s a level of protection for the girls so it’s less likely the men here to watch you will be able to recognize you when you’re not on stage or walking the floor between dances.”

“Okay, I don’t have a problem with any of that. My only question is how long it’s going to be before I can get up on stage,” she says, still not looking at any of us other than thanking Breaker when he brought her over a bottle of cold water.

“It depends on what Heaven says after working with you. She knows her shit and I listen to what she says. If she tells me it’s gonna be a week or a month, that’s what it will be unless you change her mind by busting your ass and putting in more work than anyone else,” Tonya answers, her voice firm to let Trinity know her word is law. “Is there some reason you need to start sooner than that?”

“I’m not hiding anything if that’s what you’re asking. I just need a job and have been out of work for a while. Things have changed and come up in the last few days and this is my best option for a job and making the kind of money I need,” Trinity answers, red creeping up on her face as she turns her body even further from me.

“I’ll accept that for now. All I’m gonna say is we’ll be here if you need help, or something comes up. All I need you to do for now is hand over your license so I can make a copy of it and sign the rules. Tomorrow morning we’ll go over all the other paperwork and get you to fill it all out,” Tonya tells her, a small smile on her face.

Trinity picks up her sweats and grabs her license from the pocket. Handing it over in the direction of Tonya, I stand up and take it from her. Our eyes meet briefly, and I can see the fear back in her eyes again. Yeah, there is definitely something going on and I will get to the bottom of it. Heading for the office to make a copy of Trinity’s identification, I study it to find out she’s twenty-five and her address. She signs the sheets Tonya slides over to her before Trinity grabs her things and heads for the door without dressing. I adjust myself while sitting down because now my cock is not going to go down anytime soon.

“Thank you. I’ll see you tomorrow morning.”

Watching her leave the club, Breaker and I lock eyes. He’s been staring at Trinity since he walked through the door when no one else came inside. I know he wants to share her, and I would have absolutely no problem with that except I’ve already had her, and I don’t want her to get things twisted. We said one night and that’s come and gone. If I share her with my best friend like we both want, I’ll get another taste. My concern is what Trinity will think if we fuck again. There will be no happily ever after or fucking on a regular basis. Shaking my head, Breaker stares at me as if I’ve lost my damn mind. Maybe I have.