Willow by Erin Osborne

Chapter Four

Zander ‘Breaker’ Williams

STANDING OUTSIDE THE door of Legacies, I’m about ready to head in for another bottle of water when a car finally pulls into the parking lot. It’s a beat-up, older model car I’m surprised is still running. When the woman gets out of the driver’s side after a few minutes, I can tell she’s nervous as hell and would rather be anywhere other than here right now as I look at her through the passenger side window. I let my eyes wander over her body as she strips her shirt off when she finally gets out of her car. Maybe she’s not as nervous as I first imagined. Someone willing to strip their shirt off in a parking lot during the day can’t be someone who’s afraid of taking her clothes off in a club for perverted old men.

She’s got dark red hair with a few blonde pieces the sun makes stand out as it shines down over her. Her hair is down to her shoulders and lifting slightly as the breeze blows. I don’t move as her eyes rake over my body multiple times. When she finally looks me in the face again, I take in her porcelain skin with a few freckles peppered across her nose. My mind instantly wonders if it’s the only place she has freckles on her body. Her eyes are a bright emerald green shining bright in the sun. I’ve seen bright green eyes before, but nothing to match the sexy woman standing in front of me now. Just looking at her is causing my cock to harden in my jeans. With her shirt off, I take in her stomach that’s flat but not at all toned from someone who works out on a regular basis.

“Can I help you?” I ask, folding my arms across my chest as her eyes land on them as the muscles move and bunch with my movement.

“Um, I’m here for the audition,” she says, her voice small but strong as if she doesn’t want to answer the question.

“You can head on in. I don’t think they’ve started just yet. It seems like you’re the only one who’s goin’ to show up,” I inform her, a blush covering her face as she’s caught staring at me again.

“Thank you,” she says, not letting her body brush against mine as I hold open the door for her.

Closing the door behind her, I adjust my cock in my jeans. This is a woman I want to spend time with and get to know. Other than sharing her with my best friend Crave, I want to spend time with her outside the bedroom. No woman has ever made me stop and have to catch the breath as it leaves my body just from a look. I’m not even talking about a look up close of her but a few feet away and through the window of a car. When she got out and walked up closer to me, I had to physically stop from grabbing her and pulling her to my body. The reaction I feel for her is one I’ve never had before. Yeah, there’s attraction I feel for women. Plenty of women. But the need to grab a woman and pull her to me, ready to proclaim to the world she’s mine is something I’ve never experienced before in my life.

After several minutes and realizing no one else is going to show up for the auditions, I pull the door open as the girl begins dancing on stage. Her body moves flawlessly as her eyes slide closed and she gets lost in her own world. There is no way in hell she’s not imagining the man in her life while she’s moving around the stage. All I know is if she were mine, she wouldn’t be up on stage dancing and taking her clothes off for whatever her reasons are. I’d be making sure she had everything she needed and what she wanted. No woman of mine is going to strip for a bunch of drunk perverts because she needs something. Hell, no one of mine is going to work unless it’s what she actually wants to do.

That’s the one thing Crave and I disagree on. I want to settle down, have an ol’ lady and a family of my own. Crave, my best friend, is content to sample every fucking woman in town and never go back for seconds. He also never wants a family. Kids don’t register in his life at all. Not even the kids already running around the clubhouse or being born into our extended family on a regular basis. He’ll help out when he’s needed, but he’d rather do anything else in his life than watch kids or have anything to do with them. Personally, I want several kids of my own running around. I want to raise my kids and know there is nothing on this earth I wouldn’t do for them. Hell, my daughters would be treated like little Princesses and my sons would be taught they can do whatever they want. I’d guide them to protect those who can’t protect themselves and ride a bike as soon as they can.

I want to find a woman who’s strong, loyal, loving, and knows what she wants out of life. Someone I know can be at my side and give me soft when I need it but also give me the strength I need when everything is weighing too heavy on my shoulders. For some reason, I want the woman on stage as the song comes to an end and her eyes slowly slide open creating a dreamy look on her face. I’m not even sure she has any idea of what she looks like right now. It’s a look I want to see on her face each and every day while she keeps her clothes on and doesn’t have to face down on the assholes who come in here. They get drunk and handsy. I want to protect this woman and make her mine. This is all new for me and I hope Crave feels something for her too.

No, I don’t have to always share my women with him. There’s just something about giving a woman more pleasure than she can stand. Crave and I don’t touch one another, but we do everything in our power to make sure the woman in our bed is fully satisfied. My friend never goes back for seconds, but I have actually taken a few of the women out on dates. I have no aversion to dating or making sure a woman knows I respect her and care about her more than just getting in her pants. However, this woman on stage, makes me want to date, settle down, and do everything in my power to make sure she knows how loved and cherished she is. She’ll be treated like a Queen.

Seeing my chance to get close to her once again, I walk to Ace and grab a bottle of water to take to the woman who just danced on stage. Her quiet, melodic voice washes over me as she thanks me for the water. I barely catch her name before moving out of her way. Crave is staring at her and I can’t read what’s going through his mind. I’ve never not been able to read his thoughts or emotions. When it comes to her, there is no way he’s going to let me know what’s going on. Something has happened between the two of them though. It’s going to take a while for me to figure out what he’s done and why he doesn’t look as if she’s going to get out of here unscathed when it comes to him.

Stepping back, I don’t listen to the conversation or hear her responses as I stand by the door where I’m supposed to be. I don’t think anyone else is coming in today and we’ll be out of here soon. For now, I have a job to do and I’m not going to slack off. Plus, from back here by the door, I can watch the woman who has captivated me from the very second she pulled up to Legacies. Crave says a few things before heading back to the office. He’s looking down at something in his hand and I know it’s her license. I want to be in his shoes right now so I can find out where she lives and what her name is. There is no way in hell he’s going to be hiding that information from me. I’ll be there if he’s going to her house. It wouldn’t be the first time we’ve watched over someone. Without a doubt he’s not going to let her out of his sight; the hard look on his face as he returns tells me everything I need to know.

After several minutes, the woman grabs her clothes and begins walking closer to me. There’s a faint smile on her face as she approaches still checking out my body. I’m not going to pass up talking to her for a minute. Over the top of her head, I stare at Crave and he shakes his head no. I want to find out what the fuck is going on with him because he’s been turning down pussy for the last few months. I’m okay if he doesn’t want to share anymore; it’s not something we ever talked about doing for the rest of our lives. He’s not talking to me and that’s never happened. We always talk shit out and help one another. Yeah, I’ve mentioned I want to settle down and have a family. Also told him I wasn’t opposed to doing that with him either. Still, he’s completely against the idea of an ol’ lady and kids. I’m wondering if he’s changing his mind now with what I’ve seen with the new dancer.

“You get the job?” I ask the woman just before she slips through the door.

“Yeah. I’ll be here first thing in the morning to start working with Heaven,” she answers, smiling up at me.

“That’s good. Heaven works wonders with the dancers. I’ll see you tomorrow,” I tell her as she walks through the door with me following behind her.

I want to make sure she gets to her car and doesn’t have any problems. We walk the women out to their cars at night now because of the past and things that have happened. Just because the sun is shining and the day is still young, there is no guarantee things won’t happen. Trinity gets in her car after sliding the sweats and her tee-shirt on again. She waits for a minute before placing the key in her ignition. When she goes to start her car, nothing happens. I stand back as she tries several more times to start the car with the same response. There’s not even the normal clicking to indicate any problems. Walking over to her, I tap on her window to get her to roll it down.

“What’s goin’ on?” I question her, my voice washing over her.

“My car won’t start. It’s old and I’m not sure what’s wrong with it,” she tells me, her voice wobbling with emotion and unshed tears.

“Pop the hood and I’ll take a look. I’ll see if I can figure it out,” I tell her, moving to the front of the car.

It takes Trinity a minute to get the latch to open so I can pull the hood open. Looking around the engine, I don’t see anything that would make the car not start. There are several reasons her car wouldn’t start. It could be her battery, starter, or a number of reasons. Without taking it to the garage there is no way I’ll be able to figure anything out. Shutting her hood, I take a look behind me as Blood and Tonya head out with their arms around one another. Blood looks at me with questions in his eyes as Crave walks through the door behind them.

“What’s goin’ on?” Blood questions as the three of them head over to Trinity’s car.

“Her car won’t start. I’m not sure what’s goin’ on. It could be any number of things,” I tell him, my voice loud enough for the young woman to hear me through her window.

“We’ll get it towed there. Tonya, can you take her home and we’ll make sure someone picks her up in the mornin’ to meet Heaven here. We’ll make sure your car gets fixed and brought back to you as soon as possible,” Blood informs her as Trinity steps up to us.

With my eyes on her, I watch as her face pales right in front of us. Fear and concern fill her eyes as her lips tremble with unshed tears. Trinity takes a deep breath before looking from Blood to me and back again. At all costs she avoids Crave. She won’t even look in his direction as he stands just behind me.

“Um, how much is this going to cost me?” she questions, her voice wavering even more.

I look from Blood to Tonya to Crave before turning my head back to Trinity. The garage is club owned and therefore it’s Blood’s call about what happens right now. I’ll pay the fucking bill, if I have to in order to get her car fixed. This helps me understand why she’s trying to get a job here taking her clothes off. If she can’t pay for her car to be fixed, then I wonder what else she can’t pay for.

“No charge sweetheart. You’re part of the club now,” Blood tells her, wrapping his arm around her shoulders.

“I can’t accept that. Are you willing to take payments?” she questions her voice smaller than ever before.

“Honey, you’re now family and there is no reason for you to pay. We’ll get your car fixed and there is no reason for you to get upset or try to make payments. You’ll tell us your story one day. Until that time, don’t worry about your car. I’ll make arrangements to get it to the garage and we’ll get it taken care of. Trinity, get what you need out of the car and Tonya will take you home. If you need to stop anywhere, don’t hold back,” Blood assures her, his voice soft and soothing.

“We can stop at the store or anywhere else you need to,” Tonya assures her as Trinity begins walking toward her car.

“Thank you. All of you,” Trinity mumbles, her face turning that crimson color she can’t hide with her pale skin.

“No thanks needed,” I tell her, stepping back and watching her walk to Tonya’s truck with her.

Blood, Crave, and I stand back and watch on as Tonya and Trinity leave the parking lot. I’m not sure what the hell is going on, but I will find out Trinity’s story. She’s got a story to tell, and I want to be the one to help her. I want to be the shoulder she leans on and the strength she needs on a day like today when it feels as if she’s been hit while she’s down. Maybe Tonya can get a little bit out of her about what’s going on.

“Two more bite the fuckin’ dust,” Blood says, laughter filling his voice.

“What are you talkin’ about?” Crave questions his voice harsh.

“I’m talkin’ about you pantin’ after the sexy new dancer. Crave too. Not sure what your deal is, but don’t scare that girl off before she gets a chance to make money. Breaker, watch over her. Crave, get your head on straight or don’t get near her,” Blood orders us, his voice hard. “She’s got a story to tell and somethin’ holdin’ her back from lettin’ us in. This one is going to need time and you’re gonna have to give it to her. Breaker, I know you’re not worried about settlin’ down and havin’ a family of your own. Crave, if you don’t want anythin’ to do with that, stay the fuck away.”

“Not goin’ there,” Crave states, his voice hard as he looks away.

Yeah, there’s definitely something going on with Crave. Blood and I watch on as he storms over to his bike and straddles it before turning it on and roaring from the parking lot. He doesn’t bother putting his bandana around his face or pulling his hair back before leaving. This is not like my best friend at all. Our President and I look at one another before he pulls his phone from his pocket to get someone over here to tow the car away so the guys at the garage can look it over. I make my way to my bike and head off for a ride. I’m not going to get a chance to see or talk to Trinity again. Crave is more than likely going to be gone for a while too. He’s in a mood and will disappear until he gets his head clear enough to go to the clubhouse.