Married To The Enemy by Rachel Burns

Chapter 16 ~ Lukas Von Bayern


I arrived home only to be greeted by one of the Tiroler men who had fought on my side in the war. “I’m sorry to bother you, my lord, but there are a several groups raiding the countryside in Tirol.”

That was the last thing that I wanted to hear. “What sort of damage are they doing?”

They burnt down storage barns,” he answered me.

My jaw dropped. “I’ll gather my men and find them,” I said when my shock retreated. It was a grave crime to burn down a storage barn, which held the work of a whole in year and fed people a year long. “We’ll see to compensation for the farmers.”

My lord, you need not bother. My father could take care of the scum. We only wanted to know how we should handle this.”

It doesn’t make sense. They’re attacking their own people.”

Some villages have had feuds with other villages for centuries. Prince Frederick knew how to keep the peace, but with their new prince being so far away, I’m sure they felt that they could get away with it.”

If young children starve in the winter because of their foolishness, then God will make certain that they don’t get away with it.”

My family will take care of the situation for you. I’ll leave immediately.” He turned away from me, but then he turned back to me. “Perhaps it might be best if you made it clear that my family will take care of your people. If they know that there is someone nearby whom they are accountable to, they may give peace.”

Then let it be known. But also let it be known that I wouldn’t hesitate to come myself. I’ll see those bastards hang for their crimes.”

Yes, my lord. I wouldn’t expect anything less from you.” He gave me a nod and got on his horse.

I understood the point that he was trying to make: when the cat is away, the mice dance on the table. They needed to see the Lion’s presence to understand that I was their lord. They owned homage to me and in return, I protected them.

I decided to find and fuck my wife, then I would follow the lord to Tirol and enforce peace.

I went up to our chamber and locked away the silver I collected. The other goods, that didn’t come in the form of coins, were being deposited in my stores and stalls. I was a rich man with many chickens and baby pigs to my name. Not to mention the goats. I’d received many goats this year. The cheese production would be a good one.

Sofie wasn’t in our chamber, but I hadn’t expected her to be.

I went to the sewing room. I’d get her to come with me quickly so I could ride away with empty balls, just thinking about her was filling them.

Where is my lady wife?” I demanded to know of the women when I saw that Sofie wasn’t among them.

One woman stood to face my wrath. “My lord, she has been missing for five days.”

Missing? Kidnapped?” I asked them.

We don’t know, my lord. Your men have been looking for her.”

I nodded at her. She had been brave facing me with that news.

I left to talk to my men. Someone would be held responsible for losing the princess.

My heart raced as I worried about her. Someone might have taken her and was holding her for ransom. Perhaps, it was the same group who was causing trouble on the Tiroler lands?

They would still think of her as their princess, I hoped, and not harm her.

Or she had run away. In that case, she should expect great harm.


As I was questioning my men, a woman rode up to the castle. I knew her. We had been childhood playmates. She was dressed in white robes and riding a white horse. She dismounted and smiled at me. “I heard that you lost something?” she teased me.

Yes, I have, Sister Marie. Do you know where my wife is?” I asked her.

Yes, can we talk privately for a moment?”

I stepped away from my men, anxious to hear what Marie had to say about my wife.

She came to the convent, wanting to join us. Naturally, the Mother turned her down. She sent me to tell you that you need to collect your wife.” I could see that Marie thought this was funny. I didn’t.

Thank you.” I sighed with relief. My Sofie was safe by the sisters. “You may rest for an hour, and then we’ll ride. You will ride with me, won’t you?”

Of course, I need to get back.” She gave me a disappointed look.

Did you want to spend the night? I could send men to escort you back tomorrow, but I need to leave soon.” I feared that Marie wasn’t happy at the convent. I knew that her parents had hoped that we would marry. They were upset when she decided to devote her life to God instead of to me.

I’d like to eat a good meal before I leave. Do you think that Frau Meyer has anything sweet for me to eat before we leave?”

I’m sure she does. Don’t they feed you well at that convent of yours?” I asked her, worried that she might not be well taken care of.

Things have been a little tight since the wars started.”

I nodded at her. “Go and eat your fill. I’ll have my men pack up a few things that should help you and the other good sisters. I might have a spare goat or two.”

Thank you, Lukas. I’ll hurry.” She scurried off as if she were still a young girl. I had to smile at her.

Then my thoughts shifted to Sofie, wanting to join a convent. I was glad that the Mother had called for me. She could have kept my wife, and I never would have known where Sofie had gone. Sending Marie was her way of thanking me for caring for the convent, and maybe it was also her way of letting me know that they needed more caring.


The stable boy got me a fresh horse. I’d told him that I wanted a horse that would ride hard and fast. He found the best horse in the stable for me. The horse was so fast that I was riding ahead of Marie and my men. I wanted to get there first, and I did.

I slid off of my horse and knocked on the door.

Who visits us today?” A voice asked me through a funnel that the sisters had so they didn’t have to open the door.

It is I, Prince Lukas Von Bayern. I believe my wife is here.”

Yes, my lord. You may enter.”

I come with an escort and Sister Marie. They will arrive shortly.”

Yes, my lord.” The doors opened, and several women dressed in white scurried away, not wanting to see a man. I’d bet that they weren’t the only ones who didn’t want to see me. My wife was about to get the strapping of a lifetime. I’d bet she knew it too and was afraid to see me.

The Mother came to me and bowed to me. “Thank you for calling on me, Mother. I have supplies with me as well as Sister Marie. My men are bringing her. They’ll arrive shortly.”

Will your men need arrangements for this evening?” I could tell that she wasn’t comfortable with the idea of men being inside of her convent. It was already getting dark.

I’m afraid so. They will sleep wherever you put them, and they will stay where you put them. I’ve already given them orders not to speak to the sisters or touch them. Where is my wife?”

She came to me and told me stories, begging me to allow her to stay with us.”

I nodded at her and said nothing.

She’s afraid of you,” the Mother whispered to me.

She should be.” There was no arguing with that. I would punish my wife for this, severely.

The Mother said nothing more as she guided me to Sofie.

I was impatient as I watched the Mother pull out a ring of keys. My wife was locked in so she couldn’t run away from me.

My hands wanted to go directly to my sword belt, but I knew that would upset the Mother. I had to wait to punish Sofie until we were alone.

The door swung open, and I saw Sofie. She was standing in the corner, shaking in fear and looking hopeless.

My chest tightened.

Sofie,” I said, swiftly stepping over to her and embracing her in my arms. “Never leave me again,” I whispered into her ear, holding her tightly in my arms.

I went through hell itself when I thought that I might not see her again. I needed a moment to hold her before I could do her any harm.

She sobbed into my arms, clinging to me as if her heart were broken.

I knew she wasn’t glad to see me. The opposite was the truth. She was mourning her chance to be rid of me.

It saddened me that we would never be happy with one another.