On His Desk by Mia Faye

Chapter 3


“You did not!” Miley says, interrupting the story.

“That’s not the worst of it,” I tell her, misery coating my voice.

I’m sprawled on the couch hoping that somehow the events of the last hour will be magically erased. How could I have been so stupid? I have a knack for impulsive behavior but over the years, I’ve managed to tame it.

Or so I thought.

Miley’s giggles fill the room. “I have to sit down,” she says and steps away from the pile of clothes she’s sorting out. “I’d love to see that screen saver.”

I remove my hand from my face and stare at her. “You want to see my ass?”

She grins. “Yeah, on a screen. I can’t imagine his reaction when he first saw it.” She erupted into laughter.

“That should have been the end of that, right?” I say. “But no, not in my world. Guess who was part of the interview panel?”

Miley’s eyes widen and she covers her mouth with her hands. “No.”

“That was my reaction. I almost ran out,” I tell her and shudder as I recall the moment when I locked gazes with Michael Fowler. He’d worn an amused look on his gorgeous face and at one point he had chuckled, no doubt recalling the image of my ass.

“Did he say anything?” Miley says.

“No, nothing at all.”

I’d been so relieved when the interview was over, and I could leave and never see Michael Fowler ever again.

“Don’t worry,” Miley says. “They won’t call you back. You won’t have to face Michael Fowler again.”

“Wrong,” I inform her. “I got a call when I was in the cab. They offered me a job and worse, my boss will be Michael Fowler. I said I’d think about it.”

At this rate, Miley’s eyes will pop out of her face. “You have to take it!” she says. “He wants you, that’s why he offered you the job.”

I sit up. “I’ll never have an affair with my boss again. No matter how attractive he is.”

“You’re confusing issues, Ava. You fell in love with Barry. With Michael, it would be a physical affair. A fuck him and leave him kind of thing.”

It sounds good when she puts it like that but it’s not realistic. “There’s also the risk of losing my job. I lost Barry and my job!”

“How can you pass up an opportunity to fuck Michael Fowler?” Miley says.

I can’t believe we’re talking about this. “Easy, I haven’t accepted the job.”

“Let’s remedy that,” Miley interrupts and gets my phone from my purse. She hands it to me. “Jobs are hard to come by, Ava.”

I take it reluctantly and call back. I accept the job.

“I know I’m going to regret this,” I tell Miley.

“I know you’re going to thank me in a few weeks,” Miley says.


The following Monday finds me filling out forms at the HR offices of Hyperion Investments. Carol, the HR lady is nice and helpful and within minutes I’m done.

“I’ll show you to your office,” she says with a smile.

A mixture of dismay and excitement course through me as we head to the elevators. Somehow, I had hoped that there was a change and Michael Fowler would not be my boss.

“Mr. Fowler has two offices. One here on the second floor and the other on the fifth floor,” Carol says as we step into the elevator.

My visit to Michael Fowler’s office is a memory I want to permanently erase from my mind. I hope he does too, and we can work well together. I don’t believe what Miley said about him being attracted to me. The Michael Fowler’s of this world are attracted to tall blonds with a space between their ears instead of a brain.

“This is it,” Carol says as we step out of the elevator.

I follow her down the hallway and we stop outside the receptionist office. The reception desk is empty.

“There was a temporary receptionist, but she’s gone now. Mr. Fowler doesn’t need her as anyone rarely comes up here.”

My insides tremble at the thought of being here all day with Michael Fowler. I tell myself to stop being silly. He’s just a man. A very attractive one but a man, nonetheless. A species I intend to steer clear off for a very long time. Besides, I think I may have exaggerated his hotness in my mind.

“I’m sorry you have to work up here but Mr. Fowler insisted that he wants his PA here with him, which makes sense,” Carol says apologetically.

I smile. “It’s fine.”

I follow her further down the hallway, our heels sinking into the thick carpet.

“This is Mr. Fowler’s office and yours is right opposite.” Carol opens a door and I follow her in.

The first thing I notice is the view from my office. It’s gorgeous. From the floor to ceiling windows, the city looks like a painting.

“The view makes up for the loneliness,” Carol says with a laugh.

“It sure does,” I say.

“Everything you need to know is in the system. Your passwords are in the drawer. If you need anything, please ask me. Okay?”

“Thanks,” I tell her she excuses herself and leaves.

I pull out my chair and sit down. I fish my bottle of drinking water from my bag and place it on the desk. I power on the computer and sit staring at the screen, jumping every time I hear a noise. I soon forget my jumpiness as I click on different folders in an attempt to familiarize myself with Mr. Fowler’s work and schedule.

“That chair suits you.”

I jump, startled but quickly compose myself. I look up prepared to give him a polite smile. It freezes on my mouth. Michael Fowler is leaning on the doorway, all six feet and several inches of him. His baby blue eyes are focused on my eyes and then they drop to my mouth.

It’s a good thing that I’m seated because I can’t feel my legs. He looks hot and sexy in a light grey suit, crisp white shirt, and matching tie.

“Good morning,” he says and steps into the room. “Do you need any help with that?”

His masculine scent fills the room as he comes to stand behind me. I stop breathing. He leans over me.

“I’m fine,” I tell him quickly hoping that he’ll go away or at least stand farther away. I can’t think when he’s so close.

I become aware of my exposed cleavage and suddenly I wish I’d worn one of my conservative tops. My blue top dips down at the cleavage and I feel his eyes on my ample breasts.

My throat and mouth dry up and I reach for my bottle of water. I twist the cap. I gulp too much water and some of it spills down my chest. I put the bottle down but before I can do anything, my chair is swirled around and suddenly, Michael Fowler is eye to eye with me.

He places his hands on either side of my chair. Kneeling in front of me, our gazes lock and I swear I can hear my heartbeat pounding in my ears. I can’t take my gaze away from his gorgeous eyes and I don’t want to. My panties dampen and my body melts under his heated gaze. Time becomes suspended as his hand shoots out and he trails a finger down my cleavage. My nipples harden and become rock hard.

A phone vibrates and the moment is broken. I blink rapidly as if I’d been in a trance. My heart pounds hard against my chest as the realization of what I had almost allowed myself to do comes over me.

I hide my dismay behind a stony expression. “Mr. Fowler—”

“Call me Michael. I don’t like formality,” he says, his face inches away from mine.

I ignore the way his eyes jump from my eyes to my mouth. I ignore his lips which are made for kissing.

“Fine, Michael. We need to lay down some ground rules if I’m going to work for you.”

An amused look comes over his features. God, he’s sexy. I fight to concentrate on what I want to say. “Our relationship must be entirely professional.”

He cocks his head to the side and his gaze drops to my breasts. My nipples harden against his stare. What I wouldn’t give to have his tongue flick at them—I arrest that thought before it is fully formed. I cannot make the same mistake I made with Barry. Michael Fowler is the sexiest man I have ever seen but he’s my boss. Nothing can happen no matter how wet he makes me.

He raises his gaze to my eyes. “Why did you make your gorgeous ass my screen saver?”

My jaw drops. I wasn’t prepared for this. I erased my memory so well that I completely forgot about that. I open my mouth to speak but nothing comes out.

“A little difficult to be professional after that, don’t you think?’ he drawls.

“I’m sorry about that. If I thought there was a chance I’d ever see you again, I wouldn’t have done it. Please forget it ever happened.”

“Mmmm,” he says. “I don’t know if I can do that.”

I’m barely breathing. “Why?”

“I keep wondering if it’s real. I keep wanting to compare the picture with the real thing.”

My face heats up. What had driven me to do something so stupid?

A chuckle escapes his mouth and then mercifully, he stands up. “Give me a few minutes and then come into my office so we can go through my schedule.”

“Yes sir,” I manage to say.

He turns back. “It’s Michael.”


My nipples ache desperately to be touched and my pussy is on fire. I push my thighs together to relieve the burn but it doesn’t work. I wait until I hear the sound of his door closing and rush to the washroom.

In the privacy of the toilet cubicle, I dip my hand into my panties. A moan escapes my lips as I press my hand to my clit. It's swollen with need and I rub little circles on it and imagine Michael’s big fingers teasing my pussy.

I imagine him whispering dirty words into my ear, in his dark smoky baritone.

Spread your legs for me.

You want me to fuck you, don’t you?

“Oh yes, yes,” I cry out aloud before my body shudders and an orgasm rips through me.

Shame floods me when it’s over but I can’t deny that the relief of it is worth any indignity I feel now. I arrange my panties and skirt and leave the cubicle to wash my hands.