On His Desk by Mia Faye

Chapter 6


She has self-control, I’ll give her that. Ava sits with one shapely leg crossed over the other, jotting down notes and acting as if her panties are not soaking wet. It took every ounce of my self-control not to graze my palms over her nipples when we were standing by the window.

When she’s aroused, her nipples give her away. Like now. They are hard bullets against the soft material of her blouse. I bet it would take very little to make her come when she’s in the state that she’s in now.

“Anything else?” she says and looks up.

I let her see my gaze roaming over her. “Not for now.”

She smiles. “Great. You have a meeting with Mr. Turner and the owners of Teron.com on the second floor at eleven. It’ll be in the conference room.”

I’ve been looking forward to that meeting. Teron.com was started by two young men and it’s a company that deals in photography equipment. They are looking to expand their rapidly growing business. We’re still in the process of hammering out their expansion strategies and how much we would be willing to invest.

“You’ll come with me,” I tell Ava. “I need you to jot down notes for me.”

“Sure, no problem,” she says.

“Thank you,” I tell her and watch as she stands up, takes our empty cups, and leaves.

I let out a breath I’d not realized that I’d been holding. I force myself back to work and for the next couple of hours, I concentrate on working up a term sheet for an investment that we’d recently approved. Ava returns to my office a few minutes to eleven, ready for the meeting downstairs.

I’m disappointed that there are other people in the elevator. I’d hoped for another hot kiss as we descended. I sigh and resign myself to enjoying looking at Ava from behind. I notice that the other man on the elevator also has his eyes on Ava. I don’t blame him. She has an hourglass figure, the kind of figure that gives grown men wet dreams. The elevator stops on the second floor and we get off. I give curt nods to several people as we head to the conference room.

Oliver is already there, and he grins when he sees me, and when Ava enters, he gets rid of the grin. “Miss Gardner, what a pleasure,” he says.

Ava nods and murmurs hello. Oliver and I exchange pleasantries. I pull out a chair for Ava on the left side of the conference table, opposite Oliver. I sit in the next chair.

“Everything’s going well on the Charles front,” Oliver says casually.

I steal a glance at Ava. She’s immersed in whatever she’s scribbling on her notebook. “That’s good. I can’t wait to hear that they’ve agreed.”

I’m almost a hundred percent sure that they’ll let us buy the shares. When a company is desperate for cash, they’ll do anything to secure that funding. This is the time to be patient. To wait for the lawyers to do the work and then afterward, the real work can begin.

We talk about industry trends, but my mind is not fully in the conversation. I’m aware of Ava’s thigh against mine though our legs are not touching. I decide to have a little fun with Ava. An overwhelming urge to feel the softness of her skin comes over me. I rest my hand on her thigh and I hear her sharp inhale. She covers it up with a cough and I stifle a grin. Her skin is warm, soft, and delicate. I wish I could swap my fingers with my tongue, but my hand will have to do for now. I move my hand to her inner thigh, and she makes the slightest movement. She parts her thighs.

“What is amusing?” Oliver says, staring at me quizzically.

I’m saved from coming up with an answer by Oliver’s secretary. She announces the arrival of the two young men. I’m determined not to remove my hand from Ava’s thigh.

We welcome them and they take their seats.

We make small talk and all the while, I trace patterns on Ava’s skin. I nudge her thighs further apart and she parts them. I don’t waste any time and my hand snakes up to the edge of her panties. I cup her mound with my hand. Her panties are soaking wet.

She parts her legs further. I trace my finger on the hem of what feels like lacy panties. I can feel her body trembling. My cock swells. I need to taste her pussy but because I can’t, I do the next best thing. I push her panties to the side and slide my finger into her folds.

Ava is soaking wet. She shifts in her seat and in the process, opens her thighs even wider. I find her clit and slide my finger along it. I can’t see Ava’s face as her red hair covers it. I stroke her clit, alternating between soft touches and applying pressure. Then without warning, I thrust a finger into her hot pussy. Ava’s breath comes out ragged and I hope no one else can hear it. I softly pump in and out and then add a second finger.

I finger fuck her, withdrawing every so often to tease her opening and her clit. She moves her body the slightest bit and I know that she’s on the verge of coming. I withdraw my fingers completely and place my hands on the table.

Ava turns to look at me. I ignore her gaze and pretend to concentrate on what Oliver is saying. We break up the meeting an hour later.

“Want to grab an early lunch?” Oliver says as we walk out of the conference room.

“Sorry can’t. Earlier engagement,” I tell him.

In the elevator again, we’re not alone and I wait until we get off on our floor. “You deserve a reward for being so quiet. You can come and claim it in my office.”

“You shouldn’t have done that,” she says but her words lack conviction.

I know that she’s frustrated. I stopped fucking her with my fingers when she was on the verge of orgasm. It was a deliberate move. When she comes, it will be after she’s asked for it. I’m a patient man and I’ll wait until she asks me, no… begs me to fuck her.

We stop outside my office and I turn to her. “Do you mean that?” Even if I know that she doesn’t really mean it, I need to be sure. I love a willing partner. I hook a finger under her chin and our gazes lock. Her cheeks color. Her look tells me all I need to know. Miss Ava Gardner is enjoying our little games just as much as I am. “I have my answer. I’ll see you in an hour for lunch.”

I settle down in my office to answer my emails. I get tons of those per day and only get to them when I’ve gotten a lot of my work done. Some take longer than others. There’s a board meeting I have to attend mid-week and I forward it to Ava to put it in my schedule.

Oliver and I sit on several boards of the companies we fund, and we spend a lot of time working on areas that will benefit the companies.

An entrepreneur wants feedback on a pitch his company did ten days ago. We’ve been back and forth on it with Oliver. Their goals are regional and we’re focusing on global plans in the companies we invest in. My fingers are heavy as I reply to the email. I hate turning down an investor and make a mental note to myself to call them and explain more. It’s soul-crushing to be denied funding for an idea that you believe is great. But we also can’t afford to back up every start-up that comes to us.

We probably turn down one in every hundred proposals. Time flies as I’m immersed in my work. A slight knock on the door and I glance at the time. One. Ava enters carrying a tray. She flashes me a smile sending shocks of pleasure all the way down to my cock.

“Is your desk okay?” she says.

I wave a hand. “It’s fine. Where’s your lunch?” I ask her when I notice there’s only one sandwich and one cup of coffee.

Her cheeks color and I know that whatever she’s about to say is a lie. “I have some work I have to finish.”

I cock my head. She’s frightened of the attraction between us. I don’t blame her. It’s surprised me too. I can’t remember wanting a woman so badly that I’m willing to play games until she’s ready. Usually, if a woman doesn’t fall in with my plans right away, I move on to the next. But Ava has my attention and it’s not going anywhere.

I shrug. “Okay.”

Her shoulders sag with what I imagine is relief. As soon as the door shuts, I shoot her an email.

Are your panties still soaking wet?

I don’t expect a response but a second later, one comes in. My spine tingles with anticipation. I click it open.


I grin. We’re making progress. My fingers fly over the keyboard as I type another email.

Leave your panties at home tomorrow. I’ll come by your office to inspect.

My body is hot, and I loosen the collar of my shirt. I don’t expect a reply and I don’t get one. I can’t help but wonder if she’ll do as I say tomorrow. Suddenly I can’t wait for the next day. Life has become so much more interesting.

I grab the foil-wrapped sandwich on the tray and unwrap it. It’s a steak sandwich and it smells inviting. I take a huge bite and make appreciative noises as the flavors burst in my mouth. She’s a good cook. I finish the sandwich in record time and wash it down with coffee.

I email Ava one more time.

That was the best sandwich I’ve had in ages. Thank you.

I hit send and seconds later, she emails back

You’re welcome.