On His Desk by Mia Faye

Chapter 5


It’s seven-thirty and Michael is already in the office. I’d hoped to get in earlier than him to have some time to compose myself. No such luck. His door is open, and I force myself to peer in. My face heats up and I force my mouth into a smile. I’ll pretend that last evening did not happen.

I did not kiss my boss like a woman starved for oxygen. Neither did I spend half the night fantasizing about his big cock.

He looks up and smiles and my heart skips a beat. He has a smile that lights up the world. A smile that makes you want to smile back even if you know that he’s a jerk. None of that matters when he flashes those pearly whites at me.

“Morning,” he says. “You’re in early.”

“Good morning,” I say. “I like to get an early start.” That and the fact that I was hoping not to run into him until later. I should leave but his gaze has me pinned to the spot. There’s no mistaking his hungry look as his eyes slide over me. And I won’t lie by denying that I dressed with him in mind. My mini skirt curves over my hips in just the right way and my blouse dips deep into my cleavage.

Warm sweet attraction hums through me. The memory of his hands on my hips is so real, I can feel them now. The same ache that kept me awake most of the night comes again. Nothing, not even my fingers could take it away. I open my mouth to groan and then catch myself.

“Excuse me,” I say when I realize how close I’ve come to embarrassing myself.

I’m gasping for breath when I reach my office. I desperately need something to take my off my wet, hungry pussy. I drop my oversized bag on the floor and turn on the computer. Work will distract me. My fingers tremble over the mouse and I do my best to erase images of Michael’s mouth from my mind.

It’s impossible. A man who is a good kisser is an expert on eating pussy. My free hand slides down and I open my legs under my desk. I rub my clit as my other hand clicks open the notification of a new email.

It’s from Michael. I blink rapidly as I take in the contents of the email.

You’re very talented with your mouth, I’m going to need to investigate this further.

Tingling heat fills my belly and pools between my thighs as I read the single sentence over and over again. My finger feels inadequate and I withdraw it from my panties. Beads of sweat form on my forehead. I want Michael Fowler more than I’ve ever wanted anything.

I list all the reasons why I cannot have him.

He’s my boss.

He’s arrogant, rude, and assuming.

He’s the sexiest man I’ve ever encountered.

I would give anything to see his cock.

His kisses are like an art.

He’s got the body of a weightlifter and the face of a model.

I realize that I’ve completely veered from listing reasons why I shouldn’t sleep with Michael to reasons why I should sleep with him. My brain has turned to mush and the only thing that can help is coffee. Strong, black, and sugarless. I shakily get to my feet, remember the sandwiches I packed carefully earlier, and get them from my bag.

I pad past Michael’s office and then grind to a halt. I’m his personal assistant. That means that when I make a coffee for myself, I should make one for him too. I inhale deeply and go back to his door which is slightly ajar.

He sees me and waves me in. He’s on a call and as he speaks, his stares at my face as if trying to learn every contour. Wistful thinking. A man like Michael has a zillion things on his mind at any given time. I’m sure he thinks about making money first and foremost and women afterward.

He disconnects the call.

“I’m going to make some coffee for myself,” I tell him. “Would you like some?”

He smiles. “Yes, please. Is my lunch sandwich in there?” He remembered.


“Good, we’ll have lunch together then. Come and have our coffee here as we go over today’s schedule.”

“Yes sir—” I pause. “Michael.”

“That’s better. I was afraid I’d have to resort to drastic measures to get you to call me Michael.” His gaze drops to my hips and I have no doubts regarding the train of his thoughts.

My whole body heats up and I’m glad to leave the room. The small kitchen next to the reception area is well stocked. I start the coffee machine and as I wait for it to brew, I arrange our sandwiches in the small fridge.

When the coffee is ready, I make my way back to Michael’s office. He’s standing by the window looking out into the city.

“Come here,” he says.

I place the cups of coffee on his desk and go and stand next to him. His nearness is intoxicating. He smells like a man. Leather, sexy, clean, musky…all rolled into one.

He takes a step back. “In front of me. I want you to see what I’m seeing.”

I do as he says and step in front of him.

“What do you see?”

“Sky soaring buildings,” I tell him. “Thousands of people.”

“And every one of these people can have everything they ever wanted. New York City is sexy, it pulsates with energy. If you allow it, it can transform your life. Make your dreams larger and attainable.”

He steps closer to me. His breath caresses my neck. I think about how hot his kiss had made me and I want it again. I freeze when he steps closer and evidence of his arousal comes into contact with my ass. I’m feverish with desire now.

Michael’s hands go around my waist. I should stop him. I should tell him how inappropriate this is. He hasn’t really done anything out of line I tell myself. He softly caresses me. His hands move to my bare arms and he circles my skin. I shiver as my tits strain against my blouse.

He leans forward and his cock presses harder against my ass. I want to wiggle my ass to feel more of it, but I restrain myself.

“You’re going to come to me, Ava, and beg me to fuck you,” he whispers into my ear. “And when you do, I’ll lay you on my desk and open you up like a flower. I’ll eat your sweet pussy and lap up all your juices. And then I’ll fuck you.”

A moan escapes my mouth. I want him to eat my pussy so badly.

“For now, our coffee is growing cold,” he says and steps back.