On His Desk by Mia Faye

Chapter 4


Ava is too far away from me. I want her closer. I want to inhale that sweet orange scent that surrounds her. Whether she knows it or not, her body is going to be mine. Her face is flushed, and I can’t help but think she’s thinking the same thing too.

“That will be in the afternoon,” she says and looks up from her writing pad.

The tense look is gone from her face. Since she entered my office ten minutes ago, I’ve kept it professional. At least on the outside. My mind is another matter. And the lower part of my body. My cock hurts from the strain of throbbing and of being confined in my trousers.

I want to taste every inch of her skin. I want to eat her pussy as she lays sprawled on my desk, her soft moans filling my office.

“Anything else, Mr. Fowler?” Ava says.

I frown. “If you call me that again, I’m going to lay you across my lap and spank your beautiful ass.” I wait a beat. “That’s all for now. Thank you.”

Her jaw drops and she’s at a loss for words. I don’t give her time to protest and instead turn to my computer screen. From the corner of my eye, I see her get up, adjust her short skirt, and hurry out of the room. A grin splits my face. I’m going to enjoy pushing Ava’s buttons.

I work steadily through the morning until it’s twelve-thirty and time to meet Oliver for lunch. I turn off my computer, grab my jacket, and head out of the office. I peer into Ava’s office. Her pretty face is creased in concentration.

“I’m going to meet Oliver, I’ll be back in an hour,” I tell her.

She looks up and her lips part the slightest bit. I forget everything. All I can think about is how much I want to crush her in my arms and kiss her mouth until her lips become swollen.

“Okay,” Ava says, her voice a husky little rasp.

I stare at her a little longer and then I leave. My driver, William, is waiting outside the building and I slip into the back of my Cadillac Escalade. I sigh with satisfaction as I settle into the leather seat. It smells of luxury, just the way I like it.

I’ve worked hard to get here, and I enjoy all the fine things that life has to offer. Wealthy people say that after a while they don’t notice the fine things anymore. Not only do I notice them, but I enjoy them to the hilt. I know how it feels like to be on the other end of the spectrum and I definitely prefer this one.

“Pretoria please, William,” I tell William.

It’s rare that Oliver and I meet in a restaurant that is not within walking distance of the office. I’m intrigued by what could be up his sleeve that he doesn’t want us to meet where we’ll run into people we know.

It takes half an hour to navigate the lunchtime New York traffic and to get to my destination. I jump out as soon as the car stops and hurry in.

I give the maître d' my name and he directs me to a discreet table at the far end of the restaurant.

“Took you long enough,” Oliver growls as I sit down.

“Traffic. You could have made it easier for both of us by having lunch downstairs,” I tell him.

“This one is too important to risk anyone hearing about it,” Oliver says.

In our business, it’s important that we keep our plans under wraps until the deal is done. Our rivals would pay good money for tips on which companies we are eyeing. Our strengths lie in swooping down on a company with good prospects, but which is currently struggling.

A pretty waitress takes our orders. I’m impatient to hear what Oliver has up his sleeve. There’s nothing like the thrill of a new business opportunity.

“How’s it going with the PA?” Oliver says leaning forward.

I frown. “Today is her first day. It’s going fine. She knows her stuff. You were right, I needed a PA.”

“That’s not what I’m asking,” Oliver says, his eyes twinkling.

I grin. “All in good time. I’m giving her time to settle.”

“I have more exciting news,” Oliver says, growing solemn. “Word on the street is that Lavish Cosmetics are struggling. They are looking to sell a percentage of their shares to raise capital.”

All air leaves my lungs. I sit back in my chair as I digest the news. I’ve been waiting for something like this since the day Paige broke our engagement and married my best friend, Charles Morgan.

Time has dulled the pain of heartbreak but not the intense hatred I feel for both of them. More so Charles. He was my best friend since we were both kids. He and I come from a small rural village in Georgia. We’d been drawn together by our ambitions and dreams. We both wanted desperately to leave our small town and make something of ourselves. And we succeeded. Our bond had gone beyond friendship. We’d been brothers.

That’s why I found it impossible to believe that my fiancée was leaving me for my brother and best friend. To make the pain worse, she was carrying his child. Which meant that they had been sleeping together while she and I were dating.

It didn’t take a genius to figure out why Paige had left me for Charles. Money. His cosmetics company had taken off and he’d amassed wealth very quickly while I’d been struggling to get my company off the ground.

“What do you want us to do?” Oliver says, jolting me back to the present.

I shake my head free of the memories. I had lain awake for months after Paige left dreaming up ways to exact my revenge. I wanted to take something precious away from Charles. And what could be more precious than the company he had built from start?

“Let’s buy those shares,” I tell Oliver.

“Are you sure?” he says.

I nod. “Very.” The years had not softened my heart. “He must never know that we’re behind it. We’ll buy by proxy.”

“I thought you’d say that. I’ve already instructed our lawyers to make an offer. I hope that after this you’ll be able to move on.”

I raise my eyebrows. “I moved on a long time ago.”

“Is that why you haven’t had a relationship in eight years?” Oliver says.

“That’s not true,” I start to protest and then shut my mouth. Was that really true? I tried to search my mind. I couldn’t remember a serious relationship after Paige. “I’ve been busy with the company, you know that.”

“So have I and yet I’ve managed a few long-term relationships,” Oliver says. “In fact, I’ve met someone and I think it could be serious. But time will tell.”

“Good for you,” I tell him curtly.

The waitress brings our lunch orders and I’m glad for the interruption. My mind churns as I eat and converse with Oliver. I can’t wait for the moment when I’ll go to Charles and tell him that I own a huge chunk of his company. When I have a say in how it’s run and then I can systematically destroy what he built.

Then he’ll know how it feels like to have someone or something you love taken you.

After lunch, William drives me back to the office. I whistle as I get off the elevator and walk down the hallway. The news has cheered me up considerably. I pause to take a peek into Ava’s office.

She looks up and smiles. My breath stops. She’s simply the sexiest woman I have ever known.

“Have you gone for lunch?” I ask her.

“I brought a sandwich from home,” she says.

“Can you bring me one tomorrow?” I ask her. I’m not really interested. I just want to keep her talking.

“You want me to bring you a packed sandwich?” she says.

“Yes, but you don’t have to if you don’t want to.”

She nods. “Okay, I will.”


At six in the evening, I wrap it up for the day. It’s been a long afternoon, fantasizing about bringing Lavish Cosmetics down. To my surprise, Ava is still at her desk.

“What are you doing here?” I ask her.

She glances at her slim wrist. “I lost track of time.” I wait for her as she turns off her computer and gathers her things.

As she glides past me, I inhale a whiff of her feminine citric scent and all my male senses perk up. My eyes are glued to the sexy sway of her hips as she walks down the hallway. The elevator doors are open, and I follow her in. She stands at the very back and stares straight ahead.

She’s nervous and working very hard not to show it. The elevator door shuts behind me. I close the gap between us and plant myself right in front of her. She finally looks up at me. Attraction roars between us. My gaze drops to her mouth and she parts her lips.

That’s all it takes. The beast in me emerges and I slide my hands around her waist and pull her to me. Her soft body merges into mine seamlessly as my lips meet hers. Time stops and all I can think about is how delicious her mouth feels.

Her hands snake around my neck and her breasts crush into my chest. I groan into her mouth. Time stands still as she matches my hunger with her own. My hands slide to her hips and to her ass. I pull her tight against my rock-hard cock.

I want her to know how hard she’s made me. I want her to sleep at night and imagine my big cock ramming into her. She lets out a soft moan into my mouth and I almost lose my mind. It’s the sexiest sound I’ve ever heard.

The elevator chimes and I reluctantly let go of her. I don’t care who knows that I’m kissing Ava Bradley, but I don’t want anyone in the company making her life difficult. I grin as I adjust my cock. When was the last time a woman affected me physically as Ava does?

Ava looks at everything but at me. The elevator door opens and without a word, she dashes out, gripping her purse. I curse as my cock refuses to cooperate and I end up untucking my shirt to cover the tent in front of me. When I emerge from the elevator, Ava is nowhere to be seen.

I hurry out and look up and down the street. Nothing. A honk sounds. It’s William. Reluctantly, I enter my car. The plan was to drop Ava home and maybe get myself invited for an after-work drink. No chance now.