Elemental Prince by Megan Fall

Chapter 17


It was four hours after the attack and Kell was still on edge.  He had given his wee warrior time to attend his wound because it seemed to be important to her.  Kell honestly didn’t give a damn.  It was a shallow cut that he could have gotten away with simply cleaning with a splash of water, but he let her have her way.  Afterwards, they quickly dressed and left the inn.  The poor innkeeper and his family were beside themselves.  They were terrified Kell was going to kill them for allowing something terrible to befall the Prince of Knightshire and his warriors at their lodgings.  After receiving assurances from his men, Kell patiently explained to the innkeeper that he was not at fault.  The explanation unfortunately did nothing to ease his guilt.  In the end, they left the small inn with a week’s worth of food and drink strapped to their horses.

Kell pushed his warriors to ride hard and fast into the thickest parts of the forest for more than an hour knowing no others could keep pace.  If they were being followed, the tail would have been lost almost immediately.  It was risky with Emmalyn sitting on his lap, but Zephyr was a skilled horse and Kell had chosen the fine beast for a reason.  He was sure-footed and confident, and at his best when pushed to his limits.

As Kell made camp, he doubled the guards to ensure no one could sneak past.  He laid Emmalyn down in the middle of camp and surrounded her with his heat.  It wasn’t long until she was fast asleep.  Kell slipped out from under the blankets and moved to the edge of the camp motioning for Behr to follow.  Kell made sure no other ears were listening before getting right into things.

“How did they get into the room?” Kell demanded glaring at his friend.

“I have no idea. We questioned everyone at the inn and they all came up clean.  No one was tipped off about our presence.  We were vigilant and made sure no one followed.  I am baffled,” Behr admitted with a deep frown.

Kell seethed in anger.  “Well somehow, they discovered Emmalyn, and I need answers.  A dagger was imbedded in Emmalyn’s pillow for god’s sake.  If I had not moved her in time, it would have taken her life.”

“So, you heard them approach?” Behr questioned as he raised a brow and crossed his huge arms.

“No, the wind sent me a message seconds before the attack,” Kell growled.  “Their approach was silent.”

“Well trained,” Behr scowled.

“I think assassins,” Kell grunted, feeling the truth in his gut.  “Only an assassin could get as close to me as they did tonight.  But who the hell sent them?  Assassins are few in number and expect large coin for their services.  Someone would need a hefty pocket to gain their favour.”

Behr nodded and rubbed his stubbly chin.  “So, to clarify, they attacked the girl and not you?  Would it not make more sense to take you out instead?  Even if she dies, you still retain your power.”

“Yes, but it does not intensify unless I marry.  I need to know if someone is trying instead to push me into marrying Seraphine, or just wishes to see Emmalyn dead.  It makes no bloody sense,” Kell growled.

“You were cornered in that room, were you not?” Behr questioned, momentarily changing the subject.  “Why did you not draw on your power?”

“I was cornered,” Kell agreed.  “I could not even pull back my damn elbow without hitting the wall.  They planned the attack perfectly.  They hit from Emmalyn’s side and when I pushed her over, I had no choice but to engage in the corner.  I was reluctant to use my power because she does not know that I have it yet,” he sighed.  “That is not the way I wish her to find out.”

“Understood,” Behr nodded sharply.  “I believe they came through the window,” he backtracked.  “There was no other way to get past all of us.”

“Agreed,” Kell replied.  “But I still need to know how they found us.”  He rubbed at his temples as a headache formed.  He was frustrated and furious, not wanting to admit what his gut told him was the only explanation.

“We have a traitor amongst us,” Kell growled as he looked at Behr’s shocked reaction.

“Not possible,” his friend denied.  “We hold the highest positions of the realm.  We train and guard the future king and Elemental.  We would never betray you.  We are honoured to hold our positions and would not jeopardize that.”

“But what if someone you loved was threatened?  Would you do what you had to in order to protect them?” Kell pushed.

Behr dropped his head and then gave a sharp nod.  “That makes sense.  It would not take much to discover your most trusted men.  They would know who was with you and which family to target.  If they were following us, they could easily get a message to the warrior with a threat.”

“I want you to handle this personally,” Kell ordered.  “Find the warrior who betrayed me and bring him to me.  Start with the men who have families of their own.  Do this discreetly.  I do not wish to alert the traitor before we get what we need.  The assassin who took his own life tonight is proof they will go to any length to keep the mastermind a secret.”

“Done,” Behr acknowledged turning and disappearing toward camp.  Kell trusted him above all others.  Behr would find the warrior responsible.

Kell needed a moment alone to gather himself.  Walking further into the trees he could no longer feel the warrior’s presence.  He stopped, closed his eyes and tipped his head up to the sky.  The moon was hidden tonight but the stars were plentiful.  It felt magical.

“Thank you for warning me tonight,” Kell whispered into the wind.  He waited a minute and smiled when a soft breeze ruffled his hair.  He needed to give a small acknowledgement for the wind’s assistance.  Kell had a gift, but made sure to thank the Elements when he felt them worthy.  He made sure never to forget such courtesies.

Kell headed back to camp and to Emmalyn.  After tonight, he was uneasy leaving her alone for too long.  His mind settled on the traitor.  It was unthinkable the man was one of his own.  Kell’s men were paid handsomely for their services and all extremely loyal.  If one of them had turned, a loved one must have been threatened.  It was the only reason one of his warriors would fall.  Kell was deeply concerned that if one fell, more could fall.  It was unthinkable.

Kell moved towards Emmalyn only to find her wide awake.  She had been fast asleep when he left, and he was bothered that she slept no longer.

“I woke up and you were gone,” Emmalyn whispered in greeting.  “I couldn’t fall back asleep.”

“Walk with me for a minute,” Kell offered bending down and holding out his hand.  Emmalyn stayed completely dressed in case they needed to leave in a hurry, so he need not worry about her clothing.

Without question, Emmalyn reached up and placed her small hand in his much larger one.  Kell gently pulled her to her feet and tucked her under one arm.  They moved silently through the camp to the area where the horses were corralled for the night.  Zephyr lifted his head and snorted in greeting as they reached his side, gaining a smile from his wee warrior.  Kell watched in awe as she stepped over to Zephyr and wrapped her arms around his neck.  The beast accepted her affection easily and rubbed the side of his head against her own.  Zephyr was half wild and not easily tamed.  Not even Behr could get close, but Emmalyn had somehow won Zephyr over, baffling Kell.  Zephyr trusted her.  The thought only made Emmalyn more endearing.

“My beauty,” she greeted with a small sigh.  “How are you tonight?”

As if Zephyr could understand, he neighed and stomped his front hoof.  She giggled and praised him again.  Kell could finally take no more.  He moved behind Emmalyn and circled her with his arms.  She leaned back and gave in as she twisted slightly to look back at him.

“I’ve made friends with your horse,” she announced unnecessarily.

“I can see that,” Kell smiled.  “A feet no other has accomplished.  You are indeed special.”

She smiled at the praise and Kell guided her to the saddlebags.  As Kell dug through attempting to locate the object he’d placed there earlier, she remained silent.  It was obvious by the slight tilt of her head that she was curious, but the girl had patience.  When his fingers touched the object he sought, he grasped it firmly and brought it out.  With an open palm he showed Emmalyn the glinting piece of metal.  Her eyes grew large as she leaned over to get a closer look.

“Is that a dagger?” she questioned, brushing the tips of her fingers lightly over the ivory handle.  “It’s beautiful,” she whispered.

“It is made of the sturdiest metal in the land and quite sharp.  You proved more than capable of handling yourself, but I would feel better if you kept this on you at all times.  The casing is adorned with ribbon and it is meant to be worn on your thigh,” he explained.  “May I?” Kell questioned as he motioned towards her leg.

A pretty blush spread across her cheeks as she nodded and lifted her dress.  Kell dropped to a knee and placed her small foot on his bent leg.  He watched in fascination as she pulled the dress up another inch to reveal a creamy thigh.  He’d seen her legs before at their first meeting in those ridiculous pyjamas.  Yet, he still had to regulate his breathing and reign in control.  He wanted her and it took everything he had to perform this one small task and step away.  Kell tied the ribbon around her leg twice and secured the dagger.  He felt her shiver as his warm fingers glided across her skin.  He looked up to see the same desire shining in her eyes that were reflected in his own.

“Thank you,” Emmalyn whispered breathlessly as he reluctantly let her go and stood.

“I will have you soon,” Kell vowed causing her to draw in a sharp breath at the words.  His little warrior glanced around the horses and frowned at the sight of Torin tending his own horse close by.

“You have too many men,” she announced with a tiny pout.  Kell couldn’t help throwing back his head and laughing.  This girl was definitely made for him.