Elemental Prince by Megan Fall

Chapter 19


Emmalyn studied Darrow as she tried to figure out what was going on.  He was a younger warrior, the youngest she had seen and extremely handsome.  He looked about her age, if not a year younger and had a kind boy next door face.  His hair was a dirty blonde colour and overlong, as if he hadn't cut it in a month.  He had striking blue eyes and was tall and well built.  And looked utterly broken over his betrayal.

"I don't understand," Emmalyn rushed to ask.  "How is his loved one in danger?"  She pushed past Kell and Behr and stood in front of Darrow protecting him from the anger emanating from Kell.

Emmalyn squealed when warm hands gripped her waist and lifted her up, setting her down off to the side.  She spun as soon as Darrow released her and scowled up at him.

"I'm trying to protect you," Emmalyn hissed as Darrow frowned down at her.

"You should not.  I did wrong and will face my death without hiding behind a pretty girl's skirts," Darrow snorted.  Emmalyn sucked in her breath as she turned back to Kell.

"You won't take his life, will you?" Emmalyn whispered as she bit her lip.

"It is the punishment you suffer for betraying a prince, such as Darrow has," Behr answered for Kell.  Instantly, Emmalyn snapped her eyes to Behr and would have thrown something at him if anything was at hand.

"I didn't ask you," Emmalyn furiously huffed.  "Kell," she called, and waited until his eyes were on her before continuing.  "He must have had a good reason."

"He is newly married.  The assassins have his wife," Kell explained causing Emmalyn to nod.

"Okay, well that's a pretty good reason," she agreed.  "So, he did it because he had to.  He couldn't let her die."

"True, but he still betrayed his prince," Behr interrupted.

Emmalyn had heard enough from him.  She spun around, located a thick branch on the ground and picked it up.  Raising it up she charged at Behr.  Behr yelped as he narrowly missed getting clobbered in the side of the head.  When she repositioned and lifted her arm again, Behr held up his hands in surrender.

"I promise not to say another word," he vowed.

"Fine," Emmalyn huffed.  "But I'm holding onto this just in case."  She tucked the branch under her arm and turned to Darrow.

"You love her?" Emmalyn questioned.

"I love her," Darrow confirmed.  "She is my everything. We were meant to be together," he declared looking Emmalyn straight in the eye.

Emmalyn immediately turned back to Kell.  "As are we," she stated.  "If you were in danger, I'd do what I had to, to protect you."

"Emmalyn," Kell sighed as his face slackened.  But she wasn't done.

"Darrow's wife, is she safe?" Emmalyn asked, raising a question yet to be addressed.

"No," Darrow quickly replied.  "They will stay by her side until the deed is complete.  I am sure someone has been dispatched to let them know I was unsuccessful.  She will die shortly," he stated with a hitch to his voice.

"Kell please," she pleaded.  "Don't take Darrow's life for doing something you or anyone of your warriors would have done.  He had no choice and now his wife will die because of it."

Kell remained silent, but she could see his expression was softening.  "What would you have me do?" Kell asked as he rubbed at his temple.

"Let Darrow go.  It's only been a couple hours since we were attacked.  I've seen the way you and your men ride.  He can beat those bastards’ home if he stays off the roads and cuts through the forests.  Let him try," she cried.  "You can't let her die."

Kell turned back to Darrow.  "You take two of my fastest warriors and leave at once.  You ride hard.  Do not stop to rest, push all the way through."

Darrow almost dropped to his knees in relief.  "You are not going to kill me?" he shakily questioned.

"No," Kell confirmed.  "I would have done the same thing.  I should not have brought you knowing that your young bride was left unprotected.  I should have foreseen this."  He placed a hand on Darrow’s shoulder.  “May the souls of fallen warriors protect you and give you strength.”

"Thank you," Darrow breathed.  He turned to Emmalyn and she saw his eyes held unshed tears.  "Thank you."

"Go," she whispered.  "I wish to meet her when I get there."

"Abrielle," Darrow imparted with a small smile.  "Her name is Abrielle and she will know what you have done here today.  She will know you broke the laws to spare my life, and she will love you as she does Kell."

"Go," Emmalyn cried brushing away a stray tear.  "Waste no more time with thanks."

Darrow lost his smile and nodded.  Before she could blink, he took off towards camp.

"Will he make it in time?" Emmalyn questioned staring in Darrow’s direction and dropping her stick.  Warm arms snaked around her waist and she was pulled into Kell's side.

"He has a very good chance," Kell told her, not sugar coating it.

"Would you have killed him?" Emmalyn pushed as she looked up at him.

"I would have come to the same decision you did.  I would just have let him sweat for a while.  It is the law to execute traitors," Kell gently explained.

She nodded in understanding.  "Thank you for doing that.  I know I pushed and overstepped, and for that I am sorry."

"You did, but as my future Queen I expect you to give me your opinion.  Even if I do not agree, I will always hear you out.  Today worked out in your favour, but it may not always be that way," Kell lectured.

"Okay," she agreed.  "How far is it to your kingdom?" Emmalyn asked wishing to change the topic.

"It is a good month's ride from the portal," Kell explained.  "And that will be riding hard.  We are only about a week in."

"And you told him not to sleep?" Emmalyn cried as she pushed out of his arms.

"He will do what is needed to reach Abrielle.  He will sleep in short bursts and push both himself and his horse to their limits.  It will be dangerous, but it is the only way to ensure her survival."

"I like your world," Emmalyn sighed.  "But I miss the fact that you can't communicate easily.  A telephone call would be so much easier."

"Yes, but the assassins could make a call too.  This way we have a fighting chance," Kell smartly reminded her.

"Right," Emmalyn huffed as she shook her head.   "So, what do we do now?" she asked as she started to walk back to camp.  Kell took her hand and walked beside her.

"What would you have us do?" Kell returned.

"Break camp and make haste for Knightshire.  I like Darrow and I need to know he reached Abrielle in time.  Maybe we can push a bit harder and take shorter breaks."

"Are you up for that?" Kell frowned.  "I wish to see you safely within my kingdom walls as well sweetheart, but I do not wish to risk your health."

"I'm tougher than I look," Emmalyn declared as she pulled on his arm to speed him up.  "Let's share the plan with your men."

Kell chuckled at her enthusiasm and she smiled up at him.  Emmalyn understood that Darrow had gotten off easily because of her, and she was more than appreciative.  She stopped Kell by suddenly spinning and placing her small hand on his muscled chest.  He looked down in confusion and she smiled up at him reassuringly.

"You seem to know every nook and cranny in these forests," she declared.  He nodded back at her still with a question in his eyes.  "Do you know of a small lake or waterfall close by?"

Kell furrowed his brow for a minute in thought then nodded.  "There is a small hot spring about ten minutes west of here," he imparted.

Emmalyn nodded as a blush spread across her chest and cheeks.  "Do you think since we'll be pushing ourselves hard the rest of the way that we might have a private moment before heading out?"

Kell's body locked and the silver flecks in his eyes practically glowed.  "I can make time for that," he declared.  "But my warriors will surround the glen where the spring is located.  I will make sure they are out of sight, but I need them to hear us if there is trouble."

Emmalyn frowned, but knew it was the only way he'd agree.  He was eager for the time alone with her too, but he'd made it more than clear her safety came first.

"Okay," she agreed.  "But if we get carried away you need to be quiet.  I embarrass easily."

Kell threw back his head and laughed as they entered camp, the situation with Darrow forgotten for the moment.  All the warriors close by stopped what they were doing and turned his way in surprise.  Emmalyn understood it was unusual to see him laugh so often and she was glad to be the one to coax it out of him.

Emmalyn moved to the blankets she had slept in and rolled everything up while Kell had a word with his men.  Behr had left after Darrow, so he wasn't privy to their plans.  With everything packed away, Kell lifted her onto Zephyr and climbed up behind her.  She stroked the beautiful horse's neck hoping to avoid the eyes of the men.  She had no idea what reason Kell had given to visit the hot springs, but she knew the men weren't stupid.

Kell was silent during the ride and set a rather brisk pace.  The men stuck with them for a bit then broke off and disappeared in several directions.  As they got closer, Emmalyn’s nerves got worse.  She wanted to take things further with Kell, but she was inexperienced and not quite sure how to go about it.

"Relax my wee warrior," Kell breathed into her ear eliciting a small gasp.  "Things will progress at the speed you wish them to.  You set the pace."

She nodded, loving him for knowing exactly what was worrying her and instantly trying to make it better.