Elemental Prince by Megan Fall

Chapter 20


Kell left Zephyr with his warriors and walked with Emmalyn to the hot springs.  She was quiet and he was worried she may have changed her mind.  He could only pray that wasn’t the case.  It felt like he’d been waiting years for a taste of her and his control was slipping.  If she hesitated or wasn’t ready yet, he’d wait.  He had never forced himself on a woman and was not about to start now.

His large hand engulfed her tiny one and he could feel her slight tremble.  He took a minute to glance down at her and saw her furrowed brow.  She was deep in thought and that wasn’t good.  He needed her with him, not stuck in her own head.

Kell spun and picked her up off her feet.  She squealed and hurried to wrap her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck.  Much better he thought, now that she was concentrating on him, just as she should.

“Hold tight wee warrior,” he breathed into her ear causing her to shiver even more.  “We are almost there.”

She nodded then buried her face in the crook of his neck, hiding her blushing cheeks from sight.  He allowed it and quickened his pace.  He walked on and her hands slid higher and buried themselves in his unruly hair.  He needed it cut but there was never time.  As she massaged his scalp and played with the locks, he was pleased for the length.  He relished the attention and vowed to keep it slightly longer just for this reason.

When Kell broke out of the trees and entered the glen she didn’t even lift her head.  He knew she was too busy playing with his hair to notice.

“Sweetheart look up,” he grinned giving her a quick squeeze.

Finally, she pulled back and took it all in, her head spinning crazily in every direction.  The gasp made it clear she liked what she was seeing.

“This is unbelievable,” Emmalyn whispered.  “The colours are so bright, the water is so blue and it has such a magical feel.”

Kell looked around and tried to see it from her eyes.  The vines and moss were a vibrant green, but no more so than normal.  He recalled the explanation of how dull her world was compared to his.  Large rocks surrounded the pool of water and steam wafted up from its surface.  A hill rose from the far side giving way to a small waterfall.  The entire area was encased in wildflowers of every colour imaginable.

“Do you have many hidden gems such as this?” Emmalyn question still whispering.

“We do,” Kell confirmed.  “I have a cottage set far back from my main keep with a glen just like this.  I will take you there when all of this is over,” he promised.

“I would love that,” she whispered as she beamed up at him in excitement.

“May I ask why you are whispering?” Kell asked with a small chuckle.

“I don’t want to disturb the fairies,” she admitted as her eyes darted around. “This setting reminds me of a fairytale, so there must be fairies hidden somewhere.”

Kell frowned.  “They only come out if you ask them to,” he enlightened.  “Until you do, they stay hidden.”

Her mouth dropped open in what he assumed was shock and she pushed his shoulders.  He had to adjust his grip and move his hand up her back so she wouldn’t fall.

“You have fairies,” Emmalyn cried in delight as Kell grinned at her enthusiasm.

“You do not,” Kell declared, guessing from her reaction that was the case.

“Do you have unicorns too?” she pushed eagerly awaiting his answer.

“I have no idea what a unicorn is, so I will say no sweetheart,” he declared.

“Pity,” she frowned, giving him another enormous smile.  “But having fairies is awesome.”

Emmalyn surprised him again and he loved her even more.  They were getting off track though.  He pulled her close again to his chest and looked down into her beautiful eyes.

“How about if we forget about the fairies and other creatures of the forest for a minute and use this time together for other things?” Kell questioned as his voice turned husky.

Emmalyn blushed again and tilted her head up, stretching to brush her lips against his.  That was all the invitation he needed.  He reached up to wrap his hand around the back of her neck and deepened the kiss.  When she gasped, he pushed his tongue inside and wrapped it around hers.  Her sweet taste had him groaning.  She loved his kisses and didn’t hold back at all.

When Kell broke away to pull in a much needed breath, the passion on Emmalyn’s face was his undoing.  He dropped her to her feet and held her arms until she steadied.  Reaching for the tie at the front of her dress, he slowly pulled on the end.  The knot slipped and the front fell apart, exposing the tops of her creamy breasts.

Emmalyn’s small hands slid under the bottom of his shirt and pushed upwards, his muscles clenching.  Her hands were warm and the softness seared his skin.  He raised his arms, grabbed the back of his shirt and pulled it off.  As he did, she stepped back and pushed the dress off her shoulders letting it float softly down to pool at her feet.

Kell was mesmerized by her soft skin.  She stood there in only a tiny cream coloured shift.  She was breathtaking.

“I have never seen anything as beautiful,” he admitted, drinking in the sight of her.

Emmalyn’s hair tumbled down her back in soft waves and he shook with the need to caress it.  His desire had never been so strong and he was desperate to contain it.  He did not want to frighten her.  But his little minx pushed the straps of the shift down and it joined the dress on the soft moss covered ground.  Before he could get a good look at her, she turned and slid into the heated water.

Kell chuckled knowing her shyness was winning out.  He didn’t mind at all and hurried to shed his boots and trousers.  In a few short seconds he slid in to join her.  The warm water soothed his tired muscles and he moaned in contentment.  This was pure heaven and knowing her tiny naked body was close made it that much better.

The pool was deep enough that he could touch the bottom and only his head and shoulders remained above the surface.  Poor Emmalyn was bouncing on her tiptoes and desperately attempting to keep her head out of the water.  He frowned and moved immediately to her side.  Lifting her up, she wrapped her arms around his neck in relief.  The feel of her naked skin against him caused goosebumps to pepper his chest.

Kell took careful steps on the slippery bottom and waded to the other side of the pool.  He knew from experience the water was shallower and a large outcropping of rocks crated the perfect makeshift seat.  He sat down and Emmalyn curled herself around him in contentment.  He braced his back against the bank and closed his eyes, giving himself a moment to commit this feeling to memory.

They sat that way for about twenty minutes.  Emmalyn rested her head on his shoulder and he cradled her against him.  Kell rarely took moments to relax and forget his duties and he was in no hurry to end it.  Emmalyn was getting antsy and began to squirm on his lap.  Ever so slowly, he moved his hand up her thighs and pushed them apart to give him room.  Then he slid the pad of his thumb across her opening.  She moaned and arched her back spreading her legs even further in encouragement.

“You feel so soft sweetheart,” he coaxed gently.  “Do you want more?”

She nodded, immediately eliciting a chuckle from him.  Kell rubbed a bit more forcefully and slipped a single digit inside.  Her walls pulled at his finger and sucked it in greedily.  She was writhing now and he knew she was close so he dropped his head down and swirled a pretty pebbled nibble with his tongue.  She detonated like a rocket at his touch and he had to move quickly to cover her mouth so as not to attract the warrior’s attention.  He was selfish and wanted to keep her cries for himself.

Kell watched as she blinked up with surprise written on her flushed face as she calmed.  He moved his hand to the back of her head and took her mouth once more, needing to keep her connected.  As he continued the kiss, he lifted her from the pool and laid her out on the soft moss beside it.  Her wet locks billowed out making her look like an angel.  Gently, Kell lowered his massive body over her small one and rested his weight on his elbows.

“Do you want me?” Kell coaxed as she ran her hand across his cheek.

“I want you my Prince,” Emmalyn purred.  She’d never called him that before and he felt it deep in his chest.

“I love you Emmalyn and will love you forever,” he vowed, pushing the head of his throbbing cock against her opening.

“I love you Kell and will love you forever,” she promised back lifting her hips so he slipped in a bit further.

He hissed as his cock slid in and hit the thin barrier, confirming his suspicions.  Once he breached it, she would be his.  The alpha male in him celebrated, while the rest was terrified of the pain it would bring her.

“Please,” she pleaded clinging to his shoulders desperately.  “I need to be yours.”

Kell closed his eyes and took a deep breath.  He opened them again and stared into her eyes.

“Then you shall,” he groaned as he pushed forward and broke the barrier causing Emmalyn to utter a startled cry.

Without thought, he slammed his mouth against hers to smother it as he froze.  He refused to move until he was sure the pain was gone.  He lifted his head and his heart broke to see tears falling from her eyes.  He wiped them away and framed her face with his palms.

“I’m so sorry,” Kell apologized, hating himself at that moment.  Emmalyn simply blinked up at him and smiled.

“I’m yours,” his wee warrior whispered in awe, quelling his fear.

“Damn right you are,” he growled possessively before pulling back and driving into her once more.

When she lifted her legs and locked them around Kell’s back he knew she was ready.  All control slipped, and he gave her all of him.  His precious girl responded like she was made for him.  She matched him thrust for thrust, running her nails down his back.  When she came, he gave in and came with her.

“Is it always like that?” Emmalyn questioned a few minutes later.  Kell still remained buried to the hilt.

“No,” Kell admitted honestly.  “But with you, I have a feeling it will always be.”