Elemental Prince by Megan Fall

Chapter 32


Emmalyn glanced warily at Kell as she rode beside him down the gravel road.  They had left the forests behind and were traveling in plain sight.  She was grateful, but also terrified.  Since meeting Kell, his sole focus had been on whisking her away to his kingdom unseen.  That plan had been thrown out the window.

They were leading a contingency of warriors so enormous she couldn’t count them all.  There had to be two hundred at least.  Kell had replaced his tunic and pants with full battle gear.  It was definitely a sight to behold that would strike fear in even the hardest of men.  His legs were encased in thick black leather pants.  He switched suede boots out for leather ones that buckled at the top.  He wore a tight black leather jacket that showcased his bulk, and his hands were encased in black gloves.  Kell wore thick brown leather shoulder pads strapped to his upper arms and matching pads that started at his wrists and traveled up to his elbows.  He also wore a black leather tunic over top of the jacket and held closed with several thick belts.  The last item was a massive and menacing looking sword that hung from one of the belts and dangled at his side.

He was a terrifying sight, but the scowl on his face gave her the most pause.  It was the type of scowl that said bad things were about to happen.  The warriors were dressed similarly, although not quite as leather bound as Kell, but all wore the same scowl.  Gone were the teasing and fun loving men she had come to love.  In their place were battle ready troops she barely recognized.

Emmalyn shivered as she wrapped her cape tighter around her.  She wore a thick ice blue gown that was trimmed in gold lace.  Her hair was still braided, but she had twisted it up around her head and held it in place with tiny gold clips.  Her cape was as black as Kell’s clothes and it made the colour of her dress stand out.  Apparently, word had spread that Kell had gone off to retrieve the princess, and now it was up to her to play the part.

As they passed through small villages and towns, people lined the streets to watch the procession.  Kell nodded at a few people but otherwise kept his eyes locked straight ahead.  The Elemental Prince everyone expected had indeed returned.  Behr instructed her to follow Kell’s lead, but she couldn’t.  Emmalyn scanned the people and if she caught someone’s eye she smiled.  They wore expressions of disbelief each time and very slowly smiled back.

As they passed another village, Behr moved up to her side.  “You can’t help winning over everyone can you?” he chuckled as Kell glanced her way and sighed.

“You are a princess, and the people are used to being snubbed by the royals.  Yet you ride through the village and smile at them all as if they are close friends,” Kell smirked.

Emmalyn relaxed immediately and grinned, delighted to see the lighter side of Kell return if only for a minute.

“I don’t want them to think I am above them.  I grew up just as they did, so I’m no better.  I don’t want them to hate me,” Emmalyn admitted.  “I saw the way your men and my parents looked at Seraphine, and I don’t want that kind of hatred aimed in my direction.”

“No one could hate you,” Behr promised.  “You won us over before you even uttered a word.  Kell is loved and respected, even if he is feared.  You will be loved and respected as well.”

“Word will spread of how you favoured each villager with a smile,” Oryn added from further back.  “And word will spread of your beauty.  You will be beloved by all.”

Emmalyn grinned at Oryn and turned back to Kell.  “Do you think this will work?  Bringing the fight out into the open?”

“I’m not one to sit back and wait,” Kell reminded her.  “I hope that by stepping the pressure up and going after the people I believe are responsible, I will draw out the true enemy.”

“So, you will remain in this form until you weed them out?” Emmalyn frowned.

She loved getting to know this side of Kell. Emmalyn understood it was a part of him, but she needed the compassionate side too.  He had fully explained the plan and she had agreed.  She wanted this over with and Kell’s methods were the best chance to end it.  The nights belonged to Emmalyn, but during the day, Kell needed people observing to be wary of him.

“I love you my wee warrior,” Kell proclaimed as he maneuvered Zephyr close to her side.  “I am sorry we have to proceed this way, but I see no other solution.  I want the threat eliminated.  I want to start my life with you without fear and anger hanging over our heads.”

“I know,” Emmalyn huffed.  “But this dress is ridiculous and it doesn’t suit me at all.  I grew up in an apartment, not a castle.  I went camping, not to balls.  And Mathias taught me to fight and protect myself.  What he did not do was teach me to curtsy and act all sophisticated.”

“Sophisticated?” Behr snorted causing Kell to shoot him a murderous glare.

“What do you propose sweetheart?” Kell questioned, leaning over and wrapping his large hand around the back of her neck.  Emmalyn reciprocated by leaning forward and placing her palms on his cheeks.  Barely an inch separated them.

“I didn’t mind the dresses I wore during our travels, but if I am to be by your side, I think I need to change it up,” Emmalyn declared with a smirk.  “We need to show both the people and our enemies that I belong with you.”

“We don’t want to give too much away,” Kell cautioned studying Emmalyn and trying like hell to figure her out.

“The way I dress will in no way reveal the fact I have powers.  I’ve seen Seraphine.  I want to show everyone that she is not a match for you.  But I am.”

“And how would you prefer to dress?” Kell inquired as he continued to stroke the back of her neck.

“Similar fashion as yourself but with a feminine twist.  Perhaps the dress I was wearing before, but in black.  I want it to be comfortable.  I need to be able to fight while wearing it.  I want to wear boots similar to yours with a vest or leather jacket over top.  And maybe a sword like yours but lighter and much smaller,” Emmalyn added as an afterthought.

Kell eyed her a minute, then tightened his grasp on her neck to pull her in.  She gasped as his lips slammed against hers and he ravished her mouth.  The kiss conveyed exactly how much he liked the idea.  When he pulled away, she couldn’t help grinning at the man.

“Oryn,” Kell grunted.  “Ride ahead and see to it.  The next village is about two hours away.  Tell the local seamstress to have the garments ready when we arrive.  I want three similar dresses but in varying styles.  She will be handsomely rewarded for her efforts and those of her assistants.  Make it clear we are outfitting my wife and that I shall be indebted to her.”

“Of course,” Oryn replied with a lightheartedness in his voice.  Emmalyn heard a shout and the pounding of hooves and watched Oryn speed off to do Kell’s bidding.

“Time and again you surprise me,” Kell whispered.  “The day I stepped through that portal was the day I found my other half.  You complete me Emmalyn.”

“As do you,” Emmalyn softly replied.

They parted enough to continue riding and Emmalyn felt more relaxed with Kell in agreement.  She was expecting an argument but Kell hadn’t even batted an eye.  He simply ordered his men to follow her wishes.  He respected Emmalyn, and she loved him for it.

As they neared the village, Oryn intercepted them on the trail with a large package strapped to his horse.  His wide grin told Emmalyn that he’d been successful.  She spurred Beauty on and raced to his side.  Without a word, he unstrapped the package and dropped from his horse.  She slid down as well and practically bounced with anticipation.

“I have all the items you requested,” Oryn grinned handing her the package.  It was heavy and she staggered from the weight.  Kell swooped down to give her a steadying hand.  She tipped her head back and kissed the underside of his chin in thanks.

“Help me get this monstrosity off?” Emmalyn questioned as she batted her eyelashes.  She grinned as his eyes darkened.

“I helped you get that monstrosity on,” Kell reminded her and Emmalyn felt her cheeks flush.

“Right, maybe I should do this myself,” Emmalyn hedged, and slowly backed away.

Kell grinned wickedly and she squealed and ran.  His footsteps pounded after her, and Emmalyn didn’t get far before he scooped her up, package and all.

“I guess we’ll break here for a while,” Behr shouted after the couple, making the warriors within hearing distance laugh.

Emmalyn held on as Kell powered into the trees without a backwards glance.  His strides ate up the ground until they broke into a clearing.  Huge weeping willow trees surrounded the perimeter and gave the space a sense of privacy.  The ground was covered in a mixture of bright green moss and grass, and tiny yellow flowers danced throughout it.

“How do you find these hidden gems?” Emmalyn questioned trying to take everything in.

“I travel a lot sweetheart, and I make a point to remember such things,” Kell replied.  He set Emmalyn down on her feet and spun her around so that her back was to him.

She felt his hands trail across her neck and down to the ribbons holding her cape together at the front.  A quick tug and it fell to the ground.  He worked at the intricate ties crisscrossing her back.  As each one gave way, Kell softly kissed the newly revealed skin.  When the dress finally fell to join the cape, Emmalyn was a puddle of mush.  Kell gently pushed her down and disrobed before joining her.  His hands engulfed Emmalyn, massaging and kissing everywhere he could reach.  By the time he entered her, she was so worked up she exploded, bringing a deep growl from his chest.  All she could do next was hold on and enjoy the ride.