Elemental Prince by Megan Fall

Chapter 31


Kell stood at the ready as Emmalyn clung to his back in obvious fear.  The pounding sound of hooves meant that an unknown army was approaching.  The hell they just experienced would be nothing compared to the force accompanying the thundering noise.  Despite the incredible skill of his warriors, they would all be slaughtered.

The ground continued to shake and the trees swayed with the sheer force of it.  Kell looked to see Behr and Torin both wearing similar looks of resignation.  He nodded sharply to them and they nodded back.  It was a silent message of assurance that they would both lay down their lives to protect Emmalyn.  The rest of his warriors, including the wounded, stood at his back with swords drawn.

The sound became louder and Kell could feel his wee warrior trembling.  All he could do was squeeze the arm wrapped tightly around his stomach in reassurance.  He would not take his eyes off the trees for even a second.  As the first rider broke through, everyone breathed a collective sign of relief.

“What the hell happened here?  It looks like a blood bath,” Kell’s brother Thane questioned pulling up on his horse’s reigns and stopping abruptly in front of them.

The clearing filled with horses as Thane’s warriors poured in.  Kell grinned at his brother and relaxed his stance.  Without thinking, Kell dragged his wee warrior out from behind and pulled her close to his chest.

“You’re ten minutes late,” Kell complained as he kissed her head.

Without needing instructions, Thane’s warriors dropped from their horses and began to help.  Kell saw more rustling in the trees and realized Colin had brought considerably more than the hundred men requested.

“It is good to see you well,” Thane grinned as he dropped from his horse and headed over.  Kell moved Emmalyn to the side so as to embrace his little brother.

“What brings you here?” Kell questioned giving Thane a hug and pounding him on the back.

“I heard you sent for troops and wanted to be among them.  I don’t like sitting idle in the kingdom while you risk your life,” Thane grunted.  “I belong by your side.”

Kell couldn’t fault him for that, so instead he grinned and started to make the introductions.  Emmalyn was watching his brother curiously, and Kell sensed a slight bit of wariness in her stance.  At the same time, Thane openly watched her with interest.

“Emmalyn, I’d like you to meet my brother Thane,” Kell announced.  “Thane meet the woman who has claimed my heart.”

Emmalyn smiled up at his brother and blushed while Thane grinned in return.

“She must be a witch,” Thane declared.  “For no one has been able to accomplish that before, and many have tried.  You must be damn special.”

Emmalyn smiled again at his brother, even as she burrowed further into Kell’s side.  It was clear the words pleased her, but she still seemed unnaturally shy.  Kell hoped such behaviour didn’t last too long because he wished them to be close friends.

“Emmalyn,” came a voice bellowing through the swell of warriors as Darrow pushed his way into the huddle.

Kell’s wee warrior instantly lit up at the sight and rushed to Darrow’s side.  Grabbing onto Darrow’s arm, Kell could see her expression change into one of concern.

“Tell me you got to your girl in time?” Emmalyn pleaded.

“I did indeed,” Darrow assured.  “And the two men guarding her were dispatched.  Abrielle was unharmed and sends you her thanks as well as her love.  She knows you went against the wishes of the Prince to save me, and she is indebted to you.”

Emmalyn nodded and beamed up at Darrow.  “I’m just glad you were able to get to her before any harm could befall her.  I can’t wait to meet her.  I believe we will be the best of friends.”

Darrow nodded and moved away from Emmalyn.  As he approached Kell, his expression turned serious.  “Thank you again for allowing me to live,” Darrow stated in greeting.  “I am forever in your debt.  My love would not be alive today if you had not shown such mercy.”

“I am glad it turned out in your favour,” Kell acknowledged.  “Our women are the glue that holds us together.  I can only imagine the pain you would have felt if you had lost her.  I am grateful you didn’t have to find out.”

Emmalyn moved to Kell’s side once more and wrapped her arms around him.  His girl knew exactly what he needed.

“How can we help?” Thane interrupted.  “It appears we missed a good fight.”

“You certainly did,” Kell agreed.  “Our party was set upon from all sides.  Once we hit the clearing we were effectively surrounded.”

“How did you prevail?  It is clear to see you were extremely out numbered,” Thane inquired with a raised brow.

“My warriors are exceptionally skilled.  It takes more than a few enemies to best a group of Kilharbor men,” Kell bragged with a smirk.

Emmalyn glanced at him sharply, but he refused to acknowledge her.  Only a few of his warriors were aware of her abilities.  He trusted both his brother and his men, but wasn’t ready to let everyone know just yet.  It was something he felt he needed to do, and he always went with his gut.

“The wind warned me,” Kell continued.  “And it gave us time to react.”

Thane nodded as if that made perfect sense, and Darrow didn’t object.  It was clear neither Thane nor Colin had breathed a word to anyone of his wee warrior’s abilities, and Kell was grateful.

“Does this mean you plan to wed Emmalyn?” Thane questioned with a raised brow.  “Your affection is clear for all to see.”

Kell grinned as he pulled the ring from his neck.  He couldn’t bring himself to hide the nuptials, especially from his brother.  Kell leaned forward and dropped his voice so only a few ears could hear.

“We were wed in front of Emmalyn’s parents,” Kell admitted.  “She has promised to be mine for the rest of her days.”

Thane’s eyebrows shot up in shock and his grin returned.  “I guess congratulations are in are order.  I am happy for you both.  May you always be by each other’s side.”

“Thank you, brother,” Kell warmly replied.  “And I cannot express how much I wish to keep our union secret.  Darrow has already been compromised.  There is always a chance another could as well.”

“I understand,” Thane nodded.  “It will go no further.”  He rubbed the back of his neck before asking what was really on his mind.  “So does this mean your powers have increased?”

“Not yet,” Kell easily lied.  “But I’m hoping they will with time.”

They talked for a few minutes longer and eventually Emmalyn headed over to check on Beauty and Zephyr.  Behr, Torin and Oryn all joined the conversation with Colin and the talk turned serious.

“It appears the person after you has stepped up their game,” Thane scowled.  “Have you got a plan?”

Kell turned to Colin.  “Have you brought my armour and stocked up on artillery?”

“I have,” Colin assured.  “I have two wagons at the end of the group carrying everything you should need.”

“Good.”  Kell turned back to Thane to address the question.  “I need to fight this head on instead of whisking my bride off to safety like many would expect of me.  To accomplish that, I need to once again be the Elemental Prince everyone fears.  I intend to go after anyone that has questioned me over the years, and use force if necessary to figure out who is behind this.”

Thane nodded in agreement.  “But what of Emmalyn?  Do you plan to send her to Knightshire with a contingency of men?  We can easily spare them.”

“No,” Kell growled.  “My wee warrior stays by my side.  She has proven many times to me and my warriors that she is more than capable of standing with me.”

“But you put her in jeopardy by keeping her with you?” Thane objected.

“I put myself in jeopardy by sending her away,” Kell grunted, gaining a smirk from some of his men.  He could see the confusion on Thane’s face, but didn’t elaborate.

“With the wagons among us we can head out almost immediately,” Torin informed him.  “The wounded will heal quickly and they refuse to be left behind.”

Kell grinned.  His men were tough.  He wasn’t surprised by Torin’s words.

“Where to first?” Thane inquired, not at all hiding his enthusiasm.  Thane was a man who sat behind a desk but sometimes itched to break fee.  And this was clearly one of those times.

“I’m thinking we need to visit Kilharbor,” Kell decided.  “Seraphine had an ulterior motive for showing at Fairrest and I want to know what it is.  Her declaration of love is sudden and I am curious to discover the identity of the man she is involved with.”

“And if she isn’t there?” Oryn inquired.

“Then we question her parents.  They have been a thorn in my side for quite some time.  If they are responsible for Seraphine’s actions, I want to know.  Plus, Warrick was in Emmalyn’s home in the other world and he is one of their most trusted men.  He must have been sent by them.”

“They were strongly pushing a union at the meeting with the Council,” Thane added.  “And they were extremely upset to learn that Emmalyn was alive.”

“They were indeed,” Kell agreed.  With a destination in mind, he relaxed slightly.  “Ready the men and distribute the additional battle wear and weapons.  I want to leave within the hour.  We ride as warriors of Knightshire and make our presence known.  No more back roads, and no more hiding.  We approach the enemy in full battle mode.”

All the men nodded and dispersed to do his bidding.  Kell turned his attention once more to his bride. Emmalyn was whispering to the two horses as she fed them each an apple.  Kell watched her cautiously as he waited for Behr to fetch his armour.  He would need to reveal the hardened man to Emmalyn that he had tried so hard to hide.  The fierce warrior everyone feared would be leading the attack, and he could only hope Emmalyn would fall in love with both sides of his personality.