Elemental Prince by Megan Fall

Chapter 42


Escaping the castle grounds was nerve wracking.  With both groups entering the woods unscathed, Emmalyn almost dropped to her knees in relief.  The sounds of panic and clashing of swords slowly quieted, but did little to settle her nerves.  She sensed that Kell’s men were being defeated.  She could only hope the bulk of his army had been sent away from the castle to the villages to battle the fires.

Abrielle’s squeal of delight pulled Emmalyn from her thoughts.  She lifted her head just in time to see the girl throw herself at Darrow.  Darrow said nothing for a few moments and simply embraced his wife. Both Emmalyn and Kell’s men permitted the reunion, knowing how much Darrow had sacrificed by letting his young bride come after them.  They felt obligated to allow them time to bond.

Not long afterwards Darrow pulled back and his eyes went straight to Emmalyn.  She braced at the intense expression on his face.

“I saw the King dragging an unconscious Kell into the woods.  I was battling three men in black at the time and could not break away to follow them,” Darrow announced.

Emmalyn rocked back on her heels at the same time Thane surged forward.  He didn’t touch Darrow, but Emmalyn was convinced that it was only because Abrielle was attached to his side.

“Are you accusing my father?” Thane shouted furiously.  Darrow held up his hands in surrender and then sighed in frustration.

“I am not,” he huffed.  “But the scene appeared sinister. Why would the King drag Kell?  If he was hurt, would the King not carry him instead?”

“Kell is a big man,” Thane countered.  “It would be difficult for anyone to carry him.”

“Did he look concerned about Kell’s condition?” Oryn interrupted, stepping slightly in front of Thane.  Thane glared at Oryn causing him to take a small step back.

“He was dressed in all black,” Darrow admitted after a slight hesitation.  “And he looked quite pleased with himself.”

“That sounds like an accusation to me,” Thane thundered advancing once more.  This time, several of Kell’s men stepped in to block Thane as well.  Thane threw up his hands in frustration as he looked to the sky.

“Why the bloody hell would my father attack Kell?  It makes no sense?”

“He was dressed the same as the attacker’s,” Darrow repeated again.  “And he walked right past some of them as he retreated.  No one stopped him or even gave him a second glance.”

“Goddammit,” Oryn cursed at the same time Thane dropped to his knees.  No one doubted Darrow’s words, despite the severity of such an evil deed.

“Why?” Thane whispered.  “I don’t understand why my father would orchestrate this.”

“Kell has looked tirelessly for the threat.  We have gone over every possibility,” Oryn answered.  “Kell never would have suspected the King.  Thane, your father is a royal and has the ability to open the portal.  He can also easily amass an army to do his bidding.  The funds are at his disposal to hire the assassins and he has the Councilman’s ear.”

“That still doesn’t explain the motive,” Thane thundered as he rose to his feet.  “He is already a king, what more power could he possibly gain?”

“His reign is coming to an end,” Darrow reminded him.  “It is nearing time for Kell to take his place.  Perhaps he intends for someone else to succeed. Someone he can control.  We all know Kell will never be controlled.”

“We need to find Kell,” Emmalyn interrupted as she grew tired of the discussion.  “If he’s hurt or suffering, he needs us.  And maybe he can provide the answers you seek,” she declared looking pointedly at Thane.

Heavy footfalls sounded to the right side, ceasing all conversation.  The girls were pushed back as the men drew their swords and stood at the ready.  When Torin stepped out of the trees, they all relaxed.

“The Queen is imprisoned.  I cannot free her,” Torin fumed as he took a minute to catch his breath.  “I tried to reach her, but the guards were too plentiful to fight.  I barely got out myself.”

Emmalyn immediately searched him for wounds and discovered the blood spilling from his chest and coating his shirt.  She surged forward and ripped at his shirt.  A gash marred his flawless skin.

“It’s not deep,” he assured, grabbing Emmalyn’s hand to stop her from tending the wound.  “You have no reason to worry.”

Emmalyn looked up and nodded, but motioned for Oryn anyway.  “Wrap that quickly.  We need to be on our way.”

She would have said more but a sharp pain ripped through her temple.  She groaned and it disappeared just as fast as it hit.  Emmalyn suddenly heard the unmistakable rasp of Kell calling her name.  It was as clear as if he were standing beside her.

“What is it?” Torin questioned as he gripped her arm in concern.

“Kell,” Emmalyn gasped, just as he called to her again.  “He’s calling me.”

“I hear nothing,” Darrow admitted as he looked at her in confusion.

“He’s in my head,” Emmalyn explained.

Immediately Torin bent down and stared into her eyes.  “Concentrate sweetheart.  Can you follow his voice and show us the way?”

Emmalyn closed her eyes and did as instructed.  She took three steps back and Kell’s voice became fainter.  Stopping, she took three forward again.  The voice rang out with more clarity.

“I can,” Emmalyn beamed as she took off at a quick pace surprising them all.

“Wait,” Thane shouted as he rushed ahead and stepped to block the path.  She looked up at him in frustration.

“I need to get to Kell.”

“I know,” Thane sighed.  “But I need to get to my mother.  If she is locked up, I can only assume my father views her as a threat.  She may have some answers and I need to see her safe.”

Emmalyn nodded, understanding Thane’s desire to rescue Aspen.  She bent and untied the ribbon keeping the knife strapped to her leg.  Then she handed it to Thane, sheath and all.

“You have your sword, but I want you to hide this one as well.  It may come in handy.”

Thane quickly took it, then bent and kissed her cheek.  “Be careful, dear sister.  I fear I have grown fond of you.”

She smiled at him.  “Just as I have of you.”

Thane nodded and released Emmalyn.  He quietly slipped into the trees and disappeared.  She wasted no time setting off again.  She heard the men curse as she pulled away from the group.  Heavy footsteps thundered into the brush after her.

They ran for hours, and Emmalyn was forced to stop several times as she concentrated on Kell’s call.  The loss of his voice tore at her heart as she feared it would not come again.  Then his voice whispered in her head and she set off again.  The men were patient and thankfully silent, understanding this task rested with Emmalyn.  They followed without question, and Emmalyn was grateful.

The group reached a break in the trees and Emmalyn came to a stop.  She listened for several minutes waiting for the call to resume, but heard nothing.  Panicking, she ran in several different directions, changing course many times to head back to the last place he spoke.  The men followed closely and constantly crashed into each other as she veered another way.

Exhaustion and defeat set in as she completely lost his trail.  She collapsed to the ground as a sob ripped from her throat.

“He’s gone,” Emmalyn cried as both Torin and Oryn dropped down in front of her.

“Can you sense him at all?” Oryn pushed.  “Close your eyes and think only of him.”

She immediately closed her eyes and pictured Kell in his full battle gear.  His hair grew longer each day and his eyes were dotted with the same silver flecks as Emmalyn’s.  His beard and moustache were thickening and she imagined the small smile reserved only for her.  She called to him and begged him to reach out again, but it was for nothing.  She received no response, and her heart broke.

“I can’t reach him,” Emmalyn sobbed.  “He is lost to me.”  Torin pulled her into his arms as Oryn shoved to his feet.

“Search the area,” he ordered.  “Kell must be close.”  He turned to Torin.  “Stay with her, I’ll join the warriors in the search.”

Torin gave a short nod and tightened his embrace.  He offered some words of comfort, but Emmalyn barely heard.  There had to be a reason for Kell’s silence, and her gut feeling indicated that it wasn’t good.

“He’s the Elemental Prince,” Abrielle whispered as she sat and wrapped her arms around Emmalyn’s back as well.  “You need to have faith and trust in your bond.”

Emmalyn didn’t move, but answered.  “I fear he is dead,” she wept.  “I can’t think of any other reason to lose the connection.”

“Or he may be saving his strength.  He most likely realizes you are near and will draw upon it again once you find him,” Abrielle countered.

Emmalyn smiled at the girl’s optimism and prayed she was right.  Emmalyn reached out and grabbed Abrielle’s hand with her own.  They remained so and no other words were spoken until the men returned.

“We can’t find him,” Oryn reluctantly admitted.

Emmalyn lifted her head as the defeat on his face turned her anguish to anger. Pushing out of Torin’s arms she shot up to her feet.

“There is no way in hell I’m losing him when I know I’m close,” she thundered.  She looked to the lightening that still lit the sky.  “Do you hear me Kell,” she shouted to the heavens.  “I will not give up on you.”

The mournful cry of a lone wolf rang through the air.  She froze and had no idea what to do as the men drew their swords.  The wolf sauntered out of the trees like a true beast, massive and regal.  The wolf locked eyes directly on Emmalyn and once more it threw back its head and howled.

“Kell,” she cried as she took a step towards it.  “Show me where he is.”

Immediately the wolf turned and disappeared back into the trees.  Emmalyn was right on his heels, terrified to lose sight of it in the setting sun.  She followed dutifully, allowing herself to feel a small surge of hope.  When it finally halted, Emmalyn tried to step past it but an iron grip on her arm yanked her back.

“Look,” Oryn grunted as he pointed to the ground.

Emmalyn dropped her eyes, surprised to see that she had almost plummeted into a hole in the ground.  She hadn’t even seen it.  Oryn pushed her back and crouched to lean over the side.  At that exact moment another bolt of lightning lit the darkening sky.

“Kell’s down there,” Oryn thundered as he rose quickly to his feet.  “He isn’t moving though.  I fear we may be too late.”

“How do we get down there?” Darrow impatiently questioned, as he dropped and warily peered over the edge.  “It’s a long way down.”

The wolf howled once more, and Emmalyn turned in its direction knowing instinctively it would show her the way.