Elemental Prince by Megan Fall

Chapter 39


Kell’s head throbbed and he didn’t want to open his eyes.  He knew what had happened, but just didn’t want to believe it.  The blow had come quickly and without enough warning from the air element, he hadn’t acted fast enough.  In all honesty, he’d been too stunned.  He never could have imagined such a betrayal and was deeply affected.

With no other recourse, Kell opened his eyes to see that he was lying on his side.  The world spun in circles for a minute and it took some time to focus on what was before him.  He automatically tried to push his body back at the sight, but only succeeded in moving about a foot before his head protested.  The blow must have been a good one, because the pain he felt was paralyzing.

But the view in front of him was more worrisome than the pain.  With the continuous ache in his head, he couldn’t focus, and also couldn’t call on the elements for assistance.  All he could do now was stare over the edge of the cavern he was perched on.  It appeared to be a hole in the middle of the forest.  Kell had made it his mission to know every inch of his kingdom, but couldn’t place this particular spot.  It was infuriating.

“I see you’re awake,” came a voice from behind.

Kell shut his eyes and gritted his teeth.  The voice was far too familiar, and the deep betrayal seeped in once again.  He counted to ten, opened his eyes again and tried to tilt his head, but the pain was too intense.

“Please, don’t move on my account.  I’ll step closer so you can see me better.”

Kell heard the slight crunch of dried leaves as the man circled to stand near his feet.  All Kell had to do now was tilt his head a bit and a pair of legs came into view.  Legs that were encased in the most luxurious suede money could buy, with expensive black boots that rose to the knee.  The man crouched down and all of Kell’s worst fears came to light.

“Surprised?” his father chuckled.

Kell could only glare.  He would give anything to be able to run him through with a sword.  Kell reached for it but the sheath was empty.

“I’ve known you all your life.  Do you really think I’d risk leaving you your sword?” his father snorted.  “I’m not a fool.”

Kell’s mind reeled.  He never considered that his father would be the mastermind behind all the attacks.  The thought of it physically pained Kell.  This man was his blood.  He raised Kell and stood by his side through thick and thin.

“I don’t understand,” Kell rasped in confusion.

“You wouldn’t would you.  That’s the thing, no one would.  It’s brilliant,” his father chuckled.

He obviously found the whole situation amusing, which angered Kell even more.  The shock was dwindling and a rage started to set in.

“You need to explain yourself,” Kell growled painfully.  “You’re the King.  What more could you possibly gain from my death?”

His father smiled, but it didn’t reach his eyes.  There was a bitterness within that Kell was only now witnessing.

“I had a brother,” his father announced sadly, surprising Kell.  “We were close.  As close as you and Thane.  The two of you are so much like us.  It’s remarkable.”

“I have an uncle?” Kell questioned.  He never knew that an uncle existed and could only wonder why they had never met.  Surely, he’d want to know his nephews.

“He was slightly older than me and could have been your twin.  He looked like you, he acted like you, and he had the same drive as you.  I on the other hand, am just like Thane. Kelton was only interested in warring and fighting, I was interested in books.  Kelton was to be King and I was designated to be his advisor.  He would ride throughout the lands keeping the peace and cutting down anyone that threatened him.  I would sit in the castle keeping the books and settling simple disputes.”

His father took a couple deep breaths and stared into the crevice far below.  Kell understood he was lost in memories and kept quiet.  He wanted to hear the whole story, so he gave his father plenty of time to finish his thoughts and the tale, uninterrupted.

“Kelton didn’t want to be King.  He had no desire to rule.  He was happy sleeping under the stars, drinking with his men, and battling.  He was a savage,” his father hissed.  “But I loved him regardless.”

“When we became old enough to marry, I sought a suitable wife.  I found her in Aster.  She was a distant cousin of the King of Larkinge.  I asked for her hand and brought her into the castle as the wedding preparations began.  She was quiet and submissive, a perfect combination,” his father explained with a smile.  The smile quickly vanished and a deep frown appeared.

“Kelton returned.  He was happy for me and wanted to be home for the wedding.  I was thrilled, elated he would be a part of my celebrations.  Then he met Aster and everything changed.  Over the final weeks before the wedding, both my brother and Aster changed.  They became distant as well as distracted and quiet whenever I saw them.  It was unsettling,” his father huffed.

“I remained silent, hoping whatever was bothering them would sort itself out.  But two days before the wedding I walked into my sitting room to find Aster sobbing.  I questioned her, but she refused to tell me what was wrong.  In desperation I sought out Kelton.  He was pacing in the stables but stopped as soon as he saw me.  He looked at me with such grief that it brought me to my knees.”  His father stopped at this point and looked to the sky.  It was several moments before he continued.

“He said he had fallen in love with my bride, and she with him.  My brother, a fierce warrior, a man that only had time for his men and his goddamned horse was in love with the girl I was to wed.”  His father surged to his feet and his whole body trembled with fury.

“A brother I loved.  A brother I trusted.  He asked me to set her free so they could marry instead.  He claimed our love wasn’t as strong as what they shared.” His father growled and shoved his hands through his hair, gripping it tightly and pulling in all directions.

“I knew he spoke the truth.  Aster never looked at me the way she looked at Kelton.  She tried to hide it, but I’d known since his return that something was happening.  You think a man doesn’t know when his bride to be suddenly shies from his touch.  You think a man doesn’t know when his brother looks at him with guilt.  I knew long before they ever did.  The first time I introduced them I saw a connection.  They couldn’t tear their eyes from each other and it was as clear as day.”

His father seemed to deflate, and all the anger drained away.  He dropped to his knees and stared into the crater once more.

“We used to play together when we were boys.  We’d run for hours through the woods and come home only when it became too dark to see.  We were inseparable. A time long before he ever wanted to fight, and long before I ever took to the books.  We were so young,” his father sighed.

“We found this crater one day.  And after searching for quite some time, found a slight incline allowing us to climb in and out at will.  We spent a lot of time in the crater.  No one could find us.  It was the perfect place to get away and our little secret.”

“A deer fell into it once.  It was running from some kind of predator.  It came upon the edge, but was running too fast to stop.  The deer fell and we heard the thud as the body slammed into the hardened dirt below.  It was a sickening sound.  As if all the bones broke at once.  We climbed down and looked.  We were young and curious, and no one could fault us.  Surprisingly, the deer was still alive.  It didn’t last long, but it managed to hold on for a good couple hours.  We stayed until it passed.”

“Our bond changed that day.  We still remained close, but the deer’s death affected both of us differently.  We never talked about that day afterwards.  When Kelton told me he wanted my bride for his own, I remembered that deer.  I asked him to take a walk with me.  He agreed.  We walked to the top of the crater and stopped.  I asked if he remembered that deer, and he said he did.  I pushed him.  The look of surprise as he fell gave me an intense sense of relief.”

His father stood, and the smile remained as he glanced around the top of the crater.

“I was worried that if I kept talking, he would catch on to what I was doing.  He lived for four hours.  I climbed down and sat by his side.  When he died, I dusted myself off and went back to my bride to be.  I told her I had spoken to Kelton and he admitted the betrayal.  I explained that he was beside himself with remorse and couldn’t live with his actions.  I continued on to say that he had gone off in a grief-filled rage and that I feared for his life.”

“The warriors gathered and searched for Kelton for days, but with no luck.  The wedding eventually went on as planned without him.  Everyone just assumed that he killed himself as he was never seen again.  I thought all was set right once more, until my new bride broke the news to me that she was pregnant with his child.”

His father looked at Kell and then the rage came flooding back.  He was looking at Kell as if he was the devil.

“I raised that child as my own and no one was the wiser.  But I never forgot.  It was difficult since Aster named you after your father.  I promised myself one day I would see you lying at the bottom of this crater, just like your father.  Just like that deer.  Today is the day I will finally get my wish.”

As with the blow to the head, Kell had no time to react.  The man Kell thought was his father stomped to his side and pressed a booted foot to his ribs.  He pushed and Kell slid from the edge.  As he fell, Kell didn’t think about the shocking story his father just revealed, but instead focused on his own beautiful bride.  Just like Aster, Emmalyn would never learn the truth about what happened to Kell.  He could only pray that she was strong enough to survive without him.