Elemental Prince by Megan Fall

Chapter 41


Kell was dying.  After landing hard on the bottom of the cavern, he felt like his entire body was broken.  He couldn’t move and was having trouble breathing.  Things were going from bad to worse quickly.  He lay on his back, and as hard as he tried wasn’t able to move his head to get a look at himself.  That was probably a good thing.  If he could see his body, the full realization of his predicament would be overwhelming.  So, he stared up at the opening and gazed intently at the sky.  It was all he could do.

Kell believed he’d been unconscious for quite some time.  When his father, or his uncle as he just discovered, found Kell it had been early evening.  Darkness now blackened the sky.  With no stars or moon to light the cavern, Kell had no idea how late it was.  He imagined this to be his deathbed, a place he would die alone.  No one would come, and no one would ever find him.  Just like his father.

Kell had played in these woods, hunted in these woods, and fought in these woods without any knowledge the cavern existed.  If he didn’t know, no one else would either.  His breathing became raspy and he couldn’t feel his body anymore.  Death must be nearing.

A sudden streak of lightening lit the sky but Kell instinctively knew he wasn’t the source.  Again and again, it illuminated the surroundings, so painfully bright Kell closed his eyes.  The elements themselves must be grieving his impending death and trying to provide some last vestige of comfort.

“Open your eyes,” came a voice from somewhere in front of him.  Kell didn’t recognize the voice, but felt compelled to follow the order.

It was too dark to see clearly, but the outline of a figure seated on a rock outcropping came to view close to his feet.  Kell didn’t need to move a muscle to see.  The figure was hazy, but so was everything he looked at.  The figure appeared to be tall, even while seated, with hair just as dark as Kell’s own and a full beard and moustache.  His clothes looked well worn.  Scuffed leather boots, dirt covered breaches, and a suede coat that had seen better days.

“You’re not in very good shape my boy,” the man frowned in concern.  “It seems that someone is trying to do away with you.”

Kell narrowed his eyes at the man.  “It appears so,” he rasped with a slight hint of sarcasm.  “Are you here to finish me off?”

“Me?” the man questioned in obvious affront.  “I think not.”

“Then you are here to watch me take my last breath?” Kell grunted.

“I will remain here until you do,” the man sighed.  “Although I do not wish to see you pass from this world.  You are young and have so much yet to accomplish.  It is a shame that you have suffered such a betrayal.”

“Ahh,” Kell frowned.  “So, you know all that has happened to me?”

“I am aware,” the man conceded with a small nod of his head.

“And you know who I am?” Kell pushed.

“I do,” the man said with a small smile.  “Kell Hawthorne, the Elemental Prince and future King.”

Kell sneered at the man.  “And you plan to sit there and watch me die?”

“It is all I can do,” the man replied.  Although he looked to be saddened by the admission.

“You cannot help me?” Kell furiously questioned.

“I cannot, although at this point, I have few options.  The blood trickling from your mouth suggests internal injuries, although so does the rattling sound from your lungs.  Both your legs and one arm are twisted at odd angles, and I fear your head injury is grave.  Your colouring is pale, and the slight blue tinge is disturbing.  Even if I could get you out of here, it would be for naught.”

Kell closed his eyes for a minute in defeat.  The man spoke the truth.  Even if his simple purpose was to ensure that Kell did indeed die, Kell was appreciative for the company. He would talk until he could talk no more.

“My Kingdom will fall after I am gone.  My father will enslave my men and the other kingdom’s will not be able to overthrow him,” Kell huffed.

“Your uncle,” the man corrected with a sneer.  “He is not your father.  And do not forget that your warriors and those who support the Knightshire throne will do everything in their power to stop him.  I can guarantee that he cannot capture them all.  Even a small contingency can inflict significant damage.”

“Possibly, but I fear it will not be enough,” Kell replied.  “With me out of the way, my uncle can act as he pleases.”

“Yes, but do not forget that you are not dead yet,” the man chuckled.  “You have time beforehand to set some things in motion to help.”

Kell gritted his teeth in frustration.  “I cannot call on the Elements.  Do you not think I have tried?”

The man smiled and leaned slightly forward.  “I hear you have taken a bride.”

Kell was taken aback.  “How do you know that?”

“I know many things others do not,” he chuckled.  “I also know you and your bride have an unusual connection.”

Kell narrowed his eyes and glared.  “And have you shared any of this with my uncle?”

The man sighed once more and Kell was unnerved.  “I have only spoken about this just now.  I make it a point to keep to myself.”  Kell had no choice but to take him at his word.  He remained silent and the man continued.  “You should use that connection while you still have time.”

“And how do I do that when my wife is not here?”

“You call for her,” the man grunted.  “If I were a guessing man, I bet she would come.”

Kell only frowned and the man huffed in obvious agitation and stood.  “Close your eyes and concentrate, just as you would if using your Elemental powers.”

Kell knew he had nothing left to lose.  He was dying, so what could it hurt to try?  He closed his eyes and thought about his wee warrior.  Kell pictured Emmalyn in his mind and called out to her with all the energy that remained.  Kell continued to call for quite some time until he started to actually feel Emmalyn.  An overwhelming sense of love filled him.  Grateful, Kell opened his eyes and looked towards the man once more.

“I see it worked,” the man nodded in satisfaction.  “Emmalyn will find you,” he declared with more faith than Kell.

“She may not find me in time,” Kell reminded him.

“No, maybe not,” he agreed wholeheartedly.  “But she will know what happened to you.  Would you rather that she didn’t know?”

“I suppose,” Kell reluctantly huffed.  “But she will not be safe.  The King will hunt her.”

“The King?” the man questioned with a raised brow.

“I refuse to call him uncle.  He’s not my family, he’s blood only.  I grew up in a terrible lie and had a father that I will never know.”

“Kelton,” the man replied, surprising Kell once more.

“You knew my father?” Kell asked.

“I knew him well.  We were extremely close,” he admitted with an odd twinkle in his eye.  “His brother’s betrayal broke him.  He lost the woman he loved, his son, and his life all in one night.”

“So, my father knew of mother’s pregnancy?” Kell pushed.  “He knew he was going to be a father.”

“He suspected,” the man confirmed.

“And what my uncle admitted is the truth?” Kell muttered.  “He threw my father into this very crevice to die?”

“He did,” the man confirmed.  “It is Kelton’s resting place for all of eternity.”

Kell was saddened even though he never knew his father.  The thought of Kelton alone down here for so many years was heartbreaking.

“At least he won’t be alone anymore,” Kell mumbled.  “He will have me to keep him company.”

“Yes, the mighty Kell, Elemental Prince, fierce warrior and future King,” the man sneered and eyed Kell with a hint of disgust.  “Giving up already?  I thought you had more fight in you, my boy.”

Kell narrowed his eyes and fought to contain his anger.  “You said so yourself.  I am at the end.  I called my bride as instructed.  Nothing is left for me to do.”

“There is always something for you to do,” the man grunted.  “Continue to call on your Elemental powers.  You must fight until you take your last breath.”

Kell sighed, but was confused as to why this man was pushing him to fight.  Despite being ordered to stay with Kell, until death reached out its ugly hand, he was effectively using the time together to aid Kell.  He was suddenly thankful this man had been chosen to stand guard.

Kell closed his eyes and concentrated, but to no avail.  He only succeeded in wearing himself out further.  Even the pain in his head was diminishing.  Time was almost out.  The man must have realized this too, because his entire demeanour changed.  Gone was the push to keep fighting. In its place was a man full of concern.  A man who looked to be close to weeping.

“Why are you so saddened by my death?” Kell asked in confusion.  “You do not know me.”

“I do not,” the man agreed as he inched closer and crouched in the dirt beside Kell’s head.  “This is what saddens me.  I never got the chance to watch you grow.  I would have been elated to see you transform into the man you are now.”

“Should I know you?” Kell pushed, not understanding why this man’s identity suddenly became critically important.

The man smiled, but the joy didn’t reach his eyes.  “If you were supposed to know me, things would have played out very differently.”

Closing his eyes, the man’s body also locked solid.  It seemed that his whole frame suddenly sighed in relief.

“You have people coming for you.  They are a good distance away, but they will find you,” the man imparted.  His eyes turned fierce and locked on Kell’s.  “You need to hold on until they do.  You cannot die before they arrive.  Your wee warrior is with them, and it is imperative that you remain alive until she finds you.”

“You are leaving?” Kell questioned as the man’s words sunk in.

“It is time for me to go,” the man confirmed with a small nod.  “I have treasured our time together.”

“Will I ever see you again?” Kell inquired, oddly saddened by the prospect of never seeing this man again.

“I hope not for a very long time,” the man replied, confusing Kell.  “You are a good man, Kell Hawthorne.  A man I would be proud to call my son.”

At the same moment, another bolt of lightning lit the cavern opening and drew Kell’s eyes.  When he turned back, the man had disappeared.  Kell immediately missed his presence, but the man’s words resonated deep within.  Emmalyn was coming, and he must hold on until she appeared.  With renewed determination, Kell put the man out of his mind and willed his body to fight.  He would see his wee warrior one last time.