Perfect Tragedy by Jennifer Miller


Looking yet again at my prom date, I’m fairly certain I’ll have the hottest one of the night - without question.

It’s no surprise that not long ago after what was supposed to be a fun night of letting go turned into a nightmare, that prom didn’t sound like a good idea to me. Vanessa insisted that there was no way in hell she was going to let me miss my junior prom. She said something about best friends not letting best friends miss prom, but really, she says that any time I don’t want to do something. I told her it’s starting to lose effectiveness which she promptly ignored.

Considering the fact I’m currently standing in my room wearing a floor length sequin prom dress, I suppose she has more influence on me than I give her credit.

I shudder slightly reflecting on that night and the aftermath. Todd showed up at school the following week with several black and blue areas on his face. He could not conceal the fact that he had been pummeled, mercilessly. Just glancing at him made my own face hurt.

Blake and Jack never admitted to a thing, but I know, hell everyone knows, that they beat the shit out of him. At first, feeling ridiculously stupid and embarrassed, I was adamant the whole situation be kept quiet. Then, Jack had a serious talk with me about his feelings.

The thing about my brother is that he doesn’t get that serious often, so when he does, I pay attention. His thoughts were that it was likely I wasn’t the only girl that had ever been drugged by Todd or the only one that he had taken advantage of and he suspected that some girls had not been as “lucky” as me. He said my speaking up could potentially save someone else.

I’m ashamed to say my first reaction was anger at Blake for even telling Jack what happened. Blake had to though - he actually had the forethought that night to ask Jack to make sure Vanessa got home safely and to let him know he was taking care of me and why. He knew Jack would likely notice my disappearance and that I had come with Vanessa who would be concerned as well. While hearing that made me feel worse initially, I quickly realized Jack was right - telling someone was absolutely the right thing to do. Regardless of the consequences.

My parents were definitely angry, but really it was more because of what could have happened than anything else. They were more understanding about the drinking thing than I expected, not condoning my choice and behavior, but saying that these things were somewhat expected when you were raising teenagers. I have a theory that my mom and dad tore it up when they were younger and maybe that’s why they’re so forgiving. But they were more concerned about what Todd did and how I was coping. Anyway, despite being somewhat cool, I was grounded for some time. Plus, I quickly realized that thinking I could keep it all hush-hush was laughable. How could I have forgotten, even momentarily, that we live in a small town where everyone knows everyone else’s business and that gossip would fly – if not from seeing and hearing Blake and I argue on the pool deck, to his rapid exit and him carrying me to his truck, to the way Todd looked at school – folks were sure to be asking questions or making their own presumptions.

The details of what exactly went down between my parent’s and Todd’s is sketchy, but it wasn’t long after their conversation that Todd, I heard, was shipped off to live with his aunt and uncle in Illinois. Rumor has it that his uncle works at some kind of place for troubled teenagers so I would have to imagine that’s where Todd ended up. Honestly, I’m just happy to never see him again. Some people are just not good and anyone that would do what he did to someone is simply evil.

Given that situation, it seems of no real surprise I’ve been unsure about dating in general right now which is why I turned down every guy that asked me to be their date to prom. If I didn’t tell them no directly, glares from Jack when anyone dared approach me kept a few at bay and I was grateful. He had become a bit overprotective since Todd - and normally I would be angry at his interference, but I’ve been thankful instead.

Which is how I ended up with the hottest date.


Standing in my bedroom in a red silk gown that hugs her curves, she looks beautiful. We had a great time getting ready. We got our nails and hair done, did our makeup together and then slipped our dresses on and couldn’t stop smiling at each other.

Tonight will be fun; going with my best friend means no pressure. No putting on a show. No worrying about saying or doing the wrong thing in front of some guy that I don’t really care about impressing, but feel like I should anyway because of the money he spent on the night.

Besides they always say that prom is supposed to be a night you’ll never forget in our high school lives. If that’s the case then I’m guaranteed a good time with my best friend as my “date.”

“Sienna!” my mom calls and knocks on my bedroom door, “Are you two ready? I’d like to take some photos before you leave.”

“We’ll be right out,” I call to her grabbing the pink glittery lipgloss I have on my lips and placing it inside my evening clutch.

“Ready?” I ask Vanessa smiling at her admiring herself in the mirror.

“Yes. You?”

“Yep. You look really great,” I tell her for the tenth time.

“So do you. That color goes with your skin tone perfectly. Blake is going to d-i-e when he sees you.”

Shaking my head I roll my eyes, “I don’t care about that.”

Lies. My skin prickles when I think about Blake seeing me in this dress. Will he think I look pretty? Do a double take when he sees me? Wish I were his date instead of freaking Hailey? I wish I didn’t care either way, but I can’t help but imagine it anyway.

Looking at myself one more time, I admire the champagne colored sequin dress that hugs my body until it flares out at my mid-thigh and falls to the floor. The spaghetti straps look delicate against my skin and I turn yet again and see how they cross in the back exposing most of my back. When I move, a slit up to mid-thigh makes my leg play peek-a-boo when I walk. My gold heels with straps across the top of my foot give me a little more height and my pretty but simple diamond earrings and bracelet are the perfect accessories. I had my hair done in long waves and the sides are braided and pulled back. My eye makeup is dramatic with a simple lip and looking at myself in the mirror, I’m astonished at how it all came together.

“Okay, well I know better and he’s going to forget Hailey’s name when he sees you.”

Ignoring her I point to the door, “Let’s go before my mom starts beating down the door. I’m sure she’ll take a lot of photos, so prepare yourself.”

Laughing we link arms and walk out the door and into the living room. Jack is already there sporting his tux and I admit he looks very handsome. His date is a nice girl, a cheerleader named Amelia, and they’ve been on a few dates. They’re double dating with Blake and Hailey, of course.

One night they were making plans and Vanessa and I walked into the kitchen to grab a snack. Jack said something about getting a limo and Vanessa squealed and told them all the reasons why they should definitely do that. Jack insisted we go with them. I declined not wanting to be in the same group as Blake and Hailey - I didn’t really need a front and center seat next to them. Vanessa’s excitement at rolling up in a limo made me keep my feelings to myself. Knowing how I was feeling regarding going with a guy, Vanessa, being the most excellent friend that she is, turned down every guy that asked her as well and said we would be each other’s date this year. Given the sacrifice she made for me, the least I could do is be uncomfortable during a ride to school since she’s excited.

Mom was already snapping all kinds of pictures of Jack and he was striking a different pose for each one. She had no idea he was doing it in a mocking way, she was simply delighted. Dad however was standing behind mom with a small smile on his face and his arms crossed watching Jack’s antics.

My dad hears us enter and turns, “Wow, you girls look beautiful,” he smiles broadly.

Mom turns to us and to my horror she gets all glassy-eyed. “Oh girls, look at you. You look so wonderful, beautiful. Time for pictures!” She sniffles and I look at Vanessa with wide eyes.

Turning I see Jack staring at us too, the look on his face almost comical. You’d think he’s never seen me before, his eyebrows inch up his face in surprise and he looks from me and Vanessa and back again. He whistles low. “Wow. You clean up nice, sis.”

“Shut up,” I reply, but smile.

We pose for photos and laugh when we take one striking a traditional prom pose with Vanessa standing behind me with her arms wrapped around me. Giggling, we have fun with it and then when Amelia arrives we move out of the way so mom can get some pictures of the two of them.

“Let’s go out on the porch,” mom suggests. “The sun is just starting to go down and it will be beautiful lighting for a group photo.”

“Cool, Blake should be here any minute too,” Jack responds before offering his arm to Amelia with a flourish. She giggles and they head outside.

With shakes of our heads we head to the door too and I begin to feel nervous about seeing Blake and Hailey together. “Oh, I forgot my clutch, I’ll be right there, go ahead,” I tell Vanessa and go back into my room to grab my gold bag. I check it once more to make sure everything’s inside and then take one more look at myself. My trembling hands smooth my dress down and I take a deep breath before I push my shoulders back and go to meet everyone outside.

When I reach the front door, I see Blake through the security screen and stop. The screen is dark and I can see out but he can’t see inside. I’m grateful because it allows me a moment to collect myself after getting a glimpse of him.

I spent a stupid amount of time imagining what Blake would look like in a tux. I didn’t come close. My imagination didn’t do him justice. At all.

He’s standing with his hands in his pockets, his hair slicked back off his face but stubborn waves still tumble over his forehead. If I close my eyes I can imagine how he smells - like spice and summer. He reminds me of days spent outside in the grass with the sun shining on my face and happiness in my heart. He speaks with my dad and I’m only able to capture his profile. Given my thoughts and feelings from this viewpoint, I quickly wonder what I’ll feel when facing him straight-on. I’m not sure I’ll survive it.

A car pulls up and I watch as Hailey arrives. She, of course, looks great. Her dress is short. A black number that dips dangerously in the front and I’m thinking she shouldn’t bend over. Or maybe move much - at all. Blake takes her hand and begins walking up to our porch.

Taking a deep breath, I open the front door and step out looking first at Vanessa before my eyes automatically turn to, and connect with, Blake’s. The moment they do, it feels like time stands still.

He stops walking suddenly and his lips part in surprise. His gaze sweeps over me in a way that makes a flush run over my skin in a wave starting with the tips of my toes and moving to the top of my head. When his eyes meet mine again, all the air leaves my lungs because I could swear the look on his face, in his eyes, could only be described as need.

My chest begins rising and falling sharply, air feeling impossible to obtain. I was right; getting a complete look of how Blake looks tonight is simply show-stopping. He looks magnificent. From the cut of his tux, the sharp envy invoking cheekbones, his dark hair and bright green-eyes, everything else disappears and all I see is him.

As if in a trance, he starts moving toward me again and I seem to come back to myself as Vanessa moves up beside me.

“You okay?” She whispers to me and I manage a nod.

Hailey’s gaze narrows as she looks from Blake to me and back again.

“Let’s get a photo of the whole group together before you leave,” my mom says.

As if her speaking breaks a spell, Blake breaks his stare and helps Hailey manage the steps of the porch in her heels. Moving to where my mom indicates, my stomach dips when Blake comes and stands next to me. My breath catches when his arm brushes my own before he wraps his arm around my waist. I tell myself it isn’t a big deal since his other is wrapped around Hailey. It’s just for the photo, but my skin underneath his touch feels like it’s on fire.

In-between photos he bends down and whispers in my ear, “Wow, Si. You look so beautiful.”

My eyes immediately snap to his and the fire I see staring back at me almost makes my heart stop. Somehow I manage to reply, “Thanks. You look pretty good yourself.”

“Thank you everyone for being so great with the photos - can I trouble you for one more? I need one with Jack, Blake and Sienna, of course.”

Jack positions me in the middle with him and Blake on either side of me. Before she snaps the photo, Jack says, “Yeah, we look good,” making me look up at Blake and laugh while he looks down at me and shakes his head with a grin.

During the photo the limo pulls up and Vanessa claps her hands with excitement.

“Let’s go!” Jack calls and moves to Amelia helping her down the stairs. “See ya, mom and dad. Don’t wait up!”

They laugh at Jack and my dad pulls me to the side, “Have fun, tonight. Be careful,” he tells me. I know he’s still concerned after everything that happened with Todd. I give him a kiss on the cheek, “Don’t worry about me.”

Vanessa is already at the limo door and she giddily looks back at me over her shoulder as the limo driver holds the door open for her and helps her inside. She’s embarrassingly excited about a stupid limo ride and I can’t help but giggle a little.

“Let me help you,” Blake captures my attention with his words and I turn to see him holding his hand out for me waiting to be my anchor as I move down the stairs. I place my hand in his and he grips mine tightly as I make my way down.

“Thank you,” I murmur and it’s then I realize that he helped me before Hailey and I hear her clear her throat in what sounds like annoyance.

Getting into the limo, I can’t help but grin at Vanessa who’s bouncing up and down in her seat with excitement. Blake slides in and sits next to me and suddenly my senses are overwhelmed with the unique scent that’s him and my stomach dips and my mouth waters. He smells amazing. I look at Vanessa and give her a wide-eyed look which I hope signals my desire for help, but she just grins at me and wags her eyebrows.

We make light conversation all the way to the hotel where our event is being hosted. More than once I catch Blake staring at my leg that’s completely on display due to the slit in my dress and my crossed legs. My entire body is aware of every single move he makes the whole ride and it’s a relief when we finally reach our destination.

Vanessa and I link arms again with a smile before we head into the hotel and make our way to the ballroom. At the entryway, I stop and we both take it all in. When I had heard the theme was going to be Starry Night I rolled my eyes at the stupid prom cliché, but wow, I was wrong to make fun. They went all out. There are twinkling lights everywhere, wrapped around columns, draped with tulle from place to place. Somehow they even managed to make a starry sky above our heads. But the real show-stopper is the huge crescent moon hanging from the ceiling. It’s amazing.

We don’t get long to gawk before our friends surround us and everyone ooh’s and aah’s at each other’s looks. We give abundant compliments and graciously accept our own. Suddenly a good song starts playing and we all giggle and immediately proceed to the dance floor once we set our bags at a table claiming it. The dance floor is already full and people having fun, laughing, and dancing together while they sing the words to the song. I let the music wash over me and take me away. There’s something about the atmosphere, my best friend laughing beside me and a great song that makes a wide smile spread across my face and I lose myself in the moment.

I’ve been here all of fifteen minutes or so and I’m already so glad I came. I would not have wanted to miss this. Vanessa and I grin again when another song plays, then another. It isn’t long before we’re gasping for breath.

“Drinks?” Vanessa asks and I nod.

We make a beeline for the refreshment table. Filling our glasses we take them to our table and sit down to cool off and enjoy our drinks.

“Look at Amber’s dress, I love it,” I tell Vanessa. Our friend looks like a mermaid in the sparkly blue dress that hugs her figure before flaring out at the bottom. “She’s one of the only people I know that can pull off that look.”

“For sure,” Vanessa agrees.

“Oh my god. Did you see Rosalyn?” I ask about one of Hailey’s best friends. My nose wrinkles as I take in her appearance again.

“Can you say ho?” Vanessa asks with a disgusted look. “Could it be any shorter?”

“How are her boobs staying in that thing? It’s cut so low.”

“They’ve got to be all taped to hell,” Vanessa adds.

"How did she even get in the door?” I marvel.

“Probably because pervy Pearson was at the door,” Vanessa states, referencing the teacher everyone is convinced spends more time leering at the girls at school than he does teaching them.

We’re in the middle of a lively debate about who will be named Junior Prom Queen and King when we’re interrupted.


Looking up my gaze connects with West. He’s a senior and incredibly good looking. He plays for our school’s hockey team and I don’t know if he’s ever spoken to me a day in my life.


He smiles and I’m instantly transfixed by his cute boyish charm. His smile is almost shy. “I was wondering if you want to dance? With me?”

“Me?” I ask in confusion. “What about your date?” I ask knowing he’s got to be here with someone. I don’t think he’s dating anyone that I know of, but still last thing I need is to piss someone off.

“Cece and I came as friends. She’s dancing with Ryan right now,” he points over his shoulder.

I look at Vanessa and she smiles and nods. “Okay,” I agree and West holds his hand out to me. I put my hand in his and he pulls me onto the dance floor. He wraps his hands around my waist and I place mine at his shoulders. We begin to move to the song. Nerves make my stomach turn.

“You look very pretty tonight,” he compliments.

“Thanks, you too,” then I flush, “I mean, you look nice too.”

“Thanks,” he grins. “You know, I caught some of your volleyball games this year.”

“You did?” But of course I already knew that. All the girls were aflutter when he attended. I was too involved in winning to give a crap.

“You’re really good.”

“Thank you.”

“I’m playing hockey in college. Got a scholarship actually,” he brags.

“That’s great.”

“You should come to one of my hockey games this year,” he invites. He’s attending Montana State - the whole school was talking about when he accepted, surprised he didn’t choose to leave the state instead.

Smiling I nod, “Maybe I will.”


He turns me and I look around at the couples around us as West tells me about the teams he’s excited to play against. I see Jack dancing with Amelia and when he bends down to kiss her I look away.

Next my gaze connects with Blake’s. He’s dancing with Hailey. She’s got her face shoved against his chest, eyes closed, body pressed against his tightly. She’s totally into it clearly, but I don’t know if I can say the same about him since he’s clearly zoned in on me. I quickly look away.

West’s hand moves down my arm and I can’t help but look Blake’s direction again and watch as his eyes track the movement before he looks back into my eyes. His lips are pressed in a firm line and if I didn’t know better I’d say he appears… jealous. That can’t be it though. I’m sure he’s just being overprotective after everything that happened earlier this year. I doubt he wants to clean up another Sienna mess.

I smile at him reassuringly, and he smiles back, but it looks forced.

“Don’t you think?” West asks and I have no idea what he was talking about.

“Um, sure.”

“Yeah, me too,” he says and I smile.

When the song ends I step away, “Thank you for the dance.” A fast song begins playing and he looks a bit annoyed. “I should go back to Vanessa,” I tell him pointing over my shoulder. As if on cue, Cece comes to his side to get his attention which facilitates my escape.

Vanessa is still where I left her, “West Jenkins asked you to dance!”

I smile, “It was… nice.”

“Nice? Just nice? I’m pretty sure there’s a bunch of girls that would die to dance with him and you just called it nice?”

I shrug. “Should we go take our prom photos?”

“I thought you’d never ask!”

We head to wait in line for the photo booth set up and discuss how we should pose, resulting in standing back to back giving sultry looks to the camera, before grabbing a bunch of props and laughing at ourselves the whole time. I have no idea how they are going to turn out, but I can’t wait to see them.

When another good song begins to play, we look at each other, smile and quickly head to the dance floor again. They play a favorite fast song, and then another and we once again break out all our best moves, laughing at each other as we try to one up each other. My feet start to hurt a bit and I point at them and gesture to the chairs. Vanessa nods her head, gives me a thumbs up and a huge smile, and keeps dancing.

Getting a fresh drink, I head to an empty table to rest my feet for a bit. I’m not alone long before West approaches me again but this time he’s got a few of his friends, Brian, Jeremy, and Mario with him. They all sit down with me.

“Look at Keith,” West points out to the dance floor and we all laugh when we see Keith, a regular class clown doing what he probably thinks is some cool break dance moves, but unfortunately, he just manages to look ridiculous.

“My brother doesn’t look much better,” I tease and everyone laughs when they see Jack really feeling himself on the dance floor. His moves are over the top and he’s gaining a lot of attention as people surround him laughing.

Looking away, once again my eyes collide with Blake’s. He’s on the dance floor, surrounded by people, but he’s standing still. He’s looking at my table and he keeps looking from person to person. The smile falls off my face surprised by how irritated he looks. Confused, I look away and paste a smile on my face as I listen to the guys talk about other people’s dance moves.

“Mine are better than all of theirs,” Mario says.

“Sure, they are,” I tease.

He looks at me, mirth in his eyes and he gets out of his seat to show me said moves. We’re all laughing at his thrusting and grinding when suddenly the music changes and he immediately starts looking around in confusion, which makes us all laugh again.

West looks at me and stands. I know he’s about to ask me to dance again. Should I? I still can’t help but feel like it’s not right considering he has a date here. He really should be dancing with her. Then again, I guess she’s not complaining.

“Want to dance with me?” Mario asks surprising me.

“Me?” I ask surprised.

West looks immediately annoyed and says, “Dude!”

Mario shrugs.

“No. She’s going to dance with me.”

My insides fall at the sound of his voice. I didn’t see or hear Blake approach too caught up in those around me. My head snaps in his direction. “What?” I ask in shock.

“Will you please dance with me, Si?”

As it always does when he’s near, everything else becomes inconsequential and I find myself nodding and he’s smiling as he pulls me onto the dance floor, but not before I capture him giving what appears to be a mocking smile to the guys at the table.

His arms wrap around my waist and he pulls me close. My heart stutters and for a moment I’m afraid I’m going to make a fool of myself and collapse - dramatic I know - but he makes me feel irrational at times.

“Won’t Hailey be mad?” I ask.

He shrugs, “You and I have been best friends forever. No way I wasn’t going to have at least one dance with you tonight. She can have a problem with it all she wants,” he says matter-of-fact.

Sometimes I hate that word. Friends. Yay, me.

Choosing to take advantage of the moment, I place my ear against his chest as we sway side-to-side and I could be mistaking, but I’m pretty sure his heart is pounding as fast as mine.

“Are you having fun?”

I can feel his chest rumble with his words and it makes my cheek tingle. “I am,” I admit. “I wasn’t sure I would, but I really am.”

“Good,” he murmurs. “That’s good.”

“Are you?” I ask in return.

He shrugs.

“So, when are you and Jack going to finally tell me where you’re going to college?” I ask. The two of them made a decision a few weeks ago, but have been quiet about their decision - not telling me a thing. No one knows where they’re going except our parents, and Blake’s family I’m guessing, but no one is surprised that whatever they’ve decided it’s clear they’re going together. There’s been a lot of hushed conversations at home, sometimes a feeling of tension which I find confusing, and it’s starting to drive me a little crazy.

“I actually want to talk to you about that. Can you spare some time for me this week? So we can talk?”

Is the sky blue? Are unicorns majestic? Does a unibrow need waxed? What does he think?

“Yeah, of course,” I nod keeping my cool.

“Good,” he says softly, tugging me closer as another slow song begins playing as soon as the last one ends.

“Can I cut in?” West asks.

“No,” Blake says sharply. Surprised at his tone, I remove my cheek from his chest to look up at him and find him glaring behind me to where West is clearly standing. “We’re talking.”

“That wasn’t very nice,” I tell him.

He shrugs at me, a small smile pulls up his mouth in the corner, a dimple winking at me.

“West is a tool. Cares about the hockey stick in his pants maybe as much as the one in his hands during a game if you get my drift.”

“He seems nice,” I reply

He makes a noise of disagreement.

“When I’m not here next year, promise me you’ll be careful. Smart.”

Here he goes again with the big brother stuff. Just once I’d like to pretend that isn’t all he feels for me. That he saw me tonight and regretted his date choice of Hailey instead of me. That after seeing me, he realized he has feelings for me, that he wants to be with me. I almost laugh out loud. All the fantasies of a stupid girl.

“I promise, Blake. The thing that happened with Todd, I’m moving past that; I have to get past that. You and Jack have to let me or I’ll live in fear and seclusion all the time. And that would not be the way I’d prefer to spend my senior year.”

“I get that, but you still need to be cautious.”

“I will. I’ll be fine.”

Pulling away from him, heart aching at the big brother bit, I smile up at him, but it feels forced. “Thank you for the dance,” I tell him before spinning around and walking away. I can’t help it, I turn to glimpse at him over my shoulder and find him watching me walk away with a conflicted look on his face.

I make a beeline for the refreshment table, needing a drink again to cool off again. A teacher that’s chaperoning smiles at me and pours my drink. I thank her and take a few steps to the side, knowing I may need a refill soon and stay close.

“You’re only managing to look pathetic, you know.”

Jumping a little in surprise at the person suddenly next to me, I feel a look of annoyance cross my face. “What are you talking about, Hailey?”

“Everyone knows you’re hard up for Blake. When you look at him, you look at him the way a fat virgin looks at the last dude in a bar on her twenty-first birthday.”

“What the hell does that even mean?”

“It means that you can keep wishing all you want, but Blake is never going to look at you as anything other than a little sister.”

“I’m not his sister.”

“You may as well be. You’re nothing more to him. No matter what you wish were true.”

“If that’s the only way he looks at me, why are you so worried and warning me off of him?” I ask bravely. I know she’s right, but I’ll be damned if I’ll let her harass me or tell me what to do. Not anymore.

Her nostrils flare and her eyes narrow, “Stay away from him,” she says before purposefully bumping her shoulder into mine and spilling her drink down the front of my dress.

I gasp and squeal, shaking my arms at my side to try and get some of the liquid off of me.

“You bitch!” I say looking at Hailey’s smug and stupid face.

“Don’t you forget it,” she sneers.

Vanessa appears out of nowhere with napkins, “Oh my gosh, come on,” she says and drags me out of the ballroom.

“I hate her,” I tell Vanessa, tears coming to my eyes.

“I know. She’s just jealous. It’s okay. We’ll take care of this.”

She escorts me into the bathroom and I stand there while Vanessa takes care of my dress. I watch silently, trying to hold the tears at bay the whole time.

“Did you see the way Blake is looking at you tonight? How his attention has been on you constantly, following you around the room?”

“No,” I whisper.

She stops and makes eye contact with me, “Well, it has been.”

“So what? He sees me in a pretty dress and all the sudden it’s like oh wow, she has boobs. She’s a girl. I should pay attention to her? Whatever.”

“I don’t think that’s what’s going on,” Vanessa says. “There. All better.”

I look down and though it still feels damp, there’s no red at all. She saved my dress, but I have no idea how.

“Thank you,” I tell her, lip quivering before I bite it to gain control.

“Don’t let her make you upset. She’s a ho bag.”

I laugh, “I know.” I sniff and lift my chin.



She nods and we leave the bathroom together, but I stop short when I see Blake standing down the hall arguing with Hailey. I can’t hear everything they’re saying but he looks angry. His head turns to mine and he says something to her again before walking away from her. She glares at me, hate burning in her gaze, before she walks away.

Blake looks at Vanessa and nods, before looking at me, “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine.”

“I saw what she did. I’m sorry.”

Anger suddenly washes over me in a burning wave. I feel my cheeks flush and my fists clench, “Why are you even with her? For the life of me, I can’t understand it. I’m sorry, I tried,” I lie. I never tried, but whatever, that’s irrelevant. “I just don’t get it.”

“Well, clearly that’s been a mistake.”


“I’m done with her. What she did isn’t okay. Can I give you a ride home?”

“How? We came here in a limo.”

He holds up car keys, “I borrowed a car,” he looks at Vanessa. “I can give you a ride too, if you’d like?”

She looks at me, then Blake, and back again. “If it’s okay with you, I’d like to stay. I’ll get a ride home from someone or call my mom. A few people asked if you and I wanted to go grab a bite to eat after anyway. Maybe I’ll take them up on it. Unless you want to stay and go too?”

“I think I’d like to go home,” I confess, my good mood ruined.

She nods, “Okay. Go, then. I’ll be fine.”

“Are you sure?”

She smiles, “Absolutely.” She gives me a hug, kisses me on the cheek and leaves.

Blake looks at me, lifting his brows and holds out his elbow to me. I put my hand in his arm and he walks me out of the hotel. When we’re outside, he clicks a button on the key fob and when a horn sounds, we begin moving in that direction.

“I borrowed Mitch’s car,” he says. “He said he’d catch a ride with Russell.”

I remain silent and watch as he opens the door for me and waits for me to get inside before closing it and moving around the front of the car.

Once he’s inside, he turns to me, “Are you hungry? Usually everyone eats after these things.”

“Starving,” I confess.

“Where do you want to go? Wren’s Cafe? Java Jitters? The Sweet Spot?” He starts naming a bunch of places in town. “It’s my treat.”

Sitting down and enjoying a meal, coffee, or sweet with Blake, his attention all on me sounds nice, but really, I don’t want any of those places. So instead I shake my head and say, “You know what? I’d really just like a cheeseburger,” and I tell him my favorite fast food place.

He laughs, “Yeah?”

“Yep,” I nod.

“Alright. One cheeseburger coming right up.”

When he starts driving, I turn the radio on and search until I find a song I like. He smiles his approval when I choose one and we drive in silence, listening to the song. We go through the drive thru and order, Blake telling me he has an idea.

When we pull up to the old covered bridge that leads in and out of town, I smile. I love that bridge and I love that he knows it. There’s two in town. This one, and another on private property. Kids all over town sneak onto the property and it has become a make out spot - almost like a rite of passage it seems. The story behind the bridge is rather romantic, a man named Henry Davis built it for his wife as a way for her to cross the river to the forest on their property so she could explore the forest she loved. He later proposed there and it’s a meaningful monument in town now. If Blake took me there I’d probably have a heart attack. Cue the dramatics again.

“Come on,” Blake looks at me with a smile.

I’ve barely got the door open and Blake is helping me out of the car. I take a few steps in the direction he steers me but when my heels sink into the grass I stumble.

“Well we can’t have that. Here, hold this.” He gives me the bag of food along with both drinks to balance and then carefully picks me up, cradling me in his arms.

“I could have just taken my shoes off,” I laugh.

He just smiles and carries me to a grassy area near the bridge and sets me down.

“Sorry I don’t have a blanket or anything.”

“It’s fine.”

“Oh wait,” he takes his jacket off and spreads it on the ground.

“What if it gets grass stains or something?”

“It’s fine,” he shrugs.

I take a seat and immediately take my shoes off and put my toes in the grass. I catch a smile on Blake’s face out of the corner of my eye when he sits next to me.

He takes the package of food and digs out my burger handing it to me.

Unwrapping it carefully, I take a huge bite and moan my happiness making Blake laugh.

“Sorry,” I mumble with my mouth full. “Hungry.”

He responds by taking a big bite of his own and we eat in companionable silence. The road is quiet, no one busy coming in and out of town tonight I guess.

“Mmm, hits the spot,” I tell him after another bite. His eyes drop to my mouth watching me chew before he looks away and clears his throat, and runs his hand through his hair. He reaches into the bag and pulls out fries and holds them to me in silent question. I grab a few.

“How’s Mandy?” I ask about his sister realizing I haven’t inquired for a while at how she’s doing. I don’t see her around much.

“Good. Loving beauty school. I had to tell her no, that I didn’t want my hair dyed bleach blonde last week.” I giggle. “She’s hoping to snag a job at Serenity,” he says talking about the salon in town. “But she also talks about ditching this town, so I’m not sure what she’ll do to be honest.”

“That’s cool,” I nod and take another bite.


“How’s your mom?” I ask.

He grimaces, “Uh, let’s talk about something else?”

“Yeah, of course. I’m sorry.”

He nods.

“I can’t believe it’s almost the end of the school year,” I say.

“You’ll be a senior next year. Big man, or should I say woman, on campus.”

“Yeah, I guess. I’m just excited for volleyball season again.”

“Have you looked at any of the colleges already sending you letters?”

Shrugging, I admit, “A few.”

“What looks good so far?”

“I’m not sure,” I start, but something makes me stop. “Actually, that’s not true. Want to know a secret?”


“I want to leave this town.”

His brows inch up his forehead, “What? Really? You do?”

“Why does that surprise you?”

“I don’t know. I guess I never really asked you before. Plus with the farm and your family, I guess I just figured you’d stay close by.”

“Look, if anyone takes over the farm later it will be Jack, but that’s years away and who knows what might happen in the meantime. This town is just… small. There’s a whole world out there. And I want to see it. Be part of it.”

“I understand that.”

“You do?”

“More than you know,” he nods and I feel like there’s more to it than he’s saying, but I’m distracted by the thought when he asks me, “Where are some places you want to go?”

Smiling widely, I start naming them off on my fingers, “There’s so many! Italy, New Orleans, Hawaii, Tahiti, England, California, Seattle, Boston…”

He laughs which interrupts me, “Wow, that’s a hell of a list.”

“I’m not finished,” I laugh.

“If you could visit one tomorrow - which would you choose?”

“That’s an impossible choice!” I object.

“Come on, pick one.”

“Hmm, well, I’ve always wanted to see the ocean. Have you heard of a place called Thor’s Well? It’s in Oregon.”

“Thor’s Well? No, I haven’t heard of it.”

“It looks amazing. You’ll have to look up a photo. It’s a huge hole on the coast and it looks like it’s swallowing the ocean - gallons and gallons of water falling into what looks like a bottomless sinkhole. I bet it’s amazing and crazy to see in person.”

“Beautiful,” he says.

“Yes, I’m sure it’s beautiful, it has to be,” I look at him and find him staring at me and my face flushes suddenly wondering if he was talking about the place I want to visit… or me? Flustered I keep talking, “I’d love to visit places outside of the United States, but there’s so much to see here too,” I marvel. “You know, I’ve never made a list. I should make a list.” He chuckles softly and I look at him again and see him smiling at me. “What?”

“I just love how animated and excited you are while talking about this.”

I shrug feeling a little embarrassed, “Someday I’ll see some of those places.”

“I hope you do,” he says quietly.

Since we’re finished eating, we crumble up the wrappers and sit in silence for a bit. My mind wanders through the events of the night. With a full belly, I feel tired and relaxed. When I yawn for the third time, Blake smiles.

“Alright, let’s go. Time to get Cinderella home from the ball.”

“Cinderella, huh? Better hurry then before our ride turns back into a pumpkin.”

He helps me stand and when my feet immediately sink into the grass again when I replace my shoes he stops me, “One second.”

He takes our trash and puts it in the car to throw away later, then comes back to me and picks me up again.

“This really isn’t necessary,” I argue once more.

“I don’t mind.”

He places me in the car again and I once again find a song on the radio after he starts the car. “Can we roll down the window? It’s amazing out tonight.”

“Sure,” he immediately finds the button and lowers them.

As we drive, the breeze moving through the car feels heavenly. It raises my hair off the back of my neck and I place one of my arms out the window and wiggle my fingers feeling the wind blow through them. My eyes close and I lose myself in the moment.

The feeling in the air is mesmerizing - when summer’s so close you can get lost in it’s warmth already. Plants, trees, and flowers are all blooming making the air fragrant. Breathing in deeply, I open my eyes and look up to the sky. In the dusky sky, the stars are just starting to appear, their twinkling lights making me smile. I know when it’s full night the sky will be filled with them. It won’t be long before the days are much longer, the sun not setting until after nine o’clock at night, or later the deeper we get into summer. The days may feel longer but I know it will go fast and it won’t be long before Blake and Jack leave me and head to wherever they’ve decided to go for college. Because I know them. And I know they’re leaving this town just like I want to some day.

Looking over at him, I catch Blake staring at me. The way he looks at me makes me tremble. I feel like he’s taking a snapshot so can revisit it later.

When we pull up to my house I can’t help but feel disappointed. The time I get alone with him is… well never anymore. I feel reluctant to give it up, but it is what it is and I’ll be grateful for the time we had. I know I’ll store it away to dissect later. It’s just the way it is – precious to me, regardless of facts and truths.

“Thank you,” I tell him, turning to him, “For the ride, the burger, the company.”

“You don’t have to thank me for any of that.”

“Well, I do all the same.”

With a final smile, I pull the handle of the door and place one foot on the ground before he calls my name, “Sienna?”


I look back at him with a smile. He stares at me in that way he did earlier tonight when I walked out of my house. “I think… I think I’ll always remember the way you looked tonight. You looked beautiful; no, you are beautiful.” I swallow thickly, his words taking me off guard and making my breath catch. “I just wanted… needed… to say that.”

I open my mouth but words don’t come out. I don’t even know how to respond. It doesn’t seem to matter though because he simply smiles, “Good night.”

I step out of the car and walk up to the house. My breaths come out sharply, my heart beating double time. Part of me wants to turn around and run to the car, to ask him why he said that. To demand to know what it means, if anything at all. When I open the door, I hear the car start pulling away, and I turn suddenly to run back, but stop when I see he’s further away than I expected.

The moment is gone.

I stand on my porch and stare at the car long after the taillights are no longer visible.